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Miracles And Wonders (42)
Miracles And Wonders (42)

Miracles And Wonders (42)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Do Not Fear The Unknown

Dear Friends. Today the funeral of the British Queen Elizabeth II took place. When she recently departed from the earthly plane, her spirit/soul left the empty shell of her physical body behind, after having served the purpose for which it was designed well. Through our scribe/secretary Aquarius she wishes to tell, as many as possible on the earthly plane, to stop weeping and mourning because they believe to have lost her. At the ripe old age of ninety-six one of our Angels of transfiguration took her spirit/soul by the hand, so to speak. The Angel released her at last from the earthly school of life’s burden that she had carried so well and gracefully on her shoulders, for such a long time.

Elizabeth’s spirit/soul wants you to know that she has by no means died. She is alive and well in the spirit realm, humankind’s true eternal home. It is the only place from which every human being emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to, as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled. The one who used to be Queen Elizabeth II wishes to tell you that she is delighted to be with us. Having joined the group that’s right for the evolutionary level her spirit/soul has reached by now, she loves the anonymity of being just one of millions of spirit/souls. Each one of them is equally loved and appreciated by the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

If you could see her now, you would know that there is no need for weeping and mourning, whenever someone has passed from the earthly plane. Rejoicing would then take its place quite naturally. The one who, until a short while ago, was Elizabeth is now enjoying the greater freedom of being able to move about much more easily after having left her most recent physical body behind. It’s no more than an empty shell now. Her eternal and immortal spirit/soul has slipped from it and is now a most beautiful butterfly that has slipped from the cocoon that used to keep it imprisoned in the material world for the predestined length of time.

That’s why she wants as many as possible to become aware that she is by no means dead. She is not even resting because there is so much to see and enjoy in our realm. The role that every one of you plays during each lifetime only serves the purpose for which it was designed by us. On each occasion it is left behind like an empty shell together with your physical body. Apart from occasionally slipping into it so that people on the material plane can recognise and identify which part you played, for example during spirit séances, the same role will never be used again on the grand theatre stage of earthly life. There will be no more need for it.

And that’s what happens to every human being, at the end of each earthly lifetime. We assure you that all is well with you and your world. We always have been and forever will be taking good care of them.

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From ‘Comfort For The Bereaved’

Human Life Is Infinite And Eternal

The following is the essence of two teachings from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. The first one appeared in ‘Morning Light – Neither Death nor Separation’: ‘You are a beloved creature of light, a many faceted jewel and the essence of your being is infinite and eternal. There has never been or will be a time when you were not. But even if you are already aware of these things, you still cannot help asking yourself from time to time: ‘Don’t I have the right to get tired of endless rounds of incarnations, when earthly life is so difficult and burdensome?’

‘That is the very reason why your days in physicality are limited and each incarnation lasts only for a comparatively short time. Even if you should be around for a hundred years or more, in terms of Eternity, God’s time, it represents the mere batting of an eyelid. This is also why, at the end of each lifetime, you leave your physical body behind like an outworn garment. For a period of rest and recuperation your spirit/soul joins us in our world, your true home, from which you emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime.

‘In your daily lives you do not mind moving from one house to another, when the time for a change has come. You may still love your old home, but when you have had enough of it, you say good-bye to it and move on. In just the same way, in the course of every one of your earthly sojourns you eventually reach the point when you have become weary and tired of your physical body, especially when it has grown old and you are almost constantly in pain. You have dealt with that part of your development and are ready for the next stage. That’s why God and the Angels eventually remove you from the old one.

‘When you have arrived here, you will be amazed about the kind of freedom and the ease of movement you have in our world. Your spirit/soul intensely enjoy its happiness that truly is a world apart from the limitations and boundaries of your earthly existence. But still in the end, you reach a point when you have rested sufficiently and the lessons of your most recent earthly existence have been assimilated. Your interest in a further incarnation that will help you to progress on the evolutionary spiral of life in you quickens. That’s the signal that for you the time has come to apply for another lifetime on the Earth.’

The second teaching is from ‘The Source of All Our Strength – No Death’: ‘Death is by no means the dark vale it was made out to be by your world’s religions of the past. It is but a passage that takes you forward to be re-introduced to our world of beauty and light. At the moment of your passing, you will not know when you are taking your last earthly breath. For a short while you are unconscious, but then you begin to feel much lighter and realise you are free! You may be asking yourself: ‘Lo, what’s happened to me? Why was I so afraid when people were talking about death? There really is nothing to fear. It’s like going to sleep that leads to an awakening into a more radiant and harmonious existence that soon makes you forget earthly life.’

‘All of you are eternal beings of light and as you are today, so you will be tomorrow and forever. With the help of your thought processes you can consciously recreate yourself by filling your whole being with ever more spiritual atoms. This prepares you for fully enjoying that which is waiting to be explored by you, as soon as your earthly education is complete and your energies are right for moving on to explore the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

‘The spirit realm is by no means geographically distant from your world. It is part of and within you, the inner layer of everybody’s own consciousness. And the light of the higher worlds can only be reached by those who are conducting their lives on the frequency of love and who freely and willingly surrender themselves to the will and wishes of God and the Angels. What in Earth terms is known as death is but an initiation into our world for your spirit/soul. Without losing your identity of earthly life, you then move into an ever increasing consciousness of God’s eternal light.’

Going home, going home – we’re all going home.
Quiet like, some still day – we’re all going home.

It’s not far, just close by, through an open door.
Work all done, care laid by – fear and hurt no more.

Mother’s there, expecting us – Father’s waiting too.
Angel folks are gathered with guides and friends we know –
Guides and friends we know.

Morning Star lights the way – Earth-bound dreams all done.
Shadows gone – break of day – real life’s just begun.
There’s no break, there’s no end – just a moving on.
Wide awake, with a smile – going on and on.

Going home, going home – we’re all going home.
It’s not far, just close by – through an open door.
Going home, going home, I’m just going home.

Though I have gone before you,
I did not do so alone and neither will you,
When your time for saying goodbye to the Earth plane has come.
God and the Angels are forever with us,
Keeping you and me safe.
No matter where we may ever find ourselves,
We shall always rest securely in God’s loving hands.

William Arms Fisher
Edited by Aquarius
Sung to the well known tune from
Dvorak’s ‘New World Symphony’

‘God bless all of you and keep you safe, always.’

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

The Divine Healing Rays

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It reached me through the Lodge’s Monday Thought 17.4.2017: ‘If your inner vision were developed sufficiently, you would be able to observe the distribution, direction and infusion of the rays of God’s healing power. Although they are invisible to earthly eyes, their energies are always available to anyone. They are constantly at work throughout the whole of Creation and are strengthened considerably when someone asks for healing, for themselves as well as for others.

‘The Angel in charge of the healing group and the one at the head of the group known as ‘the Lords of Karma’ closely co-operate with each other. The former knows where someone is asking for healing and the latter decides in what form it should be given. The outcome of any such requests depends entirely on the patient’s Karma. The conclusions of the leading Angels of both groups are passed onto the Healing Angels, who at all times are carrying out the instructions that are given to them. It is up to the two Angels in charge whether a healing miracle might be justified. They are responsible for bringing them into being – to the astonishment of your world, where very few have an idea how they come about.

‘As most of you, aspiring healers and non-healers alike, to this day are unable to access the Karmic records, it would be impossible for you to use the healing rays correctly. We suggest that whenever you are sending healing to someone in need of it, you tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the Angelic healing channels. This adjusts the vibrations of your thought processes to theirs, so that with the passing of time they become ever more compatible with the Angelic ones. Through this you gradually evolve into an ever greater force for the healing not only of individual patients, but of the whole of humankind.’

The essence of another teaching about the power of healing thoughts from the White Eagle group of spirit guides appeared with the title ‘White Eagle on Divine Mother – The Creation of Form’: ‘Sometimes, you may wonder how you might best help a friend in hospital or someone who is approaching death. We would like you to know that the power of thought is more effective than that of speech or written words. Best of all you can help anyone by sending them kind and optimistic, good and constructive thoughts. In your thoughts lift those who are suffering into the heartmind of the great Mother and Her Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

‘Keep on with your efforts because any healing rays that are projected from a distance are as effective – and even more so in many cases – than when they are physically ministered. Whenever someone is in the process of leaving their physical body behind, wise ones remind themselves that they are far from dying. There really is no need for excessive grieving and feeling sorry for anyone who is released into our world, because it is one of infinite beauty, love and joy. Human spirits and souls do not die and will never do so, they merely move into a different dimension of life.

‘As the great American poet wrote: ‘Death is the Angel sent who draws the unwilling bolt and sets the captive free’. That’s why, when the time for laying the physical body aside, there should be no grief. The spirit has merely passed from your earthly vision, but it is still near you. In love there can be no separation. The spirit of someone left behind merges with that of the spirit who is being released. The laws of harmony and union prevail and the two spirits and souls are joined into one. We agree that Earth life is a hard school, but you will find it much less so when you draw aside and dissolve the veil of consciousness that separated our world from yours in the past, and then continue to live consciously in the awareness of the limitlessness of spiritual life.’

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

One In Spirit And Thought

‘The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of message guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011 with the heading ‘One in Thought’: ‘Many in earthly life do not yet recognise the power in which they have their being and who is at all times trying to assist them with their spiritual development. This is particularly true with regard to the power of thought. There is a great deal of confusion in the thought processes on your planet and when we witness how, as a result of this, many have to endure physical pain, discomfort and weariness of mind, body and spirit, we would love to provide you with some kind of magical healing balm.

‘However, for as long as people are closed off to the spiritual dimensions and background of their earthly existence this is extremely difficult. That’s why we are doing all we can to help you become aware of the power of your thinking. With this God and the Angels are laying the tool for creating perfect health first for yourselves and then for those around you. When you have sufficiently attuned the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind to their frequencies, God’s White healing magic can begin to flow through you to alleviate the suffering of many. All you have to do is train your mind and direct it into healthier thinking and behaviour patterns.

‘Far too many in your world still believe that their thoughts are their own affair. They could not be more mistaken, because every thought that goes forth from your world affects not only the whole of your world, but also all others. If you are a kind, loving and considerate person who thinks good things, you are assisting the growth of good throughout the whole of Creation. Naturally, the same is true for unkind, negative and unloving thoughts. Can you see what a great responsibility for the wellbeing of your world and all worlds each one of you has? However much you may be tempted to be unkind and criticise, don’t give in and radiate kind and understanding thoughts into the situation. Once you have learnt to love humankind with all its shortcomings and your world, you will not find this difficult.

‘Always bear in mind that every thought creates a vibration and a wave on the etheric levels of life. When you are thinking about someone, your thought travels directly to them and in due course takes form. It hovers in their vicinity and waits until the recipient is off guard. If their mind is filled with useful and helpful thoughts, negative and unwanted thoughts cannot penetrate it, but it enters as soon as the mind is less occupied. Wise ones, who are aware of these things, reject negative thoughts and transmute them into good and positive ones. Good thoughts you are sending stimulate the recipient in positive ways. Without being aware of it, all of you are constantly receiving the thoughts of others, particularly on the astral and mental planes, the realm of thought forces.

‘If you suffer physically, make an effort not to think about your suffering! When you are in pain, do not react with: ‘Oh, how I suffer. I do feel bad!’, because you then attract the negative powers that are everywhere and therefore also around you, and they increase the feeling of pain. There is much truth in a Christian Science practice that says that good thoughts are of God. Whenever they are spoken the Christ light wraps itself around that person. Wise do this and through it reap wonderful blessings, not only for themselves but also for those around them.

‘The teachings of the knowledge, wisdom and power of the Divine white healing magic will never change. ‘As it was in the beginning, it is now and forever will continue to be, while any kind of world exists somewhere.’ We shall never tire of telling you that the secret of this power is within the reach of every human being and can only be accessed through self-mastery and thought-control. True spiritual Masters have gained complete control over their thinking processes. Achieving the control of our mental and physical body is very difficult, but then it is well known that no master ever fells from the Heavens. It frequently takes souls until they arrive in our world, after leaving their physical bodies behind, that they realise they are living in a world of thought.

‘Those treading the path of the mysteries, need to take good care of their surroundings and create harmony wherever they go. Their thinking has to be precise, for that is the foundation on which all life is built. Every human eventually has to learn how to safely wield the white magic with the help of right thinking. The development of what is known in your world as psychic gifts is only a first stage of the opening of the spiritual talents of the Christ power, which in the fullness of time will come alive in even the last and slowest of human beings. In due course this power will dominate the whole of your world and draw all of you together into the universal siblinghood of life. Through this the vibrations and with it the physical conditions of the Earth will change. They are already in the process of becoming finer and more etherealised and each one of you can contribute to this by working for the benefit of all humankind.

‘During the early part of their earthly education, human beings experience life as if they were spending it in a small prison. The building blocks of this jail are the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions the small earthly self accumulated in the course of many lifetimes, which have been carried forward into this one. This part of human nature gets so immersed in providing the essentials of earthly life like food, clothing and housing, that there seems to be no time left for anything else. This is how for a long time ignorance of their true nature and the fear of the unknown are keeping all human spirits and souls incarcerated, but as they progress on their predestined pathway, there eventually comes a moment of awakening. It can be sparked by particularly tragic, traumatic and sad events, for example when loved ones return to our world.

‘Now the time has come for asking some searching questions like: ‘Where has my loved one gone? Where shall I go when my time has come? What’s going to happen to me?’ This spiritual awakening is frequently accompanied by feelings of a hunger and thirst that cannot be satisfied by anything earthly life has to offer. The alarmingly increasing numbers of overweight people and those with eating and drinking problems in general are evidence of the pressure for the awakening of the whole human race that is constantly rising. But help is always at hand and sufficient opportunities are on offer to assist humankind with waking up from its deep sleep in materialism.

‘Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air sign and each lifetime spent in one of them served the development of the human intellectual abilities. The deeper all of together are moving into the Age of Aquarius, the more noticeable becomes the great outpouring of Aquarian energies from the mental planes of the highest levels into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness, which for quite some time has been taking place. To enable ever more of you to reach out for the Angelic hosts, the Universal power of thought thus stimulates humankind’s higher mind. Drawing closer to your world makes it easier for them to pour their rays of wisdom and truth into all hearts and souls. And when you look around you, you can observe this revival and prompting of people’s spiritual faculties. Materialism will not hold sway much longer in your world and this can already be seen in the fields of literature, music and science.

‘Wise ones appreciate that it is impossible to live in splendid isolation and that with or without anyone’s will, their thinking constantly affects the lives of all others, in your world and ours. To enable them to receive and transmit the light of the living God within, they keep the power station of their earthly minds constantly tuned into the frequencies of the higher levels of life. Aware that on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything and that they will always retain their individuality, wise ones look at themselves and everybody as mere drops in the great ocean of life where everything moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral as one magnificent Universal siblinghood. This is one of the greatest secrets of the white magic. The Angels gave your world the simplest and yet most profound teaching about it through the Jesus legend’s words: ‘Love one another. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and soul and mind, and thy neighbour as thyself.’’

And finally the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011 under the heading ‘Spontaneity’: ‘Learning about scientific facts, as you they are called in earthly life, or reading and studying spiritual or occult truth is all very well. But until you have built into your soul body the light atoms, the constructive God atoms and through it have found a deep inner understanding of these things, you cannot serve life as you would like to. It is one thing to know with your mind, but knowing and grasping matters that come to your attention with your inner self is another one entirely.

‘The result of this kind of understanding is spontaneous good thinking and acting that gives forth the light of God’s love. This is the power that can raise the vibrations of every atom of your own being, of those around you and your whole world. The mental body is the higher vehicle through which the Christ spirit, the living God within, operates. This part of your being is capable of creating a world so far removed from Mother Earth’s present state that she will no longer be of the same substance. The development of this part of your being depends on the habitual thought patterns of each individual. But as more and more of you strive to develop the right ones and through this become a Christed one in their own right, you will be doing your share of assisting the spiritual rebirth of Mother Earth as a purely spiritual being, the same as you will by then be.’

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

The Power Of Love And Thought

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the StarLink January 2012: ‘Many in your world to this day believe that life ends at the death of the physical body, but this is simply not true because the essence of every human being is spirit and soul. Like God, this part is eternal and immortal, and because God is spirit, its true home are the spirit realms where there is no death and all life constantly moves forwards and upwards on a never ending evolutionary spiral. Whenever a loved goes from you, they are joining us in our world. They are by no means dead and in truth they never left you because they merely moved into another dimension where all life is one and there is no separation between anything, and where no-one ever leaves anybody. On that level your loved ones will always be with you.

‘The most important part of every human being is their spirit and soul, and they are said to belong to God. That is correct, but it’s by no means all there is to it. Because everything is of God and brought into being by the Highest forces of life, the servers of God and the executors of His/Her great plan of life, every aspect of your being, including your physical body, belongs to God. Wise ones are aware of this and treat their body as the temple of the living God within. They would not dream of desecrating it with anything, especially not with evil and destructive thoughts.

‘God, the Great Father/Mother of all life, without exception totally and unconditionally loves each and every human being, just as much as everything else in the whole of Creation. All of it has been created and is constantly maintained and supported by the power of the thoughts of our all-loving, all-giving and all-forgiving Creator. Love and thought are the two most powerful forces that exist anywhere. Just imagine the effectiveness and power that is created when these two come together and express themselves as kind and loving thoughts you are sending to anyone. This is also how in quiet reflections and meditations your loved ones can be contacted at any time. And that’s the best way of finding out for yourself that they really are alive and well in our world, and that nothing can destroy a bond of love that has been created between two people, as well as people and animals.

‘Wise ones know that love and thought are the two most powerful forces in the whole of Creation. Whilst thinking about the troublemakers of their world, in particular those who are involved in planning and carrying out terrorist activities, in one of their quiet moments the thought flashes through their minds: ‘There has to be something I can do to help these poor souls with the awakening of their higher nature. But what? If I allow myself to think I hate them and what they are doing, all I can hope to achieve is adding to the darkness that presently fills their being and surrounds them.’

‘These wise ones are aware that evil and darkness cannot be overcome by evil and that negative thoughts anyone sends into your world attracts others with the same vibrations. They absorb each other like sponges and it does not take long until the negativity returns to each of its senders in the form of ever greater darkness that disturbs any emanations of light that might be there. The only right way of assisting any kind of troublemaker is with thoughts of forgiveness and kindness that are born from your heart’s love and understanding for the difficulties of humankind’s earthly lessons. Whenever such thoughts are sent into your world, they too attract ever more of with the same vibration on their travels through the ethers.

‘Appreciating this, wise ones think: ‘As I have no idea of how to go about this enterprise, I’ll ask my inner guidance, who knows what I am doing and thinking at all times.’ Focussing their attention on the world of the troublemakers, they pray to their Highest Self: ‘May your will be my will and your words be mine, so that everything unfolds in keeping with your will and wishes. If it’s all right to do this, may the Angels of healing and peace hold my hand and the right words come to me intuitively.’

‘After having waited a moment until they sense the Highest Self’s response, the wise ones enter into an imaginary dialogue that goes something like this: ‘You are my younger sibling and I am calling to help you become aware that there is a part of you that is all good. At the moment it’s still slumbering, but I would like to help it wake up. For you the time has come to understand that earthly life is ruled by Universal laws and although at present you think you can do as you like, this simply is not true. You and I, the same as everybody else, are responsible for each one of our thoughts, words and actions.’ Be creative and continue with whatever occurs to you intuitively. If it feels right, that’s what it is.’

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

You Are Your Own Creators

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ June/July 2010 with the heading ‘Visualising the Christ Star’: ‘Every human being is a spark of God and a chip off the old block. All qualities and powers that are in God are also in each one of you, though at first only in a slumbering state and as a potential. As co-creators with God your thoughts have the power to constantly create something. Any form that you imagine or think of is created by you out of what we in our world call soul matter.

‘Whatever you create you are responsible for and, usually without being aware of what they are doing, writers create and build the characters of their tales on the etheric plane. Writers of fiction are the creators of their stories’ characters, but those who write historical novels tune into the vibrations of the people who have become the focus of their attention. The more intensively this is done, the more authentic their tales will feel. Whatever someone creates in this way comes alive as a thoughtform on the astral plane of life and eventually has to be absorbed into the heartmind of its creator. That is the seat of God’s and human creativity.

‘Every human being’s development at some stage includes experiencing the astral planes. If in any of your lifetimes you created some thoughtforms, that’s when they present themselves to you, so they can be absorbed into your consciousness. Because the Universal laws decree that everything has to return to its creator, it cannot be done any other way. Does that now make you wonder how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle coped with it when the hound of the Baskervilles was bounding towards him? If only he had known!

‘Wise ones, however, who are aware that every one of their thoughts, words and actions is built into some kind of a form on the higher etheric plane, leave writing unpleasant and scary tales to those who do not yet know any better. Instead they spend more time on creating beautiful and peaceful conditions in their home. Even if their lifepath is a difficult one, they make every effort to think good and constructive thoughts only and use their power to create as much beauty wherever they go.

‘As the absorption of thoughtforms can only be done by the love in the creator’s heart for his/her creations, wise ones ask for the guidance and protection of their inner teacher, the living God within, when they are writing. They take great care to only bring thoughtforms of good, positive and constructive people into being, who have something to give that enriches your world and makes it a more pleasant place for all.

‘And that’s how the Angels once created the legend of the Master Jesus and the people surrounding him. When this tale has served its purpose, every one of its thoughtforms will be absorbed back into the consciousness of the Angelic hierarchy and removed. For the Jesus legend this process will be completed sooner than you may be able to imagine from your present evolutionary state. This is due to the fact that increasing numbers of you are becoming aware that the only purpose of all legends that ever appeared in your world was to assist the awakening of the living God within each one of you.

‘Every one of the thoughtforms that were thus created down the ages, with the passing of time was slowly withdrawn and absorbed into the heart of the Angelic realms, from where they once emerged. Each time an old religion is removed from your world in this manner, it loses its hold on people’s hearts and minds and that creates the necessary space for the entry of a new belief system. This is how the religions that are still present in your world are being phased out. And now that sufficient numbers of you have matured into spiritual maturity, there no longer is any need for legends. You are ready for the truth about God’s true nature and your own and capable of acting as healers and lightbringers for those around you. You are here to spread the good news of the religion of the Aquarian Age and are meant to share it through the media that are the gift of this age for you and your world:

There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

‘Recognising whether the above is speaking the truth is not difficult for those among you who once took part in the ancient Egyptian religions or any that reached even deeper into antiquity. The only things human beings have ever been able to take with them, when leaving another earthly lifetime behind, is what they have gained in wisdom and understanding. This is how many who are presently taking part in earthly life have brought knowledge of the Ancient Wisdom with them.

‘Yet, on the debit side of your spiritual bankbook such credits are accompanied by unpaid Karmic debts from those long gone by days. If this applies to you, your present earthly sojourn will be offering you plenty of opportunities for balancing your spiritual account. This is why you were drawn to spiritual service in the first place. Whenever you encounter parts of the Ancient Wisdom, you feel its calling from deep within you and need no convincing that they are speaking the truth. Having once seen into and experienced that which is invisible to ordinary earthly eyes and minds, you just know.’

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of guides that appeared in ‘A Time to Remember’ Stella Polaris October/November 2008: ‘We shall never tire of drawing your attention to the fact that thought is the most powerful creative force of all life and of humankind’s urgent need for learning to control its thinking. This is because each one of you possesses the same creative principle that is in God. This knowledge lays the instrument for creating the right kind of vibrations and for controlling the cells and atoms of their physical body in everybody’s own hands.

‘All who are presently taking part in the school of earthly life have been granted the gift of another lifetime, so that they may learn how to use this power for good and wholesome purposes only. Deep within every human soul rests the Divine urge to create a life that is free and holy, happy and healthy, joyous and loving. This means an existence in which everybody gives of their best and renders loving service to the whole of humankind and its world, whilst never losing sight that the world of spirit and light is your true home.

‘If you would like Mother Earth to become a more beautiful and peaceful place, in your mind start creating these conditions straight away. Use every spare moment to focus your thoughts on the world in which you would like to live. You can do nothing better to help it become a reality in earthly life. When you refuse to allow any other ideas about this theme to enter your consciousness, your hopes, dreams and aspirations have the power to not only raise your own vibrations but also those of your whole world. Show your trust in God’s great plan of life by reminding yourself frequently that you and your world are resting safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels. This is one of the best ways of applying the constructive forces of creative thinking to your own life.

‘Never allow your thoughts to drag you down and do not give in to feelings of being incarcerated on the Earth plane, because your thoughts are free to go anywhere they please. Travelling faster than the speed of light, wherever you direct them they can instantly reach even the farthest and remotest corners of the whole of Creation. The moment you think about a place, you are instantly there. And when your thoughts are used in the right way, they have the power to release not only yourself but the whole of humankind from the darkness of its false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices about the purpose and meaning of their existence.

‘Most important of all, do not despair about the state of your world or dwell on the negative aspects of any situation. If you believe that much good can come out of whatever you see and that the best is yet to be, you are helping to bring it about. And refuse to be dismayed by the darkness of spiritual ignorance of the people around you. Instead, do all you can to shine the light of your knowledge into it. Cultivate love, compassion and tolerance towards everybody, as everybody is your sibling in the family of humankind, and also for all other lifeforms that share your beautiful planet with you. Whatever you do, always bear in mind that every bad and negative thought that goes out into the Universe adds to the sum of the ones that are already there and that the same is true for good and positive, kind and understanding thoughts.

‘God has a great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, as well as for humankind and each individual human being in it and your world. As soon as you have become aware and accept that there really is a wise higher reason behind everything that happens on the earthly plane of life, thinking in constructive and positive ways becomes easier for you. By firmly believing in the final good outcome of everything, you are serving the evolutionary progress of your race, your whole world and the rest of Creation and are raising its consciousness. Even the smallest contribution any one of you makes to this end is of the greatest value and importance.

‘Golden opportunities for balancing their spiritual bank account are presently offered to all who are presently taking part in earthly life. That’s why you are likely to encounter many hurdles that get in the way of your progress. No matter how hard and difficult a task at first may appear to be, remind yourself that hand in hand with God and the Angels crooked corners can be made straight and all conditions and outstanding issues, your own and those of your world, can be resolved and healed. Then forge ahead and never give up hope that eventually every one of your Karmic debts is going to be paid and you will be free to move on to serving God in a different function somewhere on the higher levels of life.

‘Keep on keeping on with faith and trust in your heart that all will be well in the end for the whole of your race and its world, as well as you. And that is sure to happen in the not too distant future. You are never alone, we are doing all we can to support each one of you to fulfil the special task for which you were created. Everything you truly need will always be coming your way, without you having to ask for it, because we know what it is better than you do at times. Please affirm:

All of life is flowingness
And in this flowing
There is meaning and law.
I trust God’s great plan of life
And my own within it.
I cannot lose what is my own and
I need not seek what is my own,
For what belongs to me will come and
Whatever goes does not belong to me.

Only what I am has power
And everything I need is rightfully mine.
It is drawn to me and will appear at the right moment.
Knowing this, I give up
All personal struggle and ambition.
I let go and trust the inner guidance
Of my Highest Self and the Universal Forces
To show me the way and
Run my life for me.

‘We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, your true home, will never leave you stranded anywhere. The door to our realm is always open to those whose loving thoughts are seeking contact with us. A warm and loving welcome awaits them. Our task is to help as many people as possible in your world to become aware of the power of their thoughts and the urgent need for learning to control them. This cannot be done without your assistance. We need you as much as you need us, so please support us by sharing your knowledge with those around you. Do this by whatever means is available to you, especially the Internet, one of the most precious gifts the Aquarian Age has bestowed upon you. If you use it for the highest good and greatest joy of all humankind, you cannot go wrong. We are with you, all the way. God bless each and every one of you.’

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With love and light,

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19 Sep, 2022
Read Time
36 mins
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