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Miracles And Wonders (44)
Miracles And Wonders (44)

Miracles And Wonders (44)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Thoughts For Today 24th September 2022

The Age of Pisces has been the age of blind faith, blindly following what was written and especially printed somewhere, was believed to be literally true. This applied especially to books like the Bible. People thought of its contents to be true, because that’s what the book said and what preachermen announced from their churches’ pulpits. Don’t despair! Help is at hand because the Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. The deeper your world penetrates into this sign’s energies, the more people will realises that the truth really has been there, all along. But cleverly disguised. It can only reveal itself to the wise ones who know how to approach the old religious teachings of the patriarchal period the right way, namely from the higher perspective.

You’ll be surprised about what you are going to discover as soon as you search for the truth behind the surface words of what once was said in the religious teachings during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, which fortunately you have left behind for quite some time by now. When you read through any old religious texts, pay attention to your inner guidance, the wise one or living God because that’s your very own built-in lie-detector.

Everybody has one of them, whether you are as yet using it or not. It’s a very special gift from the Great Father/Mother of all life for the Aquarian age, for assisting humankind to find the truth. That’s why from now on we ask you to, whenever you are hearing or reading something, if your inner self tells you, through your feeling world: ‘This is true!’ then for you what’s come to your attention, really is true. It’s safe for you to take it on board. Naturally, this also helps you to discover that which is untrue and therefore to be avoided.

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From ‘Our World In Transition’

The Built-In Lie Detector

‘The fear of death and the unknown has always made people easy prey for the greed and avarice of those who offer something that’s going to keep them safe. If the wind keeps on blowing in the right direction for long enough, the victims will never find out that in truth the makers of such promises merely pretend they have something of value to offer. After all, they are generously paying people with imaginative minds. They have no problems inventing things that sound as if they were true, when they could not be further away from it. Never mind, if what they are saying gets the wheels of their employers’ propaganda machinery going and, for as long as no strong enough resistance has built up, keeps them turning.

‘People involved in such schemes believe that they are working with the greatest of secrecy and that therefore nobody can observe them, they don’t mind using any kind of means that promises to deceive those around them, when in truth they are deceiving themselves. It’s not really evil that you and your world are up against but ignorance. That’s always been the greatest obstacle on humankind’s individual and collective progress on the evolutionary spiral of life. Not knowing and understanding breeds fear. And that in turn brings forth young and inexperienced spirit/souls, who are only too happy to ruthlessly exploit humankind’s fears with tales that have been specially invented for the purpose of pumping them up to previously unknown heights.

‘And because the age of truth for quite a while has been with you, once more we have come to tell those who are still looking for someone to save you and your world from this kind of menace. Nobody in the whole of Creation will ever come and wave some kind of magic wand on your behalf or anyone else’s, to bring this about, least of all Jesus. He never was in a position to respond to requests of this nature for the simple reason that he never was a historical figure who once walked in your midst. He only existed as a thoughtform that was inspired by us for the wise higher purpose of teaching your world some invaluable lessons of discernment, i.e. the ability to recognise whether someone is telling the truth or a lie.

‘Every one of you needs to be able to do this for themselves and that about everything that comes your way on the earthly plane. Don’t worry, you all have a built-in lie-detector and that is your inner guidance, the wise one of living God within. As soon as your earthly education has reached a certain point, the time has come for learning how to consciously tap into its communications. Through the world of your feelings this aspect of your being has always tried to keep you walking on the straight and narrow road of doing the right things at the right time, i.e. that which is beneficial for your development. It’s the small still voice of your conscience that’s ignored to your detriment. For every one of you, paying attention to its reactions has always been the only truly reliable way of telling whether something, at that particular moment, is right or wrong, false or true. When this ability has been developed and you look at any kind of knowledge that comes your way, especially in the form of religious teachings, your lie-detector will either react with ‘this is true or untrue’.

‘To assist every human being with developing this part of their being is the wise higher reason why, for the duration of the patriarchy, your world had to be misled about your Creator’s nature and your own, as well as the special relationship all of you are having with the highest authority of all. The imbalances that were created by the old religions’ beliefs, with their all-male God-heads, for some time have been in the process of being removed. It is coming about through the truth that your Creator always has been and forever will be the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s spirit and light. It’s good to observe that ever more of you are waking up to the realisation that the only one who can save and redeem you and your world is every one of you for themselves.

‘Every physical body, animal and human alike, has always been equipped with the inborn natural gift of healing itself and that in mind, body and spirit/soul. Unfortunately, the products of the pharmaceutical industry all too frequently interfere with the functioning of this aspect of their being. That’s why we are telling those who are in need of healing that, with our help and will, any condition can be healed. As without asking no help can come to you from us, turn to us so we can guide you to the natural – these days so-called ‘alternative’ – healing methods that will really do you good. If you pay attention to your inner guidance when trying those you feel drawn to, you will intuitively know which one(s) are right for you.

‘Stick your toes into the water and find out what each one can do for you. And do not forget to tap into our healing energies that are available free of charge to anyone who asks for them. Learning how to tap into them is the only thing you have to do. When you do your best, we are always happy to do the rest. And that’s how your trust in our presence and our ways of helping those who ask for our assistance steadily grows. This is the most essential ingredient for the process of shedding your fears and anxieties. The spiritual wisdom we have for quite some time been bringing to your world, through many different channels, is providing ever more of you with the key for unlocking the doors to their innermost being, where the memories of all your previous lifetimes have been stored, good, bad and indifferent alike.

‘The lack of understanding to this day is making far too many of you is into gullible victims of the pharmaceutical industry’s tales about the pandemic 2019/2020. They are the driving force behind events of this nature. They have tried before and did not succeed and we assure you that they will not do so this time. To bring about the greatest healing miracle that was ever experienced on the Earth, we need the help of as many of you as possible. It’s up to every individual to release themselves and your whole world, once and for all, from the darkness of the prison that time and again was created by the machinations of your world’s professional troublemakers and scaremongers, employed by the pharmaceutical industry.

‘Like a poisonous spider, this organisation sits in its web that consists of falsifications and lies, ready to devour any victim that believes its tales and is willing to act upon them. Their favourite hiding places are the façades of once well respected organisations, like the World Health Organisation. The pharmaceutical industry hopes that eventually the government of all countries are going to pass a new law that forces people to take part in compulsory mass vaccinations. They are dreaming that this would come about in dictator fashion, with each country’s police force behind its government to ensure that their law is obeyed. But that harks back to the ways of the past, in sharp contrast with the Aquarian age’s Zeitgeist of freedom from all yokes of oppression and slavery. This age is about friendship and siblinghood with all manifestations of life, reaching out for each other, helping and supporting people instead of exploiting and taking advantage of their fears.

‘As nothing could contravene that spirit more, there is no chance that attempts of this nature will be tolerated. Aquarius is the sign of rebellion and revolution. The deeper you move into this age, the clearer it will become that the Uranian energies are providing people, individually and collectively, with the courage, strength and determination to go on the barricades in order to shake off anything that can no longer be tolerated, for example the yoke of continued lockdowns. The protest meetings and marches that are already taking part in many parts of your world are a clear sign that the influence of the Uranian energies with every passing day are growing more powerful.

‘The instrument for rendering any kind of human-made trap ineffective is through every one of you overcoming and letting go of their deepest innermost fears, because that enables you to move from your role as victim into that of a conqueror. The magical key for bringing this about is an improved understanding of the processes of life, especially those of birth, death and rebirth. For long enough your fears, individually and collectively, have been making prisoners of your earthly selves. The knowledge that has been coming your way for quite some time is meant to assist ever more of you to unlock the inner doors of the dark dungeon of their ignorance about the spiritual aspects of life.

‘The Aquarian age’s freedom consists of believing only what the lie-detector of your inner guidance tells you is true. To enable you to fully take advantage of what it offers, your inner doors need to be opened wide. Only through using the knowledge we are bringing and in this way digesting it, can any of it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever take from you. It will be yours in all Eternity.

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

Could Religions Ever Change Anything?

For not much longer religions will continue to be part of our world, even though some of them to this day are a potent destructive force to be reckoned with. Yet, considering the trouble many of their followers are still causing, one cannot help wondering: ‘Could religions ever change anything?’ The word religion has its roots in the Latin ‘religare’, which means to bind and connect. Why then did our religions bring so much war and destruction by setting us against each other rather than connecting us with each other?

Were any of our world’s old belief system truly designed to make our world a better and more peaceful place? Will it ever get to be that way? Yes! Because by now our world is changing with giant steps and it will not be long now until it has evolved into a place where all manifestations of life exist together harmoniously and peacefully. But this will most certainly not come about through our world’s remaining old belief systems. Look around you and see how much suffering, unrest and destruction they are causing to this day. Nobody can and will make the required changes on humankind’s behalf. Every one for themselves has to do their share of bringing it about.

Through the religions the Highest Forces of life, for quite a while by now have been making it clear to humankind that none of the old belief systems ever had any power of its own. If allowed to continue, they would never make our world into a better and peaceful place. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, for quite a while by now, have been trying to show us that the solution to our world’s problems will not come from the outside of life. The answers to the questions we need to ask how to go about changing our world will never be found on the outside. They can only come from everybody’s inner guidance, the wise one or living God within. Apart from that, if we want a peaceful world, all of us have to look towards ourselves, sweep before our own door and cleanse our inner stables from the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of times gone by.

To this day, many in our world seem to be under the impression that astrology is also some kind of a belief system, not unlike a religion. They appear to believe that every one of subjects like religion, astrology and numerology has some power of its own and therefore is responsible for making our world and us the way we are. We do well to remind ourselves frequently that nobody has any real power on the Earth plane, including all religions as well as subjects like astrology and numerology. They have no power, unless it is given to them through thinking, falsely, that each one of them possesses some kind of power of its own.

Everything that exists in our world, on all its levels, within and without, and everywhere else in the whole of Creation, was brought into being by the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. As servants of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light, they always have been and forever will be in charge of everything that happens anywhere. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan, throughout the ages, one religion after the other appeared in our world. Each one served as a different teaching aid. As soon as the lessons one of them had been mastered by a sufficient amount of people, another new religion appeared and the old one remained.

The fact that every one of these religions failed to make our world into a better and more peaceful place, in itself is sufficient proof that none of them ever had any power of its own. And that’s because each one was used to keep humankind away from discovering too early the truth. Unbeknown to us until recently, it has always been hiding behind the surface words of our world’s religious teachings. Apart from keeping us away from the truth for long enough, the surface words can do nothing.

Astrology and numerology, however, will not be as passing and temporary as any of our religions. This is because they are something much more fundamental. Yet, even they have no power of their own. They merely are a kind of language, a way of understanding what the Highest Forces of life wish to tell us, at any given time. The only way we can influence our pathway through life positively is by endeavouring to work with astrology and numerology instead of struggling against them. The way I practise them returns the Great Father/Mother of all life to His/Her Creation. I believe that the God-head is a masculine as well as a feminine force. Neither is inferior or superior to the other. In sweet harmony both forces function together. They complement each other and are equal partners in the creative process; each its part.

For me, astrology and numerology acknowledge and bow before the power and might, as well as its love and wisdom of the Highest. Both are the finest instruments imaginable for anyone who wishes to enlarge and enhance their vision of the Great Father/Mother’s boundless wealth. That’s why wise ones make it their business to find out the truth about God’s true nature and their own. They are not afraid of digging ever deeper into things to find the roots of everything. These people no longer need to blame the planets or their Creator for the way our world has become, as well as how they are and behave. Knowing and accepting that we ourselves are responsible for everything that is in our lives, including our character, our destiny and that no-one can change our karmic debts, except everyone for themselves, improves the more knowledge we are gaining.

When as a result we constantly give of our best and endeavour to create nothing but that which is good, right and beautiful in thoughts, words and actions, eventually nothing but more of the same can return to us. And that’s because the Universal law of cause and effect is the supreme ruler throughout the whole of Creation, naturally this includes everything that exists in our world. This knowledge and acting upon it possesses the power of putting ever more of us earthlings fairly and squarely in charge of the ship of their own life. Besides, it eventually can make every one of us into the master of their own destiny.

Naturally, I would not wish to state categorically that religions, astrology, numerology and other related subjects are this, that or the other, because that simply would not for me to say. All I can and wish to do is share my understanding that the outer world is a manifestation of our inner self and the environment reflects back to us what we are within. As if gazing into a mirror, the events around us are constantly revealing that which is taking place inside us. And that is why, if we wish our world to become a different place and our lives to change, it is necessary to first look to ourselves and the way we behave.

From what many in our world are going to benefit most of all is a new understanding of the true purpose and higher meaning of humankind’s earthly existence. This brings with it a fresh approach to life that provides us with the motivation we need to change our perception of life and our approach and attitude towards it most profoundly. Should you decide to travel down this road with me, you will soon discover that many of the old false beliefs to this day are thought of as being true by far too many in our world. Having long outlived their usefulness, they are waiting to be shed. I believe we can assist many to do this.

To this day, the false beliefs of the old religions are serious obstacles on the journey that is meant to move every human being constantly forwards and upwards on their own evolutionary spiral, which is an integral part of the one for the whole of humankind and our world. I believe that the knowledge of this can provide every one of with the power of making the spiritual progress that’s destined to be found not only in this lifetime, but forever.

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

Religions Have No Power Of Their Own

As pointed out before, the deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of our world’s people will become aware that no religion that ever appeared in our world possessed any power of its own. That’s why to this day, none of them has any of it over you or me, only over those who allow them to do so. After all, what are religions? Organisations based on certain beliefs and people who are willing to listen to and follow their doctrines, regardless of whether they ever were true and valid or not.

Religions are not things in themselves, they most certainly have no power of their own and the same is true for astrology and numerology. I believe that all subjects of this nature were created so that one day they could be used as tools for helping us to understand and, through this, bring us ever closer to the true meaning of the Great Power behind life in the whole of Creation and what kind of a role it has always played in our life. Astrology and numerology are wonderful aids when one is trying to find a better understanding of the processes of life, which so far were hidden from our view. To my mind, there is nothing better for explaining in simple terms the highly complex workings, the why and how of the Universal energies, the Power and the Force that is constantly at work behind the scenes of life in the whole of Creation, and that on all its levels.

It would be wrong to say that I believe in astrology as such. I believe in the great wisdom and love of the One who created it and who, from the beginning of my studies, has been teaching me from the very depths of my own being, how it can be shaped by every one of us into their own healing instrument. I fell in love with astrology and wanted to work with it for the benefit of all humankind from the moment I recognised that it is not meant to be an instrument of fortune-telling. I knew that astrology really works, because I realised through the way it was helping me to find a better understanding of myself, my world and the nature of the forces behind it. If it worked for me, it was likely that it would do the same for everybody else. I have never followed any of our world’s belief systems teachings. That’s because my inner guidance, the wise one and living God within me, showed me a long time ago that in truth every religion is no more than a ladder on which human for a while are meant to climb Heavenwards.

All are different pathways that were created to guide us back into our true nature, into the awareness of our own Divine nature, immortality and oneness with God. When this point has been reached, individually and collectively, we shall be walking hand in hand with God and the Angels again, the way we once did. Religions will then no longer be known in our world. This is the direction in which we are now heading ever more strongly. Paul McCartney’s poignant song at the beginning of this part of the jottings shows us the way. The old religions can no longer do this for us, for the simple reason that they came into being such a long time ago and are badly in need of a great overhaul.

Astrology is under the rulership of Aquarius. At our entry into this age, there is a renewed interest in it and with its help the Universe is revealing to us ever more of the fascinating facets of the Divine science. In times to come, when all traces of the religions that once existed in our world have long vanished, astrology will still be with us, of that I am sure. Ever since humankind walked the Earth, religions have served the Angels, teachers and guides from the highest levels of life as temporary educational tools. Astrology is also one of these, but it is something much more permanent and certainly more expansive. By now, it is increasingly inviting us to raise our vision above the Earth plane and expand our horizons into an awareness of our existence within the Cosmos.

Yet, even astrology as we know it these days is not going to be with us in all Eternity. There will come a time, in millions and millions of years in earthly terms, when the will of God might decide to de-create the whole of our present Universe. There could then be a new big bang, if indeed our present Universe came into being that way, and a new created world will begin. Just think! You and I shall be there to witness it and take part in it. By that time it is likely that we too shall be allowed to create new worlds and later destroy them, at our will and command. Yet, forever we shall be following the instructions given by the Divine evolutionary plan.

And that illustrates the seriousness of what is at stake. It puts everything into perspective. Because when viewed from that angle, all our world’s present struggles are no more than fleabites. It makes everything that any one of us has to endure in order to redeem the last one of our karmic debts in our spiritual ledger, very much worthwhile, on’t you think?

And the Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper our world penetrates into this sign’s energies, the more the old religions will disappear. That’s how, slowly but surely, the new religion of the Aquarian age has been emerging, for some time by now. This is the religion for which humankind has a long time been waiting. It is ever more forcefully bubbling to the surface of humankind’s consciousness and taking over like this:

There is only one religion, the religion of
Love and wisdom, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous,
Masculine and feminine, working together as one.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God and that’s
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And the Universal Christ, their only born Son/Daughter.
They are the Holy Trinity,
Who always has been and forever will be
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

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From ‘War And Peace Among Nations’

The Age Of Pisces

The Age Of Karma And The Soul
And The Beginnings Of Our Present Major Religions

About 300 BC – 1900 AD

Gullibility has been one of our race’s most formidable enemies in past ages. This particularly applied during the Age of Pisces from about 300 BC – 1900 AD. The mutable Water sign Pisces is co-ruled by expansive and mighty Jupiter and deceptive, nebulous and devious Neptune. As a result of these energies, the Piscean age was one of blind faith and deception on a grand scale, as one would expect from the combined force of the sign’s two vast planetary rulers. The appearance of the Jesus legend at the beginning of the Piscean Age makes more sense when one considers that Jupiter is also the sole ruler of Sagittarius, the sign of the raconteur and storyteller, the conman and gambler of the zodiac.

With the coming of the Aquarian Age, in keeping with God’s plan, it was time to leave the negative influence of those energies behind and to start developing their highest and most positive sides. The wise higher purpose of all lying and cheating experiences, in particular those of the Piscean Age, has been to teach us and our world the value of honesty and truth in all our encounters. Those who took part in the grand Piscean lesson and have learnt from it sufficiently are ready to intuitively receive the sacred wisdom and truth of the Highest. With the help of the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light they are receiving this gift and for them book-learning is no longer necessary.

The negative aspects of Pisces that need to be overcome are carelessness, a fondness of building castles in the air, deceptiveness and going through life with our heads in the clouds. As well as being hypersensitive and irritated by discords, we may be sentimental, subversive, unstable, wandering and woolly. Overcoming these characteristics sets us free to develop the Piscean positive characteristics of artistic gifts and the ability to play our part in life in positive and constructive ways, in spite of being a dreamer and idealist. As our imaginative, inspirational and mediumistic capabilities begin to unfold, we become ever more sensitive to the artistic inspiration that flows from the higher and highest levels of life into ours. We are spiritual and subtle beings with a great love for music and rhythm.

Pisces is a mutable Water sign, its natural domain is the twelfth house. Both sign and house are of the soul and of Karma, also known as the place of our own undoing, where our sins from past lifetimes are catching up and shaking hands with us, waiting to be redeemed. The Water signs serve the development of the emotions and of the soul, individually and collectively. It was an age that taught us and our world the dangers of blind faith. But above all, in my view, the whole of patriarchy and in particular the Age of Pisces has been teaching us and our world priceless lessons of the wise use and the abuse of power. You can read more about the age of blind faith by following the link at the end of this chapter.

Pisces being co-ruled by misty, mysterious and nebulous Neptune and vast and expansive Jupiter, the ruler of the superconscious realm, it is hardly surprising that this Age was dominated by the development of the major religions of our world. Christianity with its mixture of persecution and the ideals of spiritual redemption and salvation evolved from Judaism. Islam in turn evolved from Christianity. All three religions are but twigs on the branch of religious tree of our world.

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The Age Of Aquarius

The Age Of Rebellion And Revolution
bringing Enlightenment And Spiritual Freedom

From approx. 1900 AD – 4,100 AD

So much has been said about the Age of Aquarius throughout my writing, but there is still a great deal more. Before we go any further let’s take a look at the different types of energies that are influencing us during any given age. At present we are still struggling with the change of energies between two signs that are so profoundly different in their approach to life and yet on the spiritual level of life are responding to each other very well.

Pisces as a mutable Water sign is receptive and feminine. First and foremost it is about the development of the world of our feelings and emotions, the soft and sensitive, dreamy and otherworldly realm of the soul. The energies of the fixed Air sign Aquarius are in sharp contrast with it. They are purely of the mind. People who function purely on the mind level, without the beneficial influence of their soul they are bereft of feelings. As a result they can be exceedingly cold and detached, to the point of downright cruelty.

The three Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, serve the training of humankind’s mental faculties of understanding. High among them rank all kinds of communication, so we have to learn how to express ourselves in writing and this skill enables us to read other people’s messages. Evidence is appearing everywhere that during the Aquarian Age the progress of humankind’s intellectual capabilities is moving ever more into the foreground of our attention. We have found out that thinking is the greatest power in the whole of Creation and with this discovery the time has come for learning to control our thought processes and practising things like mindfulness and positive thinking.

Among many other things Aquarius is the sign of technology and communications, friendship and siblinghood with all life. Equipped with the gift of hindsight, with which we are blessed in the year 2016, the time when I was putting the finishing touches to this new part of my jottings, it could clearly be seen that the Age of Pisces really had ended about 1900 AD. This means that the Age of Aquarius has been with us for some time now and it can be clearly seen everywhere in our world that the influence of its energies are growing increasingly powerful.

Steered by the forces at work behind the scenes of earthly life and their ideas, humankind’s ingenuity always has been and forever will be without bounds. Nowhere was there more evidence of it than in all fields of technology, especially communications. From its earliest beginnings in the late 1800s it has been speeding up at an ever increasing pace. Looking back from where we are now, one cannot call it anything but breathtaking. As communications would become ever more important during this age, the Morse code and the telephone were invented. This was swiftly followed by the technology for the development of radio, television and the Internet, making ever farther reaching communications around our world possible.

The Aquarian Age also brought us the development of travelling by air and since humankind’s first attempts at flying with the help of machinery has been making phenomenal strides forward. The patriarchal influence saw to it that at first the technology involved was employed for producing increasingly sophisticated war machinery so that we could destroy each other more effortlessly and speedily. But it did not take long until the technical scales of our world commenced to tip towards friendlier uses like building worldwide friendship rings with the help of the Internet and things like Facebook, Twitter and so forth.

Aquarius represents God’s voice and it is the birthright of every human spirit and soul, in this world and our other world, towards the end of their earthly education to return into the conscious awareness of humankind’s true nature and who and what God really is. The new age brings us a renewal of the knowledge that each one of us has an inner teacher, the living God within or intuition, who is waiting to share Its wisdom and knowledge with us. All we have to do is knock at our inner door and ask for our Highest Self’s help.

The present evolutionary phase is going to see the end of all inequalities between the genders and races of our world. The more the knowledge gets around that all of us are God’s children of the Earth, each one with exactly the same rights and responsibilities, the more easily we shall shake off the oppressive forces that to this day exist in our world as a result of the patriarchy’s erroneous belief that one gender or person is superior to the other.

The Aquarian Age demands self-mastery and self-discipline from each one of us and if we are willing to practise it and behave in a masterly fashion, as demonstrated by the Jesus legend, the doors to this age’s enlightenment and spiritual freedom are swinging open. God’s great plan of life provides that the Age of Aquarius brings us the truth about every aspect of life. That means the end of all false beliefs and perceptions, prejudices and superstitions born from humankind’s ignorance of God’s true nature and its own. My observations of and insights into the various ages leave no doubt in my mind that this plan has always been unfolding the way it should.

Now that the religions of the past have fulfilled their purpose in the teaching process of our world, each one of them will gradually disappear. Decreasing numbers of churchgoers are confirming this. The Age of Pisces has been an age of lies, deceptions and blind faith. It’s good to know that this part of our development lies behind us and that the age of truth has dawned upon our world. For many it has already brought the rediscovery that love is God’s true nature and our own, that love is the law of life and that the reason for our being in earthly life is that we should learn to love wisely, the way God loves all His/Her Creations.

This love is one of power, justice and wisdom, handled wisely with kindness and goodness, gentleness and compassion, affection and warmth for all lifeforms. And our human hearts are at least potentially a holy Grail cup for receiving God’s love and giving it to those around us. Human relationships are so important for us because each one offers constant opportunities for learning to love wisely and thus bringing forth the highest aspects of our nature.

As we know by now, love is the supreme law of life from which all others evolved. The intention of the highest forces of life has been to get to know through humankind the polar opposite of love and that which is good. ‘I love My Creation and all creatures in it. I will send them out to explore and learn about themselves and Me. To ensure that each one of them is eventually drawn back into My loving embrace, I am passing the law of cause and effect that decrees that everything in the whole Creation has to return to its source. Acts of aggression, oppression and injustice are transgressions against law of love that created negative Karma, which eventually has to be redeemed for the simple reason that everything in the whole of Creation has to balance. That’s why at some time, either during this lifetime or a future one, every bit of our offences has to be made good, by none other than us.

Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations can find fulfilment. Programmed into and imprinted in the deepest recesses of every soul’s consciousness is the desire and dream of escaping from the hardships, tests and trials of earthly life into the state known as Paradise, the oneness with God and all life. That’s also where the wish for meeting the ideal love and lover is located. Our God or Christ Self is this perfect being who understands us and knows and responds to our heart’s most deepest yearnings. This is the one for whom we have searched in vain throughout all earthly lifetimes. Like everything that has ever been in our life, this too fulfils a wise higher purpose. You can read more about this by following the links at the end of this chapter.

It is difficult to assess when one of the ages is definitely over and is making room for the next one. Some believe that the Aquarian Age started around the year 1900. When I take my nose off the canvas and look at our world from a higher perspective, I see a great deal of evidence everywhere that the great balancing act of the creative forces of Heaven and Earth, masculine and feminine, darkness and light, positive and negative and so forth, over the ages has constantly been gathering momentum. During the Aquarian Age the Divine marriage between the highest levels of life and our planet will be consummated. And that is the completion of its spiritualisation which has been going on every since humankind entered its realms.

I sense that the final curtain on the last act of the tragicomedy of Earth life has gently been descending for some time. Whether the play will finish with some great cataclysm or in peaceful ways depends on God’s plan for humankind. Considering that on the inner level all life is one and each one of us influences everything else, I believe that a peaceful solution is quite on the cards. As with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible and nothing happens without them, the energies of the awakening ones could eventually grow so powerful that they penetrate the consciousness of the rest of us deeply enough to rouse their Christ nature from its slumbers. Regardless of how it all comes about, I am convinced that the spiritual aspects of us and our world shall always be taken care of and be safe.

* * *

From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

All Of Life Is Flowingness

I trust God’s great plan of life
And the small one for me within it.
They are clear evidence how
All of life is flowingness
And that in this flowing,
There is meaning and law.
There is no need to worry because
I cannot lose, what is my own.
I need not seek, what is my own,
For what belongs to me, will come.
Whatever goes does not belong to me
And only what I am has power.

I give up my personal struggles and ambitions
And rest safely in the knowledge that
Everything that’s rightfully mine
Will always be drawn to me.
Therefore, I now let go
And put my hands into the loving hands
Of God and the Angels.
I trust the guidance I intuitively receive from them,
And the love and wisdom of the Highest,
To run my life for me
And to show me the way, now and forever.


* * *

To everything there is a season,
And a time for every purpose under the Sun:
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time
To pluck up that which has been planted.

That’s how God and the Angels,
In the course of life’s journey
Forwards and upwards on
The evolutionary spiral of life,
Are making everything beautiful,
In God’s time, not ours.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
Edited by Aquarius

There is never a question of whether we are guilty of something or not. And that’s because every human being, whatever level their education has reached at any given moment, is a pupil or student in the great school of earthly life. At the same time we are all actors on the great stage of cosmic life who is playing a certain role, each time only for a predestined length of time. At the end of each earthly lifetime we cast off the costume of the personality for that particular occasion. We return to humankind’s true home, the world of spirit or light. When we have rested there sufficiently from the stresses and strains of our most recent earthly adventures, we consult the wise ones in charge of our education. Together we consider which kind of a role would bring us most beneficial learning during our coming earthly sojourn.

Every one of us is in truth a young God in the making and although nobody ever forces us to do anything, the initial part of our education consists of taking part in every one of the lessons of the earthly school of life and that is compulsory. During our intervals in the spirit realm, we are once more aware of our true nature. We know that every lifetime on the earthly plane serves a wise higher purpose and that, if we ever wish to reach the end of our curriculum there, it’s best to apply for another lifetime as soon as possible. Having attended every one of that school’s lessons is an essential aspect of every human being’s equipment. Without it we would not be able to deal satisfactorily with life on the higher and eventually highest planes. It would be impossible to reach our final destiny of evolving into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle.

Updated January 2022

* * *

From ‘Prayers For Our Time’

The Serenity Prayer

Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Grant me the serenity to accept
The things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.

There is also a less well known, but equally beautiful part:

Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardships and pain as the road to healing and peace.
Knowing that our world is a sinful one,
But becoming ever more aware that everything
That happens in it serves a wise higher purpose.
That’s why I now take it the way it is
And not yet as I used to think it should be.
I rest safely in the knowledge that
Some day in the not too distant future it will be that way,
Because God in the end will make all things right
And that which is ugly in us and our world beautiful.
So I surrender my will to His/Her will and
Continue reasonably happy and content with my earthly existence.
On the inner level of life I have always been at one with my Creator.
This state will continue forever when I move into the world of light
For good and am then free to explore ever higher levels of life.

Reinhold Niebuhr 1894-1971
Second Part Edited by Aquarius

* * *

Help Me To Believe

O Holy Trinity,
Great Spirit, Father/Mother Creator,
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ,
Light of all lights and Sun of all Suns,
Please hear my prayer.
I so very much want to believe in You and trust.
Although I know that Your love and mercy are
Endless and as deep as the deepest ocean of our world,
And that Your forgiveness and understanding
For the trials and tribulations
Of all human hearts is very real,
But still I doubt.

Through an ever increasing understanding
Of the mysteries of my own existence and Yours,
And my relationship with You,
Help me to overcome every last trace of my unbelief.
Let my perceptions no longer be based on
Mere surface words, but a deep inner knowingness
Of the hidden meanings behind the texts of
The sacred teachings of our world.
And assist every one of Your children of the Earth
To grasp Your wisdom and truth,
The way many did in past lifetimes,
When this kind of consciousness was known as gnosis.
Help all of us to enter into this state.

The spiritual rebirth our race has for so long been waiting for,
Is dawning at last and ever more of us realise
That it was You and Your helpers,
The Angels and Masters of the spirit world, our true home,
Supported by their assistants, who has lovingly guided
Each one of us through the dark night
Of thinking that we are struggling on our own
In earthly life.

I thank you for allowing me to know that this happened
For a wise higher reason, the same as everything else
That ever takes place in our world.
The dark night is necessary for every human being
Because it teaches us how to appreciate the joy
Of reconnecting and consciously being one again
With You and all life, when it eventually comes about.
That’s why all human beings first have to lose the awareness
Of their inner connection with You,
Although in truth nothing will ever be able to take it away.
At some stage of their development, all human beings
Have to work their way through the narrow tunnel
Of thinking that they are on their own.

Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us
And having become aware of my true nature again,
I rejoice that Your total and unconditional love
Is bringing us and our world a renewed understanding
Of Your eternal wisdom and truth,
So that ever more of us are consciously gaining
Access to the healing rays of the Universal Christ,
To do their share of bringing about
The rebirth of every soul and that of our world.

With all my heart and soul I beg of You and the Angels
That any lack of faith in You in all human hearts
Should be replaced by a deep inner awareness
Of Your Divine presence in everything that is
And therefore also in my companions and me.
Hand in hand with You and the Angels,
Each on their own and all of us together
Are walking back home into the
Conscious awareness of our true nature
And oneness with You.

Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
As surely as every night is followed by a new day,
Now that the darkest hour of humankind’s spirit and soul
Has almost run its course and is reaching its natural end,
May the radiance of Your Light reign supreme,
For ever and ever.


* * *

With love and light,

* * *

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24 Sep, 2022
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