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Miracles And Wonders (48)
Miracles And Wonders (48)

Miracles And Wonders (48)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Thoughts For Today 29th September 2022

From ‘Healers And Healing’

The Birth Of The Christ Child (1)

We Three Kings Of Orient Are

We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar.
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.

O Star of Wonder, Star of Light,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to Thy perfect light.

Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain
Gold I bring to crown Him again,
King forever, ceasing never,
Over us all to reign.

Frankincense to offer have I,
Incense owns a Deity nigh,
Prayer and praising, voices raising,
Worshipping God on high.

Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume
Breathes a life of gathering gloom.
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Sealed in the stone cold tomb.

Glorious now behold Him arise.
King and God and sacrifice.
Alleluia, Alleluia,
Sounds through the earth and skies.
Alleluia the Earth replies!

The 6th January is the day of the Epiphany, one of the three principal and oldest festival days of the Christian churches. The others are Easter and Christmas. The Epiphany is a commemoration of the day when the legend tells us that the presence of the baby Jesus Christ was for the first time revealed to our world. The word itself has its origin in the Greek ‘epiphaneia’, which means manifestation and/or exposure to view. The event originated in the Eastern church, where at first it also included a celebration of Christ’s birth. However, by the year 354 the church in Rome had decided to move the date of Christ’s birth to the 25th December and the Epiphany to the 6th January. In the Western church the festival is primarily in honour of the visit of the infant Jesus by the Magi, while the Eastern church celebrates it in memory of the baptism of Jesus.

For Christian churches throughout our world the Epiphany has remained a holy day. Special services are celebrated every year in remembrance of the day when, according to the Jesus legend, the holy infant was first presented to our world. In spite of the Bible’s aversion to astrology, it is interesting to note that at the time the New Testament was written, astronomy and astrology were still one subject that was widely practised. How fortunate that the more enlightened Christians of our time no longer have any difficulties with accepting that the three wise men, had they ever existed in the reality of Earth life, would have been astronomers as well as astrologers.

The symbolisms contained in the Epiphany story are poignant and potent ones. To my mind, there are some significant parallels between this tale and our age, because we have reached the phase of our development as a race when the Christ child is waiting to be born in all hearts. First there are the three wise men, who came to worship and adore the child and to present it with their gifts. The three companions are thought to have been Persian priests, astronomers and astrologers. In Christianity’s early days the men were called magi, because their activities were then considered to be magic. St. Matthew’s Gospel is the only one that mentions this fact. The men’s gifts suggest that they could have come from Babylon, Arabia, Sheba or Yemen.

Later traditions gave the men separate nationalities and colours of skin, as a symbol of the worship of the Christ child by all nations. The wise ones were called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar or Casper. It was only in the third Century that the church declared them to be Kings, possibly in an attempt to justify the prophecy in Psalm 72:11: ‘May all Kings fall down before him.’ In ‘War And Peace Between Nations’ you can find out more about the symbolism of the men’s kingship and their gifts in the chapter ‘The Three Wise Men’.

Be that as it may, the legend tells us that the men could read God’s Wisdom in the stars. Wisdom and knowledge spiritually are light and ignorance darkness. The knowledge that came to the men intuitively is the light of the Highest Star that was capable of leading them to the child in the stable. In the same way, modern astrology can act as the light that shows each one of us the way to the Christ child in our own hearts. The crib and the stable represent the human heart, the most humble place on Earth. And now at long last the time has come for the child of the highest parentage, the Christ child, to come fully alive in all hearts. Yet, it can do so only when we approach it with a loving and reverend heart and above all with sincerity and deep humility. And when it does come alive, it shows us how we each can do our own share of blessing and healing, saving and redeeming ourselves, each other and our world.

Shepherds, in the Middle East at the time the Jesus legend was created, were considered to be the lowest of the low of all people. Thus the shepherds and the visiting kings represent the lowest and the Highest ranks of population in our world. All human souls on the Earth plane eventually reach the evolutionary level when they freely and willing kneel before their Christ child and pray for its help, hence: ‘Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Christ is our Lord!’ So holy and entirely good is the child in the manger that even the sheep and the oxen, who represent the animal part of humankind’s nature, do not feel threatened and are unafraid. And so they kneel peacefully and contently by the side of the child. Its High and Holy parents, in earthly life symbolised by Mary and Joseph, are looking on and all present are joint together in adoration of the child. The Christ Star above the stable shines into the heart and soul of us and our world to bring peace, while high above the Earth plane around the throne of God the Angels are singing their praises.

The world and its evil machinations are symbolised by Herod and those around him and all they stood for. Yet, in spite of all their efforts at killing the Christ child, they did not succeed. It could not be done because this very special child – then and now – enjoys the all-powerful protection by its Divine parents and the Angels. No matter how hard anyone tries to kill the Christ child within, in the long run it cannot be accomplished by anyone. And because each one of us is a spark of God’s great light and power, we are just as immortal and indestructible as the child in the manger and enjoy the same powerful protection.

The three men knew, as well as we do in our age, that knowledge is power. And because they were wise, they appreciated that their knowledge of the child should not be placed into the wrong hands, i.e. the unready. This applies to each one of us. No-one will force us to turn to God in prayer and meditation to consciously ask for help to be guided back into the wisdom and the conscious knowledge of our true self and into the presence of the Divine in our lives. Only when they have reached a certain evolutionary point are human souls ready to receive this knowledge.

Now our whole world is reaching this phase in its spiritual development and it is up to each one of us to call upon God’s knowledge and wisdom to guide and protect us, individually and as a race. If during our quiet reflections, prayers and meditations on the healing journey there rise from the innermost core of our being, our subconscious, memories from past lifetimes that appear to be too evil for words, fear not. God and the Angels are waiting for us to call upon them to show us how to resolve and redeem even our most ancient and difficult Karma. With their help even the greatest evil can and must be transmuted into the highest good for the whole of Creation.

I find it helpful to know that all my experiences only ever came and still are coming into my life, because each one is trying to teach me something. All our experiences always come for this reason, in spite of the fact that for a very long time we lack the spiritual awareness to understand their meaning. Appreciating and accepting that this is so, sets us free to look for and find the intended learning from the experiences of the past – our own and those of our world. When human souls finally understand why things had to happen, their gratitude for even the most traumatic events is genuine and heartfelt. In this way they are transmuted into well learnt lessons and have at last found a constructive use.

The awareness that every soul contains God’s highest qualities enables each one of us to make a conscious effort at bringing forth their very best from the depth of our own being. That is how all of us in the end have to deal with and slowly overcome the drives and urges of our earthly nature, which in this procedure is nailed to the cross of Earth. The cross is humankind’s oldest known symbol for our earthly existence. For a very long time the seed of the Christ child has been waiting to come fully alive in every heart and soul, and there is plenty of evidence everywhere that this is now happening.

The deeper we and our world proceed into the Aquarian Age, the more of us are ready to assist the birth and maturing process of their own Christ child. This requires the building of bridges that enable us to cross from the outgoing Age of Pisces into the new one. And that is where astrology once more enters the picture, because it provides us with valuable clues and fresh insights into the hidden meaning of many of the spiritual teachings of the past, including those of the Bible. Some of these sacred texts are undoubtedly as valid now as they were in days gone by.

During its awakening the Divine spark in our hearts turns into a small still flame of love. When this unites itself and comes together with the sacred fire of Mother Earth and Father Sun, the leaping flames of the ensuing fire of love uplift and transmute the soul’s fears and anxieties of Earth life into total faith and trust in God and the Angel’s all-powerful protection. My kind of astrology is applied psychology that can show the way for anyone who is ready to assist their Christ child to grow into adulthood, and through their communications with their Highest or God Self find rest, peace and healing.

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The Birth Of The Christ Child (2)

Star Of Wonder

O Star of Wonder, Star of Light,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to Thy perfect light.

The Reverend John Henry Hopkins

Isn’t it astonishing how much of the Ancient Wisdom of God’s sacred truth many of our traditional Christmas carols contain? In none of them can this be seen in a purer form than in the refrain of ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’.

For some time the Age of Aquarius has been with us. It is the age of truth when God’s sacred wisdom and truth will be flowing every more powerfully from the heartmind of the Highest Forces of life directly into increasing numbers of human hearts and souls and those of our world. The Piscean Age has been the age of deceptions, lying and cheating, the bigger the better. During that age humankind for wise higher reasons, which we shall go into as we move along, was presented with spiritual knowledge that had to be believed blindly and at face value, without any explanations whatever for anything. The keepers of the sacred texts were allowed to tell people: ‘That’s the way it is! You better believe what we say or we shall kill you!’

Having reached the age of truth, it is everybody’s birthright to find out why things are they way they are, and why things happened in the past and are doing so to this day. If the chapters of my writings may at times seem to be a bit on the long side to you, it is because we are looking closely into the spiritual background of our earthly existence and attempt to unravel more and more of its mysteries, and that’s something that simply cannot be told in a few words like a business report.

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From ‘War And Peace Between Nations’

The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story (1)

In times gone by there was no other way of explaining to us earthlings the underlying higher purpose and meaning of our earthly existence than with the help of symbolisms and metaphors. Now, however, we are ready for the truth and nothing but the truth. And you can rely on it that it will always come your way from me. The way I see and understand things that’s my truth. Whether any of it can become part of our truth depends on how your inner guidance responds to it.

First in line in our search for truth is the birth of the Christ child *. This event is a metaphor for the awakening of the Divine spark that for a long time dwells in every human soul as a tiny glow of love that would never leave us. The creation of every individual God’s child of the Earth is conceived on the highest levels of life, i.e. it emerges from the heartmind of the Great Father. This process has nothing to do with our earthly existence until we into our first lifetime as a physical being on the Earth plane.

God, the Father, is the masculine active and outgoing aspect of the Divine Trinity. Astrologically speaking it belongs to the Fire and Air elements. Fire is the creative fire of God’s ideas which are transmitted by thought, the realm of Air, to the Great Mother, the Goddess. She is the Father’s feminine, passive and receptive counterpart, represented by the elements Earth and Water. Their only born Son/Daughter is the Spirit of the Universal Christ, of whose light every lifeform from the highest to the lowest has been created.

Next in line is the Star of Bethlehem. It is a six-pointed star that has been used for a long time as a symbolism for the merging of the Holy Trinity of the Great Father/Mother and Christ, their only born Son/Daughter, with humankind. The Trinity is our Highest or God Self, who has always been working on merging Its energies with those of every human being’s earthly threefold nature of mind, body, spirit and soul. Ultimately, the Star represents the perfected, i.e. the whole and holy son/daughter of God in whom every part is peacefully co-operating for the highest good of all, under the guidance and protection of its inner teacher, the wise one within.

The Christ Star is also a symbolism for the healing process that for some time has been taking place between every small earthly self and the Highest Forces of life. The lower triangle stands for the lower self and the upper triangle for our Highest or God Self. As the lower surrenders itself to the higher and is gradually absorbed into it, it evolves into a miniature Christ Star and a Christed one in its own right. It then has become a channel through which the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star flows ever more strongly into our world into all its lifeforms. And that is the meaning of the consummation of the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth.

The whole of the Christmas story is filled with metaphoric descriptions of the events surrounding the birth of the Divine child. Of particular significance is that it took place in a stable. With its manger the stable represents the most humble place on Earth imaginable and that is the human heart. When during the redemption of our karmic debts times of great need and deprivation, spiritual and material, have to be endured, the Divine spark in us begins to stir from its slumber and longs for its true home and this helps our soul to grow.

When in response to our soul’s yearning our earthly self at last reaches out for the blessing, healing and helping hand of God and the Angels, the Christ child is being born. From earthly human hearts the infant in all its goodness and innocence looks with increasing astonishment at the spiritual darkness of the Earth’s environment. An overwhelming desire to do something, anything to put an end to so much suffering, rises from our soul into our earthly consciousness. Attending to the needs of our soul helps the our Christ nature to thrive, so it can grow from infancy to adulthood. Willingly and lovingly we do all we can to do our share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth by making our world into a better and more peaceful place for all its inhabitants.

Everybody is gifted in some special way and each is a potential healer and lightbringer, who has been granted the gift of another earthly lifetime in order to fulfil one specific task in Mother Earth’s transformation and the spiritual rebirth of humankind. Our talents may have taken countless lifetimes to develop. Through absorbing ever more of the darkness of our world into the light of the wisdom and knowledge we bring to those around us our gifts can be brought to full flowering in this one.

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The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story (2)

The Good Shepherds

While shepherds watched
Their flocks by night,
All seated on the ground,
The Angels of the Lord came down
And glory shone around.

As we know by now, no human being is ever alone in earthly life or anywhere else, although it often feels that way. Others are constantly walking with us and although they are invisible to earthly eyes, in the spiritual background of our earthly existence they are always there, guiding and protecting us, even if the need arises, against ourselves. Playing the role of good shepherds in our lives, these beings were attached to us by the wisdom and love of the Highest to take care of and watch over us.

Constantly they are observing our spiritual progress and gently steering us through the inevitable ups and downs of earthly life. And whenever one of us veers too far to the right or left of our predestined and self-chosen pathway *, they nudge us back to where we ought to be. When the going gets too rough to cope on our own, it is our birthright to reach out for these hands and as soon as one of us calls for their assistance, they never fail to respond. The good shepherds are our siblings in the great family of life, who are constantly toiling on our behalves in the spiritual background of our earthly existence.

But even though our invisible friends and helpers are steering and sustaining each one of us, they can and will not do the work for anyone that is required to expand our consciousness. For a better understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth this is essential, but no-one can give it to us, we ourselves have to do the work. Each one of our spirit friends and helpers is pursuing their own individual evolutionary pathway, the same as we are, and through this all of us are growing and evolving together.

As we also know by now, light spiritually means knowledge and ignorance darkness. It’s just that each one of us perceives the light of God’s sacred wisdom and truth through a differently shaped and coloured window of perception. It consists of the soul impressions that were left behind by the manifold different experiences of all our lifetimes, up to this very moment. Independent of how anyone goes about the task of working with the different illuminating rays of the Highest, all have their origin in the Great White Light.

The work the spiritual development demands from each one of us is never quite the same as anyone else’s. Other people cannot do the work for us or we cannot do theirs for them. Nevertheless, every pathway is a good one that incessantly moves every one of us forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. The tasks that present themselves to us at any given moment depend on the level of consciousness we have reached and the karmic debts that are still waiting to be redeemed by us, in keeping with the great evolutionary plan for our whole race and world.

Irrespective of what may still have to be faced by us and our world, our good shepherds will never fail to support us and whenever any one of us stumbles and falls and calls for their assistance, they draw very close to bring comfort and healing. The spirit world has always communicated with us through symbolisms and the shepherds of the Christmas story are a metaphor for our helpers in the world of light. In spite of the fact that they cannot be seen by earthly eyes, they are nonetheless there on the ‘other side’ of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds.

Many of them once walked the Earth, the same as we are presently doing. When they rose above and left behind the desires and concerns of earthly life, their spiritual vision opened. They look at us and our world with great compassion and love because they understand the struggles we are having with our earthly nature only too well. From where they are now they are doing their best to coax their human siblings on the Earth plane forwards and upwards on their pathway. They encourage us to follow their example and never give up, but to persevere with our efforts so that in the fullness of time our energies will be right for joining them on a higher level of life.

The Bible in St. Matthew 18:10-14 tells us: ‘Make sure you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you, the Angels always see the face of my Father in Heaven. The son of man has come to save what was lost. What do you think? If a man should have a hundred sheep and one of them is lost, would he not leave the ninety nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost? And if he should find it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety nine that were not lost. Even so, your Father in Heaven does not want one of His little ones to be lost.’

What could this teaching be trying to tell us? The answer lies in its symbolisms. Let’s take a look at the little ones first. This does not necessarily mean young in age in physical life, i.e. children, but the young and inexperienced souls among God’s children of the Earth. They are our siblings in the family of humankind and the teaching advices us not to look down our noses on them or to sit in judgement * over them.

The mountain represents the highest level of life from which each one of us once descended on the road down the slopes that led us into experiencing life in physicality. At a later stage this is followed by an ascent up the steep face of the mountain that takes us back home into the conscious awareness of our true nature and oneness with God.

All God’s children of the Earth are sheep in the flock of the good shepherds. Whether we are as yet aware of this or not, at all times we can graze safely on the pastures of the spiritual mountain and that only because they were appointed by the Highest to look after each one of us every moment of our existence. This applies wherever we may find ourselves in this world or all others. It is in the nature of our race’s earthly education that for certain periods we have to stray from that which is good, right and beautiful. To become familiar with the desires of our lower animal nature, they first have to experienced. And the message of the above teaching is that if one of us gets lost along the way, our good shepherds will come to the rescue and see to it that we shall not be stuck on the lower and lowest levels of earthly life forever.

* * *

The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story (3)

The Spiritual Mountain

There are many groups of spirit guides that are led by Angels and Masters from the highest levels of life. Each one of us earthlings belongs to one of these gatherings at whose head is someone like the Master described by the Jesus legend. The only difference between our friends and helpers in the world of light is that they are more highly evolved than we presently are. And because they once walked the Earth, the same as you and I are presently doing, they appreciate the difficulties and struggles, the pain and miseries of those who are walking the road up the spiritual mountain behind them. From first hand experience our spirit friends know how easy it is for us to get lost on this road and that from time to time this too is a necessary part of our earthly education.

The wise ones appreciate how steep and demanding the ascent can be and the strength of the drag of our lower earthly self’s desire nature when temptations are coming its way. But undeterred by anything that happens, our spirit friends have always kept on walking hand in hand with us, even though for a long time we were unaware of their presence. No matter what may ever befall us, they are never going to leave us, ready to catch us when we fall, comfort us when we weep and heal us when we are sick. They are the good shepherds who return us safely to our flock on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our world from theirs.

However, no-one can do our spiritual work for us or walk our predestined pathway for us. We alone can do this. But ever mindful of the difficulties this brings with it, the Great Spirit, our true Father/Mother in Heaven or rather the highest level of life, has appointed the Angelic hierarchy and the Masters and their assistants of the spirit world to take good care of us. Their task is to ensure that not one of God’s children of the Earth can ever be truly lost. The Heavens rejoice and celebrate our homecoming when that happened to us. Sometimes it takes a nudge and if need be a more severe push from the Angels to push us back unto our predestined pathway.

Who doesn’t recall the times when the small and frightened earthly self stumbled on its journey through life because it was unaware of its true nature and the spiritual background of its existence? What is it in human beings that we wait until things get so bad that we have nowhere else to turn to before we at last go down on our knees, literally or metaphorically speaking, and call for help? It’s the fear of the unknown that holds us back and we have yet to find out that in truth there is nothing to fear, except fear itself.

God and the Angels, as well as our other spirit friends and helpers are constantly waiting for a signal from any one, so they can draw closer. Whenever someone calls for their help, not to dazzle us with too much of their light – spiritual wisdom and knowledge – at first their presence may arrive as the faintest glimmer. But slowly it grows stronger and more help comes to us through a better understanding of the situation and what is required from us. As our awakening progresses, the living God or wise one within intuitively guides us to the right people, books, magazine articles and other sources of information that are helpful for pointing the way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

The Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life are the executors of God’s great plan of life and have always been in charge of our race’s spiritual development. Our friends and helpers on the lower levels of the spirit world are serving them by bringing our world the spiritual knowledge the Highest have decided that is right for us at any given time. None of them ever leave us but are constantly observing and guiding each one of us through their own dark night of ignorance into the light of understanding God’s true nature and our own. Each one of us can only do this through their own experiences.

The life story of the legendary Master Jesus represents the greatest initiation of all and that is the opening of humankind’s higher nature and the earthly self’s slowly but surely rising above the drives and urges of its lower nature. Every human being reaches this stage of their development eventually. The Great Mother and Her Angels have always been standing by and observing how, with the passing of time, Her wisdom and truth have been unfolding and spreading on the Earth. And the more our Christ nature takes over, the more we feel the need to humbly and willingly serve the Highest Forces of life by truthfully and honestly sharing our knowledge in the simplest and most direct ways possible.

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The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story (4)

The Three Wise Men

The three wise men are yet another symbolism from the Christmas story. They came to the baby Jesus to offer their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh – more symbols! The gold they bring is the human soul’s inherent ability to transmute the base metal of its earthly animalistic nature into the pure gold of its true spiritual self. Frankincense stands for the gift of gentleness and sweetness which the soul in the fullness of time will develop. Myrrh represents the bitterness of sorrow and pain. And this too is a gift because understanding and compassion can only grow from our painful experiences. Through them our souls grow in wisdom and understanding and emotionally and spiritually we move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And at the end of all its painful lessons on the Earth plane every soul returns into the joy of being one again with God.

The three wise men, who came to worship and adore the child by bringing their gifts are thought to have been Persian priests, astronomers and astrologers. In Christianity’s early days the men were called magi, because their activities were then considered to be magic. St. Matthew’s Gospel is the only one that mentions this fact. The men’s gifts suggest that they could have come from Babylon, Arabia, Sheba or Yemen. Later traditions gave them separate nationalities and colours of skin, as a sign that the Christ child would be worshipped by all nations. The wise ones were called Balthazar, Melchior and Gaspar or Casper.

It was only in the third Century that the church declared the three men to be Kings. It is likely to have been an attempt to justify the prophecy in Psalm 72:11: ‘May all Kings fall down before him.’ What a long time we had to wait until it would become clear that this meant that the earthly self of all people, including Kings and their Queens, would kneel in worship before their own Christ nature, which in the first stage of its development manifests itself as the Christ child.

An assembly of Angels from the Christ circle are responsible for the spiritual progress of us and our world. To me, the kingship of the men is a symbolism for the elevated state of the groups of Masters and guides from the highest levels of life, who have been appointed by the Angels and are in charge of our individual and collective destiny. The groups consist of wise ones whose evolutionary pathway has taken them all the way through the experiences of Earth life and then beyond them onto the higher and highest levels of existence. Because of this the Masters and guides know and appreciate our struggles and the suffering it inevitably brings at times, to help our consciousness and souls to grow and expand.

Compassionate and immensely rich in spiritual knowledge and understanding, the wise ones rule over the human kingdom and our world like wise and loving monarchs. They wear their crown of their kingship with great humility. Just imagine, when you and I have evolved to a sufficiently high level, we may be allowed to serve our apprenticeship with them. They never leave our side and are always ready to bring some kind of assistance to those who reach out for them. They appreciate that times of great sorrow, pain, fear and loneliness are necessary for all human souls, as through these experiences our inner strength develops.

Our earthly education continues until we have matured sufficiently to be guided safely back home to the only place in the whole of creation where true safety can be found and that is in our oneness with God. Finding it, as well as genuine and lasting happiness is every soul’s birthright. Each one of us in their own sweet way is constantly seeking this state, but in my view it cannot be found on the Earth plane. Here it can only arise from the awareness of our true nature and the acceptance that whatever lessons are still waiting for us, they are sure to serve not only our own highest good and our greatest joy, but that of all life.

And even if great sorrow and pain remain to be endured by us, we can rest safely in the knowledge that we are learning something from the experience and are therefore growing in wisdom and understanding. It will comfort us to know that this is the only way in which any soul can eventually find its way back home into the greatest happiness of all, one that lasts forever, and that is the conscious awareness of our oneness with God and all life.

When you reflect on your past you are sure to recognise how you, the earthly self, quite happily and unperturbed soldiered through life, for as long as things were smoothly going your way. Yet, even at times like that we are not alone – the silent watchers are standing by and letting us get on with it. Times of suffering are necessary to shake us out of our complacency. That is why sometimes obstacles come thick and fast, until we no longer know which way to turn. But then, oh miracle! As the going gets ever rougher and we are in danger of getting lost in despondency and despair, a ray of light from somewhere penetrates our darkness. No matter how deeply a soul may be lost in its spiritual ignorance, there comes the moment when at last it goes down on its knees – if only metaphorically speaking – before God and prays for help. And as we know by now, to those who ask it will never be denied.

As good and bad times alike undoubtedly are gifts from God, it would be unwise to reject any them. Each one of them is drawn into life to act as the Christ child’s birth helper and midwife. Traumatic events invariably are Angels in disguise. As God’s children of the Earth we do well to accept our lessons and touch the hand of the Angels who bring them to us, so that the Divine spark in us can wake from its slumbers. The wisdom and understanding gained from the thorny experiences of our lives are the true saviours of humankind. In the final analysis they are hiding the glory of the infinite wisdom and boundless love of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, for every one of His/Her children.

The most precious gift of all is the comprehension of God’s Universal laws, as this knowledge empowers us to start co-operating with them instead of struggling against them. And this awakening is sure to save us and our world from chaos and destruction.

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The Symbolisms Of The Christmas Story (5)

A Time For Everything

A right time is predestined for everything and now is the one for finding a better understanding of the spiritual principles of the dualities and polarities that form the basis of all life, including that of the Earth. One of the most important aspects of life we have to come to terms with is the concept of good and evil. As this is the most vital and fundamental issue of all, every soul must study it through real life first hand experiences. And because the laws of the Universe demand that the scales of justice eventually have to be balanced, everybody must at times find themselves sometimes at both the giving and the receiving end of this lesson.

Yet, God and the Angels never leave us, and no matter how dire things may sometimes look on the surface and whatever may befall us, things will always turn out right again, if not during this lifetime then in another. The best we can do in all situations is to look towards our inner guidance and trust that we and our world rest safely in the hands of God and the Angels. All we can do is accept what comes and work our way through our tests and trials, safe in the knowledge that all evil is only in this world so that we may learn from it and that finally it will lead us and our world back to good. That, after all, is the Universe’s true nature and also our own. For as long as we always strive to remain faithful to it, trusting our inner guidance to show us the way, everything will always work out well in the end.

There comes a time in everybody’s life when the Great White Spirit, the Father/Mother of all life, draws us towards Itself; more about this theme later. Recognising when this event is likely to occur is not difficult for me as an astrologer. As I do not want to bore you with technical details here, may it suffice to say that we can only be drawn when our energies have aligned themselves to those of the Universal life force, the Father/Mother of all life, whose super-conscious faculties every soul contains in seed form. However, they can only begin to germinate and grow when the energies are right. And even then the awakening this brings with it does not happen for each soul until it has reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity.

The journey back into the light of its true nature and the oneness with God is a natural part of the evolutionary program of every soul. We reach the point of return is reached when we have gathered sufficient experiences that led to true growth of wisdom and understanding. Assimilating and integrating the lessons of the darker aspects of life is an important part of every soul’s return to its Source. When the right moment has come for any one of us, the Father can and will draw us. This never happens like the flicking of a switch. It is a development that takes time. As the months pass, new feelings begin to stir within us and gradually grow stronger. It is likely that we will feel instinctively drawn to a more spiritual and philosophical outlook on life. To help us along, people of this inclination will be drawn into our orbit.

There are certain times in our lives when we could be seriously in danger of ‘catching religion’, even if we previously lacked all interest in such matters. At such times, some are known to have suddenly wandered off into the sunset with a Bible tucked under their arm. A chance meeting, listening to someone on the radio or TV, a website we stumble upon on the internet, reading a book or a magazine may suddenly capture our interest and set us thinking. Typical responses at such times are: ‘This is interesting; why don’t I look into it a bit more, maybe get a book; how about attending a workshop or lecture?’ It is worth our while to follow such hunches, because that indeed is how – one way or another – our great Father/Mother eventually draws each one of us back and invites us to come home into the oneness with It.

Interestingly, even science is now confirming that among the genes we all have in common there is one, which one of its representatives in a 2006 TV interview called ‘the God gene’. Apparently, in about half the population this gene is active, whilst in the other half it is dormant. The active gene seems to help us sense and feel the presence of the Divine in ourselves and the world around us and there then come fleeting moments of awareness of the oneness of life.

For wise reasons the God gene remains quiescent for a long time. Only when a soul has reached a certain degree of spiritual maturity and the energies are aligned in the right way, the gene in question comes alive and begins to stir within. And if any of the spiritual aspects which this work touches upon speak to you and you feel a positive inner response – even if you were never interested in such things before – to me, that is an indication that the Father is drawing you towards Him and that your God gene is in the process of awakening. For souls who so far do not feel this kind of response, the Father’s special call has not yet come. Like all great things, it’s that simple.

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With love and light,

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29 Sep, 2022
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