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Miracles And Wonders (52)
Miracles And Wonders (52)

Miracles And Wonders (52)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 4th October 2022

From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

Flying On The Wings Of The Great White Eagle

To this day, occasionally a confirmation of something I have recently been writing about intuitively arrives in the form of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides. This was the case with an article that appeared in the February/March 2011 issue of ‘Stella Polaris’, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge with the heading ‘One in Thought – From an Inner Teaching by White Eagle’. The following is its essence:

‘Thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. It has the power of creating good and bringing healing, but it can also inflict pain and disease, disrupt and destroy. Your earthly scientists are only on the outermost fringe of comprehending that thought can do anything in your world and all others. Thought is the root of all suffering and of wars, but at the same time it is responsible for beauty and harmony, siblinghood and providing you with everything you have ever longed for.

‘Knowing that thought is creative, that’s why we, the group of spirit guides known as White Eagle, always work with the creative power of thought and make every effort to avoid negative and destructive thinking. You will have noticed that our advice is always constructive and that we foresee the good outcome of everything. This is by no means foolishly optimistic. It is realistic because by seeing only good something of this nature is created by our thoughts and thus helps to bring into being some more of that which is good, right and desirable. There is no point in thinking in terms of pessimism, destruction or death. They too are a inevitable parts of the evolutionary process. In truth, however, everything that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation consists of forever unfolding and progressing life. Everything that happens anywhere is of God and therefore intrinsically good.

‘To this day, many of those in earthly life become so immersed with trivialities that they fail to realise the power in which they have their being and that it was created to assist humankind with its spiritual development. This is particularly true for the power of thought. As a result, we in our world observe a great deal of confusion in the thought forces. When we see you, God’s beloved children of the Earth, enduring physical pain and discomfort, and weariness of mind and body, spirit and soul, we want to bring them the healing balm they need. In people’s present state that can be exceedingly difficult. Yet, it is possible for people to find perfect health and that is by training their thought patterns and directing them into healthier channels, so that the healing rays from the Highest levels of life, the Christ circle, can flow through them and alleviate the suffering of many.

‘For a long time people on the Earth believe that their thoughts are entirely their own and cannot be known by anyone. There could be no graver mistake. There are two streams of consciousness and thought in your world, a positive and a negative one. Every thought that anyone thinks in your world joins the relevant stream and so has the power to affect the whole of humankind. Because of this it is impossible to be good, kind and loving and think such thoughts without assisting the growth of good for your whole world. Naturally, the same is true for unkind, negative and unloving thoughts.

‘Can you see what a great responsibility each one of you is carrying? That’s why wise ones radiate loving thoughts in someone’s direction, independent of how much they may be tempted to criticise. This is not difficult for those who are aware that everybody has the best as well as the worst in them, is on the same evolutionary pathway and struggling with their specific learning curve. Each has to make their own mistakes and learn from them and is therefore in need of every bit of help that anyone can provide. That’s why wise ones are happy to supply some by sending a kind and understanding thought.

‘Each thought creates a wave in the ether. Whenever you are thinking about a person, your thoughts travel directly to them and take form. They hover around them and wait until they are off guard. For as long as the recipient’s mind is filled with useful and helpful thoughts, the intruder cannot penetrate until the mind is less occupied, but then it jumps in. If you are aware of what is happening to you, you can dismiss negative thoughts or transmute them into a good and constructive ones. If the thought that was sent was a good one, it will motivate the recipient to do something good. Everybody in earthly life is continually receiving the thoughts of others, particularly from the astral and mental planes where the thought-forces are at work.

‘When you are suffering physically, refuse to focus on and think of your suffering. Each time someone is in pain and the thought enters their mind: ‘Oh, how I suffer! I do feel bad!’, the negative thought powers around that person makes the pain worse because the negative powers around them increase in strength, just the same as the thought of good, of God, envelopes and enfolds them in the light of the Christ Star and the healing rays of the Universal Christ’s spirit. Anyone who learns to apply this knowledge wisely, in due course you will be able to reap wonderful blessings, not only for themselves – it is impossible to think merely for yourself – but for others as well.

‘The teachings, the knowledge, the wisdom and power of the Divine white healing magic is the same today as it was yesterday, always has been and forever will be. The secret of this magical power consists of the control and the use of thought. Masters of magic have complete mastery over their thoughts and their power. For a long time, in earthly life and whilst spending time in our world, everybody has difficulties training their thoughts and thus gaining control over our mental bodies. Frequently it is only after they have left their physical body behind that people begin to understand, at first only vaguely, that they are living in a world of thought.

‘Spiritual masters are teaching us that, if we wish to tread the path of the mysteries, we have to train ourselves to be precise and particular in our thoughts, take good care of our surroundings, and do our best to create harmony wherever we go. That’s the foundation on which all spiritual life is built and of the power of magic every human being eventually learns how to wield in their thoughts. That’s the only way the power of the white healing magic can be developed. What in earthly life is known as psychic gifts is merely a preliminary to the opening of the higher spiritual gifts of the Christ spirit, who is waiting to wake from its slumber in every human heart. In the fullness of time, the Christ power will hold dominion over the Earth and draw the people of all nations together into the siblinghood of the great family of humankind. As this gradually comes to pass, the vibrations and the physical conditions of the Earth are changing; they are becoming higher, finer and more etherealised. Each one of you has the power to make their contribution to the spiritual advancement of the whole of your race and its world.

‘During the first part of their earthly education each person exists as if it were living in its own small prison, so immersed are they in the task of earning their daily bread and provide for food and clothing, housing and protecting their physical body. Its ignorance of God’s true nature and their own and the fear this brings with it that keeps them imprisoned for a long time. But gradually the Christ spark within stirs from its deep sleep in materialism. The further we penetrate into the Aquarian Age, the more the mental vibrations of the thought power of the highest levels of life will be stimulating humankind’s individual and collective higher mind. This is because the Angelic hosts are drawing ever closer to humankind and pouring their rays of truth and light into its consciousness. As time goes by, you will notice how a great revival and stimulation of people’s spiritual faculties is taking place. Materialism will gradually lose its hold and there will be increasing evidence of the spiritual forces at work in literature, music and science.

‘Influencing humankind’s evolutionary progress in positive and constructive ways is not difficult. The only thing you need to do is developing the ability to think good thoughts by perceiving the good behind all situations and in every human being. In addition to this wise ones constantly keep the transmitter/receiver station of their earthly mind tuned into the frequencies of the Highest intelligence, God and the Angels and Masters around His/Her throne, so that the blessing and healing power of their energies can flow through you into your world.

‘Even though on the spiritual inner level of life there is no separation between anything and all is one, everybody retains their individuality and we are all related to each other like drops in the ocean. After all, that’s what each one of us is in the vast ocean of life. This is how the whole of Creation moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life as one great Cosmic siblinghood and that is the main secret of the Divine healing white magic. When one of is healing, the whole of Creation does the same. It is impossible to exist in splendid isolation. Because of the inner oneness, whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, everybody’s behaviour and thinking patterns are constantly affecting the lives of millions. So take care that yours are the right ones.

‘The eagle is a symbol of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, on whose mighty wings the whole of Creation is flying. We, the groups of spirit guides and helpers, are part of its vast messenger and distributing network. The Divine wisdom and knowledge we are bringing are providing those who receive and understand them with spiritual wings. Their ever increasing vision of the higher and highest levels of life enables you to lift yourself and those around you above the trouble and strife of their earthly existence and recognise the high and holy purpose they serve. The simplest and yet most profound teaching was given to you and your world in the Jesus legend with the words: ‘Love one another. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, mind and body, and love your neighbour as you love yourself.’’

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The Light Of All Worlds

The Christ Star is the symbol of the Universal Christ, the light of all lights and the Sun of all Suns. It is the light of our world and all others and the Universal Christ is the Grandmaster of all lodges of consciousness on the Earth plane, i.e. philosophies, religions and belief systems. To this day they are speaking to us, for example through the legend of the life of Jesus, the Christed one. In the Native American tradition the eagle represents the spirit and a lodge is a dwelling place such as a hogan, wigwam or longhouse. The group living in such a place is also called a lodge.

In my view, the names White Eagle and the White Eagle Lodge and what was to become its mission were not chosen to represent one particular personality in the world of spirit. It stands for a whole group of wise ones through whom the Angels from the highest levels of life chose to bring to our world fresh insights into and updates for the existing spiritual knowledge. The Lodge was founded in 1936, three years before the outbreak of World War II, at a time when the clouds of darkness, destruction and death were gathering with increasing force over our poor beleaguered world and there was a particularly great need for the light of God’s wisdom.

In the Lodge’s own words, the White Eagle guides once worked through the spiritual mediumship of Grace Cooke for the purpose of helping our race to find a better understanding of its true spiritual nature, so that through this our love for all lifeforms that share our world with us could grow. How well they have always succeeded in fulfilling this task. However, the time for imparting fresh wisdom through spiritual mediumship is over. No successor to continue Grace Cooke’s work has come forth to this day, probably because this aspect of humankind’s spiritual development has run its course and the role of spiritual mediumship is changing *.

It is every earthling’s birthright to eventually evolve into being its own recipient of Divine wisdom and truth that flows intuitively into their hearts and souls from the source of our being. When our earthly self regularly tunes the receiver/transmitter station of its mind into the frequencies of the highest levels of life, the Divine spark in our heart and soul wakes from its slumber. That’s the beginning of its transformation into the living God within, the wise one who really does know the answer to all our questions.

The White Eagle teachings, the same as any other item of spiritual knowledge that was ever given to our world by the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, were never intended to be set in concrete or hewn into stone. Spiritual knowledge is of a fluid nature and is intended to enlarge and expand, as we and our world move through various evolutionary cycles and with it our ability to comprehend God’s sacred wisdom and truth increases. Keeping pace with our race’s continued progress, groups of Angels and Masters, guides and helpers have always been working in the background of life to gradually guide us into a constantly improving understanding of God’s true nature and our own, as well as our special relationship with the Divine.

On the mighty wings of Its sacred wisdom and truth the Great White Eagle wants to lift us all above the Earth plane and carry us onto ever higher levels of awareness and understanding. Because of a better perception of their present existence in the Cosmic context and the presence of the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers who are constantly surrounding them, even the last one of God’s beloved children of the Earth will eventually reach the developmental point when they will no longer feel lost on the physical plane of life.

Book knowledge and learning parrot fashion is well and good, but any information that comes our way has to be integrated by us and that can only happen through testing and trying it out for ourselves. Unless we apply the spiritual knowledge we are finding along the pathway of our lives to every one of our daily encounters, it will remain what it was in the first place: book and head knowledge that has no spiritual value whatever. Only through conscious application can it sink into our consciousness and in this way become the spiritual property of our eternal inner self. This is the only type of possession we take with us into the world of spirit, when our time for departure from the physical plane has come; no-one can ever take it from us. It accompanies us into Eternity and will forever stand us in good stead, as it can be drawn upon whenever the need for it arises.

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The following is the essence of a teaching about spontaneity from the White Eagle group of message guides that came my way in ‘Stella Polaris’ February/March 2011: ‘It is one thing to learn about scientific facts, as they are known in earthly life, and quite a different one when spiritual or occult truth is concerned. Until you have built into your soul body the creative God atoms of light and with their help have found a deep inner understanding of such matters, you cannot serve life as you would like to. Knowing something with your mind only is quite different from being able to comprehend it with your inner self. The result of the latter is spontaneous good thinking and actions through which the light of God’s love flows and that have the power of creatively raising the atoms and vibrations of your whole world.

‘The growth of your mental bodies depends on what kind of habitual thought patterns you develop. To most effectively train theirs, wise ones during their times of prayers, meditations and quiet reflections, tune the receiver/transmitter stations of their earthly minds into the frequencies of the highest levels of life. This, with the passing of time, changes their thinking and behaviour patterns quite naturally. By conducting their lives the right way and without hesitation following the advice of their Highest or Christ Self, this part of their nature gradually takes over their whole being.

‘Through this your higher mental vehicles develop and you are evolving into a living channel and bridge between Heaven and Earth. As a result the living God within all life can flow through you and work on transforming your planet into a state that is far removed from the way it is known at present. The new Earth that God and the Angels are in the process of creating will eventually be so advanced that, although it still consists of the same substance, its matter will be filled with more light and therefore be much less dense than you know it now.’

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The Golden Future Of Humankind

There now follows the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came to me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 16th April 2018: ‘Miracles come into being as a result of putting into operation the Divine law of love. At all times it manifests itself in earthly life as much as it does throughout the rest of God’s Creation. On the Earth plane human beings are used in gentle and beautiful ways to bring miracles about. You have no idea when God and the Angels are creating one of them through you.

‘For quite some time by now, they have been working on the greatest miracle that has ever taken place on the Earth. It consists of healing the minds and bodies, spirits and souls and each one of you individually and collectively of your whole world. This is possible because on the inner level of life there is no separation between anything, whenever one of you finds healing not only your whole world but the entire Creation heals with you.

‘Once more we would like to draw your attention to the importance of the Divine law of love. In your world it not only manifests itself in goodwill, kindness and tolerance between people, but also that in ever more of you a new kind of faith and trust is stirring. These feelings keep on growing the more you find out that all life throughout the whole of Creation is one great spiritual family of all life; that on the higher and highest levels God and the Angels and Masters are taking care of you and your world, assisted on the lower levels of the spirit world by countless numbers of friends and helpers. All together we are responsible for the development of you and your world.

‘This kind of knowledge awakens in human hearts and souls a growing interest in the Angelic beings in charge of other planets and studying other parts of the enormous spiritual Universe where planet Earth once was crystallized into a form of matter so that you, during lifetimes spent on it could receive earthly education. The great plan of life provides that each one of you would be spending many lifetimes playing the role of a mere earthling, so that you could get to know and understand the material world you would be placed in time and again. For a long time you would be unaware of your true nature, but towards the end of your earthly curriculum the truth would be revealed to you.

‘Great things are in store for every human being. In your higher etheric bodies you will in due course be able to visit and get to know the worlds of much more highly evolved beings than you have ever consciously known before. They no longer require physical bodies for getting around and neither will you by that time. For however long you choose, you can live among and be one of them. There is no need to be afraid of getting lost in the vastness of space because God and the Angels will always be with and part of you, the way they have always been. The only difference will be that you are not only conscious of their presence, you also can see them. They will forever be guiding and protecting you, the same as they have always done.

‘So be of good cheer, dear friends of the Earth. Each time earthly life threatens to get on top of you, keep on keeping on and look forward to these things. If occasionally the going gets too tough, take comfort from knowing that what’s happening to you is but a small part of your evolutionary journey which is sure to pass. Trust us when we say that all is well, all is good and rests safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels, and ours, because that is the truth. We hope that knowing this will help you to endure what your karmic debts still have to present to you with as much courage and strength as you can muster. And never forget that we are with you to supply you with these qualities and as you move through your experiences, they are quite naturally developing within you.

‘Refuse to limit your thinking and conceptions of earthly life. Send your loving thoughts into the spiritual Universe and further into what’s known to you as outer space of the physical one. Become aware that all lifeforms that exist anywhere in the whole of Creation are one big family and that therefore they are your siblings. In your thoughts move further and further away from your small planet and mingle with the beings of other worlds, send them your love and greetings. The time is going to come when you will be visiting them, not with the help of clumsy spaceships but using your higher etheric bodies. Spaceships as you know them would be of no use to you out there.’

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God’s Unerring Justice

The essence of an extract from a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris February/March 2018 under the heading ‘The Inner Awakening’: ‘The law of life is love and evolution through love. God is the law and the law is God, whose love and laws pervade and rule every level of the whole of Creation. The Universal laws cannot be influenced by anything that would change their course and corrupted them. They know no punishment or retribution and they do not judge. God’s justice is perfect. Errors or miscarriages of justice are unknown on the inner spiritual levels of life. Every outer manifestation is an extension of the inner ones and therefore has the same qualities and characteristics.

‘The law of Karma is not by any means something negative, as many earthlings believe it to be. It is completely neutral and returns as many good and positive things as negative and evil ones to its sender. The law just is and functions exceedingly well. The only thing it has in mind for humankind is providing opportunities for consciousness expanding experiences that help every one of God’s children of the Earth to grow in wisdom and understanding, whilst redeeming itself and making good where it once sinned.

‘In the whole of Creation there is no such thing as chances, accidents or coincidences. Everything that happens in your world is the result of the law of Karma, especially the events that on the surface of life appear to be very tragic. If you had access to the Akashic Records *, you would be able to see for yourself how the conditions of such occurrences, for those affected by them as well as the groups and nations each one of them belongs to, down to the minutest details are the outworking of the Karmic law of cause and effect. This is how the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, is constantly redeeming some of their karmic debts.

‘Because God’s characteristics and powers are also in you, every one of you carries the power within – if only in its slumbering state thus far – for sowing the seeds of a more beautiful and peaceful world. Your present is occupied with attending to your karmic obligations and making every effort to go about it in the right manner. Learning to control your thought processes and living in harmony with God’s Universal laws empowers you to sow the right seeds in our present lifetime. The knowledge of this is the instrument God and the Angels are placing into everyone’s own hands – or rather heart and soul – for making their own contribution towards positively influencing your own future and that of your whole world.

‘In the long run it is irrelevant whether Christianity or any other belief system survives. It’s the Christ spirit in every human heart and soul, in its total and unconditional surrender to its Highest or God Self. Its kindness and goodwill, tolerance and love for all lifeforms is the only authority who can save and redeem each one of us and our world. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are part of it and working on it – together with you on the one hand and with God and the Angels and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life on the other. No-one on their own has any true power, but together with them makes us so strong and powerful that anything can be done and performing miracles is easy.

‘And if you are longing to find truth, all you have to do is gain access to the wise one, the living God within you. On that level of consciousness the meaning of God’s love is known and you are meant to use the knowledge we are bringing you about it in your everyday life. In words, thoughts and actions show the people around you how they too can find their own way to God’s light, i.e. wisdom and knowledge. Encourage them to do their share of preparing for a golden harvest on the Earth by sharing the seeds that are coming their way with as many as possible.

‘Keep the glorious vision of the new golden age in mind and do not allow anything to deter you and do not be disappointed when you see but a few results of your work. Hold steadfast onto the vision that we are giving you about the age of love and peace, wisdom and truth, that is sure to come into being as ever more of you desire it and willingly and unselfishly work on making their contribution to bringing your new world into being. And because God is in everything and at all times is manifests Him/Herself through the Universal laws, in the fullness of time perfection and joy will come to your world through everyone’s own efforts.

‘You will then be experiencing a life that none of you can as yet imagine, even in your wildest dreams. It is going to be a life of beauty and joy, health and harmony and the love that is the supreme ruler of the spirit spheres. They are spheres of pure light and beauty that are far beyond the world of desires of your present existence and the astral worlds. Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance darkness. Peace be with each one of you as you journey onward into the light of full conscious awareness. There is nothing to fear. God, the Angels and we are with each one of you, holding your hands, giving of our courage and strength, and showing the way whenever someone asks for it. As everybody is required to do their share of the work involved, do your best to spread the good news we are bring you.

‘Whenever you wish to find out whether someone is telling you the truth, go to your inner guidance. It knows the way of all things and will never lead you astray. Naturally, this also applies to the knowledge you receive from us.’

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From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

No-One Is Without Value

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 25.3.2013: ‘Each one of you is a precious and unique being, who is loved by the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents, far more than any of you can imagine. No human being is without value and each one of you is of the greatest importance as a manifestation of God, who is in the process of evolving into perfection, i.e. wholeness, and through whom the Divine forces in due course will be able to touch the lives of countless others. Your earthly minds are receiver and transmitter stations and potentially each one of you is a channel and reflector of God’s light. If in your minds you hold fast to the realisation of God’s light and life, it can shine through you into the whole of your world. In this way the power of God’s light can reach and illuminate everyone you get in touch with, as well as many others who are unknown to you.

‘The esoteric meaning of the surface words of the Jesus legend’s Easter and resurrection story is but an allegory that describes the death and resurrection of every human being’s spiritual nature. At the beginning of your education on the physical plane, every spirit/soul’s consciousness is nailed to the cross of that existence. For wise higher educational purposes they have to die. Yet, after having spent a sufficient number of lifetimes in the earthly school of life, through the understanding gained everybody’s spiritual nature eventually rises from its ‘grave’. It then moves from your subconscious mind into your conscious awareness and is therefore ‘resurrected’ by every lower earthly self.

‘May the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, bless each one of you. Through an improved grasp of these things may the heart and soul not only of every one of you heal, but also those of the whole of humankind through nothing more than the loving and caring breath of improved understanding.’

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And this is the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as a Lodge’s Monday Thought on 7th January 2019: ‘Every human being is constantly close to God’s loving heart. For a long time without being aware of it, this love is part of you and when in the fullness of time the Divine spark within you wakes up, your own Christ nature starts to develop. Through bringing forth the highest and best that is within you, this part of your being provides you with the sweetness, nobility and strength of character of the Divine, and also the inspiration and courage to move bravely along the predestined pathway. Wherever it may take you, it will give you companionship and never ending love and joy as the glory of God’s Creation reveals itself to you more and more.

‘The false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old religions have kept humankind for long enough from discovering that your earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which you either wind up in Heaven and are eternally at one with Jesus, or frying forever in the fires of hell in the devil’s realm. We are glad to tell you that none of these things ever existed on the earthly plane. We are also glad to tell you that every human being’s pathway of life is a long drawn out evolutionary journey. The initial part consists of spending many lifetimes experiencing the manifold lessons of the earthly school of life.

‘This, however, is only necessary until your higher God or Christ has evolved sufficiently, so that your eternal and immortal spirit/soul no longer requires a physical body for getting around. That’s how, in the fullness of time, every human being is released into enjoying the ever greater freedom and beauty of our world, the spirit realm. You will never be alone. Forever you will be protected and shown the way by wise spirit friends and helpers provided by God and the Angels.

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‘Ultimately, when you analyses the situation properly, you will be able to recognise that anyone who ever took part in the earthly school of life’s lessons is not guilty of anything. This is true even though quite naturally all of them are involved in the earthly plane’s procedures of crime and punishment. Spiritually, however, none of you will ever be guilty of anything. This is because every human being, at any given moment, is but a student or pupil of the earthly school of life. And that is why, as pointed out many times before, first every one of you has to find themselves on the giving end of suffering, liberally and joyfully handing it out to those around them.

‘In spite of this, spiritually even they are not guilty of anything. It’s merely that they are taking part in one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. Every one of them is compulsory and cannot be avoided by anyone. Everybody has to experience them and that’s why, one after the other, these lessons come to you and that in two ways. That’s why you hand suffering out to those around you during your early lifetimes. As yet you are unaware that, in the fullness of time, the Universal law of cause and effect or Kama is bound to return every one of your thoughts, words and actions to you.

‘And this is why, in future lifetimes, you will be finding yourself on the receiving end of the suffering you once handed out to those around you. Just like some folks in your world are doing at present. It’s coming to you because in previous lifetimes you were on the giving end, the way they are now. In those days, it gave you the greatest of pleasure because you got the impression that you had been blessed with the greatest of cleverness. Even though you were cheating and lying through your teeth, you believed that you really were getting away with everything.

‘This is how, in spite of the fact that for a long time you have to be unaware of why things are happening to you, everybody has to take part in the same lesson twice. Yes, even your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers! Never forget that every one of them is your sibling in the great family of humankind. And bear in mind that whatever any one of you, at any given moment, sends into your world, in the fullness of time the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma must return to you. As soon as you have spiritually matured sufficiently so you can cope with whatever comes your way, this applies to everything that comes from you.

‘That is why we ask every one of you to forgive, forgive and forgive! Forgiveness and love alone can help the spiritual nature of the siblings, whose behaviour is causing you suffering, to gradually wake up from its slumbering state. So practise loving and forgiving as much as possible. Bear in mind that whenever you are helping someone in any way, manner, shape or form, you are really doing it for yourself, because on the spiritual inner plane, all life is one. There is no separation between anything. The corollary of this is that whenever you are hurting anyone, you are hurting everybody and especially yourself.

‘Although you have no conscious recall of what you did then, many lifetimes ago you too were one of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. Like them you enjoyed more than anything thinking of yourself as cleverer and superior to just about everybody around you. The suffering that’s coming your way these days is no more than the second part of the same lesson. Don’t shy away from anything because it may well be the final part of your earthly school of life’s curriculum.

‘The energies of those who pass this examinations, at the end of their present lifetime will be right for being released into exploring the greater freedom of our world, the spirit realm. Through first hand experiences every one of you will then get to know the next higher level of their education as a young God in the making. As many of you by now are aware of, that’s what every human being truly is.

‘The next higher level is sure to follow when the end of your earthly education has been reached. There then follows one level after another and that continues until, even the last one of you has evolved into one of the Masters of the Christ Circle, each in their own right. They too will then be able to create and destroy whole worlds and everything within them. Guided and protected by us, the Angels and their companion Masters, they will be doing so in keeping with the Divine Great evolutionary plan. God bless you all, each one.’

Updated October 2022

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From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

Do Not Judge

Refuse to find fault with those who limp
Or stumble along the road,
Unless you have walked a mile in their shoes
And struggled under their load.

There may be tacks in their shoes that hurt,
But are hidden from your view,
And if their cross were on your back,
You’d probably stumble, too.

Don’t sneer at anyone who is down today,
Unless you have experienced the blow
That caused their fall and felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong now, but if the blows
They received were dealt to you
In the same way,
You might stagger, too.

Don’t be harsh with those who sin
Or pelt them with words and stones,
Unless you are sure, yes twice sure,
That you have no sins of your own.

For who knows, if your lower self’s voice
Whispered as sweetly to you,
As it did to them before they went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Wise ones count their blessings
And thank their lucky stars for no longer
Needing lessons of the same nature.
Aware that every one of their
Thoughts, words and actions
Travels round in a circle and returns to them,
Enriched with more of what’s been sent out,
They abstain from judging others,
For they do not wish their vibrations to draw
People with judgemental attitudes
Towards themselves.

Only being able to ever see one side of anything they observe and that beyond a shadow of doubt everything that happens in our world is part of the redemption of someone’s karmic debts and life lessons, frequently of many people, wise ones refuse to judge anything at face value. They know that the things that are ugly and evil are manifestations of their unevolved state, and that each one of them is on its way of slowly but surely – and that may take many human earthly lifetimes – being transformed into something that’s good, right and beautiful.

This is why these sages have no need for wasting the precious energies of the lifeforce within them on complaining, whinging and moaning, getting angry and upset about the present state of our world. They prefer to spend it on looking at and contemplating on the many things and people that have already reached much higher evolutionary levels. Aware that this assists their own spiritual development as well as that of our world, wherever they are they are doing their best to bring more of it into being.

As ever, there is more to this than meets the eye. Our world is one of dualities and consists of two streams of thought or consciousness that are in polar opposition to each other. One is of goodness and light and the other of darkness and destruction. Both are equally creative and in our world their manifestations are good or evil. As co-creators with God, through every one of our thoughts, words and actions we are constantly in the process of creating something. Our thoughts create our reality and are feeding either into the stream of goodness and light or of evil and darkness. Even the smallest contributions increase their power and strength. If we are among the lamenters who can only see the dark side of our world, our thoughts as well as written and spoken words of complaint about its state are dragging us further into the dungeon of depression. It acts like a quagmire that pulls those affected ever deeper into the dark side of themselves and our world.

The resulting darkness, if left unattended and unresolved, is stored in the memories of our soul each time we leave our physical body behind at the end of another earthly lifetime. The lower self has no idea that its soul is calling out ever louder that it is in need of healing. Suppressing depressive symptoms with the products of the pharmaceutical industry merely delays what is truly required. With the help of these chemicals we are going to bring the darkness, that is entirely of our own making, with us into every new lifetime. When depression hits us then, we cannot understand for the life of us why this should be happening to us.

This is bound to continue until we bravely face our depression and seriously get to work on it. And that’s an extremely scary enterprise, but we do not have to do this on our own. Far from it! God and the Angels are part of us and with us at all times. Not only are they aware of our suffering, they are suffering with us. All we have to do is ask for their help. It will never be denied to anyone who requests it. So why not get on with it, now and see what happens?

And that is why wise ones at all times look at the bright side of things. They concentrate on that which is good, right and beautiful in our world and the good that is in every human being. They know that even if it may exist only in seedform in someone so far, it is there. The evolutionary law of life will see to it that it wakes up when the time is right for this to happen. Such kind and loving thoughts and words are feeding into the stream of light and adding to its strength. They also have the power of igniting the Divine spark in those around us and assist their awakening to come about more easily than it would otherwise have done.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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With love and light,

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4 Oct, 2022
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