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Miracles And Wonders (54)
Miracles And Wonders (54)

Miracles And Wonders (54)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 16th October 2022

Weep Not When Someone Passes From Your World

Increasing numbers of you these days realise that time does not exist on the other side of the veil in the spirit realm. To this day separates the material world from it. Rejoice, because as soon as your spirit/soul has once more returned to us, at the end of your most recent earthly lifetime, you are free to visit our halls of learning as frequently as you like. That is the place where you can take part in any of the subjects you may have been interested in for a long time. yet never had enough time to seriously study them in your present existence.

When you are looking at the next two chapters, please bear in mind that when we presented them to your world through our scribe/secretary Aquarius a long time ago, it was our attempt at helping her to find a better understanding of the subject under discussion. The initial part of ‘The Healing Temple Of The Sun’ you can visit in your dreamtime and during meditations, but it no longer applies to you once your spirit/soul has returned to our realm, at the end of your present lifetime.

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From ‘Our World In Transition’

In The Healing Temple Of The Sun

Imagine that you and I, together with our Guardian Angels, are standing on the shores of a lake in the world of light. Its water looks like mother-of-pearl and appears to be perfectly still, but then we notice that it is gently moving and that its colour is constantly changing. Another Angel joins us who introduces itself as the keeper of the lake and explains that it is a healing lake. Sensing that we are in need of healing, it tells us that the best way of starting this process is to slowly and deeply keep on breathing in the love of God, until every cell and atom of our whole being is filled with it and white wings of healing light have wrapped themselves around us.

The Angel explains that although God’s healing light looks white, in truth it contains every colour of the rainbow and each one has a different healing quality. For example, green is cleansing, blue brings deep feelings of peace and relaxation, a golden shade of yellow restores hope, faith and trust in the Highest and also vitality, the different shades of purple assist the opening of humankind’s higher consciousness and so forth. Just by looking at us the Angel knows what colours are going to be most beneficial for us. So it takes us by the hand and walks with us into the lake. The water is soft and warm; it supports us well and our movements are peaceful and effortless. Floating in it feels like being held and protected by the loving arms of the Great Father/Mother. Refreshed and cleansed we leave the water after a while. Thanking the Angel of the lake, we say good-bye.

Our whole being is open to the beauty and wonder of the spirit realm. It is filled with the rosy glow of dawn and we notice that one of the stars in the sky above us shines with particular brilliance. Our Guardian Angels have taken over again and one of them explains that what we are looking at is Venus, the planet of love and peace, beauty and harmony. In earthly life it is the planetary ruler of Taurus, the feminine fixed Earth sign of the builder. Here Venus appears as the Morning Star. Venus also rules the cardinal Air sign Libra, the masculine sign dedicated to the development of marriages, partnerships and all other kinds of relationships. Here Venus appears as the Evening Star. ‘As a matter of fact,’ the Angel says, ‘what you are looking at is a good omen that a new developmental phase of the whole of Creation and therefore also for the whole of humankind and its world, is progressing well.

The Sun’s light together with that of the Morning Star creates a pathway of healing light across the lake’s water. At first it’s just a narrow strip, but it soon widens out and becomes a golden highway into the heart of the Sun. Hand in hand with the Angels we are walking into the love and warmth of the Sun that’s drawing us ever closer into its loving embrace and our whole being joyously responds. A circular temple comes into view that is supported by seven mighty pillars and filled with light. We walk up seven steps and enter the temple through a golden arch. One of the Angels explains that the pillars represent the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. As executors of God’s great plan of life, they are in charge of and responsible for the evolutionary development of the whole of Creation, including us and our world.

The Angel continues: ‘What you see on the altar of the temple is the holy grail of the consciousness of the Great Father/Mother of all life, from which their love constantly flows into every cell and atom that exists in the whole of Creation, nurturing and caring for it at all times. And wherever something is in need of healing and putting right, God’s love does its best to restore its normal healthy functioning. If you would like to find out more about this, how about visiting the Halls of Learning?’ When we nod in agreement, our Angels take us to the hall where the Angels of Sagittarius, the zodiac’s sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties, hold their lectures.

When we enter that hall, the Sagittarian Angel at the lectern interrupts its flow and greets us with these words: Everything you will ever hear in these halls is the truth and that includes scientific subjects. In this realm no-one is exposed to the assumptions and the more or less inspired guesses that some of your earthly scientists indulge in, in the hope that this will enable them to join the ranks of highly paid pop-star scientists. Many in your world to this day believe that the event of the earthly sciences has put an end to the notion of God, the Creator.

How could there be a Creation without a creator? Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could and nothing ever will do. But there will come a time in the not too distant future when everybody on the earthly plane will know that the only thing your scientists can do is trying to understand the Great Architect and Designer’s laws that are the basis of all life , on every one of its levels and that throughout the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. There is no need for humankind to do away with the notion of God as the Creator of everything that exists anywhere. The only thing that’s required is a better understanding of who or what God truly is.

However, let’s return to the creative ideas that are constantly flowing from the Great Father’s mind and how they are brought into manifestation on the material plane. The material for anything that is brought into being in the whole of Creation is the Christ Star’s light. For the material world the Father’s will reduces the light’s vibrations and the power of his thoughts projects his ideas to the Great Mother. Her love and wisdom decides which ones should be brought into being and where, and that could be anywhere in the whole of Creation.

When one of the Father’s ideas starts to manifest itself in the matter of your world, at first it can only do so in a crude and unevolved state. That which in earthly life is perceived as evil is in truth merely the early phase of development. In particular this applies to the earthly personality of human beings. The evolutionary journey of every individual spirit/soul may take hundreds, thousands and in some cases millions of lifetimes. From the moment of their first appearance in the material world the Divine Trinity constantly draws them, the same as all its creations, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And that’s how they slowly but surely evolve into ever more accomplished and sophisticated, beautiful and perfect manifestations of the ideas that exist in the Father’s mind.

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In The Halls Of Learning

The Sagittarian Angels continues: When the Creator said: ‘Let there be light!’, it was to be brought about in two different ways. The first one is quite literally the Christ Star’s light. That is the giver and nurturer of all life. Even the earthly feminine elements of Earth and Water are created from this light. Light also consists of the knowledge and understanding that the thus created offspring will be gathering along the pathway of their long evolutionary journey. Spiritually, these two things are light and the lack of them is darkness.

Every earthly self travels round and round the zodiac, time and again touching down in every one of its signs and houses. The more frequently it does this, the more it grows in wisdom and understanding of itself, its environment and also of God. At the same time the cells and atoms of the lower self’s physical body absorb increasing amounts of the Christ Star’s light, who is constantly drawing all manifestations of life forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral into its loving embrace. And that’s how humankind’s individual and collective consciousness expands.

The human spirit is masculine. Every one of them is an integral part of the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Great Father or God. Like Him they are eternal and immortal. The physical bodies of humans and animals alike are part of the Earth and belong to it. As every creature grows in wisdom and understanding during its long evolutionary journey the cells and atoms of their physical bodies slowly but surely fill with ever more of the Christ Star’s light and so does your planet. That’s how Mother Earth evolves through the contribution of every one of her creatures.

And for as long as you are taking part in earthly life, your soul is part of Mother Earth’s soul. She in turn is part of the soul of the whole of Creation, the Great Mother, the feminine sensitive feeling aspect of all that is. She is the storehouse of the soul memories of every spirit/soul that ever participated in earthly life or any other place or world in the whole of Creation. This is why the Great Mother’s wisdom knows the answers to any questions any one of you may ever care to ask. And even the tiniest bit of new understanding someone gains along the pathway of their evolutionary journey, wherever it may be taking place, adds to the already existing vast amount of spiritual knowledge. Through this it will keep on expanding in all Eternity.

The number 1 represents the first impulse of the creative process, the masculine energies of the Great Father or God. 1 = Leo, ruled by the Sun, the Sun in its own sign. The number 2 represents the second impulse, the feminine energies of the Great Mother, the Goddess. 2 = Cancer, ruled by the Moon, the Moon in its own sign. The astrological masculine elements are Fire and Air. All creative ideas are of a fiery nature. Fire = ideas. Air = thought. Through the power of thought the Father is constantly communicating his ideas to the Great Mother. Her elements in earthly life are Earth and Water. Earth = matter. Water = emotional, soft and sensitive feeling nature, the soul. The human physical body contains a combination of all four elements.

Number 3 = expansion, Jupiter, the expansive and beneficial planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The light of the Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father and Mother. They are the Divine Trinity who is working and functioning as one, peacefully and harmoniously. Each one responds to the demands of the others freely and willingly. From the Christ Star’s light the designs that have their origin in the Father’s mind are formed and brought into manifestation on the material plane, for example on the Earth. The Mother’s love and wisdom decides what should appear and when. The same applies when the time for removing and de-creating whatever has served its purpose and therefore is no longer required. Nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted, everything is recycled and that countless times.

And now the Angel makes a human form appear. Turning to its listeners it asks: ‘Who to you think this is? Does it look like Jesus?’ When we nod in agreement, it tells us that what we are seeing is but a thoughtform. God and the Angels temporarily created it to support the belief that every word of the Christian religion’s Jesus story is literally true. Nobody on the earthly plane would ever have followed any of the religions the Highest Forces from time to time introduced there, if it had already been common knowledge that they have never communicated with your world in that way. You were not to know too early that they were always bringing the higher esoteric truths of their wisdom hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends, allegories, symbolisms and metaphors they presented.

For a long time that has been their only means of communicating with you and your world, but this has been changing profoundly since your world’s entry into the age of Aquarius. It is the age of truth during which the ideas of the Highest will increasingly flow directly from the Great Universal mind into the receiver/transmitter station of the earthly minds that their owners consciously tuned into its frequencies. This shows their willingness to act as channels for what the Highest Forces wish to present to your world at any given time.

The understanding of the truth behind the surface words of the Jesus tales is of great significance for the present phase of humankind’s spiritual development. Even though the story in truth is but a legend, it was presented to your world as if every word of it were literally true. The purpose of this exercise was keeping humankind away from discovering the higher purpose of its earthly existence, of God’s true nature as well as its own and every human being’s special relationship with its Creator. God’s great plan of life provided that these things should be revealed only when the right time for doing so had come, which would be the case when the Aquarian age had been reached.

That’s why God and the Angels for some time have been revealing to your world that the only true saviour and redeemer of you and your world is the Christ Spirit because Jesus is but a symbolism that stands for the higher God or Christ nature of every human being. At the moment of its first appearance and the earthly plane a tiny spark of the Christ light is planted by God and the Angels in its heart where it remains in a slumbering state. Through the experiences of everyone’s earthly life the spark slowly begins to wake up. The Divine qualities of honesty and truth, tolerance and goodwill towards all manifestations of life are aspects of its Divine nature in all of you. These characteristics eventually are brought forth from deep within your own being. And that’s how, with the passing of time, the Christ Spirit ever more comes down to the Earth and brings peace, balance and harmony with it.

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From ‘The Universal Christ Speaks’

About Time

Refuse to think of time in the earthly sense. Consider only the timelessness of Eternity and look at life from the viewpoint of your Highest immortal self, Me. Know that everything that happens in your world rests safely in My hands and is part of the Great Plan of spiritualisation and bringing forth the self-realisation that enables you to recognise yourself as part of Me and Me as part of you – that in fact you yourselves are God. This process involves you as individuals as much as your planet. Fields of exploration and adventures await you that so far lie beyond the reach of your wildest dreams. Rest assured that everything will be for your highest good and greatest joy. Good is the ultimate goal of all life. True and lasting happiness and great miracles and wonders are in store for each one of you in the conscious reunion with Me and the returning home into My loving embrace.

Your planet is the only place where the concept of time exists. In truth it is always now. There is no tomorrow and no yesterday. They are merely ideas that had to be created especially for your world, to assist you with setting boundaries and giving structure and shape to your earthly sojourns. Know that you are in Eternity and that Eternity is now, that attitude is everything and that there is no need for you to worry about tomorrow. All you will ever have is your present moment and every new one of them will always bring fresh learning opportunities for those who are ready to take advantage of them. Let tomorrow take care of itself. If they so wish, let others worry about it but refuse to join them.

Because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything, when one of you changes their attitudes and thinking patterns, everybody else evolves with them. If you are familiar with spreadsheets, think of humankind and your whole world as a gigantic one of these. Now, change one figure – imagine that this figure is you – and watch the effect rippling through all the others – the rest of humankind and everything else in your world. See how they too are changing – it’s pure magic! The world you are inhabiting is a wondrous place. Alas, to unaware souls who are as yet unable to look beyond the ends of their noses and below life’s surface to perceive how I, the living spirit, am at work throughout all life, the insecurity of their earthly existence can be very frightening.

Rest assured that nothing can manifest itself in your environment unless it has first happened on the inner level of life. And there is no separation between anything there, each time one of you consciously changes their perception of life and attitude towards it, your whole world follows suit. And when you save and redeem yourself in thoughts, words and actions, your world is saved and redeemed with you. So, go your way with your eyes wide open and be alive by taking an active interest in what surrounds you.

Your intelligence is part of and one with Mine. Use it for good purposes only and strive to make your world a better place through bringing a renewed understanding of the true purpose and meaning of your earthly existence to as many as you can. Share the knowledge you find to help ignite the Divine spark in people’s hearts and souls, so that the small still flame of spiritual understanding comes alive in them and renews their faith and trust in your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me, their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, and the profound goodness of your existence. When its higher purpose reveals itself to your lower earthly self, it becomes clearly visible.

Assist the people you meet to become aware that in truth there is no yesterday or tomorrow, only this glorious moment of here and now, and that every moment of their lives is part of Eternity and precious. All who at any given time are dwelling on the Earth plane are aspiring to evolve into healers and lightbringers who, in the fullness of time, can be used as channels through which My wisdom and truth, the macrocosm, flows ever more forcefully into the consciousness of your race, the microcosm. Know that the power of creation is in you and that imagination is the source of all creation. Use yours to create the ideal world of your dreams where all live together in peace and harmony, and where warmongering, sickness and death are no longer known. By thinking about this often, you call it into being. And when you meditate and reflect upon it, through your inner guidance I will show you how you can do your share of bringing your new world about.

Rejoice in your oneness with the Great White Spirit and the Angels and experience the elation of acting as a true child of God by assisting others to become aware that they too are sparks of Me, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights, and therefore My daughters and sons. In the name of love the Divine Trinity asks this of each one of you. And never forget that nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted. Everything is constantly recycled time and time again. Each human life is consciousness that on the Earth plane believes that it is taking place in time. In truth, the concept of time only exists in that world, anywhere else there is no time. Life on your planet is a constant coming and going. Earthly personalities appear and exist there for a while, then their outer form dies. The indwelling spirit/soul moves on and the physical body that is left behind apparently decays, but in reality even this aspect of your being merely changes its form.

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From ‘Healers And Healing’

The Freedom Of The Aquarian Age

Do Not Think In Terms Of Time

There is no point in trying to understand humankind’s destiny as a whole and that of every individual within it, for as long as our nose is too close to the canvas of earthly life alone and our mind remains focussed on that it consists of but one single lifetime. Without moving to a higher perspective it’s impossible to recognise the greater picture, that there really is a great plan of life for the whole of humankind in which every individual has their place, and that all is well with us and our world. There is no doubt in my mind that there really is a great plan as well as a smaller one for each one of us, that we have always been steered and guided by God and the Angels, and that countless numbers of Angels and Masters, and other spirit guides and helpers are constantly beavering away on our behalves behind the scenes of earthly life.

If we wish to make sense of our race’s existence in physicality, there is no point in thinking in terms of one or two earthly sojourns only. For as long as we insist that this is all there is to life, it can do nothing but steadfastly refuse to make any sense whatever. But as soon as our outlook changes and our perception expands and includes the concepts of eternity and God’s great evolutionary plan, quite magically everything falls into place and makes a great deal of sense. At last we then grasp the reality of the infinite love of the Great Father/Mother of all life, who so lovingly and with the greatest of wisdom and foresight created this life for us, so that we should learn from it and grow in understanding of God’s true nature and our own.

Wise ones are sufficiently evolved souls who no longer think about one of their lifetimes but all of them, hundreds maybe thousands, who knows? For many of us this is likely to be the most important lifetime of all, the one of awakening into our own true nature. For those who are becoming aware of the high and holy destiny that awaits each one of us as beloved children of God, the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are beginning to open. This means no longer running with any kind of herd or forcefully being led by the nose to the slaughter, for example in times of war, commanded to kill and maim and to be killed and maimed – the way we are sure to have done in some of our lifetimes – by priests, emperors, kings and now politicians. They had and to this day some of them have he right to demand from their fellow citizens to sacrifice their life on the altar of their leaders’ crazy ambitions, struggles for power and empire building.

When one takes a closer look at humankind’s evolutionary journey so far and every single human pathway within it from this perspective, one can only come to the conclusion that there really is no point in thinking in terms of time. Spiritually it’s impossible and unimportant anyway because the concept of time merely exists on our planet. It is one of the Universe’s many teaching aids that help to give structure and some kind of shape to our lives. The Great Architect is the designer of the great plan of life and the Angels are its executors. They alone know when the process of spiritualisation of all life on the Earth plane will be complete. Meanwhile everything rests safely in their loving hands and anything that is still happening is part of the charted road of spiritualising that we and our world have to walk.

The spiritual knowledge we are finding along this way are the instruments for freeing ourselves of the false beliefs and prejudices of past ages. The Universal forces are placing it into everybody’s own hands. Yet, all types of spiritual wisdom should be used with caution and wisely. Discrimination and discernment are high on the list of qualities that have to be honed to a fine pitch by us. Whenever we are in doubt about something we have heard or read, our first port of call needs to be a consultation with our inner teacher, our intuition, so it can show us whether someone else’s truth should or should not added to the store of our own truth.

And whenever we encounter someone’s suffering on our pathway through life, it is good and right to support them and do the best we can to ease their situation. Reminding ourselves that everything in earthly life is but a passing phase and a lesson the sufferer is being taught helps us not to get emotionally too involved in what the other one has to go through. Loving them with detachment becomes easier the more we at one with our Highest Self and view all life from Its perspective. This detachment is needed if we wish to make a lasting and valuable contribution towards alleviating the suffering and pain of our world, especially that of an emotional and/or spiritual nature. Lifting the sufferers into the light of the Christ Star and praying for the assistance of the Angels is the best we can do in any kind of situation.

As aspiring healers and lightbringers we are here to live our truth and prove through our behaviour that we trust that we and our world are resting safely in the Universe’s loving hands. And yes, I do believe with all my heart and soul that in the fullness of time with Its help all crooked corners shall be made straight and all circumstances, no matter how difficult they may appear to be at present, will be resolved, redeemed and healed. Best of all we can help our world when we share the spiritual wisdom and understanding we are finding along our own pathway through life with those around us, so that they can see for themselves that all is truly well with us and our world, in spite of the things that are still happening around us.

To paraphrase one of Christianity’s beautiful hymns: ‘Freely, freely, you have received. Freely, freely, now give! Go in My name and because you believe, others will live in Me, too.’ It is not our job to carry the world on our shoulders – that is God’s responsibility. Our task is lifting of all humankind and our whole world into the heart-mind of God. In our prayers, meditations and contemplations, whatever our own unique and preferred ways of communing with the Divine are, at any moment we can ask for the help of God and the Angels, for they are the only ones who know what really is for the best. We can do this whenever and wherever their assistance is required. Any plea of this nature will never be overheard or denied.

Last but not least, to paraphrase St. John 14:12: ‘Whoever believes in Me and becomes like Me, the Spirit of the Universal Christ, is one with the Great Father/Mother of all life, who can then work through you to bring about the greatest miracle of all, the healing and restoration of your whole world.’

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With love and light,

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16 Oct, 2022
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