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Miracles And Wonders (57)
Miracles And Wonders (57)

Miracles And Wonders (57)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 21st October 2022

‘Waking Up From The Dark Night Of The Soul’

You’re sick of the game? Well, now that’s a shame.
You’re young and you’re brave and you’re bright.
You’ve had a raw deal!’ I know – but don’t squeal,
Buck up, do your damnedest, and fight.
It’s the plugging away that will win you the day,
So don’t be a piker, old pard!
Just draw on your grit, it’s so easy to quit.
It’s the keeping-your chin-up that’s hard.

It’s easy to cry that you’re beaten – and die;
It’s easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight when hope’s out of sight –
Why that’s the best game of them all!
And though you come out of each gruelling bout,
All broken and battered and scarred,
Just have one more try – it’s dead easy to die,
It’s the keeping-on-living that’s hard.

From: ‘The Quitter’ by Robert W. Service
‘Rhymes of a Rolling Stone’

And that’s why we are bringing you
today some more chapters of the

Stargazer’s Philosophy Behind The Divine Science

Love And Wisdom

Knowledge comes from learning.
Wisdom comes from living.

Love is the supreme law of the Universe, from which all other laws radiate out. We were created from love and all of us are here to learn how to love wisely, the way the Great Father/Mother of all life loves us. This is the kind of love that knows when withholding is better than giving. Our prime task on the Earth plane is finding people and things to whom we can give our love and who will return it to us. We are magnetic beings and because of this we can only attract into our lives that which we ourselves are, on the outer as well as the inner level.

That’s why people of a different calibre than those who are already accompanying us can only be drawn into our orbit by altering the vibrations of our own character and through this changing the emanations we send out into our world. It is impossible to achieve this through merely changing our name, because on the inner level this does not alter who and what we are. The only thing that can do this for us is a change of attitude towards life and people that is caused by our new thinking and behaviour patterns.

From time to time all of us require new human encounters that can provide us with fresh consciousness expanding experiences. This alone can bring us the spiritual growth and ever increasing understanding of the higher and highest aspects of life, which we are on the Earth plane to seek. First and foremost however we are here so that we may grow in wisdom and understanding, but a heart that is filled with love is not enough in itself. We also need to strive for poise, inner strength and above all wisdom. Wisdom alone knows that sometimes it is kinder to withhold things, in particular spiritual knowledge, from others than sharing too much of it with them. Whereas uninitiated ones may withhold something for selfish reasons, wise ones do so with good and positive motives.

Wisdom and love are the realm of the Great Mother of all life. Wisdom goes hand in hand with love. Love is wisdom and wisdom is love. Without love there can be no wisdom. Although wise ones do not want to deny others access to their gifts, they wish to hand them over in the right manner. Their inner wisdom tells them that sometimes it is better not to give too much. For example they may withhold some of the wisdom they gained from their life’s experiences in order to allow the other person to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Spiritual knowledge they may hold back because they sense, with the help of their inner guidance, that the soul before them is as yet unready for what they have to give. A wise one rests safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels will see to it that the younger and less experienced soul will also understand when their time for doing so has come.

When someone has personally been involved in tragic events or something of this nature has happened to the folks around them, this person – the same as those directly affected – is likely to struggle with coming to terms with the seemingly senseless loss of life that so frequently has to be endured in earthly life. Sufficiently evolved souls eventually find comfort in the realisation that the whole thing was part of God’s perfect plan of life, in which nothing happens perchance or by coincidence. Their inner wisdom in due course consoles them with the knowledge that such earthly happenings, with all the suffering and sadness they bring, have always presented some kind of karmic redemptions for events that were once – and that could have been many lifetimes ago – caused by the vibrations those involved sent out into our world.

Our friends and helpers in the world of light are an essential part of the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. These companions will never do things for us when we reach out for their helping hands. They are merely there to encourage, support and coax us along the highways and byways of life. At all times they are ready and willing to assist us by supplying us with renewed courage and strength, hope and trust that enable us to do for ourselves, so that in the end the achievement is fully our own and not theirs.

The following is the essence of an ‘Anniversary Message’ from the White Eagle group of guides in Stella Polaris February/March 2016: ‘Never think you are unknown to us. We know each one of you individually and are prepared to give you all the help in your life that is truly needed. And the way you need us, we also need you. Our work on the outer material plane could not be as effective without your loving co-operation. Our role is to give you spiritual sustenance, but our work in your world depends upon you being prepared to give of your light, i.e. your higher knowing and understanding. We want all our beloved family on the Earth plane to know that we are constantly with each one of you in spirit. We are by your side and our only concern is your spiritual growth and expansion of life. No-one will ever be overlooked, because the thread of spiritual contact that exists between us and every one of you on the Earth plane never breaks.’

* * *

Astrology As A Lifehelp

The supreme law of life is Love and all other laws radiate out from it, one of them is evolution. This makes it easy to see that everything that is in us and our world, the same as all others, is continually moving to fulfil the requirements of these laws. As above, so below! As parents on the Earth plane we would like to provide our offspring, be they of the body or of the mind, with the best possible start in life, in the hope that this will help them to well later in life. Our behaviour on the Earth plane is a reflection of the Divine love that once brought each one of us into being. It is for this reason that we are allowed to make our own mistakes and errors, so that we may learn from them how to do better next time. Our own experiences alone can help us to grow in wisdom and understanding. Through tapping into our inner resources, in the course of many lifetimes we slowly but surely get stronger, more resourceful and resilient.

To familiarise us with the darkest and most fearsome of humankind’s nature, the journey of our spiritual development on the Earth plane first takes us into the depths of the evolutionary spiral of life. To stop us from returning home each time the going gets tough, the wisdom of the Great Mother decreed that souls in their earthly existence should not find out too early who and what they truly are, who brought them into being and what kind of a relationship they us have with this force. The knowledge of our other world, our true home, remained hidden from our view so that each time round we should think to ourselves: ‘I’ll only be here until the moment of my death. Then I’m snuffed out like a candle and nothing will be left of me! Whenever nobody can hear or see me, I can do what I like and let go of my lowest urges and desires.’

When many lifetimes hence we eventually stir from our spiritual slumbers and, unbeknown to us at that time, the bill for the suffering we once spread about so generously is presented to us in the form of traumatic encounters and painful experiences, which we now have to endure. This serves the dual purpose of paying the karmic debts of previous lifetimes and learning about the nature of suffering, and that helps us to evolve into kinder, more loving, tolerant and compassionate beings.

To help us along on the evolutionary pathway of Earth life, the love and wisdom of the Great Mother’s intelligence provided us with precious gifts like numerology and astrology. And it was for wise reasons that for a long time it was kept from us that the twin Divine sciences can be used for unravelling not only the deepest mysteries of the whole of Creation, but also those of our own existence and nature. The knowledge of these things is necessary when we begin to search ways of overcoming our deepest and darkest existential fears, so they can be left behind for good.

More than anything else it is our fear of the unknown that gets in the way of daring to reach out towards a better understanding of ever higher and eventually the highest dimensions of life. This is probably the most difficult aspect of our earthly nature that is waiting to be worked with. If we fail to attend to this task, it will keep on getting in the way of the spiritual progress that is every soul’s birthright by trying to stop us from inviting new people, things and experiences into our lives. We shall return to this theme in the chapter ‘Fear Of The Unknown’.

For the moment may it suffice to say that it is this fear in particular which rises into our conscious awareness whenever we encounter topics of an esoteric nature. As a result of brainwashing by the churches that lasted for centuries, that astrology is something evil that should be avoided by its followers at any cost, it is not hard to see why to this day many people are afraid of it. Fortunately their numbers are decreasing now that it is becoming ever more widely known that astrology in truth is one of the most wonderful instruments for getting to know ourselves whilst at the same time penetrating ever deeper into the mysteries of the Universe. It can be turned into an invaluable friend who provides us with signposts for a better understanding of our predestined pathway through life and pointers for discovering our strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths: 1) Sun in its own sign or house and in the house or sign of its exaltation.
2) Easy aspects, like the trine, sextile, semi-sextile

Weaknesses: 1) Sun in the sign or house of fall or detriment.
2) Hard aspects, like conjunctions, oppositions, squares and semi-squares.

Furthermore, astrology can show us in which part of our lives lessons of a particularly painful and traumatic nature have to be coped with. In the right hands it can help us find a better comprehension of the underlying wise purpose of such events. For example in:

* * *

Ignorance And Fear

We fear things in proportion to
our ignorance of them.

Titus Livius
64 or 59 BC – AD 17

I believe that every ill that exists in our world has been created and is perpetuated by the twin scourges of ignorance and fear. Up to the present time they have been the two most troublesome, retarding and destructive influences for humankind. To my mind they have been barring us from finding and getting in touch with our true nature and reality for far too long. They have thus rendered our transformation from a purely earthly being into a spiritual one and robbed us of the serenity and peace of mind of knowing that we and our world at all times are resting safely in God’s hand.

On top of all that they deny us the contentment and happiness as well as the ability to enjoy and make the most of our earthly sojourns, when in truth every one of God’s children of the Earth has a right to find these things. For long enough now ignorance has been hiding from us our true nature and relationship with the Highest. It has kept us away from discovering and connecting with our true self that is hidden behind or underneath our earthly personality.

Divine wisdom decreed that it should be so, because only through the absence of something can we grow to recognise and learn its value and appreciate it. Therefore, it has been for wise reason that our fears kept us away from God’s truth for so long. But now that the Age of Aquarius is with us our race has reached the evolutionary point when we are increasingly ready to shed all our fears. Through an ever increasing understanding of God’s truth and knowing where to look for it, namely to the living God within instead of outer authorities, ignorance ceases to be a hindrance to our life.

The religions of our world have splendidly fulfilled the role of keeping us away from God and the wisdom and truth of the Divine. The time for this is over now that ever more of us are receiving their information from more reliable sources and have learnt look towards their inner guidance to tell them the truth from a lie. That’s why religions are fading more and more into the background of human consciousness, as you can see for yourself everywhere. It is saddening that to this day some insist on going to war over a God they fail to understand and perceive as a force outside themselves rather than an inner reality that is part of every human being and whose handling is everyone’s own responsibility. Take heart, they too will wake up from their slumbers when the time for it has come.

Down the ages the fear of a God whom we failed to understand has driven and still does drive some of God’s children of the Earth to wars and persecution. Fear of the future and the unknown, which is in fact knowable if one knows how to look for it in the right place, made people follow these religions. A case of the blind leading the blind, if ever there was one. But, I believe with all my heart and soul – better still, I feel intuitively and know – that the days of such happenings are counted because of the simple fact that increasing numbers of us are now going in search of the truth.

Having been a fearful person all my life, getting rid of ignorance and the fears it causes is a concern that is most dear to my heart. It has become the quest of my life and every part of my work is dedicated to ridding our world of these destructive aspects of the human predicament. But how to go about it? Well, wisdom has built into our nature that we are only afraid of and feel threatened by things for as long as we are unfamiliar with them.

Getting to know you,
Getting to know all about you,
Getting to like you,
Getting to know you like me.

From ‘The King And I’
Rodgers and Hammerstein

The only way of learning to like and love anything is through studying it and finding out as much as possible about it. That applies to astrology as much as to anything else. At the time the Bible was written, astrology was frowned upon as a mode of fortune telling and as such, the church did not approve of it. As much as I love and appreciate astrology, in principle I do agree that it is unwise to have our lives guided by soothsayers. After all, we have been granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth so that we may learn to trust the guidance and protection of our Highest or God Self. Wisdom saw to it that at the time the Bible came into being we were not yet to know that this cannot be supplied by forces that are outside of ourselves. It was too early to find out in those days that this is the realm of the living God, who dwells within every human soul. It is the small still voice of conscience who communicates with us through what is known as our sixth sense or intuition.

For anyone who works seriously and conscientiously with astrology it is the Divine science. As a gift from the Highest that is sacred and holy, they handle it with the respect and love it deserves. If you are familiar with other parts of my writings, you may also come to the conclusion that astrology can be something very different from what is commonly found in newspapers and magazines. I hope that this will provide you with an incentive for finding out more about the Divine science and what it can do for you. As to this day, a great deal of nonsense is written and said about astrology, listening to the reactions of your inner guidance, the small still voice of conscience, is of the utmost importance when reading something about this topic.

* * *

The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
To run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To love pure and chaste from afar.
To try when your arms are too weary –
To reach the unreachable Star.

This is my quest:
To follow that star.
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far.
To fight for the right, without question or pause.
To be willing to march into hell, for a heavenly cause.

And I know, if I’ll only be true to this glorious quest,
That my heart will be peaceful and calm,
When I’m laid to my rest.
And the world will be better for this.
That one man [soul],
Scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage –
To reach the unreachable star.

From ‘The Man of La Mancha’ (Don Quixote)
Joe Darion and Mitch Leigh

There is no such thing as a dream that in the fullness of time cannot become a reality in earthly life. For us as God’s children of the Earth truly nothing is impossible or out of our reach, if we but ask for it and are willing to work and try hard enough. Our potential is practically unlimited and whatever our hearts truly desire, the Universe has always given us – for better or for worse, so that we may learn from the results of our requests. As a result of this, whether we like it or not, the world we presently are taking part in and whose state we have to endure, is the result of our desires of former lifetimes. Therefore, if we long for a world that is at peace, where ignorance and fear, trouble and strife, suffering and pain, hunger and starvation are no longer known and even death has been overcome, that’s what in due course God and the Angels will help us to create.

Wise ones, i.e. sufficiently evolved earthlings, who know about such things, reach out for the help of the Highest Star and the Greatest Light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star. We are in this life to learn how to tune the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly minds into the intelligence of Its Universal mind and ask for whatever support we may need in any enterprise and especially when it comes to creating the new world of our dreams. Meanwhile, there is nothing for it but to keep on keeping on with our efforts, safe in the knowledge that in due course our dream will become a reality on the Earth. May the light of the Christ Star always be with you, shine upon you and fill your whole being with new hope, faith and trust that we and our world rest safely in the loving hands of the Highest.

You may have noticed that I am the kind of Stargazer who for many years has been occupied not with fortunetelling but with gazing into the wisdom and truth of the Highest Star and bringing it down to Earth, so it can be shared with those who are ready to receive it. I have never been interested in speculations and prophecies about the Stars or anything else. My only interest is looking for and finding the truth that with our entry into the Aquarian Ages is flowing ever more powerfully into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. Following false beliefs and superstitions, prejudices and predictions, endless speculations and prophecies, the wilder and more outrageous the better have been an essential teaching tool of the Piscean Age. All of these things together have been busily shovelling away at humankind’s pit of destruction and despair. Having left the Age of Pisces behind and the bottom of this pit reached, many are growing tired of speculations and prophecies. I could not agree more: nothing but the truth is good enough for us now.

To this day it is sad but true that the wilder and more way out a prophecy is, the more readily and eagerly it is swallowed by the masses. This is not surprising because astrologically the mass of people is under the influence of Cancer, the cardinal Water sign. It represents the soul of the people and like the soulful individuals born into this sign, the mass of people is extremely soft, sensitive and pliable, highly psychic and easily impressed and swayed by just about anything. Like Cancerians, in times of crises like the present one, when there is increased vulnerability to the negative thinking and feelings floating around in the mass consciousness, we benefit greatly from making an effort to think positively and to carefully protect ourselves psychically.

Gullibility and deception of the self and others, cheating and lying are among the most negative characteristics of Pisces. They have been among the main banes of the Piscean Age. Pisces is the other-worldly dreamer who enjoys making up tales. Less evolved souls born into this sign in the end may be unable to distinguish reality from imagination and truth from lie, so much so that eventually they believe the flights of their fantasy are true. These character traits are waiting to be shed and left behind for good by all of us, individually and collectively. The time has come when it’s necessary to make a conscious choice to conduct our lives with honesty, loyalty and integrity for the task, of whatever nature it may be, that has been entrusted into our care by the Highest. Our hearts and souls need to be filled with longing and yearning for a more peaceful world and an insatiable hunger and thirst for truth, accompanied by a willingness to do whatever it takes to find it.

Life provided me with the finest coach for teaching me the value of truth and honesty anyone could wish for in the form of my eldest sister, a Sun Pisces. She was a died in the wool liar. As far back as I can remember I hated being deceived so much that ever since then I have endeavoured to live with integrity, honestly and truthfully. Looking back from where I am now I can see that this was the best possible preparation for the task I am carrying out with my writings.

There are two streams of thought in the consciousness of our world, a positive and a negative one. Everything that happens feeds into one or the other. As every bit of negative thinking and behaviour is part of and feeds into the negative stream, with the passing of time this has rendered it increasingly damaging and destructive. False beliefs and prejudices with the passing of time have been dragging us and our world ever deeper into a mire of deception. It was filled with the oppression of God’s truth and the persecutions, warmongering and a general distrust and fear of life as a result of it. But now at last the time is right for leaving the negative aspects of life behind, for consciously focussing our attention on the Highest forces of life and tuning our earthly minds into theirs.

This is where freedom of choice enters the picture. Do you personally – never mind what those around you are thinking and how they are perceiving the matter – wish for the negative and destructive ways of the past to continue or would you prefer that our world moves forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life? The future of our world lies in the hands of simple folks like you and me. The more of us together move in the same direction, the more we as a race grow into an increasingly powerful force. An unknown author said: ‘Many small people, in many small places, doing many small things can alter the face of our world.’ This is very true and the seemingly impossible dream of a peaceful world will in due course become a reality, for the simple reason that God and the Angels will be working with us and helping us to bring it into being.

First in line of the deceptions of the Piscean Age is the notion that the story of the life of Jesus should be taken literally, that it represents an account of historical events that actually took place, and that the young and powerful hero of this tale once really walked in our midst. When one considers the many esoteric meanings that had to be hidden behind the legend’s surface words, one cannot help admiring it as one of the finest examples of storytelling ever. The skill and imagination with which they have been tucked away, the ingenuity with which the manifold initiations all God’s children of the Earth eventually have to undergo were woven into the rich tapestry of this tale, allows us glimpses into the inspiration and guiding hand of the Highest planes of life, the Christ Circle, behind this magnificent opus.

The wealth of wisdom and truth that hides behind the parables and fables of the Jesus story, the metaphors and symbolisms that were deftly woven into its rich tapestry have their origin in the older traditions and civilizations of earthly life. The most recent of them was the Egyptian one. The skilful way these things were taken over and presented in the form of a completely new story reveal the loving hands of a true Master, whose name was not Jesus, but the Master at the head of the Angels and Master serving the Spirit of the Universal Christ.

Declaring that every word of the Jesus story is infallibly true reminds me of Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. To my mind, nothing describes the essence of the Piscean Age better than the following Goebbels quote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

Having been born on the 29th October, Goebbels during that particular lifetime was a double Scorpio. All those born on the twenty-ninth day of any month are under the rulership of this sign. The life’s work and ‘achievement’ of Goebbels as an incarnation of evil presents us with one of the finest descriptions of the lowest evolutionary stage of Scorpio’s development, the scorpion with its lust for stinging, hurting and creating mischief for people. The scorpion is an animal in the order Scorpiones, under the class Arachnida, which makes them a distant cousin of spiders. During lifetimes in this sign it is potentially possible for human souls to reach three different levels of consciousness, each one of which carries its own symbolism.

* * *

The Only Reliable Oracle

The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age people, the more people throughout our world are receiving their guidance from the higher and highest planes of life in the form of spiritual writings of many different kinds. No longer is it a privileged few here and there, in one church or another in different parts of our planet, who are receiving the blessing of a fresh inflow of the Great Mother’s sacred wisdom and truth.

As part of the natural renewal process of the spiritual evolution of our world, the holy breath of the Christ Spirit is descending ever more powerfully into all aspects of earthly life. Training ourselves to become still in mind and body is the best way of opening our consciousness and developing the ability of getting in touch with Its realms, which until recently had to remain inaccessible to the majority of us earthlings. Only in a state of meditation and in the stillness and silence of the inner levels of life can and does the Highest reveal Itself and Its truth to us.

If we earnestly and sincerely desire to find the truth about the inner mysteries of life, it is necessary to reflect deeply on the simple happenings of their daily lives in the world around us. When we are searching for God’s wisdom and truth it is best to start by looking into our own hearts. It is in the communications with all our fellow creatures and by observing nature that it is most likely that we shall find what we are seeking. This may happen in many simple ways. For example, whilst walking along a road we could suddenly stand in front of a door and sense that something is drawing us to find what we have been looking for here.

One fine day a book that never interested us before could be drawn to our attention. A friend may recommend it or we see it displayed in a shop window. Maybe we hear about it in some other way, but somehow we feel that this publication has to tell us something of importance. When we read the book, we realise that it was our inner guidance that helped us find it. On other occasions we might go within to ask our Highest Self a question. To our disappointment answer doesn’t come straight away, but later in a moment when we least expect it, it comes through a comment someone makes on the radio, on TV or in the movies. It makes us feel as if an inner light had been switched on and we sense, feel and know beyond any doubt: ‘This is what I wanted to know!’ Happenings of this nature are signs of the support of the invisible ones who at all times are beavering away behind all earthly life.

The Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light work in mysterious ways. Wise ones pay attention when they perceive one of their signals that something of value is waiting to be found by them. That is all any one of us has to do whenever we are searching for answers and explanations. It is essential that we do so in the right way and the right place, staying alert at all times and ever on the lookout what the things of the physical world can tell us about God and the spirit world in the background of our earthly existence. Open and attentive to sensing the presence of the Angels who never leave us, we do well to pay attention to the voice of our inner Master. It can be perceived even when we are part of a crowd, but removed from the disturbances of the material world, it is much easier to listen to the small still voice of the wise one, the living God or guru within.

In my view, paying attention to this authority is the only safe way of discerning truth from untruth and what is right or wrong for us in any given moment. This aspect of our nature is the only truly reliable oracle in the whole of Creation. It has always been there for us, but it takes a long time until our earthly self finally awakens to the fact that it possesses an extremely active and valuable inner life. Subconsciously it has always been trying to guide and protect us, as much as the conscious part of our being paid attention to its voice. Without knowing of its existence that is difficult, but things are looking up as soon as we awaken into our spirit nature and we begin to consciously tap into our inner guidance. Then at last it can protect and advise us properly through the inevitable ups and downs of life.

Our inner life can be accessed and entered, though not without permission. And when we finally learn to knock at its door, we find to our amazement that sound advice and great wisdom is freely available whenever it is required. That’s why St. Matthew 7:7-8 tells us: ‘Ask and it shall be given to you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives and he who seeks, finds and to them who knock, the door is opened.’ There comes a time in everyone’s life when we find it no longer hard to accept that everything that exists on the physical plane of life is there to help us grow in wisdom and understanding of ourselves and the purpose and meaning of our existence, which is evolution.

Wise ones who know that the inner teacher is the only one who really knows everything and has the answers to all the questions any one of us in earthly life may ever care to ask, no longer look for the answers to their questions in the prophecies of the soothsayers of our world. They prefer to follow the advice of Martin Luther King, a wise Sun Capricorn, who said: ‘The time is always right to do what is right.’ And to do what is right that’s what our inner guidance reliably tells us in any given moment. We ignore its advice to our detriment. If it says: ‘This feels right and that feels wrong,’ we do well to act accordingly.

* * *

Doing The Right Things

People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centred.
You don’t have to like them, but love them anyway!

They are all part of your spiritual family.
They are part of you and you are part of them.
They may not yet know it, but you being wiser,
Love them anyway!

People may project their own ulterior motives onto you,
And accuse you of having them.
Rest safe in the knowledge that the Universe
Knows their hearts as well as yours.
Do good anyway!

If being successful means that we can only win
False friends and real enemies.
Succeed anyway!

The good we do today may be forgotten tomorrow.
Do it anyway!

What could have taken years of building up,
Can be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway!

People who are in need of our help,
May attack us whilst we are trying to help them.
Help anyway!

Give the world the best that is within you,
And should it be rejected, do not stop giving.
Give anyway!

The Universal Law of Karma ensures that what we send
Into the world, has to return to us.
Give of your best and only the best is sure to return!

Bishop Abel Muzorewa
African Spiritual and Political Leader
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

With love and light,

* * *

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21 Oct, 2022
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