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Miracles And Wonders (58)
Miracles And Wonders (58)

Miracles And Wonders (58)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 22nd October 2022

Stargazer’s Philosophy Behind The Divine Science

The Source Of All Inspiration

My life’s experiences have taught me how astrology, the Divine science, can provide us with a better understanding of the processes of our present existence and how this knowledge can considerably ease our passage through it. I would not have taken any further interest in this subject if it were nothing but fortune telling. What attracted me to it like a magnet was its higher esoteric side that relates to the evolution and development of the individual and collective human spirit/soul. Once I had started writing about the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind all astrological concepts, ever more insights came to me. As time went by, it became increasingly clear to me that in contrast to the attempts at astrological fortunetelling, which have been made throughout the ages, the astrology my inner teacher, the wise one and living God within me, was helping me to find and develop deals with ideas that have their origin on the highest levels of life.

This raises the question of where does any inspiration we earthlings receive have its origin? I believe that, through our inner guidance God and the Angels have always been trying to help us intuitively to find the right way of going about things. They are the small still voice of humankind’s individual and collective conscience, which for much too long has been ignored to our detriment. At long last, increasing numbers of us are becoming aware that there is such a thing as inner guidance and how very precious it is. Every one of us possesses it and in due course learns how to tune into it and use it.

The earthly mind of every human being is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that are constantly flowing from the highest levels of life into our earthly existence. The knowledge that comes from there is available to all who are ready to receive and understand it. And because it is given free of charge, in my view they do not belong to any individual person but to everybody. Every human being’s small still inner voice of consciousness is one of the manifestations of the Highest. The flow of my inspiration can be sparked by anything in my daily life. Fresh ideas and insights frequently arrive from where I would least expect them. I suspect that, if one went out looking for them, they would refuse to come. Frequently, I feel motivated to take a thought or an idea that was first given through someone else, a step or two further.

I have never been one for swallowing things blindly. Whenever I come across some spiritual knowledge that is new to me, my inner guidance tells me whether it is true or false. Only when in my heart of hearts I know that something makes sense, when I can verify with my own eyes, inner and/or outer, that it is true, am I willing to take it on board. I only share it with others when I feel that in some way it could be of interest and help to them. I have always found that the more of my insights I give away, the more fresh ones come flooding in – it’s quite magical and also extremely hard work.

During the early stages of my work, when I had been writing about one theme or another and maybe thought what emerged was a bit too daring and way out, time and again it happened that after a while someone else’s insights into the same subject quite naturally came my way. Usually they came through one of White Eagle’s teachings in Stella Polaris, the magazine of the White Eagle Lodge. They always felt like the Universe’s way of reassuring me that what my inner teacher told me – wrote through me – was all right and meant to be given to others.

Some might say such happenings are coincidences. How does one explain them? As we know by now, there is no such thing as coincidences and accidents and everything has purpose and meaning. That we fail to recognise them for what they are, as we often do, does not mean they don’t exist. My feeling is that these things happen because, as mentioned earlier, at least potentially we are all channels of communication, receiver and transmitter stations, for the wisdom of the Highest. This is how, whenever the time is right for its appearance, a fresh amount of the Source’s wisdom and knowledge is seeded into the individual and collective consciousness of our world.

They are meant to be received, worked with, explored and then distributed by those who are sufficiently evolved for playing this part. That’s how, from the beginning of humankind’s appearance in earthly life, ever more spiritual knowledge from the water-bearer, the intellectual aspect of the Great Father/Mother of all life, has gradually been flowing into our world. With the passing of time, increasing numbers of earth-bound spirit/souls have been trained by God and the Angels to tune their earthly minds into the frequencies of their consciousness, so they can be used as receiver/transmitter stations for fresh spiritual knowledge. Those who are no longer required to provide this service are free to move on to continue their studies on the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

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Telling A Truth From A Lie

No apologies are offered for including this chapter again. This is the place from which it first emerged. Through the inner connection with the Source of our being in the fullness of time every one of us will eventually gain access to all Its wisdom and knowledge. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth during which it is going to flow with ever increasing strength into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. With this the ability of distinguishing between right and wrong, and telling a truth from a lie is becoming of ever greater importance. But how shall we go about it?

Any kind of information causes within us a reaction from the world of our feelings whether something is right or wrong. This applies in particular to fresh spiritual knowledge that we are finding along the pathway of our present lifetime. The more we tune into our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, the more clearly we receive its signals that what we are hearing or reading is either in keeping with the Source’s wisdom or not. This is our own built-in lie detector, which every human spirit/soul possesses, at least potentially. Once the inner connection with our Highest or God Self has been re-established, constant practice helps this aspect of our nature to grow ever more powerful. Eventually, it gets so strong that, at all times and in all situations, the resonance from the depths of our own being tells us quite reliably where we stand with regard to what is before us.

Jesus is but one of the many symbols of the wise one or living God within everybody. It is the only truly reliable and trustworthy teacher and guru in the whole of Creation and that is its way of teaching us earthlings the art of discernment. The higher or God aspect of our nature is part of the Christ and its home is on the highest levels of life, it is the Christ. And that’s the constant companion who has always guided and protected us and forever will continue to do so, on the earthly plane of life just as much as anywhere else in the whole of Creation, wherever our future studies and explorations may be taking us. This aspect of our being knows us, its earthly counterpart, better than we shall ever do. It is familiar with all our needs and especially the spiritual ones. Through it we intuitively receive the wisdom and knowledge of the Highest that is right for us.

This wise one within decides how much of it we are capable of digesting at any given stage of our development. It knows when we are ready to find out more, then brings it to us and helps us to understand it. And that’s how it comes about that some of us to this day are completely satisfied with believing that Jesus Christ is a historical figure, who once really did walk the Earth. The revelation that the story of the Master’s life is but a legend only comes our way when we have evolved sufficiently and are mature enough to cope with the truth. Only then are we ready to grasp that Jesus represents the archetypal God-man, the Highest or Christ part of everybody’s own being, who from the moment of our creation has been waiting to wake from its slumbering state and come alive in us.

This explains the necessity for updating and upgrading the spiritual knowledge that God and the Angels gave to our world from time to time. New religions and belief systems then emerge that are intended to move us, individually and collectively, another step forwards on the evolutionary pathway that eventually returns every human spirit/soul into the fully conscious awareness of its own Divinity and oneness with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life. Their own born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights. Every one of us is a spark of this light.

That’s how what once was considered to be the truth, in the light of humankind’s moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life that, which for all of us with the passing of time, brings a better comprehension of such things, becomes not an untruth or a lie, but merely an outdated belief. Discarding the old ones about us and our world, our place and role in it, takes a long time. Initially there is a great inner resistance against this, but gradually the new revelations sink ever deeper into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. For all of us there eventually comes the moment when we can see for ourselves how the false beliefs we are legging to of are taking us home into the awareness of our true nature. This process of deep inner soul healing each one of us has to work their own way through and when we are healing, our whole world heals with us.

One of the laws of Creation is that new things can only be born when something old has outlived its usefulness and is therefore ready to die, destroyed and recycled because nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted. For example, the cells and atoms of physical matter rearrange themselves and are transformed by the Highest into different lifeforms. Something similar happens to ideas and principles. They too have to be allowed sufficient time and space to die a natural death, so they can be shed when their time for doing so has come. As time goes by, they transform themselves into new and more positive and constructive ways of thinking and believing and perceiving things.

In particular this applies to many of our world’s current viewpoints that to this day are based on nothing more than superstitions and false beliefs. Never forget that thinking is the most powerful force in the whole of the Universe and that what we think today, we shall be tomorrow. Nature abhors a vacuum and if we think that with every small bit of empty space that is created in our individual and collective consciousness whenever someone lets go of another one of their false beliefs, it instantly fills with the healing energies of the Highest, then that is what really happens. So, let’s get on with it.

Last but not least, to paraphrase the wisdom God and the Angels gave to our world through the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’

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The Importance Of Forgiveness

The Jesus legend in St. Matthew 18:22 tells us: ‘Then Peter came and said to him: ‘Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times? Jesus said to him: ‘Not seven times, but I tell you, seventy-seven times.’

This also applies to our whole race. After all, we have been placed in this life to bring forth from within ourselves the finest characteristics of our Divine parents, which at least in seed form are also ours. The growth of understanding of God’s nature and our own is accompanied by a natural outflow of consideration, forgiveness and compassion for our own and everybody else’s suffering, as well as that of our whole world. Forgiveness slowly becomes as natural a part of our being as breathing in and out. It develops into a good habit and represents a steady and natural outpouring from our innermost heart and soul towards all life. When we are healing, our whole world heals with us. And with every single human soul undergoing this development, our whole race individually and collectively moves on to a somewhat higher evolutionary levels.

Forgiveness is the beginning of all healing processes. Continuing to forgive keeps them going, until the wounds of all lifetimes have been healed. Any resentment and hatred that may still be stored in the soul memories of other lifetimes, begins to dissolve as soon as the human heart and soul grasps that certain things in us and our world were and are, to this day, inevitable as part of our individual and collective lessons – past and present – in the great school of life. As even our most ancient recollections have to undergo this cleansing procedure, it may take many years to complete. If it does for you, as it is doing for me, take heart for it contains the precious gift of gradually coming to terms with everything that ever took place in us and our world. In this way, our own soul and that of our world find rest, peace and healing. No-one can do this clearing out for us. Every soul has to work its own way through it.

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Destiny Is Not Some Airy-Fairy Notion

Destiny is not some airy-fairy notion that is going to happen in a future place far away somewhere. It is with us always and in the final analysis consists of all God’s human children of the Earth eventually bringing forth – from within the very core of their own being – God’s highest qualities. Our world can only become a better and more peaceful place when gradually ever more of us endeavour to do so. Merely thinking about these characteristics is no longer good enough! That would be like going to church on Sundays, listening to an inspired and uplifted sermon about loving our neighbours because we are all siblings in the great family of life, then going home to continue to gossip about and backstab our fellow citizens the way we always have done.

The development of the highest aspects of our nature demands from every human soul that we constantly endeavour to give the best we are capable of. In the world of appearances all manner of things can be faked. Spiritually, however, whatever we undertake has to be for real. We prove that we mean business by striving to be the kindest and most loving person we can possibly be, not only now and again when the right mood overcomes us, but at all times. The seriousness of our intentions needs to reveal itself in every one of our contacts and encounters with everything that is in our world and all worlds. And it seems to me that our inner world is the one that is most in need of some extra loving care and attention.

The time will come in our world when our race will once again walk hand in hand with God and Angels, the way we did in previous ages. First of all this requires learning to trust them completely and utterly, knowing that they will guide and protect us, no matter where our destiny may eventually be required to take us. We need to know that we shall always be safe, irrespective of what may happen to us and our world, and wherever we may find ourselves. I am well aware that this is a faith that is extremely hard to acquire. You might like to read my suggestions on how to go about it in my ‘Reflections On Faith’.

Learning to trust is the most essential part of the healing process. It is the sacred marriage between the Divine and humankind which for quite some time has been increasingly taking place in our world. It will continue until every human soul has regained the faith it had when it was first released from God and started on its long evolutionary journey of developing into individual beings, each soul in its own right. All together, hand in hand with God and the Angels, we are constructing the long promised New Jerusalem, not as a place on the physical plane of life but an inner reality.

The waking up and coming fully alive of the Divine spark of the Christ spirit in every human heart, which for evolutionary purposes had to remain dormant for such a very long time, is the homecoming of the prodigal son of God. The spark is activated by the Divine love that descends from the highest levels of life and the response it receives from those dwelling on the Earth plane. The spirit of the Aquarian Age is one of love, friendship and kinship with all life and we have every reason to celebrate, as this spirit is gradually coming alive in ever more human beings. Many by now are sensing its calling, receiving its vibrations and are acting them out in every one of their daily encounters.

Each through their own efforts, that’s how the Universe places the power into everybody’s own hands to act as a channel through which the healing energies can flow straight from Great Father/Mother of all life and their own born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, into everything that dwells on the Earth plane, our other world and all other levels of existence. Ultimately, it reaches into the farthest and remotest corners of Creation and blesses and heals all life.

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The Six-Pointed Star

The six-pointed Star is one of the oldest known symbols of Earth life. It was given to the members of the White Eagle Lodge by its guides in the world of light, to be used as a visual aid and a focal point during their work with the Healing Angels. The six-pointed star is the symbol for the blessing, healing and harmonising energy of the Highest Star, the brightest light and the greatest love. It is waiting to be invited by all children of the Earth, so that each one in their own right can develop into one of Its channels for the blessing and healing, saving and redemption of all that is.

Another one of the most ancient symbols known to humankind is the cross. It represents life in physicality and is used in numerous historical, religious and cultural contexts, for example in Judaism, Hinduism, Occultism and Islam. Esoterically, the six-pointed star stands for the perfected, the Christed human being, the ultimate aim and final destiny of all human souls. In the process of overcoming the drives and urges of its lower earthly nature, resolving its conflicts and issues, and redeeming the Karma that has been incurred in our long evolutionary pathway, the human spirit and soul blends, harmonises and heals together with its Highest or God Self. When the two finally have been completely united, the soul becomes capable of acting as a star of light on the Earth plane in its own right that acts as a conduit for God’s wisdom, love and healing for all life.

The final destiny of all human souls is to evolve into such a Christ Star, each in its own right, yet without losing our individuality. To the small earthly self the fear of giving up its identity is even greater than the one of death. As a matter of fact that is the very reason why this part of us is so terrified of death. None of us will ever lose their individuality. Even when in the end we fully merge with God again we shall not lose our identities and uniqueness. After all, that is what the whole process of individuation has been about. This means that when you and I have reached a sufficiently high level of consciousness to be one again with God, you will still be you and I shall continue to be me.

The harmonising and balancing act of the healing process is the blending of the upper and lower, the Divine and the human aspects of life. The two triangles represent the trinity that pervades all life and all lifeforms. The downward pointing triangle stands for the Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son, the Great Light, who is the spiritual Sun behind and beyond our Sun in the sky above us. The downward pointing upper triangle penetrates and merges with the upward aspiring triangle of the human mind, body, spirit and soul. The spirit, ever since leaving the safety of its fully conscious awareness of being one with its Creator, has restlessly been seeking the return into this state. Our heavenwards striving thoughts, words and actions during each one of our earthly sojourns assist the sacred fire of the Heavens in merging ever more, individually and collectively, with that of the Earth.

The Earth shelters and nurtures humankind, in return we contribute to the planet’s evolution. As pointed out in ‘Healers And Healing’, we always were and still are consciousness, in spite of the fact that at times we are temporarily encased in matter. The innermost core of our being, like God is spirit. It has been and always will be one with and part of God. When our spirit and soul are to enter into another material existence, the spirit has to create itself another vehicle, a physical body. A mother and father substitute for our true parents have to be found, a woman and a man, through whom another earthly form can be created, so that – in due course – a new physical body will be born, which in the fullness of time will pass away again.

Although our outer physical body is finite, we wear other bodies made of finer substances underneath. All human consciousness is constantly in search of experiences that assist the growth and expansion of our race. The human spirit and soul evolves in matter, which is part of and belongs to the Earth. Whenever one of us progresses, the whole Earth does the same. Each cell of every physical body is imbued with consciousness and when it finally returns to the Earth, it helps the planet itself in its evolution. Nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted, including all thoughts and experiences. All the time everything is recycled, used over and over again, constantly being transmuted into ever higher thought- and lifeforms.

The deeper we were required to descend into matter to explore the physical life, the more the process of individualisation advanced, the less was left of our conscious awareness of our roots, until it had just about disappeared altogether. But, all is by no means lost, because as soon as each individual soul reaches a sufficiently high evolutionary level, the Highest Self begins to draw it upwards into its loving embrace again. The Divine spark of the sacred fire in every heart, through its love of and dedication to the Great Father/Mother and the life that has been given to us, slowly develops into an ever stronger flame that slowly but surely burns away the desires of the small earthly self.

This cleansing process continues until the spirit is re-united with its Source. By its own volition, each tiny spark in time has to transform itself into a blazing flame of love that knows how to love wisely and behave in keeping with God’s will and universal laws, like the law of Karma. This is not as scary as it sounds because the helping hand of the Highest Self is ready and waiting to be called upon. The more the soul brings forth its best qualities from within and shares its love with everything that exists on the Earth plane, the more godlike it becomes, the more powerful the flame in its heart grows and it is drawn into and reunited with its God Self. This continues until the two have fully merged into one. My interpretation of the Sun in Sagittarius of interest here.

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Could Astrology Be For You?

If your reaction to the word astrology is one of ‘Ah, horoscopes! Fortunetelling!’, you are wasting your time here. But should you be looking for a safe and reliable instrument for getting to know yourself and others more intimately, please read on. Like life in the whole of Creation, everything to do with astrology consists of cycles within cycles and wheels within wheels and is basically very simple, like all truly great ideas. One of the finest gifts the Universe can bestow us is simplicity. For my liking that is the best quality anyone can possess and if you, like me, love to keep things as uncomplicated as possible, then the Divine science could be just the thing for you.

One of humankind’s main troubles is that in our role as earthlings we frequently see complications when in truth there aren’t any. If need be, we invent some where there weren’t any before. Astrology is no exception. Yet, basically everything about it is very straight forward. The only thing one has to do for studying it is starting in one small corner, the same as in any other field of learning. It’s unwise to stand before an immense topic like astrology and gaze upon it admiringly, thinking: ‘I could never get to grips with that!’ Refuse to give in to feelings of that nature. Start with lesson one, the way I once did.

Astrology is an intuitive art and if you persevere, it will not take long until you begin to notice how your inner guidance provides you with fresh insights into the theme before you to assist you with your studies. As your understanding of human nature and life increases, your consciousness opens up and expands. In case you enjoy finding out new things and learning as much as I do, there could be no finer field of endeavour for you. If you keep on learning about astrology until the end of your earthly days, I guarantee that you will never stop discovering something new and surprising about it. You don’t have to take my word for it. Stick your toes into the water and see for yourself.

To get you going, how about becoming your own astrologer in D.I.Y. fashion? If that sounds interesting, please follow the link at the end of this chapter. You might like to first delve into the interpretations of your own Sun sign and then the ones of the people around you. See for yourself how revealing each one of my analyses is and how it can give you valuable pointers about everyone’s predestined pathway for their present lifetime. If you have sufficient time and study my interpretations of all the Sun signs, you will notice that each one of them contains a great deal that is valid for everybody. As you move through them, try to apply that which you are gleaning first to yourself and then to those around you. You will be amazed about your discoveries. Most of all, never forget to have fun. That, my dear friend, is as important a part as any on the healing journey of a thousand miles of our present lifetime.

Study the Sun signs and discover for yourself how the stars can and do show the way of moving from being a less evolved soul, i.e. an unaware one, into a wise one and a healer, someone who has woken up to their true identity. You are sure to succeed, if you keep on with your efforts at avoiding to act out the negative qualities of your Sun sign and instead endeavour to bring forth and develop its higher and highest manifestations.

Should you still be functioning more on the negative than on the positive aspects of your Sun sign, take heart. Everybody initially automatically and unconsciously tends to act out the lower characteristics of their Sun sign, without even knowing that this is what we are doing. It is true that, for as long as we are unaware of how the energies of the stars influence all life on the Earth including us, we are what is commonly known as being ‘ruled by the stars’. It is not only possible but necessary to move away from this.

Awareness, as ever, is the key for unlocking the door of this predicament. Becoming familiar with the negative and positive aspects of our Sun sign enables us to take charge and start making an effort at changing our character through bringing forth the positive higher qualities of our planetary signs. This is how every one of us can beneficially steer the course of their destiny. Life does not work like the nursery rhyme ‘Where are you going, my pretty maid?’ when she replies: ‘My face is my fortune, Sir.’ The look of our face makes no difference to anything, but our character really is our fortune. It alone can influence the flow of our future the way we wish it to run. And whenever we counteract our negative tendencies we empower ourselves and become wise ones, who are no longer ‘ruled by their stars’ and never will be again.

I believe that most of our behaviour patterns were not developed in the course of our present lifetime. The majority of them we brought with us from previous ones and that particularly applies to the deeply ingrained ones that can be highly reluctant to change. When in doubt about anything, turn to your inner teacher, the wise one or living God within, to show you ways of building up your strengths some more and how you can turn your weaknesses into strengths. That indeed is how they are meant to be dealt with. You are not likely to instantly recognise any changes in yourself. Don’t let this discourage you. With the passing of time, you will be able to observe how you are approaching life and those around you in a more positive and constructive manner. Through this change in your energies, they are likely to change their behaviour towards you.

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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Freely, Freely You Have Received

The Greatest Deceptions Ever!

Freely, freely you have received,
Freely, freely now give.
Go in My name and because you know
And understand who and what I truly am,
Others can do so, too.

Carol Owens 1972
Adapted by Aquarius
February 2021

George Orwell wrote: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ And this is what Mark Twain thought: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’ That’s why today I have come to share with you the truth behind some of the greatest deceptions and lies that for a long time have been the most serious obstacles on the road of humankind’s spiritual development. Together we shall look at some of the most important ones as follows:

• ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.’ John 8:32 True. Every word of the Bible is from God and therefore literally true. Untrue! The truth, in the form of higher esoteric meaning, has always been hiding behind the surface words of your world’s religious teachings. For a long time, that’s where they remained, but the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world are moving into this age, the more of you will find their way into its freedom. It consists of believing what the wise one or living God within you, your inner guidance, tells you is true, irrespective of what may be written somewhere or what anybody else may say. The beginning of this freedom is discovering who and what I truly am, who and what every one of you is, and what kind of a relationship all of you have always had with Me, in spite of the fact that for a long time you did not know about it.

• I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and My great evolutionary plan for the Earth and humankind decrees that through some of the greatest deceptions and lies that have ever been experienced in your world, humankind should be taught the value of honesty and truth. When the right age for them to return has been reached, these qualities will gradually re-establish themselves. Since your entry into the Aquarian age that’s been happening with steadily increasing force. True!

• The Divine Trinity consists of the Great Father, his only born son Jesus, who sits at the Father’s right hand side and the Holy Ghost. Untrue! Jesus was immaculately conceived by a virgin called Mary, who gave birth to him in a stable surrounded by animals. For all times she will remain seated below Father and Son to serve them. Untrue! Approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its dominance of the masculine over the feminine have been the greatest deception that was ever experienced in your world. God and Goddess are equal partners in the creative process. Lovingly they respond to each other. The masculine provides the ideas and the love and wisdom of the feminine decides which ideas should be used, where and when. By slowing down the vibrations of the Christ light to the right frequency, matter appears. And that’s how God and Goddess harmoniously working together have always brought everything that exists on the earthly plane into being. This will forever continue.

• The false beliefs of your world’s religions have been our instruments for helping humankind to become familiar with the darkest and most evil aspects of human nature. These beliefs encouraged those in leadership positions to abuse their power by dominating their religion’s followers and relieving them as much as possible of their earthly resources, especially money. That’s why in some of your lifetimes, you generously handed out the suffering this caused. And each time My law of cause and effect returned such actions to you, you were the one who suffered. For a well balanced earthly education it’s essential that each one of you spends some of your lifetimes hurting, wounding and exploiting people, while in others you are on the receiving end of what you once did to others.

• Jesus is a historical figure who once walked on the Earth. Untrue! Jesus is a symbolism that represents every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. True! The tale of his life is literally true. Untrue! The story is a mere legend. It was inspired by Me and the Angels to tell humankind in picture-book format about the initiations every human being experiences, in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. The state of your initial ignorance of your true higher God or Christ nature is described by the birth of the Christ child and no room at the inn. The story ends with the God-man, everybody’s lower nature, bleeding to death on the cross of its earthly existence, so that your spirit nature can rise and take over completely.

• Jesus was conceived immaculately by the Virgin Mary. Not literally. Immaculate conception means that the idea of the Christ spirit to come alive on the earthly plane has its origin on the highest levels of life, in My mind.

• Jesus was born in a stable, surrounded by animals. Not literally. A long, long time ago, the idea of placing a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light in every human being’s heart came forth from My mind. The stable is a symbolism for the most humble place on the Earth: the human heart. And the animals surrounding the child’s crib represent the lower animal nature of the leaders of your world’s religions.

• Heaven and hell are places where people go, either when they follow one of the other of our world’s religions or refuse to believe in them. Untrue! Heaven and hell are states of consciousness that every human being has the power of creating, for themselves and those around them.

• Every one of you is a miserable worm and sinner. Untrue! All of you, without exception, are My beloved children of the Earth. And I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit’s Light. This is the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns, the Sun behind and shining through its physical manifestation in the sky above your world.

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With love and light,

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22 Oct, 2022
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