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Miracles And Wonders (68)
Miracles And Wonders (68)

Miracles And Wonders (68)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 3rd November 2022

Why Is There A Pandemic?

We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, allowed the present pandemic, after many previous attempts of the pharmaceutical industry had failed to bring it about, for the simple reason that the time was not yet right for such an event in your world. The pandemic is the most useful instrument imaginable and that’s why the whole of your world, for some time by now, has been taking part in the process of being transformed, by us on the highest level of life, from an overly materialistically oriented place into an entirely spiritual one.

Your world’s present state is the equipment that’s required by all your spirit friends and helpers. It’s essential for telling them which human beings, through their behaviour, are telling them who belongs to the category of wheat or who is chaff. At the same time, it helps us to distinguish the sheep from the goats. And that’s the reason why we allowed the present so-called pandemic to come about. For many years by now, your world’s state has acted like a watershed.

People’s behaviour to whatever comes before them, has always instantly told their spirit friends and helpers in the background of their earthly existence life which level of awareness someone has reached, at any given moment. Naturally, this also applies to people like Bill Gates. What does he make of the fact that when his departure from the earthly plane comes round, as inevitably it will one day, he will be unable to take one single cent of the vast fortune he has amassed through lying and cheating?

* * *

From the Aquarian interpretation of the Sun in Scorpio: ‘During lifetimes in Scorpio it is potentially possible for every soul to reach three different levels of consciousness. Each one carries its own symbolism. First in line is the scorpion, the insect with the deadly sting in its tail. It does not take the human version long to discover that it has a tongue that can sting others and hit them where it really hurts. This gives them a feeling as if they had some kind of power over others. Ah yes, the power to hurt and destroy. This is the Universe’s way of teaching us the destructive power of Mars. Every soul born into Scorpio is presented with many opportunities for learning from its own experiences of how, when obstacles get in the way of its over-strong will, it is capable of lashing out and angrily destroying in seconds, through a word or a gesture – careless hurled at someone or carefully planned – what may have taken many lifetimes to build. This goes for personal relationships as much as for national and international ones.

That is how, as life progresses, the soul in Scorpio may enjoy hurting and stinging so much that it ever more frequently indulges in it for the sheer pleasure of it. Unbeknown to the earthly self, the ideas for its most successful stinging actions have their origin on the subconscious level, from where the Highest Self is prompting its small earthly counterpart to bring this early evolutionary phase to its natural conclusion. Only when the scorpion has destroyed itself is the earthly self allowed to move on to its next lessons, the exploration of the second level. And so the human scorpion eventually stings itself to death and its Highest Self takes it through the transformation onto the second level.

The symbol of this level is the Eagle. It represents the Spirit Self; the human soul’s Earth-bound spirit needs to learn to rise above that plane on the eagle’s mighty wings. It may take a long time until the earthly self eventually lifts itself above the concerns of the Earth and, like the eagle, flies higher and nearer to the Eternal spiritual Sun, than any other creature on Earth. For another very extensive period, the human eagle is likely to behave like the lower form of the eagle, a bird of prey with an exceedingly cruel beak and claws to match.

When the human eagle has gathered sufficient experiences of using them to serve its own selfish purposes, it crash lands. The eagle must die and transform itself into a dove, the Dove of Peace. This is the sign’s third and final evolutionary phase which is crucial for the soul on its pathway to perfection. At last, the Scorpio spirit rises triumphantly from the smouldering ashes of what once was its life, to willingly and unselfishly, meekly and mildly serve as a channel of blessing and healing between God and all life.

The stinging to death happens frequently through relationships that inevitably go wrong because of Scorpio’s stubborn insistence to have their own way. Maddened by the heat of the battle in which the partners have become embroiled, embittered and enraged to the utmost, yet unable to perceive that they themselves are the cause of their struggle, Scorpio recognises in the end that all is lost. That’s the moment when they decide to use their most deadly weapon, their tongue to hurt the other one so deeply – most unwisely in karmic terms – that even the mildest and most loving soul can do nothing but turn its back on Scorpio. With the end of every relationship that touches us deeply, we leave some part of us behind and dies. And so, enraged to the point of wanting to kill someone or something to punish them for the pain they are causing, Scorpio punishes itself by stinging itself to death.

For inexperienced soul, who are as yet unaware that they are responsible for themselves and the consequences of their actions, each one of these encounters forms an essential part of their basic learning process. Unpleasant though it is for everybody around, in itself is nothing to worry about. Every soul can only learn and mature through the re-actions to its own actions by the people they enter into relationships with. Without the growth we gain through every single one of experiences and especially the most traumatic ones, no soul would ever be able ascend to the higher realms of human existence.

It is true for each one of us that we can only learn through our own experiences how to lift ourselves, when our turn for doing so has come, on the Eagle’s wings of our indwelling Highest and Spirit Self. To become the Dove of Peace, all stages have to be experienced first hand and gone through. As the downward pull of the earthly self is great, and it steadfastly tries to cling to the Earth and its desires, it takes all of Scorpio’s inner resources and strength to counteract and overcome them.

Probably the most famous documented Scorpio ever was Saint Francis of Assisi 1182-1226. Although the church has appointed 4th October as his feast day, he is believed to have been a Sun Scorpio in his most recent lifetime. A study of his birthchart confirms this. To me, the Saint’s life is one of the best demonstrations of the transforming powers every soul carries within and has the birthright to tap into it, which is highlighted during a lifetime in Scorpio. The early part of St. Francis’ life shows the strength, determination, willpower, resource, and stamina Scorpios can call upon. The later part shows the courage to humbly expose to the public its soft and gentle side, the Dove of peace.’

* * *

What will Bill do when you tell him that his behaviour is constantly piling ever more karmic debts into his spiritual ledger and that, as soon as his spirit/soul has matured sufficiently, he will be given a new earthly personality through which these debts will be redeemed. If you told him, might Bill wave them off as some kind of airy-fairy notion? Or would he understand and courageously step forward to own up to what he did and why, and then maybe start using his fortune for feeding your world’s hungry people?

Above all, however, your world’s masses are hungry for the truth and nothing but the truth, because that’s what the Aquarian age promises to bring to humankind. That’s what, from the beginning of the human race’s appearance on the material plane has been written in the great book of life. There’s no need to take our word for it but go to Booksie and look for the file of ‘Unfolding The Great Plan Of Life’. You will then be able to see for yourself. Jon Rappaport’s articles about the pandemic’s background and non-existent viruses are very much part of this.

Every approx. 24,000 years your world experiences another Aquarian age and another golden age comes round because the outer material plane and its inner spiritual counterpart have become the same. On every occasion, Mother Earth then has evolved into a truly beautiful and peaceful place, and all whose energies are right can take part in it. Alas, this is the last time this is going to happen for planet Earth and everything that dwells on it, on all levels. After this golden age the Earth will no longer be used by us as a training ground for human beings. The new planet we have told you about in previous chapters, has been ready for some time by now. It is already accepting those whose energies are not right for reincarnating on the Earth and therefore will not be taking part in the new golden age.

This is why in your world the process of ‘sorting the wheat from the chaff’ and ‘telling the sheep from the goats’ have been our most useful instruments. It’s basically very simple. Wheat people go forward, they freely and willingly share and give of the gifts that have taken many lifetimes of being developed on the earthly plane. The chaff reincarnates on the new planet and continues their education there.

Let there be no doubt in your mind that every one of them is a young God in the making, just the same as you are. And just like you, for a long time they have no clue about the final destiny that awaits every human being. Since humankind first appeared on the Earth, this has never changed. The truth of the matter is that every human being, without exception, is a beloved child and offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. This is why unnecessary suffering has always been avoided whenever possible.

The pandemic, however, is an essential requirement in the process of transforming your world from an over-materialistically orientated place into an entirely spiritual one. And that’s why there had to be a so-called pandemic. It’s the reason why we allowed it to happen. At the same time, that’s the answer to the question we are asking humankind through the most recently released Booksie file of ‘A Pandemic : Why?’

And whenever someone tells you that, in spite of having been vaccinated, however many times, they have been very ill with Covid and that it’s been one of their most unpleasant experiences ever, don’t be surprised! It’s the result of what the pharma industry magicked into these people with their vaccinations, pretending that this would protect them against becoming ill with a non-existent virus, they named Covid.

When you ask them: ‘Did you have to pay for the vaccinations?’ the reply invariably is: ‘No, it was free of charge. Paid for by the National Health System in Great Britain, for example.’ They in turn are paid by the pharma industry to jab people as many times as possible with something that’s specially designed to make them ill. All of that is an essential aspect of the greatest hoax that has ever been experienced in your world. As explained earlier, it’s an essential part of our process of sorting the wheat from the chaff as well as the sheep from the goats.

The chaff people will not be able to reincarnate on the Earth when the new golden age has come round. This is because when they were weighed in the scales of Divine justice, they were found wanting.

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

Separating The Sheep From The Goats

As we know by now, everything that is in this life serves a wise though often hidden purpose – suffering is no exception. Whenever a human soul strays from its pathway and does something unkind, the Universal law of love is broken. Because love never punishes but teaches, the resulting pain and suffering are not intended to be some kind of punishment; they are a way of explaining to the soul the workings of the Universal laws. As mentioned earlier, the human soul creates its own suffering because that way alone it can fulfil the purpose of its existence, which is learning and growing about all aspects of God’s nature and its own. This can only be done through every soul gathering its own experiences.

But, for each one of us there eventually comes the moment when we recognise that suffering can provide us with the key for finding our way back home into the reunion with our Source, where all earthly troubles are forgotten and nothing but love and wisdom reign. As we know by now, we are all here to find healing and to become healers, each in their own right. Healing comes when the earthly self puts its Highest Self in charge of its whole being and like a small child trustingly places it into the hands of God. This atonement alone can bring the healing the soul needs to return into the state of being in complete harmony with its Creator.

Evolution is the main law of life and therefore it is every soul’s own responsibility to develop and grow. Yet, as up to a point we are allowed the freedom to make our own choices, we can also resist all changes and stagnate. During past ages there have been many souls who, after great numbers of lifetimes in physicality managed to shed their lower earthly selves. They evolved into saintly beings, the same as all of us will be doing one of these days, whose exemplary way of living others are willing to follow. These souls walked the way we are treading now before us, trying to show the rest of us through their behaviour the direction in which the rest of our whole race is meant to move.

Although the vibrations emitted by such highly evolved souls are sufficiently refined and they have earned the right to move on to higher learning, for which they are good and ready, out of love for us and our world many for the time being refuse to do so. Instead, they have chosen to join one of the numerous groups of guides and helpers in the world of light, to assist and show the way to as many as possible on the other side of the veil of consciousness that to this day separates our two worlds. White Eagle is one of these gatherings.

Whenever a soul procrastinates for too long and continues to insist on avoiding the issues that are meant awaken them from their spiritual slumber, the Universal force takes over in the end. Something unexpected and beyond our control happens to shake us out of our lethargy and complacency. Such events are very aptly called ‘force majeure’, as in the end they propel us forward into tackling the questions we thought we had successfully swept under the carpet, so that they would thus be forgotten forever. This is impossible – for as long as anything remains in the way of our spiritual development, all our problems eventually have to be faced and resolved.

And that is how, persistently and relentlessly, the Universe pushes us and our world, the same as all other worlds, forwards and upwards on our predestined evolutionary path. Imperceptibly and constantly, the Earth’s vibrations have always been speeding up. That is why each one of us is presented with the necessity of making a conscious choice of either going with the flow or being left behind. As the human spirit is eternal and indestructible and therefore cannot die, this is not as disastrous as it may sound on the surface. It is merely that those who insist on dragging their feet and refusing to get on with working on changing their character to bring forth the best that is within them, are demonstrating unsuitability for taking part in the new Heaven and Earth that is now beginning to manifest itself on our planet.

Meanwhile, the souls who happily get on with their lessons for this lifetime, no matter how difficult and trying they may turn out to be, are fruitfully occupied with doing their share of building and manifesting our new world in their own environment and lives. Those who still insist on acting irresponsibly towards anyone are proving by their very behaviour their unreadiness for continuing their education in a peaceful world. The time is rapidly approaching when disturbers of the peace will no longer be allowed to stand in the way. At the right moment, they will be removed from the Earth in the natural course of events. There is no need for emotionally getting carried away with the notion that this sounds cruel. Instead, bear in mind that the true needs of all God’s children are always met, whatever that may entail.

It has ever been true that human behaviour and actions speak louder than words. They are what sorts the wheat from the chaff or the sheep from the goats, as St. Matthew 25:31-34, 41 tell us: ‘When the Son of man comes in His glory and all His holy Angels with him, then He will sit upon the throne of His glory. And all nations will gather before Him. And He will separate them one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep at his right, and the goats at His left. Then the King will say to those on His right: ‘Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom which has been prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’ . . . Then he will also say to those at his left: ‘Go away from Me, you cursed, to the everlasting fire which is prepared for the adversary and his Angels.’

This sorting of the sheep from the goats is an aphorism for the parting of the ways of one section of the human race from the other. There is no doubt in my mind that there is no truth whatever in the final sentence. It is bound to have found its way into the Bible for the benefit of our race in its spiritual infancy, when very few of us were capable of grasping the underlying esoteric higher meaning of the tale of the sheep and goats. We, the mass of people in those days, must have required this kind of deterrent to keep us away from the truth, otherwise teachings of this nature would never have been presented to us.

Thanks be to God and the Angels that the veil of ignorance is lifting and the living God within each one of us is coming alive. With the help of this wise one, the Universal Christ, who knows the way of all things and beings, increasing numbers of us are now ready to be guided to the real meaning of anything that may come our way. The Christ Spirit leaves us in no doubt that He loves the whole of His Creation totally and unconditionally, including all of His children of the Earth. He assures us that souls, the old teachings would have thought of as goats, after having received their initial training in the experiences of life in physicality, will be moving on to help with the colonising of a new planet at the end of their present lifetime – the same as we one did and still are doing with the Earth.

The true Christ would never curse or condemn anyone, no matter how deep a soul may have fallen and how depraved it has become. He knows better than anyone else that, to come into its wholeness, every human soul has to gather experiences of all conditions on the Earth plane, before it can begin its journey back home into its real nature. He understands better than anyone else that no birth has ever taken place and no spiritual growth was ever achieved without pain.

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From ‘The Prophet’ By Kahlil Gibran

About Pain

A woman spoke: ‘Tell us of pain!’
And the Prophet replied:
‘Your pain is but the breaking of the shell
That encloses your deeper understanding.
You have to know pain,
Even as the outer shell of any fruit has to break,
So that the seed it contains can begin to grow and emerge into the Sun.

If you could but open your heart to the wonder
And the miracle that is your life and all life,
So that you could see that they are contained in everything.
If you could do that, your pain would not seem less wondrous
Than your joy.
You would then be able to accept the seasons of your heart,
Both their coming and their going,
In the same way as the inevitability of the seasons
That pass over your fields.
And you would watch yourself, with serenity and wonder
Through the winters of any grief,
Knowing with certainty that spring and resurrection
Will surely follow.
And that even in the event of the death of your physical body
You can be sure to be granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth,
For as long as you require it.

With the onset of wisdom, you will begin to recognise
That much of your pain is self-chosen and that
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you,
Your Highest or God Self,
Is trying to heal your small, sick and wounded earthly self.
Understanding this you will be able to trust
The Divine Wisdom of your very own Heavenly physician,
And drink Its remedy in silence and tranquillity.

You will then rest safely in the knowledge that
Its hand is only seemingly hard and heavy,
And that in truth the cup that now burns your lips
Is given to you by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And that this cup has been fashioned from the clay,
Which the Great White Spirit, the potter of all life,
Is moistening with Its own sacred Father/Mother tears.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

Anne Morrow Lindbergh writes: ‘Go with the pain, let it take you... Open your palms and your body to the pain. It comes in waves like a tide, and you must be open as a vessel lying on the beach, letting it fill you up and then, retreating, leaving you empty and clear... With a deep breath – it has to be as deep as the pain – one reaches a kind of inner free¬dom from pain, as though the pain were not yours but your body’s. The spirit lays the body on the altar.’ That is how the indwelling spirit needs to nail its small self to the cross of its earthly experiences.

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By Their Fruits You Will Know Them

St. Matthew 7:16-20 is also relevant here: ‘You will know them by their fruits. Do they gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? So, every good tree bears good fruit; but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit; neither can a bad tree bear good food. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and cast into the fire. Thus by their fruit you will know them.’ The fruits of our actions in this world speak for themselves; they reveal whether we are a good tree or a bad one. It takes utter honesty with ourselves to establish whether we can genuinely be counted as belonging to the good trees. If so, we are likely to be spiritually mature enough to be among those who will be allowed to go forward into our new world.

As mentioned earlier, there will be no judgement day. We shall always be our own judge and jury and it is everybody’s own task on this level of life to regularly assess whether we are doing all we can to make our world a better place to live in, not just for ourselves but for all. If we insist on predominantly sending the lower emanations of our earthly self into our world, our vibrations will remain as dense as those of the physical manifestations of Mother Earth, i.e. matter. The more we follow our inner guidance to bring forth the higher and highest qualities of our Christ Self, the finer and higher our vibrations become. This will continue until they have risen to Its level; and that’s what it means to be one with God.

St. Paul’s epistle to the Galatians 5:22-23 shows that the requirements of the human soul on the spiritual pathway have remained unchanged over the ages: ‘But the fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control.’ We are in this life to bring forth and practise our Christ-like qualities, most of all gentleness and kindness to all creatures. And because every cell and atom of physical matter is imbued with God’s life force, inanimate objects deserve to be dealt with in like manner. The more we treat everything that is in our lives this way, whilst ensuring that in every encounter we act with honesty, loyalty and integrity, the more Christ-like we become and our energies cannot help being purified and refined.

Universal laws see to it that the more love and goodwill we project and give out to our world, the more of it must return, until finally the shadows of all our past misdeeds have been dissolved, all Karma has been redeemed by us and we are fully one again with God. To develop all the qualities that enable the human soul to return to this state is the bliss it has been sent out into the world, from the very moment of its release from God.

* * *

The Sins Of The World

St. John 1:29 tells us: ‘The next day John saw Jesus coming to him and he said: ‘Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.’ At the time this was written we were not to know that the Lamb of God refers to the process of cleansing and purifying described in the previous chapter, which every soul on its way back home into the oneness with God must undergo. The Lamb of God is a symbolism for an inner development that belongs to the esoteric realms of the psyche, which is now increasingly taking place in individual souls, as well as that of our whole world. Because this is a matter of inner expansion, it could never have been carried out by outside forces.

At our entry into the Aquarian Age ever more of us are not only ready to receive the knowledge of the true meaning of many of the biblical terms, including this one, they are also willing to get to work on themselves. The sins of the world are the residues of the soul’s memories of the painful and traumatic experiences of all lifetimes. On top of that many false beliefs and prejudices of the past still linger in our consciousness and are now knocking at its door, asking to be dealt with and released. Such things are ballast from the past that is stored in our subconscious and is now weighing us down. Until they have been worked through and released, they will keep our consciousness tied to the Earth plane. They threaten to seriously delay our spiritual progress and stop our soul from fully growing its spiritual wings and taking to them, which is everybody’s birthright.

From the evolutionary level we and our world have reached by now, it is not hard to see that this cleansing process could never have been carried out on anyone’s behalf by the Master Jesus, even if there ever had been such a person or someone like him. According to the legend of his life he once walked in our midst to act as a wayfinder and to become the beloved teacher and guide of many. This story came into being to demonstrate to humankind how Master souls are required to conduct their lives on the Earth plane.

Each one of us eventually has to surrender our lower animal self to our Highest or God Self. To grow into one of the lambs of God it is necessary to walk in the footsteps of such a Master soul until one fine day we too are worthy of being called a Lamb of God. But even if Jesus had ever existed in physicality, the history of our world in the two thousand years since the appearance of his legend, to my mind, are abundant proof that the sins of the world are not going to be taken from anyone through an exterior medium.

No spiritual teachers, especially the highest and most advanced ones, would dream of doing this for anyone, as they are aware of the true purpose and the requirements of the evolutionary spiral of all human development, including their own. No matter how much a soul may twist and wriggle and try to find an escape route in this, that or the other religion or philosophy of our world, these requirements cannot be avoided by anyone.

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

God’s Unerring Justice

The essence of an extract from a teaching of the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in Stella Polaris February/March 2018 under the heading ‘The Inner Awakening’: ‘The law of life is love and evolution through love. God is the law and the law is God, whose love and laws pervade and rule every level of the whole of Creation. The Universal laws cannot be influenced by anything that would change their course and corrupt them. They know no punishment or retribution and they do not judge. God’s justice is perfect. Errors or miscarriages of justice are unknown on the inner spiritual levels of life. Every outer manifestation is an extension of the inner ones and therefore has the same qualities and characteristics.

‘The law of Karma is not by any means something negative, as many earthlings believe it to be. It is completely neutral and returns as many good and positive things as negative and evil ones to its sender. The law just is and functions exceedingly well. The only thing it has in mind for humankind is providing opportunities for consciousness expanding experiences that help every one of God’s children of the Earth to grow in wisdom and understanding, whilst redeeming itself and making good where it once sinned.

‘In the whole of Creation there is no such thing as chances, accidents or coincidences. Everything that happens is in keeping with God’s great plan of life and is the result of the law of Karma. In your world this is true for the events that on the surface of life are so tragic and hard to endure. If you had access to the Akashic Records *, you would be able to see for yourself that these occurrences are always the outworking of the Karmic law of cause and effect. In broad outlines their conditions are as similar as possible to those that once set the karmic wheels in motion. This goes for anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by the events and also the groups and nations they belong to. This is how the whole of humankind, individually and collectively, is constantly in the process of redeeming some of its karmic debts.

‘But the story does by no means end here. It is a well known fact in your world that difficult and traumatic times have the power of bringing out the best and noblest qualities in many people. That’s how the infinite wisdom of the Great Father/Mother eventually assists His/Her human children of the Earth with the development of their own Christ nature. Through manifesting it in earthly life good and positive Karma is created that wipes out ever more of your Karmic debts. This is the only way the Universal Christ, not as an outside force but from within your own inner being, in due course can save and redeem each one of you and your world. It is for this reason that some people feel drawn to the rescue services and when the need for it arises, risk and sometimes give their own lives for the sake of others.

‘And because God’s characteristics and powers are also in you, every one of you carries the power within – if only in its slumbering state thus far – for sowing the seeds of a more beautiful and peaceful world. Your present is occupied with attending to your karmic obligations and making every effort to go about it in the right manner. Learning to control your thought processes and living in harmony with God’s Universal laws empowers you to sow the right seeds in our present lifetime. The knowledge of this is the instrument God and the Angels are placing into everyone’s own hands – or rather heart and soul – for making their own contribution towards positively influencing your own future and that of your whole world.

‘In the long run it is irrelevant whether Christianity or any other belief system survives. It’s the Christ spirit in every human heart and soul, in its total and unconditional surrender to its Highest or God Self. Its kindness and goodwill, tolerance and love for all lifeforms is the only authority who can save and redeem each one of us and our world. We, your spirit friends and helpers, are part of it and working on it – together with you on the one hand and with God and the Angels and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life on the other. No-one on their own has any true power, but together with them makes us so strong and powerful that anything can be done and performing miracles is easy.

‘And if you are longing to find truth, all you have to do is gain access to the wise one, the living God within you. On that level of consciousness the meaning of God’s love is known and you are meant to use the knowledge we are bringing you about it in your everyday life. In words, thoughts and actions show the people around you how they too can find their own way to God’s light, i.e. wisdom and knowledge. Encourage them to do their share of preparing for a golden harvest on the Earth by sharing the seeds that are coming their way with as many as possible.

‘Keep the glorious vision of the new golden age in mind and do not allow anything to deter you and do not be disappointed when you see but a few results of your work. Hold steadfast onto the vision that we are giving you about the age of love and peace, wisdom and truth, that is sure to come into being as ever more of you desire it and willingly and unselfishly work on making their contribution to bringing your new world into being. And because God is in everything and at all times is manifests Him/Herself through the Universal laws, in the fullness of time perfection and joy will come to your world through everyone’s own efforts.

‘You will then be experiencing a life that none of you can as yet imagine, even in your wildest dreams. It is going to be a life of beauty and joy, health and harmony and the love that is the supreme ruler of the spirit spheres. They are spheres of pure light and beauty that are far beyond the world of desires of your present existence and the astral worlds. Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance darkness. Peace be with each one of you as you journey onward into the light of full conscious awareness. There is nothing to fear. God, the Angels and we are with each one of you, holding your hands, giving of our courage and strength, and showing the way whenever someone asks for it. As everybody is required to do their share of the work involved, do your best to spread the good news we are bringing you.

‘Whenever you wish to find out whether someone is telling you the truth, go to your inner guidance. It knows the way of all things and will never lead you astray. Naturally, this also applies to the knowledge we are bringing you.’

* * *

No-One Is Without Value

The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 25.3.2013: ‘Each one of you is a precious and unique being, who is loved by the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents, far more than any of you can imagine. No human being is without value and each one of you is of the greatest importance as a manifestation of God, who is in the process of evolving into perfection, i.e. wholeness, and through whom the Divine forces in due course will be able to touch the lives of countless others. Your earthly minds are receiver and transmitter stations and potentially each one of you is a channel and reflector of God’s light. If in your minds you hold fast to the realisation of God’s light and life, it can shine through you into the whole of your world. In this way the power of God’s light can reach and illuminate everyone you get in touch with, as well as many others who are unknown to you.

‘The esoteric meaning of the surface words of the Jesus legend’s Easter and resurrection story is an allegory that describes the death and resurrection of every human being’s spiritual nature. At the beginning of your education on the material plane, your spirit/souls consciousness is nailed to its cross. For wise higher reasons they have to die in that environment, but after having spent many lifetimes in it, the Divine spark in you stirs from its slumber. Slowly your spiritual nature rises from its grave, from your subconscious into your conscious awareness, so it can be resurrected by your earthly self. May the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, bless each one of you and through you renew and heal the heart and soul of humankind with Its loving breath of life.’

And this is the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as a Lodge’s Monday Thought on 7th January 2019: ‘Every human being is constantly close to God’s loving heart. For a long time without being aware of it, this love is part of you and when in the fullness of time the Divine spark within you wakes up, your own Christ nature starts to develop. Through bringing forth the highest and best that is within you, this part of your being provides you with the sweetness, nobility and strength of character of the Divine, and also the inspiration as well as the courage to move bravely along the predestined pathway. Wherever it may take you, it will give you companionship and never ending love and joy as the glory of God’s Creation reveals itself to you more and more.

‘The false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old religions have kept humankind for long enough from discovering that your earthly existence is by no means a one-off affair, at the end of which you either wind up in Heaven and are eternally at one with Jesus, or frying forever in the fires of hell in the devil’s realm. We are glad to tell you that none of these things ever existed on the earthly plane. And we are delighted to inform you that every human being’s pathway of life is a long drawn out evolutionary journey. The initial part consists of spending many lifetimes experiencing every one of the earthly school of life’s lessons.

‘However, this is only necessary until your higher God or Christ has evolved sufficiently, so that your eternal and immortal spirit/soul no longer requires a physical body for getting around on the earthly plane. And that’s how, in the fullness of time, every human being is released into enjoying the ever greater freedom and beauty of our world, the spirit realm. Wherever you may find yourself, know that in truth none of you is ever alone. Forever you will be protected and shown the way by wise spirit friends and helpers provided by God and the Angels. It’s just that for a long time on the earthly plane you are unaware of their presence. Nonetheless they are constantly with every one of you.’

* * *

The Transmutation Of Karma

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in ‘Spiritual Unfoldment 4 – Sayings of the Gentle Brother’: ‘It is all too easy to judge the actions of others, but endeavour to refrain from judgment. Because of your oneness on the inner level, whenever you are condemning someone you are in truth doing this to yourself. Strive to be tolerant and let flow from your heart the gentle spirit of the master soul the Jesus legend portrayed. Jesus is a symbolism for the archetypal Christ, your own Christ nature.

‘This aspect of your being in all of you is the only one in the whole of Creation who can save and redeem you and make you perfect. In this context perfection means that all aspects of your being have healed into one and are working together in perfect harmony, the way they are in the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents. This blessed state can only come about through everyone’s own efforts. The Jesus legend depicts how highly evolved and perfected souls, of their own free will, conduct their earthly lives by walking in the footsteps of the gentle and loving Jesus. He is but one of the many symbols of the Universal Christ which God and the Angels presented to humankind down the ages through various religions of your world.

‘Forgive, dear children of the Earth, forgive. Whatever is in your heart, whichever way you may feel towards anyone, possibly with justification according to the standards of earthly life, pray to forgive and follow the advice of the Jesus legend’s Lord’s Prayer: ‘Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ Forgiving those who hurt and wounded you is the only way of releasing yourself from the karmic chains and shackles that exist between you and the offender. So long as you sit in judgment over them and refuse to forgive, the Universal law of cause and effect will time and again bring the same back to you. No-one can escape the perfect justice of this law, which decrees: ‘As you give, so you receive.’ This continues until one of you sends the other one forgiveness from your heart and soul, you are releasing each other from the bondage of your joint Karma.

‘Karma is transmuted when you learn to think and act with love from the spiritual aspect of your Christ nature. The Jesus story points the way. All of you are on the Earth plane so that you may learn to live like a true Master who knows nothing but compassion and kindness, gentleness and love. The Jesus legend tells us that the Master looked deep into the souls of those who were drawn to him. He saw their suffering, not merely that of the present but of their whole evolutionary pathway. He saw their Karma and how they themselves brought it about.

The Jesus story shows you how you too, in the fullness of time when your own Christ nature has sufficiently developed, are going react to people and life in general with a heart that is filled with compassion and forgiveness. In your daily encounters that can turn out to be very difficult. Yet, it is worth persevering because as soon as the Divine forgiveness of your higher nature fills your whole being, people are released and set free with whom you could have been in karmic, i.e. emotional bondage over many lifetimes. Because of this both of you have been nailed to the cross of earthly suffering. That’s why we advise you to look beyond people’s appearances into their hearts and souls. When you see there how they are suffering, all you may want to do is love and forgive them.’

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From ‘Our World In Transition’

The Fear Of Annihilation

There is no doubt in my mind that humankind’s worst fear by far is that of annihilation and non-existence, of being snuffed out like a candle when in fact we are moving into the world of light, our true home, and merely leaving our physical bodies behind. In the early stages of our earthly education, as young and inexperienced souls, we have no choice but to believe the teachings of the religions, specifically created for this purpose, to convince us with the greatest air of authority that life is a one-off thing. As a result, we move through it nurturing the belief in our bosom that we can please ourselves, do what we like and get away with just about anything, if need be murder – in some cases quite literally.

For as long as we are convinced that a bullet through our head or a cyanide capsule in our mouth will wipe us out or snuff us out like a candle, we are quite capable of killing and maiming, massacring and taking hostages, torturing and maltreating anyone who treats us badly. Maybe they do not share what we think of as true, holy and sacred, possibly make fun of it. Or maybe it’s someone who simply gets in the way what we perceive as our progress or we just don’t like them. We may even hope to deserve a special place in Heaven for our behaviour or go straight to paradise as a reward for our ‘heroic’ deeds.

That is an exceedingly far cry from what really happens. At the moment of physical death when we leave our earthly identity with its physical body behind, we once again become aware of our true nature as spirit and soul and return to the world of spirit, our true home. That’s where all of us go, for the simple reason that there isn’t anywhere else. The awareness of being spirit and soul reminds us that the Divine presence never leaves us and that because of this at all times we stand before our Creator, each one of us on their own. This is not like a standing or kneeling in front of some kind of throne, the way the God was presented to us in previous ages.

Let us not blame the religions that taught false beliefs like this one. They too were necessary so that we should get to know the lower and lowest characteristics of our earthly nature. Poor humankind! In our ignorance of the things that truly matter in life, like the knowledge of our immortality and the Cosmic laws, our Creator’s laws, as young souls we march through life and accumulate ever more negative Karma, blissfully unaware that the bill will eventually be presented to us for every one of our misdeeds.

Ignorance of the existence of the Universal laws could never protect anyone against having to live with them and the need for harvesting the bitter fruits as the consequence of the seeds we once sowed with every one of our thoughts, words and actions. Every bit of suffering that has been caused to any form of life has to be made good and redeemed by us, at some stage during our evolutionary journey through life. And each time we have left the physical reality of Earth life behind and returned into the world of spirit, our true home, there does come a day of judgement. To our astonishment, however, it isn’t at all like what we were taught by the churches we left behind.

In our other world we stand, hand in hand with the wise ones in charge of us, before ourselves and take a good look at everything that happened in the lifetime we just left behind and in others before it, if this one is not our first encounter with Earth life. Suddenly we understand why Shakespeare wrote in ‘As You Like It’:

This wide and Universal theatre
Presents more woeful pageants than the scene, wherein we play.
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one person, in their time, plays many parts.

To help us gain a better understanding of the purpose and meaning of our earthly existence and so that we should get at least an inkling of the complexities that are hidden behind it, throughout the ages God’s Divine wisdom and truth has been presented to humankind in many and varied forms. It has constantly flown through and worked with all manner of channels. Shakespeare was one of them. Do you find it as astonishing as I do how long it sometimes takes until the meaning of some of the wisdom that was given to our world in this manner actually comes clear?

How much longer will it take until finally all of us are aware of what the concepts of God and the Universe truly mean? One cannot help wondering what will emerge, as everybody’s understanding of them is going to be at least slightly different from anyone else’s. Our relationship with the Divine is a highly personal and intimate one and because God is as much part of us as we are part of God, our perception of it depends on the relationship we have thus far been able to establish with this part of ourselves. The task of every soul on the Earth plane is to search for their own philosophy of life that is based on their understanding of the meaning and purpose of their own being and that of all life. To my mind, this can only be found by making an effort at peering behind the curtains of Earth life and into its spiritual background, especially through its most profound experiences of birth and death.

A great abundance of fears, superstitions, false beliefs and illusions to this day exists in our world. The spiritual knowledge that for some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into our individual and collective consciousness is doing its best to help us cleanse our consciousness of these things. This process will continue until every last shred of them has gone for good. The general awareness of humankind’s true nature and destiny is increasing all the time. Ever more of us are becoming aware that the purpose of all existence in matter is evolution and that the essence of our being is spirit and soul. Because they are immortal and cannot die, there is no death, only transformation into other states of life. With this knowledge, even the fear of death, the worst one of all, is saying goodbye to our world.

Nothing To Fear

What do we have to fear? Nothing!
Whom do we have to fear? No-one!
Do you know why?
Consciously becoming one again with our Highest Self,
Gives us three great privileges:
Omnipotence and practising it safely in the knowledge
That true Power is with God alone,
And that this God, the living God within, will always
Show us where and how to do so.
This makes us feel intoxicated without needing any wine.
And because we have come home into the awareness
That we are eternal beings of light and immortal,
There is no longer is any death for us,
Merely transformations
From one life-state into another.

St. Francis of Assisi
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Good Morning, Starshine (1)

Good morning Starshine,
The Earth says hello.
You twinkle above us,
We twinkle below.
Good morning Starshine,
You lead us along.
My love and me, as we sing
Our early morning singing song.

Good morning Christ Star,
O Light of all lights and
Sun of all suns.
All earthlings say: ‘Hello!’
You radiate Your light into our world
And we respond to it from below.

Good morning Christ Star,
Please lead all of us along.
We kneel before You and
Our early morning song
Sings our gratitude and
Praise for You.

Our whole world yearns for the
Spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age
Of believing what our heart and soul
Tell us is true.
May Your honesty and truth,
Loyalty and integrity rule
Us and our world,
For ever and ever.


From the musical ‘Hair’
About the Age Of Aquarius

Book and lyrics by
James Rado and Gerome Ragni
Music by Galt MacDermot
Adapted by Aquarius

This part was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me from the White Eagle Lodge during the Coronavirus pandemic: ‘Many people in your world are as yet unaware that every one of you, without exception, is a spark of the Christ Light and therefore a child of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The time has come for ever more of you to find out that all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in you. And that means that in the present situation none of you is as helpless as you may think you are.

‘The infinite wisdom and all encompassing, understanding and therefore forgiving love of the Highest Forces have granted every human being the precious gift of freedom of choice. And choose you must because not choosing reveals that you are supporting those who are once again trying to rule humankind with the power of fear. This is how a comparatively small minority in your world is at the moment trying to exploit the mass of people for selfish gains. That’s how the religions of your world once ruled humankind and therefore represents the way of the past. No person or organisation of your world will ever be allowed to act the part of the priesthood.

‘This is because by now the Aquarian age has been reached. It is the age in which all Divine qualities, especially those of honesty and truth, are slowly but surely taking over the role of humankind’s supreme rulers. It will not come about through an outside force, but through each and every one of you bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the characteristics of their very own God or Christ nature. And it’s up to every one of you choose to cower fearfully, like a rabbit in front of a snake that given half a chance will surely eat it, or whether you would rather turn to God and the Angels to request that they show you intuitively how you can contribute to humankind working its way out of its predicament.

‘The help of God and the Angels cannot come to anyone without asking. But they are happy to advise those who turn to them. For a long time they have working on humankind’s awakening to its true higher nature. The present situation is a wake-up call that is accompanied by an opportunity to prove that with their help and will all things really are possible, that crooked corners can be made straight and any condition healed.

‘They are waiting for your call because they need the help of every one of you as much as you need theirs. To set the wheels in motion, take care to go about it the right way. In your moments of quiet reflection and meditation request their guidance and protection before venturing into healing mode. Pay attention to what comes to you intuitively, trust the instructions you receive and follow them.

‘Know that the Christ Star’s light has the power of absorbing all darkness and fear that exists on all levels of your planet. In the Divine Trinity’s healing temple the Angels of healing and peace are constantly occupied with uplifting and transmuting such energies into blessing and healing ones that from there flow to anyone who is in need of it and works on restoring it to normal healthy functioning. Every year at the special time of the Wesak Festival the roots of every human being can reach particularly deep into the heartmind of the Divine Trinity. In return they are provided with a steadily increasing unshakable faith and trust in the profound goodness of the life that every one of you has been given.

‘In your imagination now visualise the spiritual inner level of life where the whole of humankind is kneeling before the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. They are praying for Divine mercy and forgiveness. Let’s join them and add prayer to theirs:

‘O Great White Spirit and the Angels please grant every single one of us and the whole of humankind the gift of Your guidance and protection. Please show all of us intuitively how to go blessing and healing our world, so it can return to normal healthy functioning for all lifeforms that shares it with us. Become aware that every human earthly mind and imagination is a powerful instrument. As co-creators with God, each one of you has the power within to create good as well as evil, sickness and also good health.

‘Take good care how you use this your very own precious tool. And now imagine that the Christ light’s warmth and love deeply penetrates every cell and atom of your own being and flows from there into your whole world. Watch how everything it touches that is harmful for anyone’s wellbeing is uplifted and transmuted into something beneficial. In particular concentrate on the different types of Coronavirus. Observe the Christ Light strengthening the immune system of humans and animals affected by them and how the symptoms of their afflictions are clearing up and their whole being restored to its normal healthy functioning.’

* * *

Good Morning, Starshine (2)


‘Progressing on the evolutionary spiral is the birthright of humankind and everything that shares your world, as well as the planet itself. Anything that influences it in harmful ways is trying to interfere with this and hold all of it back in the past. Everything of this nature represents their crude and unevolved state and in truth is nothing but a relic from the past. This applies to all kinds of damaging bacteria and viruses and in particular the Coronavirus that’s been given the name of Covid-19.

‘Love and evolution together are the main Divine law that rules life in the whole of Creation, including that of the Earth. In keeping with this law, the damaging influences that remain anywhere are merely waiting to be changed into something beneficial, in this case not only humankind but everything that shares your planet with you. That’s why God and the Angels, through us, invite you to take part in the following: during your times of quiet reflection and meditation imagine that the Covid-19 looks like the image above. Observe how the full strength of the Christ Star’s light deeply penetrates into the virus and how through this its colour changes from red to a pleasant green like the trees and grasses of your world.

‘This invitation is the tool that God and the Angels are herewith laying into the hands of anyone who is reading this. Please do not forget to share it with as many as possible of those around you, so that they too can make their very own contribution to changing your world’s present situation. It’s up to each one of you whether it will continue for an indefinite time or reach its natural end. With your help it could come much sooner than anybody dares to think at the moment and that in quite a magical way.

‘God bless every one of you and keep you safe, forever and ever. To us, your spirit friends and helpers, it makes no difference whether anyone is as yet capable of following our invitation or not. We love all of you, totally and unconditionally, because we are aware that, in the fullness of time, even the last and slowest one of you is going to wake up from their spiritual slumber and get to know God’s true nature and their own.’

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With love and light,

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3 Nov, 2022
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