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Miracles And Wonders (69)
Miracles And Wonders (69)

Miracles And Wonders (69)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 5th November 2022

The Cuckoo’s Egg

Amazing Grace, how sweet Thy sound
and thank you for returning ever more of
the truth and nothing but the truth
to humankind now that
the Aquarian age is here.

We are glad to observe how in your world ever more of the old belief systems is shrinking away. It’s coming about because steadily increasing number of people realise that their strange tales never were literally true. That’s why ever more of you are grouping together to learn as much as possible about the natural aspects of the world in which they are living. It’s happening because the old belief systems’ false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions, for example that there is such a thing as Heaven and hell, where depending on what they believe, people go when their present lifetime has run its course.

For long enough such stories have kept humankind away from reconnecting with the other much more important levels of their existence. The shamanistic pathway can help you to rediscover them, step by step. If you are willing to dig deep enough into the murky sediments the old belief systems have left behind, then this road is for you. However, here are some words of warning to those who would like to abuse this pathway for selfish purposes and that’s because powerful spirit guards are protecting every one of its levels. These guardians are not going to allow anyone to turn shamanic pathway into a money-spinning enterprise. No-one will be able to make a splendid living for themselves out of it and maybe paying their outstanding debts, through pretending that, rewarded by a generous fee, such people can show others how to do the same for themselves.

For long enough by now, the old belief systems have been deceiving people through nothing but lying and cheating. And the pharmaceutical industry, for many years by now, has been walking in their footsteps, believing that some of those at the head of these organisations can do as they like. We assure you that spirit helpers are observing all of anyone’s movements on the material plane. They can see with great clarity the intentions behind everything that comes about there. However, we assure you that this is not going to continue forever.

The old belief systems and also the pharma industry have been cuckoo’s eggs that came into being to push that which is good, right and beautiful in your world out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness. This was a necessary part of teaching your world the value of truth. And that’s why, for wise higher reasons, the truth first had to be withdrawn from your world. Step by step it disappeared in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, which fortunately are now behind you, even though remnants of it still have to be endured by those who presently are taking part in life on the material plane.

We are glad to confirm today that the deeper humankind penetrates into the energies of the Aquarian age, the age of truth, the more of it is returning to your world, for example through the Aquarian writings. And that is also the reason why natural healing methods as well as the shamanic pathway are reappearing. Steadily, there are increasing in strength and enjoying ever greater popularity. As far as the former is concerned, powerful spirit guards have always been occupied with creating natural barriers around every level of it.

During these difficult times in which we are transforming your world from an over-materialistically oriented place into an entirely spiritual one, our guards are protecting the shamanistic road against being abused by anyone whose intentions are dishonest. Those who are only interested in using for this road for the sake of profiteering and money-spinning, the same as the old belief systems and the pharma industry, following in their footsteps, have been doing for such a long time by now.

Let’s stay with the old belief systems for a moment. To this day they are trying to make people believe in non-existent Divine beings. Nonetheless they possess the power of saving and redeeming anyone who declares to believe that these beings really exist. Believers therefore think that they can commit any kind of sin but will still be safe. They are convinced that these beings are merely invisible to earthly eyes. The pharma industry has adopted this principle. And that’s why, for quite some time by now, they have been working hard to convince as many people in your world as possible that there really are viruses. Naturally, they are equally invisible because they do not exist. Yet, the industry tells people that one virus after the other will appear and that each one possesses the power of killing those who have been in contact with them. Safe are only those who have been vaccinated with the products specially produced for this purpose.

And that’s how the old belief systems as well as the pharma industry have been and still are extracting vast amounts of money from those who believe that these organisations are telling the truth. Alas, gullibility is a left-over from the previous age, the age of Pisces. We are glad to tell you that your world has left this age behind for quite some time by now. During the Piscean age lying and cheating were the order of the day. People were so gullible that they believed when religiously coloured organisations, who owned big and splendid buildings, paid from the results of their professional lying and cheating activities, presented them with some extremely strange tales. To this day, none of them is making any sense whatever to inquiring human minds that have not lost their natural intelligence bestowed upon them by their Creator.

Regardless of this, whenever such stories were presented to people in big books with golden imprint on the covers, for example the Torah, the Bible or the Koran, sufficient numbers of people were convinced that the truth and nothing but the truth has to be speaking from them. We are sad to observe that many to this day believe that every word of what’s written in tomes of this nature is literally true.

Before the appearance of the Jesus legend, people in your world lived in natural ways. They knew that everything is alive and part of them, as they are part of it. Everything is influencing everything else in some way. And that’s what the shamanistic pathway is about. It is rekindling this knowledge in ever more people in your world. When something was wrong with someone in times gone by, people turned to the natural world around them, knowing that somewhere there would be what they needed for healing themselves. And that’s how people in those days existed the shamanistic way, at one with and in tune with environment.

Christianity almost wiped out the indigenous population of the American continent and the sub-continent Australia and their beliefs. This is how people’s knowledge of the natural world and, with the coming of the pharmaceutical industry and its products, of natural healing methods almost disappeared from your world. The shamanistic pathway is rescuing ever more of both.

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From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

What Do I See?

Looking behind I am filled with gratitude.
Looking forward I am filled with vision.
Looking upwards I am filled with strength.
Looking within I discover peace.

From the Native Indian tradition of
The Quero Apaches

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Chief Seattle 1855 at Point Elliot,
when told that his tribe must move to a reservation said the following:

‘We will ponder your proposition and when we decide we will let you know. But should we accept it, I here and now make this condition that we will not be denied the privilege without molestation of visiting at any time the tombs of our ancestors, friends and children. Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than to yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch.

‘Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy-hearted maidens, and even our little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these sombre solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits. And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children's children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. In all the earth there is no place dedicated to solitude. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled them and still love this beautiful land.

‘The White Man will never be alone. Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds.’

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‘Many things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture your heart.’ American Indian proverb

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‘Never criticise anyone until you have walked a mile in their moccasins.’ American Indian proverb

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Martin Luther King Jr.: ‘There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, politic or popular, but it has to be taken because our conscience tells us it is right.’

‘If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose the courage to be and the quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. That’s why today I still have a dream.’

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From ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’

Ask The Beasts And They Shall Teach You (1)

‘For you shall be in league with the stones of the field;
And the wild beasts shall surrender [their wisdom] to you.’
Job 5:23

‘But ask now the beasts and they shall teach you;
And the fowls of the air and they shall tell you;
Or speak to the Earth and it shall teach you;
And the fishes of the sea shall declare to you.’
Job 12: 7-8

The world around us is an outer manifestation of the inner life of our race, individually and collectively. It acts like a mirror that constantly reflects its state back to us. Subtly and in many different ways, the Universe has always been trying to guide us and teach us by showing us better ways of living harmoniously with each other and our world. Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation in Germany who, for the first time in its history, made the Bible accessible to lay people by translating it into German, observed: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ The same applies to all other parts of the world around us. Much new understanding can be found through observing the environment and intuitively interpreting what kind of messages it may contain.

Take for example the trees and observe how their branches reach ever higher upwards into the sky and their roots work their way deeper and deeper into the Earth, in search of nourishment and water. They are doing so with such force that they are capable of growing through and breaking up stones. Our developing inner roots can and need to do the same. Like the trees, we are bridges between Heaven and Earth and are in this life to behave like them, the way Richard St. Barbe Baker describes in his book ‘Green Glory’: ‘The Earth itself is a child of the Sun and its tree children are ever striving to get nearer their distant father.’

For a very long time the Bible has been trying to draw our attention to the fact that, if we but open our inner eyes and ears and pay attention to our environment, God’s human children of the Earth can receive guidance and participate in her great wisdom. Becoming aware of our oneness with all life, we realise that we are indeed in league with the stones of the field and that, when we approach the wild beasts with love in our hearts, they eventually are willing to not to exactly surrender to us, but to tolerate us and live in harmony with us. Through watching them much can be learnt about the loving care and wisdom of the Goddess, the Great Mother of all life and the feminine wisdom aspect of the Divine Trinity. With the help of the animals we can find a better perception of how life works on all its levels. By taking a closer look at the animal kingdom and letting the behaviour of the beasts speak to us it is possible to become more familiar with the drives and motivations of our own inner self.

The flying creatures mean to teach us about the human spirit. Like them, we have the ability to fly. Yet, this doesn’t happen effortlessly. It is a learning curve like any other with all its inherent trials and errors. Watch any young bird family. You don’t have to look for anything exotic. A family of house sparrows will serve our purpose perfectly. Observe how difficult it is for the young ones to take to their wings and to go in search of nourishment. But, when they finally take off and soar through the air, they remind us that our spirit can fly, too, and that in truth it is as free as they are, in fact more so!

The fishes of the sea are symbols for the creative ideas that are floating in great abundance in the vast ocean of life. When one pays attention to them, they are only too willing to declare themselves to us and help us gain a better understanding of our true nature and high and holy destiny. The behaviour of the beasts reveals that what they have within is also in us and many of their habits are also ours. The whole of humankind stands to gain a great deal from paying attention to the beliefs held by the Earth and Nature attuned traditions of people like the Native Americans and Australians. They have always echoed and been in harmony with the ancient teachings the Angels gave to our world down the ages.

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Seeing God In Everything (2)

Those who recognise God in everything
See a world in a grain of sand
And Heaven in a wild flower.
Observing the Divine plan manifest itself
In all that is puts the key to
Infinity into the palms of their hands.
Every moment of their lives is part of Eternity.

William Blake
Edited by Aquarius

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Animal Teachers (3)

Since time immemorial animals have been humankind’s spiritual companions. The earliest indications of the significance of the human-animal relationship can be found in the twenty thousand year old cave wall paintings of the Cro-Magnon people. In many if not in most cultures, animals have served a variety of spiritual functions. They have been linked with supernatural forces, acting as guardians and shamans and appearing in images of our true home, the world of spirit. They have even been worshipped as agents of Gods and Goddesses sent to our world by the Highest. Many ancient creation myths depict God with a dog. Although these stories do not explain the existence of the dog, the primeval people revealed their intense attachment to their animal companions through the belief that dogs existed from the beginning, like God.

That animals touch us in a deep inner place is by no means a new discovery. It is a phenomenon that pervades the history of all human-animal connections. Somehow we have always felt that we could benefit spiritually from our relationships with animals, because they offer us something fundamental and that is an unspoilt sense of the joy and wonder of creation. Witnessing how animals feel much more intensely and purely than we are capable of doing, we may yearn to express ourselves with their abandon and integrity.

Animals reveal to us the characteristics we can only glimpse in ourselves, but nonetheless form the core of our true inner self. The structure and organisation of their societies, as well as their behaviour patterns can tell us a great deal about the instinctive reactions of our lower earthly animal nature. It is possible to sense through our relationships with animals how we can recover that which is true within us. Through this a better understanding of the spiritual direction of our own life can be found. Most importantly, animals teach us about love. How to love, how to enjoy being loved, how loving itself is an activity that generates more love and the way it radiates out and encompasses an ever larger circle of others.

Animals share their whole being and their abundance with us and invite us to do the same. They teach us the language of the spirit. Through our contact with them we can learn to overcome the limits imposed by our individuality and the notion that human beings are all different from each other. They can help us reach beyond the walls we have erected between the mundane and the sacred, and stretch ourselves to discover new frontiers of consciousness. Although animals cannot speak to us in human languages, they can and do communicate with us in ways that do not require words. They show us how words often are not even helpful and can get in the way of understanding.

To paraphrase Mahatma Gandhi, I believe that the evolutionary level of any person and nation, as well as of our whole world, reveals itself in the way we treat our animals, not merely those we keep as beloved pets, like cats, dogs and horses, but all of them – loving them sufficiently to refuse eating them.

When one considers the size, power and might of this magnificent creature, isn’t it all the more astonishing with what patience and tenderness, love and kindness she takes care of her offspring? A mother bear is at all times prepared to defend them, if need be with her own life. Could there be a finer manifestation and worthier demonstration of the meaning of love anywhere?

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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Amazing Grace (1)

Old Religions : Cuckoos In Humankind’s Nest

Some extra powerful outpourings of the Christ energies are flowing into our whole world on a number of occasions, for example around the time of the Wesak Moon and the Christ Moon, as well as the Summer and Winter Solstices or the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. Regardless of whether we live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, they simultaneously reach and influence all life on our planet equally strongly. The reversal of the seasons in the hemispheres does not make any difference.

The next major flow of the Universal Christ energies’ blessings will be reaching our world seven weeks after Easter Sunday, which in the year 2021 took place on 4th April. It will come our way on the day of the full Moon in Gemini, known as the Christ Moon, on 26th May 2021 at 11.45 hrs Greenwich Meantime. To this day, Christianity celebrates the Christ Moon as Whitsunday and Whitsuntide. That’s how the Christian religion once pushed the egg/ideas of it’s predecessor’s festival of Beltane or Beltain out of humankind’s nest. This Gaelic May Day festival to this day is celebrated by many on the first day of May as well as about halfway between each spring equinox and summer solstice.

That’s how, a long time ago, the new religion Christianity eventually managed to push the traditional Gaelic religion’s beliefs and habits out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness. It was mainly done with the help of a story about a religious Master, who once walked on the Earth and was called Jesus. Although many to this day believe that every word of this tale is literally true, ever more people in our world by now realise that Jesus is a symbol of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature.

But let’s return to the Christ Moon for a moment. With the help of numerology, let’s take a closer look at how the energies involved are likely to beneficially influence every one of us and also our whole world. The Christ Moon takes place seven weeks after Easter. 7 x 7 = 49 days and that makes a great deal of sense. 4 = Uranus, co-ruler of Aquarius, the voice of God. 9 = Pluto, co-ruler with Mars of Scorpio, sign of the subconscious. 4 + 9 = 13 = 1 = the Sun, 3 = Jupiter. 1 + 3 = 4 = the Christ energies are the purest and most exalted love energies. That will be God’s voice communicating with particular strength before, during and after the Christ Moon and that with every one of us from the subconscious level of our being that’s invisible to earthly eyes but can be perceived in prayers, quiet times of reflection and meditations.

As mentioned before, God and the Angels never communicated with us and our world by simply telling us the meaning of something. From the beginning of our race’s appearance on the earthly plane they have been using myths and legends, allegories and metaphors, parables and symbolisms. Trying to understand them through fathoming out what they may want to tell us and our world the Highest Forces of life always left up to each one of us. The way we went about it and what kind of conclusions we came to showed them, more clearly than anything else could ever have done, what level of spiritual maturity or immaturity we had reached.

That’s why every so often God and the Angels gave our world a new religion. Each belief system was carefully designed to keep humankind away from discovering too early the true nature of its Divine parents as well as who and what every human being really is. God’s great plan of life for us and our world decreed that it would take a long time before we found that we are one with God and all manifestations of life that exist in the whole of Creation. Only towards the end of our education in the earthly school of life would we discover that every human being has a special relationship with the Great Father/Mother of all life that cannot be disrupted or destroyed by anything or anyone.

At a predestined time, ideas for another new religion entered the nest of humankind’s consciousness. It came about in similar fashion to an egg that God and the Angels, metaphorically speaking, added to the number of eggs they had already placed in this nest. With the greatest of loving care and Divine ingenuity, wrapped in something like a fragile bird’s egg, in this case cuckoo’s egg, ideas for each new religions were placed into the minds of those who, at that time, were destined to play the role of inflicting some more of suffering onto those who were ready to redeem the karmic debts that had accumulated in their spiritual ledger, in the course of earthly lifetimes when they belonged to the group of newly arrived human spirit/souls. That’s how God and the Angels placed their ideas for each new religion into the nest of the belief system that had most recently appeared.

The host parents failed to notice that the hatchling that emerged from one of the eggs in their nest, could not possibly be one of their offspring. As a result, they fed the hungry newcomer so well that in no time at all it was forcing their own eggs, one after the other, out of the nest. Lacking the gift of foresight, the parent religion at first warmed the inflowing ideas that the egg contained. But even when hatching time came round they did not notice that the emerging creature was in fact a budding new religion.

That’s why they kept feeding the greedy youngster, so that with their help it grew to ever more enormous proportions. It was too late when the parents at last noticed that something was seriously wrong with their offspring. Never having experienced anything of this nature before, they failed to notice how their nest’s hungry occupant, one after the other, pushed their own eggs that contained the ideas that God and the Angels had given to them, out of the nest. They smashed on the ground, no longer of interest to anyone.

This happened because the leaders of each new religion, the same as all other human beings, were occupied with getting to know the lower and lowest drives and urges of the human masculine nature. Let’s not judge anyone because of this because that’s what all of us have inherited from our animal predecessors. Competing and fighting is a natural aspect of masculinity and that’s present in every man and woman alike. It’s conscious in men and unconscious in women, that’s the only difference. Watch the animal kingdom and observe how males are wrestling and fighting with each other for the position of Alpha male, especially within herds.

The people at the head of each new religion never could help following the drives and urges of their masculine instinctive nature. That’s why every new leader, who appeared in our world, did not hesitate to satisfy his inborn lust for troublemaking and warmongering. Hoping to make his dreams of empire building a reality on the earthly plane, each did his best to get hold of as many treasures as possible and then tried to keep them. Each time a new religion appeared, this is what happened. And that’s how the ideas of this particular cuckoo’s egg gradually forced the older belief system’s ideas out of what they thought of as their nest.

It needs bearing in mind that everything that ever took place in our world, including that which is happening now, has been for the wise higher purpose of teaching us, individually and collectively, a lesson – no more and no less. Through the absence of honesty and truth, and that for quite some time, God and the Angels have been teaching us the value of these qualities. Once this lesson has been learnt sufficiently, we shall be ready to move on to the next instalment of humankind’s great evolutionary plan. The earthly school of life’s learning process is basically not different from that of any educational institution on the outer material plane.

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Amazing Grace (2)

How Sweetly Does The Cuckoo Really Call?

In the so far eighty-three years of this lifetime, I have only heard a cuckoo calling once. It happened around twenty years ago during a walk in Germany’s Arnsberg Forest. After having climbed to the top of a hill, we stopped for a moment to gaze across a valley to another hill that was as densely wooded as ours. That’s when we heard a cuckoo calling. To this day, I remember it as a strangely haunting and attractive sound that seemed to come from far away, almost as if someone were calling from another world, inviting me to follow to where it might want to lead me. When I reflect on this now, that makes a great deal of sense. It’s because at that time I had placed myself in a situation that would eventually turn out to be no more than a cuckoo’s egg in the nest of my present lifetime. It managed to get in the way of fulfilling its ultimate purpose of emerging as the author of ‘The Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’, but only for a while.

Be that as it may, the cuckoo is a secretive bird who can often be heard, but hardly ever seen. On the outer material plane the male cuckoo’s sweet calling tells us that it’s springtime and that he is looking for a female companion who, in the course of one season, can lay of up to twenty-three eggs. Every one of them the female places with great caution and unequalled audacity into the nests of other birds. And whenever God and the Angels decide that springtime has been reached once more for humankind’s spiritual development, they think of ideas for a new religion that will take our race another step forwards and upwards on its own evolutionary spiral and that of Mother Earth.

And so they start placing ideas for the next religion in the minds of those who are destined to play leading roles in this operation. Many people by then have become tired of the old religion’s promises because with the passing of time, their promises have revealed themselves as being empty ones. Curious about what a new religion offers, they are likely to be interested in what this one seems to offer. Insisting that their God is a vastly superior one to all previous ones, that’s how in times gone by, each new religion attracted increasing numbers of people who were willing to follow the sweet callings that were emerging from the ideas contained in the latest cuckoo’s egg God and the Angels had deposited in the nest of humankind’s consciousness.

On every occasion, it did not take long until those who were unwilling to believe that the teachings of the newly emerging religion were literally true, could be got rid of by the religion’s followers with the help of anything they could lay their hands on, encouraged by the movement’s leaders. Find out more about this by taking a look at the link about the inquisition at the end of this chapter. That’s how Christianity once dealt with anyone who refused to believe that their promises of a saviour and redeemer who exists on the higher levels of life, who helps anyone – no matter how much they have already sinned and will be sinning, when told to do so, especially in the name of Jesus, by the leaders of this religion.

To be saved and redeemed by this God-man is very simple. All one has to do is say that one believes that the story of his life is literally true and that he is a historical figure, who once walked with humankind on the earthly plane. And as ever more of us are finding out, that’s just about as far as one can get from the truth about Jesus, who is merely a symbolism of the higher God or Christ nature, not of a selected few, but every human being. We shall return to this theme later.

For the moment may it suffice to say that things went from bad to worse for our world after the reformation, when some parts of our world successfully shed the yokes of religious oppression and exploitation of the Roman Catholic church. The reformation begun when Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. The separation of Catholic and Protestant Christians provided each side with plenty of fresh excuses for fighting and maiming, killing and exploiting each other resources. Both were doing this in the name of the non-existent God-man by the name of Jesus.

Even though they must be aware of the Old Testament’s commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill!’, priests on both sides blessed the weapons of their soldiers and prayed for the victory of their side, to a non-existent God. How crazy could our world get? Oh yes, it could and that came about when God and the Angels laid the cuckoo’s egg/idea of a pandemic into the nest of humankind’s consciousness. What can you and I do about it?

To my mind, there is nothing but forgiving ourselves and each other, because all of us have taken part in this kind of thing and that not in just lifetime but many. Changing from the giving end of suffering to the receiving one, and back again, time and again. Enduring our world’s present state is the redemption of what’s left of the karmic debts that accumulated during those earthly sojourns. So let’s not waste time and breath with complaining about what’s happening but accept that we must have done our share of bringing it about. Otherwise we would not be here, having to take part in it – whether we like it or not.

All together let’s rest safely in the knowledge that this too will pass, the same as all earthly things eventually do. And rejoice because the Aquarian age, the age of honesty and truth, is with us and the Piscean age is definitely over. What we are dealing with at present are what’s left of this age of lying and cheating, deception of the self and others, as well as blind belief. It was a time when our world’s religious authorities, with the help of ever more outrageous and outlandish tales equipped themselves with the lethal weapon of fear. That’s how people could once be forced to blindly believe that their teachings are literally true and so is anything else that appears in other ancient tomes.

This is also what the pharma industry is trying to do at present with us and our world. But I do not only believe but know for sure, because that’s what my inner guidance is telling me, that hand in hand with God and the Angels any condition can be healed and everything can be overcome. Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be to You that the lying and cheating part of humankind’s development is definitely over. That’s why since our entry into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, ever more spiritual knowledge has been flowing steadily, from Your highest level of life directly into all receiver/transmitter stations that are tuned into Your frequencies.

Yet, as Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, wrote: ‘Any fool can know. Understanding is something quite different.’ I could not agree more. This is why I have never just shared the fresh insights that are almost constantly coming to me intuitively. All along, I have not merely been telling you that this, that and the other just is a certain way, but why this is so. To my mind, if something is meant to be of value to you, my dear readers, you need to be able to understand its meaning. This is the reason why, throughout my writings, the most frequently used word is ‘because’. I make no apologies for that. And as I also have pointed out many times before, you are only to take on board that to which your own inner guidance reacts with: ‘Yes, this makes sense. It is true!’

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Amazing Grace (3)

Cycles Within Cycles

As touched upon earlier, everything in the whole of Creation consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles. The end of each one of them is the beginning of another. God and the Angels thought that approx. every five hundred years our race had progressed sufficiently on the great evolutionary spiral of life to justify the release of ideas for a new religion into humankind’s consciousness. Simultaneous with this, they deposited another batch of newly created human spirit/souls they had equipped with a minute spark of the Universal Christ’s light, onto the earthly plane.

For a long time, newcomers are unaware of what’s happening to them. They do not know that they are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons and that in truth, from the word ‘go’ every one of them is a young God in the making, who has to serve the first part of its apprenticeship as a physical being in a physical world, without knowing why. Only after having spent many lifetimes in this condition, it gradually dawns on them that the Earth is a place of learning and a school.

For every human being the circle of their earthly existence begins with getting to know the low and lowest drives and urges of their instinctive animal nature. To ensure an all-round thorough education, we first find ourselves on the giving end of suffering. We inflict it upon those for whom this developmental phase closes a circle. In some cases that can be their final one. At any given time, some of us are destined to suffer at the hands of young and inexperienced souls, who as yet know no greater pleasure than hurting, wounding and exploiting those around them. That’s how oldsters redeem the karmic debts that accumulated in their spiritual bank account when they, and that could have been many lifetimes ago, were a newcomer to earthly life.

Even though final lifetimes can turn out particularly difficult and trying, with the closing of an oldster’s circle a new one opens that is guaranteed to take them, slowly but surely, forwards and upwards on their personal evolutionary spiral. Each new circle takes them onto a somewhat higher level of experiencing themselves and the world around them. This is a process that’s very similar to the appearance of each new religion. As soon as a sufficient number of human beings are thought to be capable of coping with a fresh inflow of spiritual ideas, God and the Angels are ready to place another cuckoo’s egg into humankind’s nest. Simultaneous with this, they introduce another new generation of spirit/souls to experiencing life as physical beings in a material world, so they can get to know the drives and urges of their lower animal nature through practising them in real life situations on the earthly plane.

A new circle opened for all who were taking part in the pharma industry when it first came into being. Inspired by God and the Angels, highly evolved beings at that stage of the industry’s development were intuitively shown how to develop products that would mean the end of some of humankind’s worst illnesses, for example polio and smallpox. With the help and will of the Highest, nothing in our world or anywhere else in the whole of Creation happens without this, it did not take long until the industry had evolved into one of the main benefactors of humankind. Our world’s present state closes this circle with the blessing that by now ever more of us are becoming sufficiently evolved to recognise the background of what for some time has been happening to our world.

Increasing numbers are realising the true intentions behind the pharma industry’s ‘armoury’ against what, by now, is becoming ever more widely known not as a pandemic but a plandemic that serves anything but humankind’s wellbeing. It’s becoming ever more clearly visible that the a virus that’s so dangerous that, if left to its own devices, has the potential of wiping the whole of humankind from the face of the Earth, simply does not exist. That’s the most monstrous lie that was ever launched upon humankind. At the same time, it’s one of the greatest money-spinning exercises ever that’s making this industry’s already immensely rich shareholders richer still and, in direct proportion, the whole of humankind poorer.

Recognising that the pharma industry for quite some time has been walking in the footsteps of our world’s religions is not difficult. In truth, each one of our religions has been and to this day is nothing but a political organisation. For teaching our world the value of honesty and truth, this was necessary but only for a while. That’s why God and the Angels designed our religions in this manner. Isn’t it good to know that nothing in the whole of Creation, not merely in our world, happens without the help and will of the Highest?

This is why humankind’s Divine evolutionary plan provided that from time to time a new religion should appear that was hiding, behind the façade of religious teachings which to this day consist of nothing but lies and deceptions, it’s true intentions. The favourite masculine hope and dream of young and spiritually inexperienced men in our midst is still about ruling the whole of our world, brought about through empire building and warmongering. This is how at the same time all old religions for a predestined time kept humankind from discovering God’s true nature and everybody’s own.

Let’s forgive the old religions because each one of them has been a necessary instrument with which God and the Angels have been teaching our world the value of honesty and truth. That’s why the cuckoo’s egg for each new religion that appeared during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its beliefs that an all-male God-head is our world’s supreme ruler. Each new cuckoo’s egg that was placed by the Highest Forces of life into the nest of humankind’s consciousness during that time contained more ideas that could be used for making up ever more tales for frightening the living daylights out of individuals as well as the mass of people.

It did not take long after the first appearance of such stories that, as with the previous religions, the blind were leading the blind. It was because after a while each leader of the new religion was convinced that their teachings were literally true. When they had spent many more lifetimes on the earthly plane, in one of them it would dawn on these people that the teachings of all old religions have nothing in common with what really happens to human beings, in particular when their time for saying goodbye to earthly life has come round. With relief they too will eventually discover, without being aware that their present lifetime is merely one of a great many, that there is no such thing as death and that the human spirit/soul is immortal like God and can never die. It merely moves into another dimension of life and that happens at the end of each lifetime.

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Amazing Grace (4)

Natural Healing Methods Return To Our World

The best news of all is that each one of the old religions, from the word ‘go’ was predestined to exist in our world for a certain length of time only. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the more they will disappear, one after the other. It’s a natural part of the process of honesty and truth returning to our world. The more one recognises the damage their lack is causing to almost everybody, the more one appreciates them when it emerges somewhere. Added to this is the awareness that we are personally responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions. We have to live with their consequences because each one in due course returns to us in a somewhat strengthened manner. The more one realises these things, the less one wants to take part in the systematic spreading of lies and untruths.

And that’s precisely what the members of the pharma industry have been doing for quite a long time. The thoughts, words and actions they used to manipulate the masses into accepting their vaccinations against a non-existent virus have returned to them and are the cause of the plandemic. On the surface of things it looks as if this time round the pharma industry had succeeded. Yet, I shudder to think what kind of consequences in due course are bound to return to every one, who took and to this day is taking part in this operation. And that’s merely because they are as yet unaware of the above mentioned concepts.

To my mind, one of the best examples of how lying and cheating was successfully used for manipulating the mass of people, for a while. This is how Paul Joseph Goebbels, 29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945, worked. He was a German politician and Minister for Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. Goebbels was one of Adolf Hitler’s closest associates and most devoted followers. He wrote: ‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, as the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

And that’s the rope on which the pharma industry for quite a long time has been working exceedingly hard to hang itself. The upside of these efforts is that ever more of us realise that the true driving force behind this industry’s products is a money-spinning exercise that exploits humankind’s precious resources for the benefit of a few. At the same time, it’s an attempt at robbing every one of us of their right to personal freedom of movement.

By now, increasing numbers of us recognise that these are the true symptoms of our world’s present sickness. Because of this ever more of us already have lost or are in the process of losing their faith in the pharma industry’s products. And that’s happening because it’s becoming ever more widely know that with the help and will of God and the Angels any condition of mind and body, spirit and soul, can be healed. In particular this applies to our world’s present sickness. But where does one and gain access to the healing vibrations of the Highest?

They are freely available to anyone who ask for them. By turning within and that’s why ever more of us are interested in gaining access to their very own inner guidance, the wise one or living God, who is waiting to stir into action within everybody. This is the one and only truly reliable teacher or guru, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any questions we may ever wish to ask. That’s where we need to turn whenever we are searching for natural healing methods that are just right for us and our condition. The answer will come to us intuitively.

Don’t be disheartened if it does not do so straight away; sometimes it takes a while. Each time we ask for help in this way, we automatically tune into the white healing magic that’s constantly flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. All one has to do is learn how to tap into it. And that’s the most vital aspect of weaning humankind from the habit of looking towards the pharma industry’s products when something in our physical body and mind, through pain and discomfort is pleading for our earthly self’s attention.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Eagle Lodge’s Calendar 2021 for the month of May: ‘Everything that grows on Mother Earth is charged with a different aspect of the blessing and healing energies that are constantly flowing from the Highest levels life into the earthly plane. Every tree, plant and flower has an affinity with some part of the human organism and therefore has the power of putting things right when something has gone wrong. Wise ones have known for a long time that a herb exists somewhere in your world that contains the power of healing anything that has gone wrong with human beings as well as animals.

‘At last the time has come for humankind to return to the long known natural healing methods and, inspired by God and the Angels, adding and developing ever more new ones. That’s how it will soon be possible to restore the natural equilibrium and wellbeing of every human being in mind and body, spirit and soul.’

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Amazing Grace (5)

Plandemic : The Grand Finale

I believe our world’s present situation is the grand finale of humankind’s spiritual development on the Earth. It was necessary for the redemption of whatever karmic debts were still waiting unpaid in the spiritual ledgers of several older generations of highly experienced spirit/souls. So that as many as possible of them could take part in this karmic clearout, that’s why our world had to be become so heavily overpopulated for a while. These ‘oldster’s also once started their earthly education like the young and inexperienced spirit/souls in our midst are doing.

Similar to them, we did not have a clue of what in due course would be bound to return to us, unless our older and more experienced siblings assisted our God and Christ nature to grow strong enough to emerge and take over its earthly counterpart. Alas, that does not seem to have happened during our spiritual childhood and adolescence. In those days, we were taking part in one or maybe even all of them, one after the other, of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. How long will it take until every one of those who still follow these belief systems understands that their religion has outlived its usefulness and that its teachings are becoming ever more outdated through the wisdom and truth that’s flowing with ever increasing strength into the individual and collective consciousness of humankind?

The cuckoo’s eggs that for a long time successfully contained the ideas for the untruths of these three religions, are being pushed out of their owner’s nests by the Zeitgeist of the Aquarian age. Its teachings consist of the wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life, honestly and truthfully presented throughout. This age is supremely ruled by total and unconditional love for every human being, regardless of what colour their skin is in this lifetime and what kind of creed they are following.

There is only one religion, the religion of love, honesty and truth.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ.
They are the Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

Through Judaism God and the Angels once introduced the idea that there is but one God and that is our world’s supreme ruler. The Judean teachings tells us that it’s an all-male God who brings wrath and woe upon those who refuse to believe in Him and follow the commandments He gave to humankind through a Hebrew man by the name of Abraham, who is known as the founder of Judaism. God made a special covenant with Abraham and as a result this man and his descendants were chosen to create a great nation. Christianity’s story about the God-man Jesus outshone the Jewish tales. To this day, there are many in our world who believe that every word of such teachings are literally true.

The last religion to arrive on the scene was Islam. The word means ‘surrender to God’. This new belief system went one step further by confirming Christianity’s belief that Jesus was a historical figure, but that he was merely a prophet and by no means a God. Since its first appearance, this cuckoo’s egg/idea has been working extremely hard on pushing the egg of Christianity out of humankind’s nest through a legend about the Prophet Mohamed and his teachings. The Islamic leaders, just like all predecessors on our world’s religious scene, declared that every word of their legend, as well as the teachings accompanying it, is literally true. And because the original Mohamed was declared to be a very wise man indeed, any instructions he left behind must be followed. The command that any non-believer of the Islamic religions should either be converted or removed from the face of the Earth, by whatever means available to this religion’s followers.

The saddest part of all three Abrahamic religions is that, for a long time by now, their leaders believe to be acting in the name of God, regardless of the fact that they do not yet understand who and what God truly is. The good news is that ever more of us these days are aware that higher esoteric meaning and truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of every one of these three religions’ legends and teachings and that, in each case, almost the exact opposite of what they are saying is true. That’s how to this day spiritually blind people are leading their equally blind followers. The greatest pity, to my mind, is that through this the leaders of our world’s remaining religions are encouraging their followers to pile ever more karmic debts into their spiritual bank accounts.

Finding out the truth behind the surface words of our world’s religious teachings is going to be the cuckoo’s egg that, with the passing of time, will push ever more of what’s left of the old religions’ bloodthirsty hopes, dreams and aspirations, their lust for warmongering and empire-building, out of the nest of humankind’s consciousness, once and for all. The pharma industry shareholders’ greed was caused by another cuckoo’s egg that God and the Angels placed in the nest of humankind’s consciousness, quite a while ago. And for some time by now, the circle of this experience has been in the process of closing. I believe it won’t take long until the pharma industry’s products of our time have been pushed out of humankind’s nest altogether. The more clearly the industry’s intentions behind its present money-spinning exercise, the likes of which has never before been experienced in our world, become visible the more the masses will lose their faith in that industry’s products.

That’s why these days ever more are already turning towards natural healing methods and are keen to learn about tuning their earthly minds into the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels. The lies and deceptions that brought the plandemic about are part of the golden cuckoo’s egg/ideas they placed in the pharma industry’s nest, a long time ago when it started as a true benefactor of humankind. However, the Divine great plan of life decrees that, as soon as the energies are right, the truth about the plandemic will emerge – in all its glory and quite unexpected ways.

It has been for wise higher reasons that every one of us earthlings has been given the right to make up our own mind about any of the ideas that are constantly flowing from the Highest level of life into the receiver/transmitter station of the earthly mind of those for whom an idea is intended. That’s how in any given moment, the way we react shows the wise ones in charge of us and our world, on the inner plane of life, which degree of spiritual awareness we have reached.

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Amazing Grace (6)

The Patriarchy

The recognition that Judaism’s tales of Abraham and Moses, as well as Christianity’s of Jesus are merely legends and not literally true is an essential aspect of the cleansing process our world has been going through for some time. The Old Testament is shared by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Getting to know the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind the surface of these stories, and others like the one about the creation of humankind and that our race began with Adam and Eve, God and the devil, Heaven and hell an so forth are part of this operation. Each one of these tales started its existence as an idea that flowed into our world from the mind of the Highest Forces of life. Like a cuckoo’s egg the Angels and Masters in charge of our world’s development once placed these ideas, so that their true meaning would, when the time for doing so had come, reveal itself as being this egg’s rightful hatchlings.

The revelation of the truth is part of humankind’s final assault on the spiritual mountain of life. Each religion has made its own contribution, in its own inimitable way. In spite of the differences between the belief systems that God and the Angels ever gave to our world, all of them had been carefully designed for moving our race, steadily forwards and upwards on the spiral of its spiritual development. Each religion with its strange tales was designed to mislead humankind in a different way. That’s how all of them managed to keep us away from discovering God’s true nature and our own too early. Withholding honesty and truth from our world and especially the religious scene, for a certain predestined length of time, happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind their value. In keeping with God’s great plan of life, this withholding operation started with the beginning of the patriarchy approx. six thousand years. That’s how long a while can last in God’s time, which is Eternity. And that has nothing in common with our earthly perception of time.

Six thousand years of patriarchy provided sufficient opportunities for familiarising every human being with the lower and lowest drives and urges of their animal nature. That’s why in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every one of us was first placed on the giving end of suffering when we did not hesitate to inflict it upon those around us – probably even enjoyed it. Yet, only when we have spiritually matured sufficiently and therefore are able to cope with it, the love and wisdom of the Highest place us on the receiving end of what we once so liberally handed out to others. And that’s how ultimately our world’s religions served God and the Angels as instruments for teaching humankind the difference between good and evil.

Without first getting to know evil, each can only do this through their own first hand experiences, we would never be able to understand the meaning of this word. To help every human being with acquiring first hand knowledge of good as well as evil, both have to be experienced and worked through. That’s why, to provide us with a sufficiently thorough education, we first find ourselves at the giving end of good and also evil, and later at their receiving end. Otherwise we would never be able to understand the nature of these concepts and what the difference between them is.

From our present level of spiritual development, it’s hard to imagine that our earthly existence, the same as everybody else’s, once started without the knowledge of anything. Our consciousness was like a slate that had never been written on. From the word ‘go’, the Divine spark of every human being is constantly in need of light and that in two ways. The Divine Trinity is our parent and It’s light is constantly pulling all of us round and round the zodiac, through every one of its signs and houses. Simultaneously, that’s how we steadily absorb ever more of Its light. The knowledge we gather along the pathway of each earthly lifetime is everyone’s own way of growing in wisdom and understanding of themselves and the world around them. And that’s the second meaning of light.

Don’t you find it a comforting thought that this is how every Divine spark begins its existence as a human being? First God and the Angels place us on the earthly plane, so that we can begin our apprenticeship of young Gods in the making through getting to know ourselves as a merely physical being in a world of matter. This continues until our spirit/soul’s Divine spark has grown strong enough and our earthly self starts to realise that the earthly plane is not all there is to human beings.

It’s difficult to believe that you and I also once believed that tales like those of the Abrahamic religions are literally true. Yet, that’s what really happened. How can anyone still believe such things and yet, many do. That shows us what a long way you and I have come. And that gets me wondering how many earthly lifetimes it might have taken us to get us where we are now. What kind of roles could we have played? One thing is sure and that is that we also initially belonged to a generation of young and inexperienced earthly beings who could think of no better pastime than hurting and harming those around us. Perish the thought, but we too once enjoyed exploiting and ravaging humankind’s precious resources, the way the pharma industry has been doing successfully, with ever increasing greed, for quite some time by now.

I believe the best way of dealing with anyone who has got involved with supporting their hopes and dreams is through forgiveness. Yet, before forgiving them, we first need to forgive ourselves. After all, we were the ones who, probably many lifetimes ago, set the plandemic’s wheels in motion through thoughts, words and actions that aimed to harm the mental and economic wellbeing of humankind and its world. The plandemic is what the Universal law of cause and effect has returned to who once was on the giving end of similar kinds of offences. The next step takes us to forgiving anyone on the earthly plane, who has and still is contributing to our world’s present state.

They are the spiritual youngsters in our midst. From the developmental point you and I have reached, it’s not hard to forgive them for they really are as yet unaware of the consequences of what they are doing to humankind. And that ultimately, they are doing this to themselves. They would run a mile if they already knew about the law of cause and effect and what – unless we help their Christ nature to wake up – this law is bound to return to them, in due course. What a shame they do not yet understand that every human being’s earthly existence fulfils a wise higher purpose and that a high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us, as soon as our earthly education has reached its end and has nothing more to tell us.

Ultimately, every human being during its lifetimes of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons has been placed there for enabling it to grow in wisdom and understanding, of God’s true nature and its own. Even though for many lifetimes we are unaware of this, it’s a journey of exploration, learning and discovering new aspects of it. I believe the best starting point, as soon as someone’s spiritual nature begins to wake up, is a steadily increasing awareness that: earthly life is not all there is to every human being’s existence; it has an inner spiritual counterpart in which all life is one and there is no separation between anything; everything that happens in our world is clearly visible to the wise ones in charge of us and our world on the inner level.

In spirit realm, our other world, everything is for real and there is no faking and pretending anywhere and the intention behind every thought, word and action of the outer world are as clear as crystal to everybody on the inner plane. When the outer has become like it’s inner counterpart, honesty and truth will be the supreme rulers of our world. There will be as much peace and harmony on both planes. It will then no longer matter what race we ever belonged to during any of our lifetimes, which colour our skin was and what creed we may ever have followed. In the final analysis the only thing that matters is that we have grown in wisdom and understanding and that not through reading books, but each through living through their own experiences.

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

The Rope For Hanging Themselves

The laws of life are love and evolution. God’s ways are known to be mysterious and no matter what happens in our world, because of these laws everything always works out well in the end. Nowhere can this be observed more clearly than with large organisations like the religions of our world and the pharmaceutical industry. As soon as each in its own way grew too big and powerful for its own good, the people in charge of them seem to be unable to recognise how they ar

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5 Nov, 2022
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