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Miracles And Wonders (74)
Miracles And Wonders (74)

Miracles And Wonders (74)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 19th November 2022

The Truth Hidden In All Legends

Through the Jesus legend’s St. John 5:30 we told you: ‘I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.’ And in St. John 14:10 we added to this: ‘Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself. It’s the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.’

The truth has always been hiding behind every one of the surface words of the Jesus legend, as well as all the others tales we gave to humankind in the course of approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, was referring to us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle. We always have been and forever will serve the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. That is how in the earthly school of life, for a long, long time we have been unfolding the Divine great evolutionary plan of life for the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes every human being who ever existed in your world as well as everything else that shares it with you.

It does not matter wherever one of you may presently be, behind or in front of your world’s veil of consciousness that to this day separates its two aspects from each other. As soon as you look back and reflect upon how the Divine Great Evolutionary Plan always has been unfolding, you will soon discover that no empty promises were ever given by us. And everything that ever happened in your world served the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of something. For around six thousand years, in times long gone by and what’s still happening now, are vital aspects of teaching humankind the value of truth.

The things that for quite some time have been happening to humankind are part of the process of transforming your whole world. In keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan, whose executors we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, always have been and forever will be, even though we are invisible to earthly eyes we have always been working in the outer material plane’s spiritual background. We are the ones who, step by step, are in charge of and fully responsible for now changing your planet, Mother Earth, from an over-materialistically orientated place into an entirely spiritual one.

Independent with which evolutionary level any one of you at present is dealing, for example people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, there is nothing they or anyone else has real power. Otherwise they would be capable of holding the new golden age back and that they cannot do, even for the fraction of an inch or millimetre. Never forget that everybody on the earthly plane is, at any given moment, nothing but one of the actors on the great stage of earthly life’s school. Each performs their part for a predestine length of time. Then you retreat into its background into our realm. There you wait that another role should be allocated to you that’s necessary for your earthly education. Nothing more and nothing less.

To keep humankind away from discovering the truth about its own nature, as well as the high and holy destiny which, in the fullness of time awaits every one of you, made it necessary to hide the truth behind the surface words of many myths and legends. The most recent ones are those about the Buddha and Jesus. As we also told you many times before, even though for a long time you are unaware of this, every human being is a young God in the making.

The miracles and wonders we told you about in the Jesus legend, are waiting to be performed through every human being, as soon as another one has evolved into a Christed one, in their own right. And as promised in the Jesus legend, greater miracles you shall see. As many of you know by now, we never make empty promises. Those who are sufficiently evolved will be used by us to perform ever more astonishing miracles and wonders. This includes the greatest miracle of all and that is the healing of the whole of humankind and everything that’s taking part in its world.

That’s the higher esoteric meaning behind the quotes from the Jesus legend which we placed at the beginning of this chapter. And as touched upon many times before, what for quite a while by now has been and to this moment still is taking place in your world is a necessary aspect of sorting humankind’s wheat from its chaff. Only the energies of the wheat people will keep on moving forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral and, simultaneously with this, the spiral for the whole of humankind and both part of your world. With giant strides the wheat people are moving towards the new golden age, of which we also have spoken many times before.

This is why ever more of the truth, for many years by now has been emerging in your world, for example through the Aquarian writings. Truly, truly we say to you the new golden age really is coming. And that’s why, beloved children of the Earth, there is every reason why you should rejoice and look forward, with open hearts and minds, to what’s ahead of you. And please never forget that making empty promises never has been our way of working and never will be. God bless you all!

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From ‘War And Peace Between Nations’

The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds

22 Chapters

Please go to ‘A Pandemic : Why?’ and view them there.

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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

When You Wish Upon A Star

When you wish upon a star,
Makes no difference who you are,
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you.

If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is to extreme,
When you wish upon a star,
As dreamers do.

Fate is kind.
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfilment of their secret longing.

Like a bolt out of the blue,
Fate steps in and sees you through,
When you wished upon a star,
Your dreams come true.

If your heart is in your dreams,
No request is too extreme,
When you wish upon a star,
As dreamers do.

When you wish upon a star,
Your dream comes true.
Each time we wish upon the Highest Star,
The Universal Christ,
The Angels see to it that it really does.

Jesse McCartney
From Walt Disney’s ‘Pinocchio’

The Universe loves people who have the courage to commit themselves to a task. When we give of our best and send nothing but kind and loving thoughts, words and actions into our world, the spiritual background of our world responds joyously and helps us to remove the obstacles in our way. When we dream the impossible dream and reach for the only seemingly unreachable Highest Star, the Universal Christ’s spirit, Its energies then gives wings to our vision into us and has the power to lift us and our world way above their present evolutionary level.

When this happens, we are taking part in the alchemy of love and through the experiences of our own life we discover that the higher esoteric meaning of the alchemical process is the change of humankind’s leaden earthly part into the pure gold of its higher spiritual nature. Because they thought that with the help of alchemy the base metals of our world, for example lead, really could be turned into gold, it’s no longer surprising that the people of past ages did not succeed with their quest. Taking spiritual concepts literally will never get us earthlings anywhere. The very reason of our present existence is the search for true and everlasting riches. The pot of gold at the end of this particular rainbow is once more hidden in the wisdom and truth of our own and our world’s spiritual background.

Towards the end of humankind’s earthly education every one of us, high and low alike, at last becomes aware of their true nature and the presence of the Universal laws. This enables us to send nothing but good thoughts, words and deeds into our world and when we do our best to bring forth and practise the qualities of our Christ nature in every one of our daily encounters, the leaden desires of our earthly nature are left behind and the alchemy of love transforms them into the pure gold of our Christ nature.

When we ask for healing in our prayers, meditations and quiet reflections and tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest Star and the brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Christ Star, our vibrations attune themselves to Its white healing magic. After a consultation with the Lords of Karma, the Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, send the Angels of healing and peace to do everything possible in view of the Karmic conditions that prevail in the area and the people we are focussing on. Whenever one of us unselfishly works for the blessing and healing of our whole world, the Angels never leave us. Never forget that when the inner and outer aspects of our planet are healing, the same happens to everybody and therefore also us.

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With love and light,

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19 Nov, 2022
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