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Miracles And Wonders (75)
Miracles And Wonders (75)

Miracles And Wonders (75)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 21st November 2022

Greater Miracles You Shall See

Don’t be taken in and misled by anything that, for some time by now, has been and still is happening in your world. Instead of despairing, rejoice and start looking forward to the new golden age towards which humankind has for a long time been striding with giant steps. Here is what we told you, through our scribe/secretary Aquarius, many years ago about it:

From ‘War And Peace Among Nations’

The New Golden Age Of Plenty

Not unlike the Roman God Janus, the Saturn of mythology who looks back on the golden Age of plenty he once ruled also points the way into the future for us and our world. Janus was the spirit of doorways and archways, whose two faces simultaneously peer into the past as well as the future. Isn’t it amazing how many of the mythological concepts of the Ancients are still with us and in use now, though unbeknown to most people? For example, Saturday took its name from Saturn and the month January from Janus. Interestingly, January, the month when the Sun transits through parts of both Capricorn and Aquarius, is at the same time the doorway into another year.

Ever more of the debris of the false beliefs and prejudices of past ages, which have been weighing the consciousness of our race down for far too long, is presently washed away by the fresh knowledge the water-bearer is constantly pouring into us and our world. To me, one of the best examples of this is that in truth Saturn never was anyone’s enemy. The energies of this planet for a long time have been waiting to be perceived in a new and different light. The true value of Saturn’s lessons first had to be recognised before we could accept and even welcome them into our lives as one of our best friends, teachers and helpers. By practising self-restraint and freely giving of our gifts and talents to all, each one of us will eventually make their own very special contribution towards the wellbeing of our race and our whole world.

The Earth’s vibrations are speeding up now and the pace of human evolution somehow has to keep up with this. Each must make their contribution towards putting an end to the over-consumption of Mother Earth’s precious resources. Without this we shall never reach the stage when there is no more selfishness and greed. The promised golden age can only come about through everybody taking responsibility for themselves and our world, extracting from the system only that which we truly need.

This is not as difficult as it may sound to some because the more one becomes aware of one’s true nature, the easier it is to rise above the desires of one’s lower earthly self. All together we have to bring Saturn’s new golden age into being. Every soul on this side of the veil of consciousness will then have sufficient to eat, clean water to drink, a roof over their heads, clothes to wear and shoes on their feet – if they wish to wear them. None other than you and me and those who come after us are going to bring all this about. We are the only ones who can and will do it, hand in hand with God and the Angels, for it has thus been decreed and is indeed written in the Stars.

* * *

Ever more people in your world these days realise that what’s happening, in particular the chaotic economic conditions, is a necessary and essential ingredient for the change-over period from a materially over-orientated place into an entirely spiritual one. Even though for a long time you may have been unaware of our presence, there is no need to be afraid anything. At all times we have been and forever will be with you, guiding and protecting every step of the evolutionary road every human being has been and will continue to travel. However, only for the wheat people in your midst it leads to the new golden age.

We are glad to observe that ever more of you these days are becoming aware that your world not only consists of a material plane but also has a spiritual background. Everything that manifests itself in the material world was created by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, because – as many of you know – we are in charge of every aspect of its development. Ultimately, we are responsible for it. And when the new golden age has been reached, the personalities of the chaff people will no longer be with you. Their energies are not right for this age. That’s why they have to continue their education of being familiarised with what can and does happen in the material plane of life.

On the new planet, every so often they are going to spend another lifetime as a material being in a material world. Each one will last for a predestined length of time, the same as they do on planet Earth. In due course, every one of your world’s chaff people will be reincarnating on the new planet we have prepared for their education. They too will never be left to struggle on their own. Just the same as none of you ever has to, when your earthly personality needs to cope with the problems that are bound to crop up in the material world. Each spirit/soul has to exist there through an earthly personality, without for a long time having a clue of why you are there and what you are meant to be doing.

Rest assured that none of what any one of you experiences has ever been wasted. Everything that ever happened to anybody, at any given moment of taking part in life on the earthly plane, served the wise higher purpose of teaching that person something. That’s why sometimes you are on the giving end of handing suffering out to those around you, same as your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are doing. In future lifetimes, which are likely to be far away, they will be on the receiving end of the suffering they are handing out so liberally and with great enjoyment. So that each lesson in the earthly school of life is learnt thoroughly enough, every one of you has to take part in them twice.

But let’s turn to the Sun in the sky above your world for a moment. Moving through the zodiac’s twelve signs each time takes 25,772 years. A new golden age comes round whenever sign Aquarius, the sign of truth, has been reached. When it has been left behind and the process of sorting humankind’s wheat from the chaff has revealed to us, beyond any shadow of a doubt, through people’s behaviour, to which category every one of you belongs

There comes a time when the curriculum of the wheat people has reached its end. In the course of many lifetimes, each one of them slowly but surely has evolved into Christed one, in their own right. Their energies are right for taking part in the new golden age that’s beginning to appear over the astrological horizon of your world. Through sharing the gifts that have taken them many lifetimes to develop and make their own, wheat people are well suited to make Mother Earth into an ever better and enjoyable place.

Meanwhile, the chaff spirit/souls continue their education of getting to know what life in a material world is like on the new planet we have prepared for them. The new earthly personalities that are going to appear, from time to time, will be aware that there is any difference.

However, the new golden age, towards which your world has been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral with giant strides, is going to be a very different one from what happened on previous occasions. We shall no longer use Mother Earth as a school and a place of learning. Ever more wheat spirit/souls will be taking her over. She will belong to those who, in countless lifetimes on the material plane, worked so exceedingly hard to get where they are now.

* * *

From ‘Prayers And Words Of Comfort And Healing’

The Angel In Disguise

There is nothing I can give you that you have not,
But there is much, so very much that –
While I cannot give it – you can take.
No Heaven can come to us,
Unless our heart finds rest in today: take Heaven.
No peace lies in the future
That is not hidden in this moment: take peace.

The gloom of this world is but a shadow.
Behind it – yet within everybody’s reach – there is joy.
There is a radiance and glory in the darkness,
Could we but see.
And to see, we have only to look.
I beseech you to look.

Life is so generous a giver, but we –
Judging its gifts by their covering –
Too often cast them away as ugly, heavy or hard.
Remove the covering and you will find beneath it
A living splendour
That has been woven with the love,
Wisdom and power of the Divine.

Welcome it, grasp it,
And you touch the Angel’s hand
That brings it to you.
Everything we call a toil, a sorrow or a duty,
Believe me, the Angel’s hand is there.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects us, is joyous too.
Be not content with discovering these joys,
For they are concealing much greater gifts.

The gift is there and the wonder of the
Over-shadowing presence
That protects every human being, is joyous too.
Be not content with the discovery of these joys,
For they too conceal even greater gifts.

And so, at this time, I greet you.
Not quite as the world sends greetings,
But with a profound esteem of your true nature
And a prayer that for you, now and forever,
The awareness of your immortal and eternal
Being wakes up and fills your
Earthly existence with the light of its honesty and truth,
So that its shadows for you disappear forever.

Fifteenth Century Prayer
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

From ‘War And Peace Between The Nations’

The Road To Bethlehem (1)

The Homecoming

An essential part of humankind’s evolution is experiencing many lifetimes in physicality on the Earth plane. Finding our way back home from this existence into the conscious awareness of our true nature and reality and the reconnection with our Christ Self is the symbolism behind the road to Bethlehem. This is the reason why for each one of us there comes a time when we have to wade – only seemingly on our own – through the deepest, darkest and coldest night of the soul. This state comes about because our earthly self for a long time remains unaware of who and what human beings truly are, where we have come from and where at the end of each lifetime we are going to. In this sad and lonely existence we frequently get a feeling that our life lacks all purpose, meaning and direction.

Because of the initial spiritual ignorance of our race, all of us eventually reach the evolutionary point when our small and frightened lower self has to battle its own way through the labyrinth of false beliefs and prejudices that to this day abound in our world. And it takes quite some time until it finally dawns on us that it is up to us ourselves to go in search of our own truth that can help us find our way back into the comfort, warmth and light of once again knowing our true nature and origin. The journey of exploration this enterprise necessitates is a hard and lonely highway that each small frightened earthly self has to walk on its own.

And it is likely to happen to every human soul in one of their lifetimes that someone appears who promises to provide us with a redeemer of every one of our earthly transgressions, a higher being from a different world who is willing to save us and our world from certain destruction. Who would not want to follow such a good and easy way out of their predicament, if the only thing we have to give in return is our immortal soul – and we don’t even know what that means. As a result we may spend many a lifetime on the Earth looking for this being to come to our rescue, show us the way out of our present plight and release us from it, once and for all. On and on we march in this fruitless and seemingly endless search, until in one lifetime we finally come to the conclusion that nobody will ever do these things for us, for the simple reason that the only one who is capable of doing them is we ourselves.

Each one of us, including you and me, is an earthly child of the Christ spirit, whose coming has been promised humankind since time immemorial. A spark of this Divine spirit has been implanted in the deepest recesses of the memory of all human souls. There it lies slumbering dreaming of a peaceful and better place and world that exists somewhere. On and on the soul’s earthly self plods in pursuit of this vision, each lifetime reaping the fruits of the thoughts and deeds planted in previous lifetimes. For a very long time we remain unaware of this is what we are doing and all the while our experiences take us from things like hatred to love and the joy of warmongering to peacemaking, so that we should learn from them and our consciousness grow and expand.

This continues until one fine day, many lifetimes ahead, we have reached the spiritual maturity that our heart can begin to open and unfold like a flower. Our Christ qualities of compassion and love for humankind and its suffering come alive and move into the foreground of our consciousness. This enables us to enter into the pain of others and feel it with them, which enables us to freely and willingly walk with them through their experience. For the Angels and Masters in charge of us that is the signal they have been waiting for. It shows them that the living God in us has woken from its slumbers. That is a signal that the holy infant has been born in yet another heart and is in the process of evolving into maturity. And the Heavens exult that one more of God’s children of the Earth is reaching Bethlehem.

Our friends and helpers know only too well what kind of a tough and cruel road the way there can be. Until human hearts take possession of the characteristics of the Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, our true Divine parents and make these qualities their own, people cannot help growing ever colder, more selfish, greedy, judgemental and unforgiving towards the sins and suffering of others. For the wise ones who have already woken up, such things are nothing but signs that the Divine spark in the others is still asleep. For the ones who continue to insist on creating ever more negative Karma for themselves by inflicting pain and suffering on those around them, the qualities of the gentle Christ spirit of compassion and love have not yet woken up. Rest assured that in the fullness of time they too will find their first pointers and signposts for the road to Bethlehem.

* * *

The Road To Bethlehem (2)

No Room At The Inn

To paraphrase St. John 1:5 ‘The Light always shone in the earthly self’s darkness of ignorance for the simple reason that for a very long time our lower self could not yet comprehend it.’ On and on the earthly self must plod on the exceedingly steep road to Bethlehem and many people at all times are also treading it. That is the only way it can be experienced what an existence without spiritual support and sustenance feels like. For as long as we remain in this darkened condition, when someone tries to tell us about anything related with the theme of God, we may just laugh into the other’s face and declare all of it to be a load of humbug and pretty stories for people who are a bit soft in the head, to put it mildly. When this happens, the spirit is knocking at the door of such a person’s consciousness, but cannot yet gain entry because the time for doing so has not yet come for this particular child of the Earth. That is the symbolism behind ‘No Room At The Inn’.

For every one of us there eventually comes the moment when the Christ Spirit in its early stages of development begins to stir from its slumbers and wants to be born in our heart. But if the time for this to happen has not yet come, at least for the moment, there is no room for it with us. And so, ever further we have to march on this lonely and comfortless road, alone with all our fears and anxieties about the future and in particular death, our own and that of our loved ones, sinking deeper and deeper into the mire of depression, sadly unaware that in truth we are never on our own.

But even while this fact and our true nature are still unknown to us, our climb up the spiritual mountain continues at a steady pace. In total and unconditional love and silence the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers, our good and kindly shepherds in the world of light, stand closely by. They take care of all our needs and keep watch, but they do not interfere with anyone’s progress, as each one of us has to do their own work because this is the only way our earthly lessons can truly be absorbed into our consciousness. But eventually for all of us together, earthly and Heavenly beings alike, there comes the glorious moment when yet another one of us awakens. Slumbering time is over and once more we become aware of who and what we truly are, where we have come from and what our final destiny is.

I have been there and know from first hand experience what a dark and threatening existence living without faith and hope is. It was my life’s way of teaching me what the road to Bethlehem means and what a long and winding pathway it is. It feels good beyond compare when the spark of the Divine, our own inner Christ child, has at last come alive and is born in the most humble place on Earth, the cave of our heart, and we realise that although we are still an earthly being, we are also a child of God, just like the Jesus legend tells us about the Master’s life.

In awe and wonder we then stand before ourselves and the discovery that it was the loving union of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, our true parents, who once created all His/Her children – including you and me –on the highest levels of being. Therefore, the conception of each new Christ child is indeed an immaculate one, because it takes place untouched by any earthly things, thoughts, ideas and feelings. These parents have always looked after and cared for each one of their earthly offspring. Through all our journeying and wandering, lifetime after lifetime, with much tenderness and infinite love, their wisdom has always been lighting every human child of the Earth’s path. This will forever continue, to ensure that each one of us in the end finds its way safely home and that for all God’s children of the Earth in the end the road to Bethlehem turns into a joyful one.

This happens each time when someone’s inner miracle of birth takes place, their Christ spirit comes alive and its characteristics begin to motivate that person and runs their life for them. This is the long awaited rebirth and we have every reason to be thankful and celebrate. Our heart fills with gladness, love and gratitude. The road up the mountain becomes easier and the cross of our earthly existence grows lighter, because we know that our dream and final goal, the re-union with the Godhead, is turning into a reality and we have arrived in Bethlehem.

Sure enough, the road that leads us to it has many twists and turns. This is because each one of us can only learn from their own experiences, but you can rely on it that everybody gets where we are meant to go in the end. And all the while the Angels walk with us, to ensure that nobody will ever be forgotten, left behind or truly lost. To help us grow strong and ever more Heaven-tall, they constantly accompany us, but they only step in when someone actually calls for their help. Their support is then felt more strongly and may manifest itself in many different ways. The object of their holding back is to bring forth everybody’s own inner strength and the determination to succeed against all obstacles.

The first phase of our development, to give you but one example, takes us through experiencing to the fullest humankind’s masculine aggression with is lust for power over and control of others, trouble, strife and possessiveness, warmongering and earthly and spiritual empire building. All of these characteristics are the early earthly human expressions of our Creator’s masculine energies, the God. As the history of our world over the past six thousand years or so shows, when these energies are left to their own devices and allowed to go on the rampage almost without restrictions, they have little to give to our world other than suffering and pain. The masculine needs to be balanced by the nurturing, caring, life-giving and protecting energies of its feminine counterpart, the Goddess. Both these energies are also in equal measure in each one of us earthlings. Our task is to learn to control and master them, so they can be used in positive and creative ways for the highest good of all.

That is why the next stage of our earthly education, many lifetimes later, moves us to the receiving end of the masculine aspect of our nature. Only when our Karma has sufficiently returned the result of what we planted during the first stage and we had our fill of experiencing in our own lives the fear, pain and suffering we once caused others, are we allowed to move on to the third and final chapter of our very own and personal odyssey. It guides us into the calmer waters of getting to know the value of peace and peacemaking.

All of these things are essential parts of everybody’s road to Bethlehem, because this is the only way that anyone can acquire the wisdom and understanding that is needed for the building of a happier existence on the Earth plane for all its lifeforms. For this purpose, at a certain point in our development, our Highest Self guides us away from the role of being a religious fanatic with a blinkered vision that cannot yet peer beyond the end of their nose and the boundaries of their chosen religion or the one they were born into, believing it to be the one and only holy making one. We will then be helped to develop an ever deeper appreciation of all the belief systems of our world that is based on the understanding that none of them were ever intended to represent an end in itself.

From its first appearance each one has merely provided humankind with another pathway up the spiritual mountain, which in the fullness of time would become obsolete and disappear. More and more of us are by now following the guidance of our Highest or Christ Self, the living God within, because this is the only authority in the whole of Creation who can reliably tell us the truth about anything we care to ask. Because we prefer to be taught in this way to any other, what is left of the religions our world will gradually fade away quite naturally. As each new religion that appeared in our world provided our race with yet another only too welcome excuse for bashing each other’s heads in, with fading away of the religions the warmongering will also die a natural death.

In due course each one of us will reach the point when we happily and freely give of our highest and best and share it with those who are walking behind us. Every time we do this we are kneeling before and worshipping the newly born King in our own heart, so it can also be born in the hearts of others. Whenever we give of our finest treasures and place them on the altar of life without discrimination against anyone, doing everything that is in our power to alleviate the suffering of our world, we are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels and fulfilling the highest potential of humankind’s earthly existence.

And when under their guidance we do our share of blessing and healing all of humankind, our whole world and every other plane of life, the Shining ones in charge of us rejoice. They are smiling because another one of us has reached Bethlehem and on the way there has evolved into one of the saviours and redeemers of our world. They know that therefore all is well with us and our world.

* * *

The Road To Bethlehem (3)

Christmas Message From The World Of Light 2014

To round things up, I would like to share with you the essence of a Christmas Message from our beloved helpers in the world of light. White Eagle acted as their spokesperson and brought it to me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought on 22nd December 2014. My most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear Friends, who made this communication possible. Happy Christmas to you, too.

‘Dear ones, we are bringing you our message of love, good will and the renewal of hope, faith and trust to all of you. We know each one of you personally and we appreciate how hard, demanding and unrewarding earthly life can be at times. We want you to know that none of you have anything to fear, because on the inner level of life we are one with you and we are always with you. Today we convey to you our best wishes and hope that this Christmas you will know the joy of the true Christ Mass, which extends over the whole period of the twelve holy days and nights. This is something that can only be experienced and never be described adequately in the words of any earthly language.

‘Should you be on your own this Christmas and also if you can escape, if only for a brief moment here and there, from the merrymaking of those around you, in spirit you will not be alone – you never are. You will be in the company of us, your friends and helpers who already have the honour of sharing the glory of the Christ life in the world of light. Your loved ones are very close to you at this special time of the Christ Mass, wherever they may be at present. When genuine love has ever existed between two people, there will never be any separation between their spirits.

‘And now, turn your inner vision to the Christ Star,
the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation,
and pray that you may be used as a channel
for bringing Its healing and peace to your world.

‘God bless you all, each one.

‘Happy Christmas,
Your friends in the world of light.’

* * *

The Road To Bethlehem (4)

Humankind On The Road To Bethlehem

The road to Bethlehem is long.
Through the deepest, darkest and coldest night of the soul
Of failing to understand who we truly are,
And through the labyrinth of false beliefs and prejudices,
Every soul must eventually find its own way back
Into the comfort, warmth and light of recognising
Once again its own true nature and origin.
That, to me, is the road to Bethlehem.

This road to Bethlehem is hard.
It takes many lifetimes, until our small frightened earthly self
Realises that no Saviour and Redeemer
In the outer world will ever come to our rescue,
Because the true Saviour, the Christ child, promised of old,
Has always been waiting to come alive and
Be born in everybody’s own heart.
And when one fine day the human soul begins to open up
To the pain and suffering of others and endures them with them.
The love of the true Christ stirs and
The holy infant within is born and starts to grow.
The Heavens rejoice because one more human soul
Is coming home and kneels before its true Lord and Master,
The living God within, the Universal Christ,
Whose spark we all carry within.

The road to Bethlehem is tough and cruel.
Until human hearts take possession of the qualities of their Divine parents,
The Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
They cannot help growing ever colder,
Selfish, greedy, judgmental and unforgiving
Towards the suffering of others.
This is a sign that the Divine spark within is still asleep
And the qualities of the gentle Christ Spirit
Of compassion and love are slumbering with it.

The road to Bethlehem is steep.
But only for as long as the true God is still hidden from our inner view.
Regardless of that, each soul must continue its climb
Up the spiritual mountain.
While the wise ones, our guides and Masters,
The good shepherds in the world of light,
Stand closely by, take care of all our needs and keep watch,
Until the glorious moment when yet another one of us
Becomes aware of their own nature and destiny again.

The road to Bethlehem is long,
But eventually every human child of God stands
In awe and wonder before itself, when the Divine spark,
The Christ child, comes alive and is born
In the most humble place on Earth, the cave of our own heart.
The loving union of the great God and Goddess of all life,
On its highest levels, once created the child, so that
Untouched by all earthly things,
Its conception was indeed immaculate.
Father/Mother Creator, the child’s true parents,
Look upon each one of us, their earthly offspring,
Through all our wanderings, lifetime after lifetime,
With much tenderness and wondrous love.

The road to Bethlehem turns into a joyful one,
When at long last, the miracle of birth takes place,
The Divine spark, the Christ Spirit within, comes alive
And the qualities of the gentle Christ motivate us and run our lives for us.
When this happens to you, rejoice!
Your very own child has been born and you are reborn with it.
Our hearts fill with gladness, love and gratitude,
The road up the mountain becomes easier and
The cross of our earthly existence grows lighter,
For the goal, our final re-union with the Godhead,
Turns into a reality and we have reached Bethlehem!

The road to Bethlehem twists and turns.
Yet, we all get there in the end and the Angels ensure that
None of us is forgotten, left out or ever truly lost.
When we give of our best and bring forth from within
The highest we are capable of,
Sharing whatever gifts have been bestowed upon us with all
Who are walking behind us on the road,
Means kneeling before and worshipping the newly born King
In our own heart and assisting its birth in the hearts others.

Giving of our finest gifts to all, laying them
Down on the altar of life and doing our best
To alleviate whatever suffering we encounter in our world,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
We fulfil the purpose of our being on the Earth, which is
Doing our share of blessing and healing our whole world
And all those beyond.

God bless you all, not only at Christmas, but always.

* * *

The Road To Bethlehem (5)

Ave Maria by Franz Schubert 1797-1828

With New Words For Christmas In Our Time

A Prayer To The Great Mother Of All Life
A Song About Loneliness At Christmas Time
Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of the Mother’s symbolisms.

Ave Maria,
Most human beings dream of a life
That’s filled with tenderness,
But far too many of them are alone,
Shedding tears in lonesome days and nights.
But a few words are often enough
To show us that we are not on our own,
That strangers can become friends
And sorrows grow small.
Ave Maria

Ave Maria,
The journey of our earthly existence
Takes us through many dark nights of the soul,
Looking for a hand to hold onto,
When all we have to do is call upon the Highest Star
And ask the Angels for their help.
And if you are sad and lonely today,
Maybe someone ‘out there’ feels just like you,
Not only in this cold time of year.
Find them and by greeting them
With a smile and kind word
Show them that you want to be their friend.
Open your heart wide,
So they can feel the warmth
Of your honest intentions and kindness.
Ave Maria

Charles and Helene Fischer
Jean Frankfurter, Bach

Sung by Helene Fischer in German
Freely translated by Aquarius

O beloved Great Mother, hear our prayer. The Age of Aquarius is with us now. It is the age of friendship and siblinghood with all life and we give thanks and praise to You for returning to the conscious awareness of our world to show us the way into a more peaceful and loving future. Please protect and guide us and grant each one of us the gift of your love, wisdom and understanding, so that new hope, faith and trust can grow in every heart and soul.

Help us to find ever more powerful ways of doing our share of making our world into the place you have shown us in our dreams by opening our hearts and reaching out for each other, not only at Christmas but throughout the whole years. May this continue until all humankind’s arrogance, fear and hostility towards each other has melted away and destructiveness, violence, crime, warfare and loneliness are no longer known in our world.

In the name of love we ask these things from You.


* * *

From ‘Our World In Transition’

Change Our World (1)

If you try to change our world,
You are bound to fail.
But if you love it instead,
Lo and behold! For you
It changes forever.

Sri Chinmoy

If we try to change our world
Without first changing ourselves, we are sure to fail.
But when we come to terms with our true nature
And the wise higher purpose our world serves,
We perceive it in a new light.
It becomes easy to love it and for us,
Quite magically, our world has changed
And that forever.

As our inner eyes open, we begin to recognise
The good in all people and situations.
Our heart and soul then fills with compassion and love
For those who, trapped in the darkness of
Their ignorance and greed, still insist on creating suffering,
Maybe for millions, and therefore negative Karma for themselves.
We no longer sit in judgement over anyone
And that helps us to create ever more positive Karma
For ourselves and our world.

This is how many small people, in many small places,
Doing small things in their daily lives,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have the power to change our planet
Into a new and peaceful place for
All lifeforms that share it with us.


* * *

Greater Miracles You Shall See (2)

Wise ones, who wish to be released from the duties of their earthly education, appreciate that it is essential to make every effort to grow spiritual wings and learn how to fly on them. This is no longer difficult with the help of the spiritual wisdom that is now flowing ever more powerfully into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. However, no-one can be discharged from the duties of earthly life until every last item of their Karmic debts has been paid. Part of this are the karmic, i.e. emotional ties each one of our relationships created in previous lifetimes. They need to be dissolved through a better understanding of ourselves and those around us, the purpose and higher meaning of everybody’s existence. Forgiveness is the natural result of this kind of knowledge.

Our spiritual ledgers in the great book of life has to be balanced and that can only be done when we willingly accept and deal with whatever it take to pay all our Karmic debts in full. Regardless of the fact that although many things in earthly life on the surface of things frequently appear as if the Universe were dealing us some kind of castigation or retribution. In truth, the underlying reason for everything that is happing here is invariably of quite a different kind. It takes place because of the law of Karma, which more than anything else is a law of opportunities that knows neither rewards nor punishments, merely consequences and reactions to all our actions.

We do well to remind ourselves frequently that the Universe loves us and that with the help and the will of God all things are possible, and that miracles and wonders can and do happen at every moment of every day. It’s just that sometimes we have to be willing to co-operate in practical and down-to-Earth ways, to help it along. When all is said and done, the law of Karma is part of the love of our Divine parents. It is the law of love and that knows nothing of punishment. All it does it does is teaching, so that we may grow in wisdom and understanding and our consciousness expands. For this reason each new lifetime brings for all of us many possibilities for resolving any outstanding issues we have brought with us from previous lifetimes, as well as for healing relationships, redeeming ourselves and making good the harm and suffering we once cause for ourselves and others.

These truly are the days of miracle and wonder because for quite some time a healing miracle of truly gigantic and Cosmic proportions has been unfolding in our world and that is the rebirth of humankind into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and its own. The closer we work together with God and the Angels, the easier it will be for them to work the many miracles and wonders that are necessary for the completion of this enterprise. To paraphrase the message the Universal Christ brought us through St. John 14:11-12:

‘Believe in the Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me, their only born Son/Daughter. We are one and everything in the whole of Creation is our work. Truly, truly I say to you: those who know that this is the truth shall do the same works as we are doing, or rather they will be done through them. And even greater than these things each one of you in the fullness of time will do, because you are part of us and we are part of you. All of you are expected to make their contribution to this the grandest spectacle of all times and whatever any one of you asks in our name from a sincere and loving heart, it shall be done.’

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Living In More Peaceful Ways (3)

Because on the inner level of life all is one, anything that happens in the whole of Creation has an affect on everything else. As a result, when we are healing the whole of Creation heals with us and slowly begins to recover from the stresses and strains our race with its presence in a far distant corner of the Universe has inflicted upon the rest of life. The lesson of patriarchy with is dominion-seeking and warmongering has had a disturbing influence on the rest of life. Slowly but surely, this part of our race’s earthly education is drawing to its natural conclusion.

Every small step each one of us takes to conduct their lives in more peaceful ways is another step forward on the individual and collective healing journey of our world. It brings all of us that bit closer to our new and peaceful world where hunger and pain, suffering and wars are no longer known and we live together in harmony and peace. Even the tiniest effort any one of us makes in this direction is noticed, valuable and treasured by those in charge of us. At all times, the Angels and Masters are by our sides in total and unconditional love, ever ready to assist those who are in danger of giving up in despair and falling by the wayside. They are the ones who ensure that no soul will forever be lost in the snares and traps of the illusion that is their present physical existence or left behind anywhere without their support. Every aspect of life is taken care of by these wise ones with the greatest diligence and love.

I would like to share with you the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of guides from one of the Lodge’s Monday Thoughts on 19th May 2014:

‘It may seem to you that the great truths of the Universe have no relevance to your daily encounters and experiences. You will find that your consciousness expands when you focus your attention on the wider perspective of eternal wisdom and truth, instead of on the obstacles of your earthly existence. You then begin to realise how very small the problems of your earthly existence truly are, even those that at times seem to threaten to overwhelm and destroy you.

‘When you reflect on the evolutionary journey your spirit and soul have travelled down the ages, your mind begins to understand the grandeur of life and gets a better perception of its past, present and future. With time this helps you to become more tranquil and placid, joyous and humorous, about some of the only apparently overpowering difficulties you still have to encounter in the course of paying your karmic debts and balancing your spiritual bankbook. Your faith and trust in the basic goodness of life increases steadily through the knowledge that God and the Angels never leave you and are constantly with you. Call upon us, so that we can show you that it is true that we can be approached any time of day or night to show you ways of solving even the knottiest problems and issues that are still demanding your attention.

‘Do not think that we, your guides and helpers in the world of light, together with the Angels and Masters in charge of us, fail to understand how important your human problems are. We appreciate that to you they weigh just as heavily as for example the birth of a new civilisation would. Never forget that even civilisations are born, exist and play their part in the grand scheme of life and then pass away, so that a new civilisation can be born, one that will be more grandiose and beautiful than any of those that came before it. Never mind civilisations, whole worlds and Universes with all their inhabitants have come and gone in the long evolutionary history of God’s Creation, and kept safe by us. Such cycles will forever continue, because one gigantic Cosmic breathing in and out follows the other in an orderly fashion. That, dear Friends, is what evolution is about.’

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Letting Go Of The Old (4)

As children of the Great Father/Mother, everybody has the same rights and duties. Knowing that our Creator loves us just the way we are, why then do we find it so difficult to do the same for ourselves and those around us? Because we are in this life to grow in wisdom and understanding, of course we are allowed to make mistakes. How else could we learn anything? The wise ones on the Highest levels of life enjoy with us every bit of learning that is gained and every modicum of progress any one of us makes. When we repent and show our willingness to learn from the error of our ways, we shall always be forgiven.

Only a fool, or rather someone who is ignorant of life’s true purpose, believes that in earthly life we can ‘get away with’ things. Because God is as much part of us as we are of God, and the wise ones in charge of us in the background of our earthly existence are constantly with us and observing us, no-one ever gets away with anything and we are never alone. When the last one of us has grasped and accepted this and of their own free will changes into a responsible child of God, violence and crime will disappear forever from our world and genuine and lasting peace will rule supreme. No matter how long this development may take, every human being in the end reaches this advanced evolutionary state.

When the right moment has come for one of us, we awaken from our spiritual slumber and begin to become aware of why we are in this life and what it is all about. To our astonishment we then discover that the world around us is in truth a mirror of ourselves. It reveals to us that whatever we do not like about ourselves, we can change, and that the things we dislike in others are also in us, mirroring back to us our hidden unconscious self. We cannot transform other people – they alone can do that. But, we surely can change ourselves.

The time has come for realising that it makes no difference how old our physical body is. As far as our evolution is concerned, the only thing of importance is the age of our soul. And whenever some new knowledge comes our way, the only thing that does matter is how we react to it and what we do with it. The maturity of our soul shows itself in the way we use it, either for the furtherance of our own interests, for selfish ends and material gain, or seeking to apply it for the good of others, without looking for rewards. When giving to and working for others, there never is any need to ask for something in return. For as long our efforts are for the wellbeing of humankind and carried out unselfishly, the Universal laws see to it that blessings of many kinds quite magically start to flow into our life.

As pioneers of the New Golden Age we have every right to courageously look forward into the sparkling future that awaits us and our world in the Aquarian Age. This world cannot come into being for as long as too many of us insist on clinging to long outdated beliefs and the thoughts and behaviour patterns that are based on them. To achieve the progress that potentially is every human being’s birthright, it is necessary to let go of many of the old teachings and open ourselves to the wisdom that is coming our way through new interpretations and the understanding they are bringing.

Repeating parrot-fashion, whether something makes sense to us or not, has been the way of the past. The kind of belief this produces is good enough for those who are presently taking part in the experiences of spiritual infancy and childhood, but it is no longer satisfactory when we have evolved into spiritual adulthood. Continuing to use some of the old teachings, i.e. the ones that contain a higher esoteric meaning, makes a great deal of sense once we have become a budding mystic and seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth. Our task then is picking the best of the old teachings and discarding that which no longer is of any use or value to us and our world. At that stage our main aim is helping others to peer beyond the ends of their noses into the higher and highest realities of life, so that their faith and trust in the basic goodness of life can be restored, the same as ours.

The very reason that we have been granted the gift of another lifetime at this particular time is that the Highest expects all of us to add the learning and insights we are gaining from the experiences of our own pathway through life to the knowledge that is already available and the parts that have remained valid to this day. Hand in hand with God and the Angels, who communicate with us through our inner guidance. That’s how all together we are already in the process of baking a rich new cake from the raisins, the golden nuggets of truth, we are picking from the old religions and belief systems of our world and are adding to them the new and exciting discoveries we are now allowed access to.

Never forget that the law of life is love. In us and our world God’s love finds its most beautiful expression whenever someone is bringing forth the best that is within them, without expecting and asking for anything in return. This kind of love reaches out to all our siblings in the great family of humankind, whether or not they are known to us or as yet in harmony with our beliefs.

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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

You Never Walk Alone

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm
Is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on, through the wind.
Walk on, through the rain.
Though your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
And you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never walk alone.

From ‘Carousel’
Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein

The law of life is love and love is God and life, and that is the power behind the turning of the wheels of human and cosmic life. All of us, without exception, are sparks of the Universal Christ’s Light. Each is an individual in its own right who contains a full set of Divine characteristics, from the very best to the worst. At first these qualities only exist in us in seed form, waiting to unfold and develop when we have become sufficiently evolved.

On the inner level we are whole and do not need anyone else to make us so, even though for a long time it feels that way to ensure the survival of our species. Everybody has been blessed with the gift of free will and we eventually reach the developmental stage when we want to do nothing but freely and willingly surrender our whole being to the will and wishes of our Divine parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

Whenever a problem arises in our life, it’s best to hand it over to the Highest Forces of life by tuning the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. Their replies reach us through the living and breathing God within us. And that is the only authority in the whole of Creation who unfailingly knows the way of everything and the answers to all our questions. We may have to wait a while for them to come, but they will surely come and without fail show us the way forward.

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With love and light,

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21 Nov, 2022
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