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Miracles And Wonders (81)
Miracles And Wonders (81)

Miracles And Wonders (81)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 28th November 2022

What Does Christmas Mean In Our Time?

From ‘Healers And Healing’


The Advent period celebrates the forthcoming birth of the Christ child. The first Sunday in Advent to this day is considered by the Western Christian Churches as the beginning of the liturgical year. On this day in Lutheran, Anglican and Methodist churches priests wear violet or blue vestments and the first Advent candle in the same colours is lit at Mass. In 2017 this day is the 3rd December.

The Age of Aquarius began around the year 1900 of our time and the question arises whether Christmas still has any meaning for us and our world. My inner guidance tells me that we have reached the age when God’s sacred wisdom and truth will be flowing with ever increasing power directly from the Source of our being into every human heart and soul that is open and ready to receive it. These channels enable the Christ energies to reach ever more parts of our world. The deeper we move into the Aquarian age, the stronger they are penetrating and can be felt. With this it is gradually becoming clearer that Christmas, when viewed from a different perspective, i.e. the spiritual instead of the religious one, has a great deal to give to us.

Earth life is a school, a mystery school to be precise. I am saying this because throughout my writings the mysteries of the life of the Master Jesus are increasingly revealing themselves for what they truly are. But even though the Jesus story is in truth but a legend, in my view Christmas and the birth of the Christ child have much more meaning for our present time than anyone could have imagined in times gone by. And that’s what the collection of chapters from my jottings in this book in due course is about.

I believe that the Jesus legend was specifically designed to move us and our world, when the right time for this to happen had come, onto a higher spiritual octave and into ever new dimensions of experiencing our earthly existence. As you will soon be able to see for yourself, the weeks of Advent are a preparation for the birth of the Christ child, who for over two thousand years has been waiting to be born in the heart of humankind, individually and collectively.

If you belong to those who for quite some time have been asking themselves: ‘Can Christmas still give us something? Is there any value in it for us now?’, my reply is: ‘Oh yes, a great deal of it!’ You have come to the right place to find out what it is. Now that the Aquarian Age is with us, Christmas and the allegory of the child in the manger can give us much more than anyone would ever have thought possible before. This is because when viewed from a different perspective, the spiritual and no longer the religious one, it brings us the truth, i.e. the higher esoteric meaning that for such a long time – by Divine decree – had to hide behind the surface words of the Jesus legend.

Christmas and the birth of the Christ child, when understood in this way, has the power to connect us with God, not as an force outside and apart from us, but as the living God within, an inner experience. The literal understanding of the story has been hiding this for long enough. There is no need to begrudge anything it brought to our world, because this too has been part of our Creator’s great plan of life. God and the Angels wrote the Jesus myth through the scribes of their time. The belief that every word of it should be understood literally and as speaking God’s truth was intended for the Piscean Age only. For as long as necessary, this would hide the truth about God’s true nature, our own and our race’s special relationship with the Divine. But now at last, thanks be to God and the Angels for it, with each passing day ever more of us are ready to grasp the truth about every part of the Jesus legend.

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Christmas With White Eagle

Christmas Message From The World Of Light 2014

The following is the essence of a Christmas Message from our beloved friends and helpers in the world of light. White Eagle acted as their spokesperson and brought it to me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought on 22nd December 2014. My most sincere and heartfelt thanks to all of you, dear Friends, who made this communication possible. Happy Christmas to you, too.

‘Dear ones, we are bringing you our message of love, good will and the renewal of hope, faith and trust to all of you. We know each one of you personally and we appreciate how hard, demanding and unrewarding earthly life can be at times. We want you to know that none of you have anything to fear, because on the inner level of life we are one with you and we are always with you. Today we convey to you our best wishes and hope that this Christmas you will know the joy of the true Christ Mass, which extends over the whole period of the twelve holy days and nights. This is something that can only be experienced and never be described adequately in the words of any earthly language.

‘Should you be on your own this Christmas and also if you can escape, if only for a brief moment here and there, from the merrymaking of those around you, in spirit you will not be alone – you never are. You will be in the company of us, your friends and helpers who already have the honour of sharing the glory of the Christ life in the world of light. Your loved ones are very close to you at this special time of the Christ Mass, wherever they may be at present. When genuine love has ever existed between two people, there will never be any separation between their spirits.

‘And now, turn your inner vision to the Christ Star,
the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation,
and pray that you may be used as a channel
for bringing Its healing and peace to your world.

‘God bless you all, each one.

‘Happy Christmas,
Your friends in the world of light.’

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A Christmas Message 2015

From The World Of Light

Today I would like to share with you the essence of a News Flash from the White Eagle Lodge at Christmas, which contained a teaching that was given a long time ago. Bearing in mind the ever quickening pace of our race’s spiritual progress since this teaching first appeared, it has been updated to do justice to that which is happening on the inner and outer level of earthly life now.

‘Two thousand years ago a new legend was given to humankind. Its role was to act as a messenger for the events that would be taking place in the Age of Aquarius, which by now are increasingly becoming a reality of Earth life. From the beginnings of human existence on this plane, in the days before Christmas and for some time after, the blessings from the highest levels of life have been pouring more powerfully than at other times into all aspects of earthly life. With each passing year the inflow of the Christ energies has become more powerful.

‘And today we have come to lead you in a meditation for this most holy event. We are here to celebrate with you the Christ-Mass, the birth of the Christ. The awakening of the Great Light in all hearts is presently taking place in the realities of Earth life and in ever more of you the Divine spark of the Universal Christ is stirring from its slumbers. The legendary figure of Jesus has been a herald of the coming of the Great Light. The story of his life has been but one of the many interpretations of the myth that have been surrounding this event. Each one of them was given to your world by us, the wise ones in the world of light. Throughout the ages people have been celebrating the coming of the Christ in many different ways.

‘Now imagine in your mind’s eye that the Heavens are opening and the Holy Mother with the Christ child in her arms enters your inner vision. What you are seeing is the Great Mother of all life. In her loving arms she is holding a miniature version of the Great Light, the Sun of all Suns. Its radiance shines with undiminished force from the Divine child into the hearts of all human souls on both sides of the veil of consciousness that to this day separates them.

‘The Virgin Mary of the Jesus legend is a symbolism for the Great Mother of all Life. Her love and wisdom is the focal point and centre of all life on the Earth plane as well as anywhere in the whole of the created world at Christmas, the Christ Mass. Silently observe and breathe in the sweetness and kindness of the Mother and worship Her and the gift she brings to humankind, Her child. With each passing year it is newly brought forth to help human hearts and souls to become spiritually stimulated, so that they open in love and goodwill towards all lifeforms.

‘The Great Father is part of the Great Mother. He stands behind Her and puts His arms lovingly around the mother and their child. Sing with the Angels and worship with the shepherds. Greet and give thanks to the three kings, for they represent the sages in the world of light, who at all times are holding your hands to guide and protect you and to keep you safe. Kneel before your true King and Queen, Lord and Lady, Master and Mistress, and their only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life, on the highest plane of life.

‘Sagittarius is the sign responsible for the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. When the Sun moves through it from 22nd November to 22nd December in the run-up to Christmas, the Divine seed that to this day is still slumbering in many human hearts receives a renewed impetus to come alive and reveal its presence in the realities of Earth life. On the day of the Solstice, 22nd December, the Sun moves into Capricorn, the densest Earth sign of them all. It is also the sign in which the highest aspirations can be fulfilled and achievements brought about in earthly life. The energies of this sign bring the sacred fire of the Divine down onto the Earth. The goodwill and love that expresses itself in so many ways reveals that the seed of the Christ Spirit is indeed stirring in all hearts and souls, and that the holy infant is being born.

‘And that is whom you too have come to worship. To the wise ones in your midst, who have woken up to their true nature, the magic of the higher meaning that lies behind the surface words of the ancient story of the birth of Christ and the many carols it helped to bring into being never fades. Understanding what they have to say, the wise one’s hearts open wide to receive the Divine fire of love that flows more strongly than usual at this blessed time of the year. Invisible to earthly eyes, the Angels, messengers of the Highest, are standing by as the power, glory and light of goodwill shines with increasing force into all life on the Earth plane and fills every heart. The crib is the symbol of the most humble place on Earth: the human heart. And the light shines from the heart of the Divine Mother and the Christ, her Son/Daughter, in all its beauty and glory into each and every one of them.

‘Awakened ones do not complain that we are once more telling you the same old story. They know that we are doing it to remind you of the many symbolisms that have been hiding behind the words of the Jesus legend for such a long time. The Divine wisdom and truth they contain is waiting to sink ever more deeply into the consciousness of each individual heart and soul and through it your whole world. Being aware that the spiritual aspect of life is by far the more important one, wise ones refuse to put earthly concerns first. They prefer to concentrate on the profound truths the myth contains because they appreciate how essential they are for their own life and happiness as well as that of the whole of humankind.

‘We, your friends and helpers in the world of light, would love to describe the glory of the Heavenly realms to you, but using earthly languages this is impossible. And even if we could find the right words to tell you about the power and glory of the Heavenly hosts, most of you would not yet be able to grasp the meaning of what we have to convey about the power of the Highest, the Christ Star. In your earthly existence it can only be perceived by calling upon and practising it in your daily lives. It is something that cannot be known with the help of words or pictures. It can only be sensed through the feelings of love and siblinghood towards each other and your whole world that rise from the deepest innermost core of your being.

‘We would like you to know that many of those who have left their physical bodies behind are with you in spirit. Those you have loved and still love and remember are gathered here tonight. May you feel their presence as well as that of the Angels and Masters, and all other spirit guides and helpers. All of us together are sending heartfelt greetings and wishes for each one of you on the other side of the veil of consciousness. We invite you to join in the feelings of happiness and gratitude about the gift of life that has been given to us, and our common fate and destiny.

‘Know that every human soul, who is endeavouring to grow in saintliness and inner beauty of spirit, is making a valuable contribution towards creating a new and ever more peaceful and beautiful world by bringing God’s Kingdom onto the Earth. The highest potential of all who are presently participating in earthly life is to evolve into healers and bringers of God’s light and wisdom. And that, dear Friends, is the way, the light and the truth for every one of God’s children of the Earth. Whether you are as yet aware of this or not, each one of you is a child of the Christ Spirit who forever has its being in the radiance of the Christ Star.

‘The healing you are seeking is of the spiritual kind, but it can only be found through the power of your own spiritual aspirations. When your thoughts and whole being are truly aspiring to the light forces of the Universal Christ and tuning themselves into them, Its rays can flow into your loving heart without any hindrance. This awakens the Christ seed and soon you begin to feel how the rays of the Highest light penetrate ever deeper and with increasing force into every cell and atom of your physical body.

‘The Christ light is the only power in the whole of Creation that can reverse the order of all things, make crooked corners straight and bring healing to all conditions. Under its influence all darkness in human minds, physical bodies and their indwelling spirit and soul transmutes itself into light. This is how the Christ Spirit gradually takes possession of every cell and atom of your physical bodies and controls your whole being. And that is how miracles are performed.’

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A Thrill Of Hope

O Holy Night,
The Stars are brightly shining,
It is the true Saviour’s birth.
The blessing and healing power of Christ Star’s
Light is penetrating ever deeper into
All human hearts and souls and that of our world.
And ever more of them joyously respond
By opening wide.

For long enough our world has been
Suffering and pining in the prison of humankind’s
Ignorance of God’s sacred wisdom and truth.
Rejoice, because for some time the greatest
Wonder and miracle of all times has been taking place
And that is the rebirth of humankind
Into the awareness of its true spiritual nature.
Archangel Michael with the golden sword
Of sacred knowledge that flows directly
From the heartmind of the Highest into our world
Touches the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions
That in the course of many lifetimes have
Accumulated in the memories of our souls.
This contact transmutes them into
Total faith and trust in our Creator
And the basic goodness of the life
That has been given to us and our world.

Fall on your knees, O hear the Angels voices.
O night Divine,
O night when the true Christ child is born
In every heart and soul and that of our world,
O night Divine, O night, O night Divine.

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by the cradle we stand,
Because we now understand its true meaning.
Led by the Christ Star’s light sweetly gleaming,
The wise ones from the spirit realm are guiding
And protecting us, helping us to recognise
The symbolisms behind the Jesus legend’s surface words.
They are telling us intuitively that the child’s parents
Are the Great Father/Mother of all life,
Who never left us and have always been with every one of us.
Lovingly they are watching us and our world,
Assisting the true Christ child’s birth
In ever more human hearts,
Whose symbol is the manger and
The little town of Jerusalem
Represents the whole of humankind.

The Angels and Masters around the throne of God
Have always been in charge of the development
Of us and our world.
They know the needs of everyone and,
As far as our Karma allows,
Are at all times doing their best to fulfil them.
That’s why they are now providing us with
The courage and strength to master
The drives and urges of our lower nature.
When we nail them to the cross of our earthly existence,
From deep within everyone’s own being,
Our God or Christ nature can then take over.

Glory be to our world’s true King And Queen
And their only born Son/Daughter,
The spirit of the Universal Christ,
The Light of all lights and Sun of all suns.
Before them we kneel in adoration,
Giving thanks and praise for allowing us to know that:
The main Divine laws are love and evolution,
Their gospel is peace;
Everybody is our sibling
In the vast family of humankind;
When we love and forgive each other,
The karmic chains and shackles dissolve.
We ourselves created them in past lifetimes
When we were ignorant of our true nature and
The presence of God’s Universal laws.

The knowledge of these things takes our world
Forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life
Into the new Golden Age when slavery and oppression,
Warmongering, violence and strife will no longer be known.
That’s why songs of joy and peace, faith and trust
Are flowing from our hearts and souls,
And we give thanks and praise to the Divine Trinity’s
And bless its sacred name.

Each time another one of us becomes aware of their real nature
And starts conducting their life in keeping with it,
Another Christ child is born in Bethlehem.

Adolphe Charles Adam
Adapted for our time by Aquarius

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White Eagle Christmas Message 2016 (1)

Today I would like to share with you the Christmas message for the year 2016 of the White Eagle group of spirit guides. It was sparked off by the Lodge Mothers seasonal greetings. The essence of her words provided the starting point, but the wise ones soon took over and what follows is the result. ‘Our message at Christmastide every year is that all of Christianity’s festivals, including Christmas, are but one of the many ways the Angels around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, have been using throughout the ages to bring humankind closer to the events that are at the same time taking place in their realm.

‘The Angelic hierarchy is the executor of God’s Great Plan of life. It is in charge of humankind’s spiritual development and welfare on all levels of its existence. The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life are the authority that knows how much Divine wisdom and truth different parts of humankind is ready to grasp and take in at any given time. Whenever it has reached the point that another part of God’s sacred wisdom and truth can be revealed, they are the ones who decide in what form it should be presented and in which part of your world it should be released. It is up the Angels when one of the old religions should fade away and a new take its place that can take our race another stride forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life.

‘During the Christmas period there is a particularly powerful outpouring of the Christ spirit’s energies into each individual heart and that of the whole of humankind. This brings a strengthening of the Christ qualities of love and wisdom, kindness and truthfulness, as well as spiritual strength to your world. And when the Christ light flows into human hearts, they increasingly feel the need to bring comfort and joy to those around them, in some form or another. The flow of Christ light is a visitation and a spiritual baptism for the whole of humankind and that is the motivation for all Christmas gifts, greetings and feelings of gratitude.

‘Being aware of these things enables you to make an extra special effort to tune into the Christ energies’ hush and holiness. Refuse to dwell on the dark side of anything and do not look at tragedies like wars and other human-made disasters as well as natural ones, by what they appear to be on the surface of earthly life. Everything that has ever happened in your world unfailingly serves the wise higher purpose of teaching you something on an individual and collective level. Although every war is a crime against humankind and all suffering it brings about has to be redeemed at some stage, never forget that in their present existence all human beings can only ever see one side of the picture of the whole of life.

‘This changes as soon as you become aware that the background of your earthly existence the wise and loving power of the Great Father/Mother is constantly working exceedingly hard to bring nothing but good into your world and all others. The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life and we, your spirit friends and helpers, are doing our best to encourage each one of you to endeavour to do likewise, at all times. The more the forces of your love and ours mingle, the more rapidly the power grows to change the remaining darkness of your world into light, until every last shred of ignorance has been transformed into wisdom and understanding.

‘Knowing these things, do not allow yourself to be dragged down by the darkness and ignorance you are witnessing all around you. Each time you see evidence of it, remind yourself that this too is but a passing phase in your race’s development that will disappear in the fullness of time. We hope that the knowledge we are bringing fills the hearts of our readers with renewed hope and faith, as well as tolerance and love for every aspect of your world. This will not be too difficult for anyone because these qualities are part of your own higher Christ nature, which is now stirring in ever more human hearts.

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White Eagle Christmas Message 2016 (2)

The Coming Of The Lamb Of God

‘The most powerful one of the Divine characteristics is love. It is the greatest power of all in the whole of Creation which in the end is going to move the mountains of unfaith that still exist in your world and change them into even higher ranges of faith and trust. In the fullness of time it conquers all evil by absorbing its energies into its own and converting them into blessing and healing energies for all life.

‘The same happens to you in the process of bringing forth and developing the higher aspects of your nature. The lower ones are gradually soaked into the higher ones and this continues until they have gone from you forever. This is the esoteric meaning of St John 1:29 ‘The next day he saw Jesus coming to him and said: ‘Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’ As you know by now, Jesus is a symbol of humankind’s higher nature. He could never have taken the sins of the world from anyone for the simple reason that he never existed.

‘In the fullness of time each one of you has to evolve into a lamb of God. And that is the esoteric truth behind Isaiah 11:6 ‘In that day the wolf and the lamb will live together, and the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.’ Humankind’s animal nature with all its untamed desires and urges is are the wolf, the leopard and the lion. The lamb is a symbolism for its Christ nature and the little child leading them is the Christ seed which eventually awakens in every human heart.

‘The Christ love lacks all interest in dominating others and dictating to people what they should believe or not, the way the religions of the past have been doing. Some of them are still trying to maintain this practice, but in due course they too will have to accept that spiritual knowledge evolves and grows the same as everything else in God’s Creation. This applies to all spiritual teachings that were given earlier. None of them were intended to be unchangeable and like set in concrete. Included in this is the wisdom the Angels have been presenting through us more recently and will continue to give.

‘The beliefs of the Aquarian Age are based on the religion of love, which is of the heart and knows no dogma. There is only one law and that is the law of love and that embraces and welcomes every belief system whose foundation is nothing but love. This religion not only allows but spurs every one of you on to find their own comprehension of the fresh knowledge that for quite some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into each individual human consciousness and that of your world.

‘Each one of you will eventually be required to develop the abilities that are necessary for doing your share of enlarging humankind’s understanding of the concepts and concerns of the spiritual background of your present existence. This can only come about through opening your hearts and minds and training your whole being to act as a channel through which the Angels from the Highest levels of life can pour their gifts into your world.

‘Rather than taking from others, the Christ love only wants to give to its followers, to enrich and enhance their lives in some way, without expecting anything in return. It appreciates that it is in the nature of things each one of you perceives the radiance of God’s wisdom and truth through a differently shaped and coloured window of perception. No two of them can be alike because each one consists of the soul impressions that were left behind by the manifold experiences of all your lifetimes, up to the present moment. The new creed encourages its followers to listen to their inner guidance and follow its advice as to whom or what it is safe to dedicate their lives to.

‘The religion of the Aquarian Age would not dream of exploiting others and preventing them from searching for their own understanding of God and the spiritual background of life. This is because loving Christ’s way means setting others free to make their own decisions when it comes to choosing what they can and want to believe, and to whom they wish to swear their allegiance and follow, freely and willingly.

‘And if, in the face of the things that for karmic reasons still have to take place in your world before Earth’s great transformation is complete, do not allow yourself to become disheartened by feelings that humankind’s future is probably darker than it has ever been before. Instead, remind yourself that anything that manifests itself in your world first has to take place on the inner level of life. None of you can tell what is happening there. Never forget the darkest hour comes just before the dawn. As above, so below or rather as within, so without. You can take it from me, the dawn may come sooner than any of you can presently imagine.

‘When you watch the power struggles that are still going on in our world, do not overlook that the law of Karma is a law of opportunities. For example, as one part of Earth’s population through its suffering redeems its Karmic debts of past ages, fresh negative Karma is created by younger and less experienced souls by trespassing against older souls, inflicting mental, physical and/or spiritual pain upon them. Both groups are taking part in the same lesson, each through their own experiences as individuals and a group. All participants thus are receiving a vital part of their earthly education.

‘It may comfort you to know that in due course these younger souls will be removed from earthly life because after Mother Earth’s transformation is complete, their energies will no longer compatible with those required then. As a result, they are going to reincarnate and continue their schooling on a younger and less evolved planet, whose vibrations will be much denser than those of the Earth, even now.

‘On this planet they will continue their explorations of experiencing the highs and lows of life in physicality. And their growing and evolving will be helping their new temporary home planet with its own evolution, the same as you always have done and are doing to this day for the Earth. This will continue until the now younger souls have grown into old and experienced ones who in their turn will be ready to move on to exploring the higher and eventually highest levels of life.

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White Eagle Christmas Message 2016 (3)

You And Your Loved Ones At Christmas

‘When you entered earthly life you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Your turn for smiling comes when you depart from your present existence and the ones around you, who do not appreciate what is really happening to you, are crying and have to wait until their time for a better understanding of the processes of life has come. May your spiritual awareness help you to live your life to the fullest. Isn’t it sad that to this day so many think that life finishes with the death of their physical body, when in truth there is no death and life is eternal and constantly moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral?

‘Your loved ones are not dead and they have not gone from you. They are now enjoying the greater freedom of our realm, the world of spirit or light where all life is one and there is no separation between anything. At any time you can contact your loved ones through the power of your thoughts during times of quiet reflections and meditations. This also helps to develop your inner consciousness of the eternity of life. God is love and has nothing but love for you, so love the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ, the Sun of all suns and Light of all lights, not just with your heart but with your whole being. Know that in the Divine consciousness there is no death and that your loved ones are living in that love and are part of your spirit. On the higher dimensions of life you and your loved ones will forever be one.

‘During the Christmas period human hearts tend to yearn and ache even more than at other times for some kind of contact with their loved ones in the world of light. Whenever such feelings threaten to overwhelm you, take comfort from knowing that all they have done is leave the darkness of earthly life behind. They are not dead but alive and well in the world of light where death does not exist. Take advantage of the energies that are available to humankind during the Christmas period, when the power of the Christ love is felt much more strongly than at any other time. This brings your loved ones closer to you and the Christ energies enable them to pour the gift of their love into your heart.

‘And now, in your imagination picture a temple that has been constructed of the healing rays of the Universal Christ. In its centre stands a huge Christmas tree that is aglow with millions of lights. It is an evergreen tree that is a symbol of God’s unshakeable and eternal love. Not merely at Christmas but always you can seek the shelter of this love to meet with your loved ones and friends who have passed into the spirit world before you.

‘In your prayers and meditations during the Christmas period, when you focus your thoughts and the feelings of your innermost heart upon the beauty and power of the Christ Star on the Highest levels of life, you may sense the presence of the Angels around the throne of God. Listen to their message the way the shepherds of the Jesus legend did on the hills of Bethlehem, a long time ago. Imagine you can hear the Angels singing: ‘Love is born and comes to the Earth at Christmas.

‘Our loving thoughts, blessings and best wishes are constantly with each one of you and your loved ones, especially every year at Christmas and the New Year.’

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Christmas Message 2018

The Birth Of The True Christ Child

The following is the essence of several teachings of the White Eagle group of spirit guides I found in the Lodge’s calendar November/December 2018: ‘If you find yourself quietly working in the background of earthly life, even the smallest effort any one of you makes to transform your world into a more peaceful place is greatly appreciated by the Highest Forces of life. You are much needed for the vital work of projecting the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light into the darkest spiritual corners of your world.

‘Each one of you is like a small lamp, which God and the Angels for some time have been lighting in increasing numbers of human hearts. They are very much in need of your help because the flame of your loving service is a particularly clear and steady one. This is of immense value for the Angel’s mission of healing you, individually and collectively, and helping your race to become aware of the special place it occupies in the great family and siblinghood of all life.

‘To this day the Jesus legend tells you: ‘Blessed are the peacemakers. Their work shows that they are worthy of being called God’s children of the Earth.’ Those who have become aware of their true nature and whose inner eyes are open, have no difficulties grasping why the higher esoteric meaning of the Jesus tale had to remain hidden behind its surface words for such a long time. They appreciate that the story was specifically designed in this manner by God and the Angels because its wealth of symbolisms should not be revealed too early.

‘From the beginning of humankind’s existence in earthly life, God’s great plan of life decreed that the truth about this legend should gradually be disclosed when the time and energies are right. This is what they are now and that’s why ever more of you understand that the ultimate aim of every human being in earthly life is an exceedingly high and holy one. By the end of their earthly education each one of them will have evolved into a Christed one, a healer and peacemaker of your world, and a young God in the making. Being aware of it, do whatever you can to create as peaceful conditions as possible in your heart and around you, wherever you may find yourself placed by the lessons of your life. And do not overlook that, no matter how simple your daily work may appear to you, that you are still providing loving service to the One.

‘The message of the Angels is one of wisdom and love; it is the same today as it always has been. From the beginning of humankind’s earthly existence, God and the Angels inspired the writing of tales and legends that slowly but surely took humankind closer to the glad tidings of the greatest joy of all: its spiritual rebirth and that of your whole world. The great plan provides that this should happen in the fullness of time, but that until the time and energies would be right, the knowledge that symbolisms and metaphors for the spiritual guidance of humankind are hidden behind the surface words of the stories should remain undisclosed.

‘Now that the Age of Aquarius has been with you for some time, the esoteric higher meaning of the birth of the Christ child in a manger in Bethlehem can be told. The child is a symbolism for the Divine spark that eventually begins to stir in every human heart and the Christ spirit is born into earthly life. The manger represents the human heart, the most humble place on Earth. Bethlehem and God’s chosen people stands for the whole of humankind. You can observe all around you how in ever more human hearts the spark is waking up and Christ children are being born.

‘Whenever one of you during your meditations, prayers and quiet reflections turns to God and the Angels and us, your spirit guides and helpers, to ask for our assistance, your earthly mind tunes itself into the frequencies of our levels of life. And that makes it possible for our blessing and healing energies to flow through you into everything that shares the Earth with you. Each time this happens, the Heavens rejoice and sing: ‘Hallelujah.’ Your whole world’s inner spiritual level responds with: ‘Praise be to God in the Highest and peace and goodwill to Mother Earth and all her kingdoms.’

‘Extra special greetings and blessings from God and the Angels are going to those who are working hard on overcoming their addictive behaviour patterns of any kind. Their message for you is: ‘Never give up. Keep on keeping on. We are with you and around you at all times. More than that: we are part of you. Yet, unless you ask for our help we cannot give it to you. Such is the law of the Universe, God’s law. But as soon as you reach out for us, we gladly provide you with the courage and strength you need for conquering and rising above the drives and urges of your lower earthly nature.’

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From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

Do Not Despair About The State Of Your World

You Only See One Side Of The Picture

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.

‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.

‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.

‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.

‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.

‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us, your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.

‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.

‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.

‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, just like you did when you were dealing with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’

‘Humankind will at last find peace when the majority of earthly selves realise that they themselves are the cause of everything that has ever happened on the earthly plane and that’s true for what is taking place at any given time. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work with the greatest precision. There is an abundance of everything on the Earth. Alas, only through the lack of something can humankind learn to appreciate the value of things. That’s why sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary; they teach people the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the lust for warmongering lasts six thousand years, as that of the patriarchy, in God’s time it is merely like the batting of an eyelid.’

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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Humankind Awaking From Its Slumber

Awake from your slumber,
Arise from your sleep,
A new day is dawning,
For all those who weep.

For long enough human hearts and souls
Were trapped in the darkness of their beliefs.
Rejoice, because with each passing day,
The light of Truth is growing
More powerful in our world.
It absorbs ever more of the darkness
And transmutes it into blessing and healing
Energies for the whole of Creation.

So let’s do our share of building the city of
Humankind’s true saviour and redeemer
By bringing forth, each from deep within
Their own inner being,
The Christ spirit of goodness and kindness,
Honesty and truth.
May their supreme rulership
Turn humankind’s tears into laughter,
Because true enlightenment now flows directly from the
Heartmind of the Great Father/Mother of all life
Into all human hearts and souls
That are open to receive it.

Dan Schutte & Robert J. Batastini
Adapted by Aquarius
For our time

The Age of Aquarius is with us now. The symbol of this sign is the water bearer who holds a pot in his arms from which he seems to be pouring water. Because of this it is hardly surprising that to this day there is quite a bit of confusion about the nature of this sign. In spite of its symbol and contrary to popular beliefs, Aquarius is by no means one of the Water signs. It is an Air sign and the water that flows from the man’s vessel is not of the liquid kind. It is an allegory for the cleansing and purifying effect of fresh spiritual knowledge and wisdom that is constantly being poured from the highest levels of life into the earthly consciousness of humankind, to enable us and our world to move forward on the evolutionary spiral of life.

God’s great plan of life is evolution and the purpose of every aspect of life is that it should constantly expand in size and consciousness. The ever expanding Universe bears witness to this. The way I understand Earth life is that we are in it together, so we can help each other in many ways and especially when it comes to finding healing for the soul wounds all our lifetimes thus far have inflicted upon us. In this process each one of us slowly but surely evolves from being a pupil into the role of a teacher, and from being a wounded one into a healer, each in their own right and unique way.

It stands to reason that in the course of our long evolutionary journey through space and time the souls of all of us have got hurt and badly wounded, over and over again. The memories of the most traumatic experiences we had to endure in the course of our long and comprehensive earthly education, with the passing of time have buried themselves ever more deeply into the recesses of our subconscious. Here they wait most patiently, sometimes many lifetimes, until the moment has come when the soul’s earthly self begins to feel the need to go in search of healing for the inner wounds that manifest themselves as illnesses and afflictions in our physical bodies.

The task of all budding healers and lightbringers is to work with and release every part of the soul pain, which is the underlying true cause of all physical disorders, with love and kindness, compassion and forgiveness for ourselves as well as for those who shared these experiences with us. Until healing has taken place, the memories of old soul wounds are capable of causing many problems and disturbances in our daily lives. To overcome and resolve them once and for all, there is nothing for it but setting off on our own private healing journey of a thousand miles, which for each one of us can only begin with one single step.

To my mind, the equipment that is most urgently required on this voyage is to develop the ability to look for a better understanding of life towards the higher realities that lie behind it. This alone can provide us with the spiritual wings that are necessary when one wants to rise above many of the outdated and false beliefs and concepts that to this day abound on our planet. The small earthly self’s struggle is greatly alleviated, as soon as it begins to gaze beyond the confines of its present existence and realises that the human race’s Earth life is but a passing evolutionary phase that by now has almost run its course.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It brings us the long awaited spiritual rebirth of our race and our whole world. Ever more of us are discovering that the answers to all our questions really do lie within, and that they are given by the living God within, the inner teacher and guru. With that it comes clear that the saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing and that this is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The saviour and redeemer is none other than us. Each one of us has to do their share of saving and redeeming ourselves and our world.

The deeper we move into the new age and the months and years go by, it can be seen with ever increasing clarity that this is no means merely some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the participants of the hippy movement. The Age of Aquarius is a very real evolutionary period in the spiritual development of humankind and therefore deserves to be taken seriously, as it demands the fullest attention from all of us, not only from those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world.

In the Aquarian Age spiritual wisdom and truth is flowing ever more strongly into all human hearts directly from the Source. The long promised and awaited World Teacher is now coming to us in the most miraculous and unexpected way, namely by being born in the heart of each and every one of us. At long last it is coming clear that this teacher is none other than the inner guru and wise one, the living God within, everybody’s Highest Self, in whom we are all one. For a very long time this part of our nature has been known as the small still voice of conscience that constantly tries to tell us right from wrong and communicates with us through the world of our feelings and intuition. As the English poet Robert Browning, 1812-1889, once put it: ‘There is an inmost centre in us all, where truth abides in fullness.’

When all have become attuned to and are following the guidance of this, their very own teacher, there will be peace in our world and there will no longer be any need for religions. Having served the purpose they were created for, they will gradually disappear from our world. Most of my writings are concerned with how the monumental changes that are already taking place and will continue to do so for a very long time to come, are affecting us all. Helpful new perspectives on the different aspects of life are gradually revealing themselves to us. If you study the various parts of my life’s work that by now are available on the new and the old Rays of Wisdom, you will soon be able to see this for yourself.

As the collective consciousness of our race opens up, clear evidence is emerging everywhere of an increasing awareness of the ‘facts of life’ about the reality of our true eternal nature. More and more of us are grasping the concept that life is an absolute continuum and that in truth there is no death, only transformations into different life states. With this understanding the limited vision of Earth life as a one-off thing dissolves and we realise that one cycle of life emerges from and is born out of the previous one. All life is guided and protected by God and the Angels and when the time for doing so has come, old life-forms that have outlived their usefulness are removed by them. Inexorably life moves forwards and upwards, and everything taking part in it constantly evolves into ever more perfect and beautiful forms on ever higher levels of existence.

Sun Scorpio Marie, Queen Consort of Romania, 1875-1938 wrote towards the end of her life: ‘The God within us! That’s what really counts … that fundamental something that makes part of the ‘beyond’, which leads us upwards in spite of ourselves … towards a light out of which we came and to which we surely return, if we do not allow our spirits to go down in the mine! A light which shines in our souls, a beacon signalling to us from somewhere beyond this quarrelling, hating, doubting, betrayed and betraying, sad suffering world.’ Later still, bravely tackling her twilight years, she wrote: ‘It is not in vain that, on decline, so much is taken from us. It is so as to prepare us for the end. To sow the seed of longing for another life in our tired souls.’ From ‘Born To Rule’ by Julia Gelardi.

Spiritual knowledge and its understanding is a living organism that grows and evolves, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, including us and our world. That’s why over the ages religions and belief systems of all kinds have come and gone, and none of those that to this day are part of our world will remain with us forever. Because of the necessity for evolution and development into ever higher forms of belief, the teachings of the sacred texts of books like the Torah, the Bible or the Koran, to name but three, were never intended to be treated as if they had been set in concrete or chiselled into stone, for all eternity. They were given to humankind, through various teachers over the ages, until in due course each one would be replaced by more advanced beliefs and their teaching methods .

Throughout the ages, new religions did appear at certain predestined times to serve humankind, as our race by then was ready to receive more of the Divine truth. As soon as one of the old belief systems has lost its usefulness it is removed and replaced by something else. A good one has to be capable of taking on the role of a staff on which human souls can lean whilst on the Earth plane. The sole purpose of a religion that is worthy of carrying that name needs to be the wish to act as a ladder that invites and encourages human souls to climb on by seeking to increase their own understanding of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, wherever it may present itself. In my view, any organisation that fails to fulfil this task in the long run is doomed, as the Aquarian Age requires from all of us that we re-establish our inner connection with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, in whom everybody – without any exceptions – has their origin and before whom we are all equals.

Independent of which spiritual pathways any soul may ever have trodden during all of its earthly sojourns, in the end each one of us is guided into the realisation that no-one can really teach us anything. This is because in the depths of our own being, everybody through their own inner connection with God can gain access to every bit of knowledge that has ever been gathered by anyone. On our return into this blessed state of oneness the Universe presents us with many opportunities for establishing from our own experiences that the answers to all our questions really are known within, and that this is the only place where each one will always be answered correctly and truthfully.

May the knowledge we are now finding help us to become ever more aware of the infinite power, wisdom and love that has brought us and our world into being and will forever continue to support and keep us going. May this understanding enable us to rise above the circumstances that at times threaten to overwhelm Earth life with its sadness and unhappiness. Reminding ourselves as often as necessary of the loving arms and hands of the Divine behind everything and therefore also in us, helps us to remain calm and to avoid being pulled here and there like fallen leaves on the wind.

The more frequently we reach out to our Highest or God Self, the more powerfully it can pull us onwards on our evolutionary pathway and upwards towards Itself and Its light on the higher and highest levels of existence. May our increasing awareness that in truth they are part of us assist us with working our way through all the bitter and joyful experience that may still be waiting for us on the Earth, until every one of our karmic debts has been paid.

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With love and light,

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28 Nov, 2022
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