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Miracles And Wonders (83)
Miracles And Wonders (83)

Miracles And Wonders (83)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 2nd December 2022

Imagine There’s No Heaven

Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her.
Ich bring euch gute, neue Mär,
der guten Mär bring ich soviel,
davon ich euch singen und sagen will . . .

I am a messenger from the highest Heavens above your world who wants to sing and tell you about a good new tale. It’s a story for the wise ones in your midst who need to know, but probably already are aware of it, that there never were any highest Heavens above your world’s material plane. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, have come to let you know that our domain always has been and forever will be, is the inner spiritual aspect of your world. Everything that exists and happens on the outer plane has been created by us in our inner realm.

Without the inner plane there could be no outer material world. Everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also in your world, is of God and from God. And we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, are the ones who are bringing to your world this good tale, which may not be new to the wise ones in your midst. In the year 2022, around the time when in many parts of your world people to this day are celebrating Christmas as if a legendary God-man by the name of Jesus really had been born on the 25th December in a stable in Bethlehem.

The good new tale we have for as many as possible in the year 2022 is the truth and nothing but the truth. And the truth of the matter is that this God-man never existed and the tale of his life was never literally true. It never has been and never will be any more than a mere legend. If you doubt what we are telling you at any given moment, not just now, do not forget to check whether it is true or not with your built-in lie-detector. Every human being possesses one of their own, so there’s no need to rely upon that which anyone in your world might be trying to convince you that it’s true, when in truth it is nothing of the kind. The lie-detector aspect of your innermost being will be happy to confirm whether what’s coming to your knowledge is true or not.

And this is how the wise ones in your midst have already discovered, remember that each can only do this through their own experiences, how well and reliably this most precious gift can and will work for you, when you know about it and start paying attention to it. For example, when you read somewhere that Heaven and hell are not places that anyone ever went to and that there is no such thing as death, your lie-detector is sure to confirm that this is true.

Your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, whose snouts are so comfortably resting in the trough of humankind’s resources, are as yet unaware that this instrument exists in everybody, therefore also in them. The lack of it and the way they behave towards and deal with what for some time by now has been happening in your world, is the most useful instrument for those who, on its inner spiritual plane, are constantly observing how things move along on the outer material one. That’s how every human being most clearly reveals to those in charge of their development in our realm, to which category someone belongs. Either they are wheat or chaff; no other category exists.

– To be continued. –

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’ (1)

On The Wings Of Golden Healing Light

I am the archetypal Christ,
The God-man who for aeons has been waiting
To come alive in all human hearts.
Jesus is one of the symbols for Me.
When you become consciously aware of My presence in you
And listen to my guidance, you will always be safe
And all your crooked paths will be made straight.
Together we move towards the perfection you have been seeking,
Without knowing that this in truth
Means no more than healing together with me,

Death, once imagined by humankind
As an old black rider who was forever chasing you,
Is now becoming the friend who takes you
Into the world of light, your true home.
The only way of travelling for you now
Is on the beams of My golden healing light,
For I am the highest Star and the brightest light
In the whole of Creation and you are a spark of Me.
Together we create nothing but waves of wholeness and holiness.
Your immortal spirit and soul rise in endless flight
And reunite themselves with Me in seamless fusion.

You have got to the end of your earthly education.
Reaching for the higher and highest levels of life,
You are leaving the Earth plane behind,
As no force there can hold you back.
The illusions of Earth life have been your training ground
And although there is much truth in them,
Do not be deceived by anything you see and hear there,
As for you life fulfils a higher and greater purpose
Than the one you perceived in the past.

The presence of My Light, the Christ Spirit’s light,
Is increasing in your world and for those who have
Become aware of their true nature,
The importance of earthly concerns fades away.
To you life on your planet begins to reveal
Its and humankind’s true inner being and beauty,
As you grow ever more into the perfection,
Which each one of you, My children of the Earth,
For so long had to seek in vain.

For you the rulership of earthly masters and their dominion is over,
For your soul is drawn back to Me,
Your true Lord/Lady and Master/Mistress,
The source of your being.
You are re-entering into the conscious awareness
Of what in truth you have always remained:
A spirit and soul at one with Me.

You have woken from your spiritual slumber
And your whole being is presently in the process
Of changing into a living and breathing body of light.
The freedom of the Aquarian Age courses in your veins,
And I, the Universal Christ, am calling out to humankind:
‘Turn to Me, oh turn and be saved!
For I am waiting to come alive in all of you.
I wish to teach you and show you how
To save and redeem yourselves and your world.
The only way this can come about is
Through becoming ever more like Me,
Living and loving all life, the way I do.
I bless you all, each one.’

* * *

From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’ (2)

Healing The Conflicts Of Our World

The Homecoming

The Age of Aquarius is bringing us and our world
The long awaited spiritual homecoming.
It’s a time for leaving behind the false beliefs,
Superstitions and prejudices of the past.
By gazing deeply into the roots of our being,
Where we have come from and
Now are in the process of returning to,
We are discovering the true purpose
Of our earthly existence and the higher meaning
The periods that lie between these two events have served.
To perceive life with a clearer vision
And gain the higher perspective,
It is necessary to peer beyond the end of our nose
Into the spiritual background of life,
Where everything that happens in earthly life
And truly matters is brought into being.

What we are presently finding is faith, not ‘a faith’.
That would merely be like another religion.
The new faith is something much more
Basic and profound than any belief system
Our world could ever hope to be.
It is not a belief but a deep inner feeling
Of knowing and trusting that cannot
Be shaken or taken away by anyone or anything,
Because it is based on the spiritual knowledge
The Universe is helping us to find
Along the pathway of our life.
This provides us with the kind of faith
That trusts beyond any shadow of a doubt
That we always have been and forever shall be safe
In the loving hands of God and the Angels.

The new age brings us faith in the true meaning of the word,
Because we know from our own experiences
That in truth there is nothing for us to be afraid of
And that there is every reason for trusting the
Universe’s intentions that are based the infinite goodness of life.
This steadfastness of heart grows in us from the knowledge
That the Universal forces have always brought us
Whatever we truly needed
And that it will forever continue to do so.
The new faith is not something anyone can give us.
It can only grow organically within each one of us,
From their own experiences.

All together let’s fly on the mighty wings
Of God’s spiritual wisdom and truth
That’s now flowing ever more powerfully
Into every heart and soul and that of our whole world.
The knowledge we are finding is the tool we need
To release ourselves, each other and our whole world
From the suffering of earthly life
Into the greater freedom of the Aquarian Age
The freedom of knowing the truth.
Those who unselfishly giving of their best,
Are creating ever more positive Karma,
For themselves and our world,
Doing their share of establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth,
So that in the end nothing negative and destructive
Can return and touch us any more.

Peace be with us and our world,
Now and forever.

* * *

From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’ (3)

Searching For God

I searched, but I could not find Thee.
I called Thee aloud, standing on the minaret.
I rang the temple bell with the rising and setting of the Sun.
I looked for Thee on the Earth.
I searched for Thee in the Heavens, my Beloved.
And at last I have found Thee –
Thou art the pearl of true love that for so long had to
Remain hidden in human hearts.

Freely and willingly I surrender my whole being to Thee.
Thee I serve in all my daily encounters by
Thinking, speaking and acting with
Compassion and tolerance, patience and love,
And simple human kindness.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, Gayan, Vadan, Nirtan
Edited by Aquarius

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’ (4)

Faith Instead Of Religion

With all my heart and soul I do believe that the new faith of the Aquarian Age is going to help us resolve every one of the conflicts of our world and that this will eventually be possible in harmonious ways and without further bloodshed. There has been far too much of that in our world. With my inner vision I envisage it as a place where national boundaries no longer exist and everybody lives together in friendship and goodwill, peace and harmony with their neighbours, locally, nationally and internationally.

The coming of the Age of Aquarius means that a new golden age is dawning, an age of friendship and siblinghood with all life and equal rights for every one of God’s children of the Earth, independent of their gender and creed, the colour of their skin and nationality. By thinking and dreaming about it as much as possible, whilst doing our best to bring it into being in our own life, we help to bring it about. I trust God’s great plan of life and believe that the day will come – in the not too distant future – when the wisdom of the feminine will once more be making its presence felt and voice heard much more powerfully. In particular this is true for the women of countries where to this day everything connected with the feminine is suppressed by religious beliefs.

Through the adjustments that are being made everywhere in connection with the application of the masculine and feminine forces, the balance of our world will at last be restored. Through this the religious beliefs that to this day are trying to dominate the world scene will be reaching their natural end, making room for the faith of the Aquarian Age:

There is only one faith, the faith of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life
And I, their only born Son/Daughter.
We are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.

On reflection ‘religion’ is probably not quite the right word to use in connection with the new faith that is now unfolding. As the word religion has too many unpleasant and negative connotations for many, let’s replace it with ‘faith’. That is a much better description of what is happening to us and our world now, in any case. To my mind, the word ‘religion’ is a totally inadequate description for the new faith of the Aquarian age. It cannot do justice to what the new faith is about, which is infinitely more than what any of the old belief systems could ever bring humankind.

There appears to be a great deal of controversy over the roots of the word religion. Some argue that it comes from the Latin ‘religare’ – to link or unite. Be that as it may, I feel that the old religions were carefully designed to keep us away from discovering too early our own Christ nature, the living God within. Creating the illusion of separateness kept us from consciously reconnecting with and once more taking possession of our eternal oneness with God, which nothing and nobody could ever destroy. Showing us the way how to do just this that’s what makes the new faith into the first religion in the true sense of word. Yet, any of these things could only be revealed to us at the right time, i.e. when the energies available to us and our world were right. That’s what they are NOW!

We are presently leaving behind six thousand years of patriarchy with its religions that removed us farther and farther from the Source of our being. But there is no need for blaming anyone for this because everything that happened did so for the wise higher purpose of creating an ever deepening impression that we are separate beings from God and alone on the Earth plane. Through believing that we are struggling on our own we learn to lesson to appreciate the value of the support of our friends and helpers behind the veil of consciousness that separates our world from theirs, when the time has come for rediscovering and reconnecting with them. This is the reason why for a long time they have to remain unseen and unknown to us earthlings.

This is not helped by the fact that the old religions are based upon and supercharged with fear. It is highly likely that, if not in this lifetime then in previous ones, we were systematically indoctrinated with the fear of God and brainwashed into being afraid of anything connected with the Divine. God and the Angel alone know how many earthly lifetimes we have spent since losing the conscious awareness that through the Divine aspect of our own nature we have always remained one with God and all life. What a gift and reward awaits every one of us after having spent hundreds, maybe thousands of lifetimes in physicality of being disconnected from this part of our nature, when we eventually discover that nothing could disrupt our oneness with God and that in truth there is nothing to be afraid of re-entering into the state known as Paradise.

The new faith is bringing us something that none of the old religions could ever give us and that is true faith. It has its foundations in a deep inner certainty that we are safe and forever will be in the loving hands of the Highest realms of life and Its Angels. Nothing will ever be able to shake this trust and nobody will ever be able to take it from us. Although our earthly mind is the receiver station into which the wisdom from the Highest flows, this kind of knowledge is of the heart and not the head alone.

The new faith is based on a deep inner understanding of who we are, where we once came from and one day shall be returning to. Knowing these things with great certainty that is the prize and reward every soul receives from the Universe for patiently enduring whatever our Karma may still have to present us with. A pot of gold like no other awaits us at the end of the rainbow of our evolutionary journey of many lifetimes on the Earth plane and that is the renewed and healed relationship with our Creator. And that brings us the indestructible certainty that God is part of us as much as we are part of God and that thorough this we are one with all life.

Understanding the spiritual background of life and its processes much better, we appreciate that God’s great plan of life, in which every one of us has their allocated place, has always unfolded and will forever continue to do so. Having learnt about the laws of life helps us to trust implicitly that we shall always be safe and protected, nurtured and cared for, the same as everybody else. This is how what once started as a journey of spiritual infants on the descending arc of exploring the lowest and darkest corners of life in physicality, eventually winds up with us kneeling before the throne of the Highest. Now that we have evolved into a mature and responsible adult of whom the wise ones in charge of us and our world can be proud, they may even allow us to join their ranks by applying for one of their apprenticeships. Who knows?

The faith of the new age is a creed that is no longer of the head and earthbound, the way the old religions were. It is of the heart and belongs to the superconscious realms of life, because it has its foundation in the fact that every human heart is part of the living and beating heart of the whole of Creation. Whichever way one looks at the new faith, what could be more important in anyone’s life than finding it? Our heart is the seat of truth. It knows the answers to all our questions and what is right or wrong. And mine tells me that the unification of all countries and their people, including India and Pakistan’s, will come because it is predestined to be part of the Great Architect’s evolutionary plan for us and our world.

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’ (5)

A World Without Religions Means A World Without War

Imagine there’s no Heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No Hell below us,
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people
Living for today.

Imagine there’s no countries.
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for.
And no religion too.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.

Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people,
Sharing all the world.

You may say that I’m a dreamer,
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one.

John Lennon

Being of the head, the religions that to this day are with us still succeed in separating us from each other. This is done through stirring hatred and distrust against all who refuse to share their belief that their God or their way to God is superior to any other, when in truth there never has been more than one Highest authority of life. Such beliefs provide the followers of the remaining patriarchal systems with the welcome age-old excuse for warfare and terrorism that aims to destroy anything that gets into the way of its fantasies. For as long as any of these old religions remain part of our world there will be war somewhere with their leaders continuing to dream of being top-dog of a religion that rules our whole world.

This role can only be played by the new faith of the Aquarian Age. The formula for a world at peace is a very simple concept that is of the heart and therefore based on love and wisdom, goodwill and truth. It invites all of us in and unites us. That is the profound message of John Lennon’s masterpiece. Alas, to this day there is war wherever religious fanatics are seeking supremacy over others. The faith of the new age overcomes this by no longer being purely of the mind. Instead it flows quite naturally from the wellspring of all human hearts to the surface of their consciousness.

The best definition of this process I found in Joanna Trollope’s novel ‘A Passionate Man’. Archie is its main character. His father has died and the local priest drops in and offers him and his wife to pray for the deceased. When Archie refuses, the priest points out: ‘But you are churchgoers. You are part of the Christian family.’ Archie’s patience is at an end and he bursts out: ‘I may be a religious man – I may have a deep religious sense – but I am not at all sure there is a God. Not our God, in any case . . .

‘Don’t you even know what religion means? Are you so hidebound by your colourless bureaucratic orthodoxy that religion only means to you this frightful modern Church with its doggerel hymns and playschool prayers? Religion is an awakened sense of some great controlling force, an awareness that above or beyond there is not just a freedom but a fulfilment. And this awareness of power and possibility makes us strive ever onwards, morally, emotionally, spiritually. What on Earth has such a concept to do with the dreary pen-pushing second-rate God you want to offer me?’

But where to India and Pakistan stand in connection with this? In spite of the rich store of spiritual wealth of heart and mind, body and soul of the ancient civilisations and cultures in which India and Pakistan have their roots, spiritually and materially the two countries are becoming ever more impoverished. Much of this is due to their decaying social systems dating back to the colonial times when the two warring factions were still one.

Adding to the problems this creates are the outdated religions of the patriarchy with their false beliefs of masculine superiority over the feminine. That in my view is the cause of one of the biggest dilemmas our whole world has to tackle and that is over-population and the things that inevitably follow in its wake like lack of food and clean water, poor education and inferior medical care. The two countries shall get nowhere until they are ready to dig down to the roots of these complex issues and making the necessary changes on that level. This is extraordinarily difficult because the issues at stake are the direct result of the patriarchy with its male domination, which to this day is severely disturbing the balance of our world in many countries.

It is the highest time that both genders in the places concerned realise that every woman is part of the wisdom of the Great Mother of all life, the feminine aspect of the Divine. Being one of her many manifestation on the Earth plane, woman instinctively and intuitively has a direct connection with the will and wishes of the Great Mother. The Mother is the inner wisdom of women and men, the wise one within. In men this part of their nature works from the subconscious, whereas in women it is conscious. Woman’s inbuilt wisdom knows where and when it is right to bring into being a new vehicle for another earthly child of God. When left to her own devices, without interference from anyone on the outer level of life, woman does know when this is the case.

Another issue that is just as urgent faces our whole world and that is humankind’s increasing inner longing for finding fresh religious/spiritual expressions of their devotion to the Divine aspects of life. In India and Pakistan, as well as other countries this is giving rise to a kind of spiritualism that is based on gurus and the cults that develop around them. Selling their wares to the highest bidders, spiritualism in places like that is no longer treated as something holy and sacred but is sold like goods in a giant bazaar or market place. Communities are emerging whose aims often run parallel to those of governments who are searching for new roads forward to bring relief from its burning social issues, without creating ever more dependency on other nation’s resources.

What to my mind is presently standing in the way of progress is the mentality of the Indian and Pakistani people, writes my Indian friend. Too much viciousness, violence and hatred are hiding behind smooth façades. A great deal of narcissism is also at work and I feel that the time has come for finding different ways of dealing with these all too human character trace, individually and collectively. Furthermore blame and shame issues are clouding people’s judgement when they are trying to find the truth behind the information of our mass media. It seems to me that too clear this up, what we need most of all is more openness.

It is necessary to walk our talk and declare our views and opinions, speaking and writing about humankind’s changed needs and wishes at this particular time of our evolutionary journey. May God and the Angels grant ever more of us the courage to act in keeping with our true nature to bring about the social reforms which India and Pakistan as well as many other countries so urgently require. To achieve this some profound changes in the religious perceptions of their leaders are necessary. I know what a tall order this is, but I do believe that with the help and will of God and the Angels all things are possible and mountains can be moved, even this one.

* * *

From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’ (6)

Healing The Earth

Can you imagine what it would be like
If the Earth’s circumference was only about a mile
And it floated just above the ground?
Come with me and see what happens:

Visitors are arriving from far and wide.
They’re walking around on the Earth,
Marvelling at its big and small pools of water,
And the water that flows between them.
Admiring her mountains and valleys,
They’re wondering at what kind
Of wisdom it was that thought of surrounding
The globe with a thin layer of gas,
In which water is suspended
To sustain all its lifeforms.

The guests are watching the
Great and wondrous diversity of Earth’s living things.
Not merely the upright walking human beings,
But also its animal and plant life.
Some of the creatures are walking about
On the surface of the globe and others live inside it,
And more of them still exist in its waters.
Marvelling at all these things,
They can see that the globe
Is a unique and precious jewel.
Their scientists looked into it
And could not find another one quite like it
Anywhere in the whole of God’s Creation.
Realising this, they cherish the Earth
And all the visitors that come
Wish to do their best to protect the globe,
To make sure it doesn’t get hurt or damaged by anyone.

Realising what kind of a wonder and a miracle the Earth is,
People wish to get to know it and its spiritual background better.
That’s when they discover to their astonishment that
The globe’s beauty is a reflection and outer manifestation
Of their own inner roundedness and exquisiteness,
Which many of them to this day have yet to discover.
Wise ones, however, know that such a superb work of art
Can only have been created by the Divine heart and hands
Of the Great Architect and Designer of all life,
The White Spirit, who is also their own Father/Mother.
Bending their knees in awe and admiration,
Brings healing and peace to every aspect of their being,
Mind and body, spirit and soul.

Through what they are seeing,
And finding out that their lives,
Their own wellbeing and wholeness,
Depends on that of the planet.
Ever more visitors love and respect the Earth,
And are ready to defend it,
If need be with their whole being.

Can you now see how wise people would become,
If the Earth’s circumference was only a mile?
Well, why can’t more of us, like them
Wake up from their spiritual slumbers,
Before it’s too late?
So that the first signs can appear
That humankind’s age-old
Dreams, visions and highest aspirations
Of a world that is at peace
At last find fulfilment.

The Earth is now being transformed
Into a planet of light, peace and healing.
Rapidly we are approaching the time
When only those who know how to
Live and work in peace and harmony
With each other and all lifeforms that share
Our precious jewel, the Earth, with us
Will be allowed to reincarnate here.

All of us will then know that everything we see around us
Is part of us and merely
An outer manifestation of our own inner world.
How much are you doing to make this
Dream into a reality on the Earth?

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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From ‘The Universal Christ Speaks To Us And Our World’

Of Good And Evil

Created in My image, the core of your being is all good. No matter what your earthly self will ever be doing, your inherent goodness is unchangeable and will always remain good. Yet, each one of you must experience evil, to enable you to recognise the goodness inside you and also in others. This is only possible through encounters with evil, doing evil and having it done to you. Evolution is the law of life and that means learning; each must do so through their own experiences. Life constantly moves forwards and upwards; when you are looking back you are wasting precious time. To recognise any quality in yourself and those around you, you must get to know the other side of every coin, its polar opposite.

The only way the human soul can come to appreciate the meaning of good and evil is through its very own first hand experiences. By taking part in both it begins to differentiate between the two polar opposites. In future, whenever someone commits an evil deed, against you or someone else, remember that the spirit inside the offender is still good. Never forget that such people are merely working on integrating a very important lesson, in the same way as you are presently occupied with another one, namely practising tolerance and understanding towards all people. No matter what Karmic tasks may still be waiting for you on the earthly plane, may the knowledge you are finding here help you find in your heart love and forgiveness for every soul. May the mastering of this lesson lead each one of you onto ever higher levels of learning.

To know the value of peace each must know war. To know healing you must know what it is like to be sick and wounded. To know comfort you must taste the bitterness of tears. To tell truth from lie you must experience both. To know rebirth you must die. And to re-discover that in truth you are an eternal being of light, whose inner core nothing can destroy or harm, you must die a great many times. And finally to know what homecoming is you must go out into the world and completely get lost in it. This teaches you the true value of home. In the fullness of time, you will be able to recognise that what you now consider to be your home is but a temporary and therefore false one. You must first get to know the sense of insecurity that accompanies this kind of home; otherwise you would be unable to recognise your true home when you rediscover it. This also ensures that once having found it, you will take extra good care never to lose it again.

Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. And the wisdom you are gaining through all your experiences is constantly adding to My light as well as yours. That is why I say to each one of you: do not begrudge whatever comes your way. I am your inner teacher who, from deep within your own being, is constantly giving you feedback and granting you insights into your life situations. Any understanding you are finding this way is meant to help you cope better, not only during this lifetime but also all coming ones. The more light you acquire, the more your inner strength increases and a deep inner awareness grows in you that there really is such a thing as Divine love that guides and protects you.

As time goes by, you will all know intuitively that whenever you reach out for Me, I will come to your help and show you how to go forward, without fear and with love in your heart for the life that has been given to you and for Me, the One who created it. This is the only way any human soul can learn to feel safe and to trust that the goodness of the life is constantly attending to every one of your true needs. Each has to find out for themselves that no matter what happens, I will never leave or forsake any one of you. My dear children of the Earth, this kind of trust is hard to come by, but it is worth struggling for because it is the single most precious gift I can bestow upon anyone.

Light is the giver of life, without it there is no life. Light also means truth, My life and My truth, which in the fullness of time needs to become yours. I have created you in My image and I have given you life. My light is with you at all times. It brought you into this lifetime and for as long as you are true to your real higher nature and trust Me and My guidance from within, I will take you ever onwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Through the legend of the Master Jesus I told you: ‘I am the light of the world.’ I am the light that shows every soul its own way back home into My kingdom.

My everlasting arms are constantly around all life on all its levels to guide, support and protect it. My infinite love enfolds everything that is in all worlds. I am omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. As there is no place where I am not, no human heart and soul ever needs to be without Me. And because I am part of you and with you always, I suffer with you in the depths of depravity and the deprivations of Hell on the Earth plane, and I rejoice with you when you are reaching for the highest heights. To paraphrase one of the poets of your world: ‘Every hair is numbered and every grain of sand. Not a sparrow falls from the sky without My grief and mercy.’

* * *

From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’


Imagine there’s no Heaven.
It’s easy if you try.
No Hell below us,
Above us only sky.
Imagine all the people
Living for today.

Imagine there’s no countries.
It isn’t hard to do.
Nothing to kill or die for.
And no religion too.
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace.

Imagine no possessions.
I wonder if you can.
No need for greed or hunger.
A brotherhood of man.
Imagine all the people,
Sharing all the world.

You may say that I’m a dreamer,
But I’m not the only one.
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the world will live as one.

John Lennon & Yoko Ono

The way I understand this life is that every human soul is a receiver/transmitter station designed to bring the illumination and inspiration from the Highest levels of life into the Earth’s environment. Everybody is a conduit of communication through which the ideas of the Universal Life Force, also known as God, are constantly flowing into us and our world. Potentially, we are all its channels. Through John Lennon and his song ‘Imagine’ it provided our world with a truly inspired vision of the new Heaven and Earth in the Aquarian Age.

Born on the 9th October 1940, John Lennon was a Sun Libra, the peacemaking sign of the zodiac. I share John’s vision that in the New Age all religions will go from our world because there no longer will be any need for them. Considering how much misery and suffering they have brought into our world and still are doing to this day, there is every reason to rejoice.

It’s not hard to imagine our world without the religions of the past. There has never been a belief system like the Aquarian one because it brings us the truth about God’s true nature and our own and in this way helps us to become aware of and connect with the living God within ourselves and everybody else. It has been part of God’s great plan of life that the old religions should keep us away from discovering this too early. That’s why they could never be religions in the true meaning of the word.

The law of life is love and the Aquarian religion requires no dogma or creed because it really is founded on love. Love loves for its own sake and has no need for commandments. Loving someone means wanting only that which is good, right and beautiful for them. Love understands all and because of this has no problems forgiving everything. And when we are consciously aware of our oneness with God and love all life like our Creator, ideas of hurting, wounding and/or offending any part of it no longer enter our mind.

To conduct our lives in keeping with the new religion, the only thing anyone has to do is being true to their real self, their higher or Christ nature. Understanding the cause of the suffering of our world means nothing but compassion and love for those who are in pain, mentally, physically and spiritually. With kindness and tolerance we then meet those who, in their ignorance of their spiritual nature and the higher purpose of their existence, to this day insist on bringing suffering to those around them.

The highest values of the new religion are the truth and understanding. It wants no-one to believe anything that has neither hand nor foot and insults human common sense by insisting that its every word is true, when quite clearly it is not. This religion requires no book because it is written in every human heart, though for a time only in seed form and in a slumbering state. But the more of us wake up and become aware of its presence, and then conduct our lives in keeping with the will and wishes, hopes and dreams, desires and aspirations of their higher Christ nature, the sooner true and lasting peace will come to us and our world in quite a natural way and as a progression of our spiritual development.

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With love and light,

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2 Dec, 2022
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