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Miracles And Wonders (84)
Miracles And Wonders (84)

Miracles And Wonders (84)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 3rd December 2022

What Is True Power?

Many in your world to this day are sad because by rights they are the wheat types. Their sadness is based on nothing but the lack of understanding why they are here and taking part in life on the material plane. Do the best to help them and share with them the knowledge you have already gained, because you have been working extremely hard on overcoming the lower aspects of your human nature. And that has taken many lifetimes of attending the lessons of the earthly school of life. Enjoy your knowledge and scatter it as far and as wide as possible. What you are sharing is a good seed from which nothing but more of the same can grow and that means that your world’s hope, faith and trust are renewed.

This is why today we are asking you to let those around you who still doubt it that Heaven and hell never were places that anyone ever went to or will. Tell them also that there is no death, merely a transfiguration during which the human spirit/soul is released from its physical body, and returned to humankind’s true home, our realm. Just like what happens to a butterfly when it has fully evolved and leaves its chrysalis behind because it’s no longer of any use to what emerged from it. This is also what happens whenever someone’s earthly lifetime has reached its end and the outer physical body is no longer required. You just leave it behind.

A transfiguration takes place each time when someone’s indwelling spirit/soul leaves its outer shell behind. Death does not enter into the picture because everybody’s spirit/soul is part of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Like this Divine Trinity every human being is immortal and eternal and therefore, it can and will never die. Let as many as possible in your world know that Heaven and hell are what human beings are so good at creating for themselves and each other. However, this only continues for as long someone fails to grasp what humankind’s existence really is all about and that their taking part in life on the material plane serves a wise higher purpose.

The power of changing Heaven and hell into concepts that are entirely to someone’s liking lies in the hands of every one of you. As a starting point it’s necessary to become aware that nobody in the material world has any true power. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, are the only ones in the whole of Creation who possess it. Although we are invisible to most earthly eyes, we have never stopped working for all of you and o behalf of the Divine Trinity. Human beings can murder each other and take the lifeforce from someone’s outer physical body, but killing the indwelling spirit/soul is impossible.

And we alone have the power of taking those who are ready to receive what is being said, for example in the Aquarian writings, to those who are ready to grasp their meaning. That’s because we are the only ones who know whenever someone is ready for receiving whatever they may need in any given moment. We alone possess the knowledge to take every one of you to wherever the new understanding you need at that moment can be found. We are the only ones who are aware when this has come for every human being who, at any given time, is attending which one of the earthly school of life’s lessons. That’s true power which nobody on the material plane possesses.

Steadily increasing numbers of you these days are aware that the two main laws of life are love and evolution. And that is why the process of sorting the wheat from the chaff needs to be continued for a certain length of time. We, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, want as many as possible on your side of the veil, which for the time being still separates your outer material plane from our inner spiritual counterpart, to wake up from their spiritual slumber. Ever more people in your world need to become aware that we are the only ones who truly are in charge of and responsible for your world’s wellbeing and development.

* * *

From ‘The Very Best Of Kahlil Gibran’

Of Marriage And Partnerships

Almitra spoke again and said: ‘What of marriage, Master?’
And the prophet replied:
‘You were born together and you shall be for evermore.
You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
That’s what I believed when I first wrote these lines,
But I know better now that I am dwelling on the other side
Of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds.
I can see clearly what a long way marriage
Has come since the days of the patriarchy
When it deteriorated ever more into
A more than somewhat archaic institution.

What a long way our world has come since then!
It gladdens my heart to see that for many by now
Marriage means forming a partnership
In which both men and women have equal rights
As well as duties to fulfil, because each one of you is an
Individual and independent spark of Divine consciousness,
Who once emerged from the heartmind of God.
Although in spirit all is one, when in earthly life you are married,
Make sure there is room between you.
Allow each other breathing space and invite
The winds of the Heavens to dance between you.
Love one another, but do not make a bond of your love
That ties you together as if with cast-iron chains.
Let your love be more like an ocean that moves
Between the shores of your two souls.

The other half you have been looking for without success
On the Earth plane in the course of many lifetimes
Is not meant to be found there and in other human beings.
The missing part of you that will make you whole is
The living God within, everyone’s own Highest or God Self.
Reuniting with it is the only marriage that in the end
Can still and satisfy your yearnings for a love that is true,
Accepts you totally and unconditionally,
Never leaves you and lasts in all Eternity.

That’s why I say:
You do not need anyone else to make you whole.
Each one of you has the energies of their counterpart within.
For a long time it had to remain dormant,
Waiting to be taken into possession by you.
Help each other to recognise and take possession of it.
Then with gratitude for the gift the other one
Has brought you, let go of each other again.

Even though you are married,
Never forget that each soul has its own pathway to walk,
Its own things to do and lessons to learn.
So share what nurtures you and fill each other’s cup,
But do not drink from the same cup or eat from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous,
But let each also sometimes be on their own,
Just like the strings of a lute are alone,
Although they vibrate with the same tune.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping,
For only the hand of life can contain them.
Stand together, but not too close,
Similar to the pillars of a temple standing apart,
Bearing in mind that the oak tree and
The cypress do not grow in each other’s shade.

Each in their own way and time has to learn their pathway to walk,
Their Karma to redeem and Highest potential to fulfil.
Let each learn to take the lead in some things whilst following in others.
Each contributing in their own special and unique manner
Not only adds variety and interest to your relationship,
It helps to make it last longer and ensures that both partners
Grow at an even pace, individually and together.

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

About Pain

A woman spoke: ‘Tell us of pain!’
And the Prophet replied:
‘Your pain is but the breaking of the shell
That encloses your deeper understanding.
You have to know pain,
Even as the outer shell of any fruit has to break,
So that the seed it contains can begin to grow and emerge into the Sun.

If you could but open your heart to the wonder
And the miracle that is your life and all life,
So that you could see that they are contained in everything.
If you could do that, your pain would not seem less wondrous
Than your joy.
You would then be able to accept the seasons of your heart,
Both their coming and their going,
In the same way as the inevitability of the seasons
That pass over your fields.
And you would watch yourself, with serenity and wonder
Through the winters of any grief,
Knowing with certainty that spring and resurrection
Will surely follow.
And that even in the event of the death of your physical body
You can be sure to be granted the gift of another lifetime on the Earth,
For as long as you require it.

With the onset of wisdom, you will begin to recognise
That much of your pain is self-chosen and that
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you,
Your Highest or God Self,
Is trying to heal your small, sick and wounded earthly self.
Understanding this you will be able to trust
The Divine Wisdom of your very own Heavenly physician,
And drink Its remedy in silence and tranquillity.

You will then rest safely in the knowledge that
Its hand is only seemingly hard and heavy,
And that in truth the cup that now burns your lips
Is given to you by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And that this cup has been fashioned from the clay,
Which the Great White Spirit, the potter of all life,
Is moistening with Its own sacred Father/Mother tears.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

About Prayer

Then a priestess said: ‘Speak to us of prayer!’
And the prophet replied:
‘Most of you pray only in times of need and distress,
But wise ones also pray in the fullness of their
Joy and days of abundance.
What is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ethers?
For as long as you receive comfort through pouring
Your darkness and negativity into space,
At least make an effort to create balance
By also sharing your delights and joys with the Universe.
And don’t forget to give thanks for your earthly existence
And the kind, patient and loving teachers on the
Higher and Highest levels of life are
Bringing all your experiences to you,
So that through them you may learn,
Grow in wisdom and understanding and,
With the passing of time,
Become ever more Heaven-tall.

‘For as long as earthly selves are still unaware of their true nature
And the wise higher and holy purpose of their lives,
They cannot help doing lots of weeping and complaining,
While wise ones give thanks and praise to their Creator
For everything that ever has been, is today and one day will be,
Whenever their spirit/soul move them to pray.
Until you have evolved to their level of awareness,
Let the flow of your tears bring you comfort.
At the same time reach out for the
Blessing and helping hands of God and the Angels.
Ask them to draw closer to you and bring you their healing.
Surrender all your troubles and woes to
Your highest God or Christ Self and its messengers,
So they can help your small and easily frightened earthly self
To lose its fear and start smiling again.

‘Each time you go within to communicate
With God and the Angels,
Your spirit/soul’s consciousness rises and
In the ethers meets everybody else
Who at that particular moment also is praying,
Otherwise it would be impossible to ever
Contact or meet them.
And so, for each one of you I wish that,
In the long course of your evolutionary journey,
In the fullness of time, every one
Of your visits to the inner temple of your spirit/soul
Will be for nothing but spiritual joy through your
Sweet communions with God and the Angels.
I beg of you, whenever you go there,
Forget about making demands on them.
Isn’t it enough being allowed to enter the temple
And just be there for a while,
For being recharged with their loving energies?

‘Nobody can teach you how to pray and what words to use.
The Divine does not listen to them,
Except when you are being used as their channel
And the words and prayers of the Highest
Are flowing from your heart to fill your whole being.
And as all of you can only learn from their own experiences,
Each has to find out for themselves how
The oceans, forests and mountains are praying.
It is not true that only if you were born in one of those places
You can feel their prayers in your heart.

‘Anyone who listens in the stillness of the night
Can sense their silent pleas that go something like this:
‘Our God, who art our winged self,
It is Thy will in us that willeth,
It is Thy desire in us that desireth,
And it’s Thy urge in us that has the power
Of turning our nights, which are Thine
Just the same as every day,
Also into days.
It is unnecessary to ask Thee for aught,
For Thou knowest everyone’s true needs
Long before another one of us
Is reborn into earthly life,
In keeping with Thy desires.
Thou art everyone’s ultimate true need
And through every lifetime
giving us more of Thyself,
Thou givest us all we shall ever desire.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

On Religion

An old priest said: ‘Speak to us of Religion.’
And the Prophet replied:
‘Have I ever spoken to you of anything else?
Isn’t everything a religion in its own special way,
Because it’s a gift from our Creator and connects us
With Him/Her, no matter what our world’s religions
Have ever told us about who or what God is.
God is the wonder and surprise human spirit/souls experience,
For example when their hands are hewing a stone
Or attending to a weaving loom.

‘Who can separate their faith from their actions
Or their beliefs from their occupations?
Who can spend their daily hours and say:
‘This part of me is for God and that for myself.
This is for my spirit/soul and that for my physical body?’
All hours of any given lifetime are
Wings on which our spirit/soul is working
Its way through space and time.
For a long time without being aware of what we are doing,
We are experiencing every part of our being.
Effortlessly, we change from our God or Christ nature
To our earthly personality, its counterpart.

‘If we wear our morality only as our best garment
When we attend church on Sundays,
There is no way of getting any idea
Of what the concept of God truly means.
For as long as someone’s conduct is limited by
The dogma and creed of one religion or another,
Their soul’s songbird is like being trapped in a cage.
Nobody can sing their finest songs from behind wires and bars.
And for as long as someone’s worshipping is but a window
That they open and shut at their will,
It’s impossible for them to experience
The constantly open windows of
Every human being’s spirit/soul’s true home,
The world of spirit or light.

‘The Aquarian age brings the recognition for the whole of humankind
That everybody’s daily life is the temple of the only true religion,
Of love and integrity, honesty and truth.
Let’s enjoy and made good use of everything that we,
Hand in hand with God and the Angels,
Have brought into being, whether something
Is a necessity or serves our delight.
Each night, before going into dreamtime,
Lets leave our mistakes behind because
They were nothing but lessons the past
Instead, rise on the wings of the knowledge
Our spirit guides and helpers are intuitively bringing us.
Let’s take our whole world and everything that shares it with us
Into the loving arms of the Great Father/Mother of all life.
Embrace humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspiration
Into the spirit realm, so they can intuitively show
Us how we can contribute to fulfilling them.

‘Together with God and the Angels,
And all other spirit friends and helpers,
Lets lift ourselves on the wings of honesty and truth
Into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age,
Finding out who and what our Creator truly is by
Discovering the higher and highest realities of our
Earthly existence and it’s inner spiritual background.
Let’s stop allowing ourselves to be led by our noses
And following like sheep the information spread by
Our world’s troublemakers and scaremonger,
As well as other things that were written a long time ago,
Are outdated and are in need of reviewing, now.

‘The religion of the Aquarian age is of the heart.
For some time by now it has been working hard on
Explaining to all human beings, that
Independent of colour, race or creed, every one of them
Is taking part in the earthly school of life,
To help the grow in wisdom and understanding of
The true nature of God, their own and their world.
The belief systems of the past were not really religions.
The word means connecting with God and all they did
Was purposely keeping us away from discovering
Who and what God truly is and who we are.
Fortunately, by now this has reached its end.

‘The Great Father/Mother of all life’s
God and Goddess aspects
Are as very much alive in every one of us,
As well as our children and everybody else.
And when we gaze into space, especially at night,
To our delight we discover that even with
Every star and cloud our Divine parents are embracing
Everything that takes part in our world and that
With the same loving care with which they are attending
To the rest of the whole of their Creation.

‘Every ray of sunshine and drop of rain
That touches the Earth, comforts, blesses and heals
Humankind and our whole world.
In every flower, leave and blade of grass
God and Goddess are smiling.
The branches of our trees, like their hands and arms,
Are waving to us and the wind
Whispers words of healing and peace.
Anyone who is aware of their presence can hear
What they are telling our world about
The religion of the Aquarian age:

‘There is only one religion, the religion of love.
There is only one country, the whole of Mother Earth.
There is only one race and chosen people, the whole of humankind.
There is only one gender, who is androgynous, whole and holy.
There is only one language, the language of the heart.
And there is only one God, the God of love,
The Great Father/Mother of all life.
And their only born Son/Daughter.
They are one Holy Trinity, who is
Omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient.’

From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Reinterpreted by Aquarius
Updated January 2021

* * *

From ‘Healers And Healing’

Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged

The Jesus legend tells us in the Sermon of the Mount St. Luke 6:37: ‘Judge not and ye shall not be judged; condemn not and ye shall not be condemned. Forgive and ye shall be forgiven.’ If the Jesus tale had at that time been meant to tell the truth, instead of hiding it behind its surface words, the Master would have told his disciples why this should happen to them. Knowing the truth would have helped them to avoid judging and condemning anyone. But that was not the intention then.

The Christian church and its religion was the finest instrument anyone could have wished for to familiarise us and our world with the lowest drives and urges of humankind’s unevolved nature. A veritable wolf who was hiding its intentions in sheep’s clothing, if ever there was one. Had anyone paid attention to and followed the Master’s words, the darkest chapters of our development like the witch hunts and the inquisition would have been impossible. We shall return to this theme.

It was for the sake of their lessons in the school of earthly life that the disciples of Jesus needed to think that their present existence was a one-off thing. For as long as they committed their crimes in the name of what they believed to be their God and were shielded by the protection of the organisation they served, they could not help being under the impression that they could do as they pleased. Nobody would know and dare to judge or condemn them because the Bible advised against it. For as long as no explanations why things should be the way they are, words of any kind lack the power to convince their listener or reader, even if the truth has been spoken in a way they cannot comprehend.

And as soon as we are told what happens when we judge or condemn someone, following the Bible’s advice makes a great deal of sense. At last we are allowed to know that it’s the law of Karma that sees to it that the same kind of treatment eventually finds its way back to us, so that we in turn find ourselves in situations of being judged and condemned by those around us. Something similar happens with every single one of our thoughts, words and actions, positive and negative ones alike. What the law unerringly returns to us does not necessarily come about through the same people but come it will, sooner or later, of that we can be sure.

We are our own ancestors and descendants and we ourselves are responsible for who and what we presently are. God did not create us this way, we did. If you wish to find out more about this, please follow the relevant link at the end of this chapter. The memories of the experiences of every one of our lifetimes are stored in our soul on the subconscious level of our being. For a long time we are protected against knowing of their presence. This is necessary because the earthly education of every human being includes taking part in hideous and monstrous things like those described in the next chapter.

Countless times we must have experienced gruesome and cruel adventures that were part of familiarising us with the crude and unevolved aspects of humankind’s nature, our own and other people’s. If we knew of them, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves. That’s why the love and wisdom of the Highest provides that the memories of all previous lifetimes are stored in the subconscious part of our being. From there they are influencing our thinking and behaviour patterns of our daily lives in either positive of negative ways.

When, through attending to our more recent karmic debts, we have spiritually matured sufficiently and grown strong enough to tackle the older and eventually the most ancient one of our obligations. That’s how the fears, phobias and anxieties we develop in one lifetime accompany us into every subsequent one, in the hope that one fine day we shall be able to overcome and shed them. Until that has happened they are likely to manifest themselves as feelings for which no rational explanations can be found. The same applies to depressive and addictive behaviour patterns. You can find out more about these themes by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Our spiritual awakening brings with it the realisation why our life has been so difficult to handle. Help is at hand because we can now ask God and the Angels to show us intuitively how to deal with the emotional ballast that for a long time has been waiting to be released from our subconscious. The law of life is love. To free ourselves of unwanted feelings that rise from there onto the surface of our conscious awareness, we first need to forgive ourselves for the transgressions against the Universal laws earlier in this lifetime and all previous ones. Then we need to turn to those who trespassed against us and forgive them. It makes no difference in which lifetime it happened. The karmic chains and shackles that connect us as if they were made of steel are of an emotional nature. Forgiveness alone can dissolve them.

* * *

From ‘Depression And Suicide’

Light At The End Of The Tunnel

There’s light at the end of the tunnel.
There’s calm at the end of the storm.
There’s rest at the end of life’s journey,
And a hearth that is welcome and warm.

There’s a Star on the top of the mountain,
You can touch when the last crag is scaled.
There’s a certain reward for the faithful,
At the point where they think they have failed.

There’s spring at the end of each winter
And behind the black cloud, there is blue.
There’s a song at the heart of all sorrow
And happiness waiting for you.

Patience Strong

My life has shown me that the tunnel mentioned in the above poem represents the illusion of earthly life and the light at its end is the knowledge and re-awakening into our true eternal reality. My aim is to share what my pathway so far has taught me with those who are still lost in the depths of depression, feeling frightened and desperate, lonely and isolated, without hope and possibly suicidal. Take it from me, as one who for many years has waded through this state of utter misery that, no matter how dire things sometimes may appear on the surface of things, life inexorably moves forwards and upwards on a great evolutionary spiral.

Whenever problems present themselves, a way is always meant to be found – though not on our own. Irrespective of how long our individual struggle through the dark night of the soul may last, for every one of the Great Father/Mother’s children of the Earth there eventually comes the moment when we are ready to reach out for the helping hand of our true parents and the Angels, their messengers and helpers. Alas, no help can come to any one of us unasked and even if you do not believe that there is some kind of higher force, why don’t you give it a try and see what happens?

Or maybe you did ask and that’s why you have found this. Take a moment to look around you and pay attention to the world we live in. Reflecting on its natural beauty and wonders, the age old question comes to mind: ‘Why is there so much sadness and suffering on this planet?’ Bereft of an answer to this question and unable to see an end to our own miseries and those witnessed daily everywhere, it is all too easy for human minds to imperceptibly slide onto an ever deepening spiral of depression – until eventually suicide appears to be the only way out.

The Statistics speak for themselves and reveal that for far too many of us this indeed is the case. Worst of all affected seems to be Japan where, up until recently, an average of 30,000 people committed suicide every year. That was sad enough, but according to Japan’s National Police Agency, in the year 2007 nearly 100 Japanese killed themselves every day; the total for that year was over 33,000. This represented a rise of three per cent on the previous year and it was the tenth year in a row that the figure exceeded 30,000. And that is a clear demonstration of how the suicide rate of that country – in common with the other countries of the developed world – has by now reached epidemic proportions.

This part of my writings is dedicated to sharing some of my insights and reflections on the sister subjects depression and suicide. It aims to shed a chink of light and a ray of hope into these themes that to my mind represent one of the darkest corners of our earthly existence. With the help of God and the Angels I hope to reach some of those ‘out there’, who have got lost in the mists of the illusion of their earthly existence. My heart goes out to all who can no longer see their way forward and through to the end of the dark tunnel, which our present state can all too easily become. In my view, for as long human souls remain unaware of the higher meaning and spiritual background of their present existence, this is not going to change.

And that’s what this work is about and because of the urgency of the issue I hope to reach as many as possible. In case you are feeling depressed and at times dangerously suicidal – and who doesn’t reach that stat of mind sometimes? – you might like to take a printout and retreat with it to a quiet place, so you can read it in peace. If you are a wise one who has already risen above the need for this condition, be thankful and count your blessings. In case there is someone around you who is, maybe you could show your love and concern for them by presenting them with a copy of their own. Who knows? You might be able to get through to them on some level. The way I see it, the least you and I can do together is try.

* * *

From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

What Is Hope?

When things go wrong, as they sometime will,
The optimist thinks: ‘They’ll come right again!’
When times are hard, positive thinkers say:
‘They will get better and become easier again.’
But the pessimist grumbles: ‘It’ll only get worse!’
And although this may take a while,
Because our thoughts and beliefs create our earthly reality,
Such forecasts invariably come true.
And then, each one in keeping with their perception of life,
Nods sagely and says: ‘I told you so!’

But what is hope?
It is not the closing of one’s eyes to
Difficulties and obstacles, risks and possible failures.
It is an inner trusting that knows:
If I fail now, I shall not do so forever.
If I get hurt, I shall be healed.
If I make mistakes, I shall learn from them,
And when I’ve learnt enough,
I will be allowed to move on
To lessons of a different nature.
What could be better?

Hope is the awareness of our innermost self that
Life is good and that the power of love
Is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation
That can straighten crooked corners and move mountains.
If we but ask, this force at all times is willing
To guide us through our most traumatic encounters,
And to help us heal every aspect of our whole being
As well as all relationships,
Especially the most difficult ones.

Hope is an inner knowing,
A steadily increasing certainty
That in God’s time, not ours,
All things in earthly life will eventually
Be made good and come right.
Our present existence is like a great stage
And one fine day we are going to
Step in front of its curtain,
Behind which we for so long have been acting,
Into the world of light, our true home.
We shall be received by the friendly audience
Of the Angels and Masters,
And all other spirit friends and helpers,
To take our bow.

Earth life is a tragicomedy of errors in which
Every participant eventually feels the need
To nail the desires of their lower self to the
Cross of consciousness of the Earth.
Those who have matured into spiritual adulthood and
Willingly submit themselves to Saturn’s demands
Of practising the restraint of self-discipline
And self-mastery in all their relationships,
At the end of their present lifetime
Will only leave good and healed connections behind.
They are presented by God and the Angels
With a leaving certificate that shows that
Earth life can teach them no more.

The teachers, in this case the Angels and Masters
Of the higher and highest planes of existence,
Move these students of life on to lessons
Of an increasingly elevated nature.
And that’s how every one of us in the fullness of time
Is going to take their final bow
On this side of the veil of consciousness.

United in friendship and love at last
With those who walked this way before us,
We enjoy the applause that greets us
On the other side of the veil,
Eager to find out where
The Angels may wish to take us next.
And in the shelter of God’s mighty wings
We shall forever serenely venture forth,
Safe in the knowledge that we shall
Never be frightened or feeling lonely again.

‘I will abide in Thy tabernacle forever;
I will make my refuge the shadow of Thy wings.’
Psalm 61:4

For long enough the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of our world’s old religions have kept humankind from discovering the truth that’s always been hiding behind the surface words of these strange frightening tales. For the wise higher purpose of teaching our world the value of honest and truth, each one was purposely designed to sow as much fear as possible into humankind’s souls, collectively and individually. The Aquarian age is the age of truth and the time has come for realising that none the old stories have anything to do with what really happens at the end of every earthly lifetime. The truth is that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of and much to look forward to, whenever the time has come for leaving another physical body ours behind to return to the spirit realm, humankind’s true home, a world filled with light and warmth, honesty and truth.

Time for finding out that every human being’s development consists of a long and protracted evolutionary journey that’s constantly taking us forwards and upwards. Each does this on their own evolutionary spiral and simultaneously with the one for the whole of humankind and our world. Ever more beautiful and wondrous levels of existence are waiting to be discovered by every one of us, as soon as the curriculum of the earthly school of life has been dealt with and left behind. By then our spirit/soul has matured sufficiently and our energies are right for being released into exploring and taking part in the next higher level of life, where physical bodies are no longer required. And each time one level has been dealt with satisfactorily, the wise ones in charge of each one of us encourage us to investigate the next higher level. This continues until we have reached the Christ Circle and are accepted as one of its members.

Updated January 2022

* * *

From ‘Healers And Healing’

Unpleasant People

‘There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans
for people who wouldn’t jump puddles for you!

This is an ode to the unpleasant people of our world,
In particular those who, in the course of many years,
Were drawn into my orbit by my own energies.
Thank you, Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
For each one of them, especially my mother.
She taught me most of all how I do not want to be.
Having arrived in the departure lounge of my present lifetime,
It’s easy to see that none of the disagreeable folks I had to endure
Were my enemies, but were sent by You to act as my teachers
And that, therefore, I can count them
Among my most valuable friends.

I forgive these people and myself for having created
The unpleasant encounters and situations of this lifetime
In previous ones while I was still unaware of
The presence of God’s Universal laws.
I wish these folks the very best when the Karma they
Have been and in many cases still are
Busily creating right here and now,
Returns to them and they find themselves
At the receiving end of the unpleasantnesses
They once so generously handed out
To everybody who came within their reach.

O Great Father/Mother,
Please send my love and forgiveness
To every one of our world’s unpleasant people.
Thank them on my behalf and bless them,
For they truly do not yet know what they are doing
To themselves and the whole humankind.
I look forward to meeting the ones I encountered,
In due course in the world of light,
So I can get to know their true selves.
In the case of the mother of my present lifetime,
We shall reach out to each other not as parent and offspring,
But in the spirit of friendship and love,
As beloved children of God,
Who both have grown into spiritual maturity and
In whose life there is no longer room for anything
But love and kindness, tolerance and patience.
I imagine that all unpleasant people on that plane of life
Will reveal themselves
As the most agreeable folks imaginable.

For as long as they are still taking part in earthly life,
May our spirit friends and helpers provide them
With the courage and strength to overcome
The lower aspects of their nature,
The same as I have had to do,
With their help.
That’s why to each one of them I send
My most grateful thanks.

* * *

With love and light,

* * *

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3 Dec, 2022
Read Time
31 mins
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