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Miracles And Wonders (89)
Miracles And Wonders (89)

Miracles And Wonders (89)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 11th December 2022

What Everybody Needs To Know About Saturn

Back in the year 2017 on the 21st December Saturn moved into Aquarius, the fixed Air sign, which it co-rules with Uranus. Saturn is going to leave behind Aquarius on 9th March 2023 and move into Pisces, the mutable Water sign. The Air signs serve the development of humankind’s mental faculties and the Water signs the emotional ones.

The following is an extract from our interpretation of the zodiac’s sign Aquarius, which we presented to your world many years ago through our trusted scribe/secretary Aquarius. ‘The fixed air sign Aquarius is co-ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. In Roman mythology, Saturn was the ancient God of agriculture; his Greek counterpart was the God Cronus. Zeus was the son of Cronus, who eventually usurped and dethroned his father. In Roman mythology Zeus was represented by Jupiter. Cronus is said to have fled to Italy, where he ruled during a Golden Age of perfect peace and happiness.

‘The vision of the Golden Age may be a dream, but it is one that makes life worth while even if it can never be realised; indeed, it makes life worthwhile just because it can never be realised,’ Fyodor Dostoyevsky, 1821 – 1881, said in one of his short stories. I cannot share that opinion because I do believe with all my heart and soul that the appearance of a new Golden Age is very much a reality and already in the process of happening. Obviously, we have by now drawn a good deal closer to this age than Dostoyevsky was in his time.

‘We shall return to Saturn in a moment, but first let us take a closer look at his co-ruler, Uranus, the seventh most distant planet from the Sun. Its low density and large size place it among the four giant planets that have no solid surfaces; each one is composed primarily of hydrogen, helium, water, and other volatile compounds. According an ancient Greek legend, when Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth, emerged from the primeval Chaos, she first gave birth to Uranus, i.e. the Heavens, and then to the Mountains and the Sea. As well as being her son, Uranus also became ‘Gaia’s husband. Astrologically, Uranus to this day represents the will of God.

‘Back to Saturn, the much maligned planet who, in the olden days for a very long time had to endure an exceedingly bad press. Yet, if with the help of the link provided at the end of this chapter, you read ‘Saturn as the Teacher and Rewarder’ you will discover that his reputation as the great astrological villain is by no means justified. When you have studied it, like me, you will no longer allow anyone to say negative things about Saturn in your presence. Saturn stands as the guardian and keeper of the gateway into the Aquarian Age. He is a symbolism for the bridge of learning to control all parts of our being which every soul must cross of its own accord. Earthly and heavenly parts alike have to be mastered by us. And our energies have to be cleansed and purified of all earthly desires before any one of us can return into the perfect alignment with our eternal or God Self; to find it one day is every soul’s birthright.

‘The co-rulership of Aquarius by Saturn and Uranus explains the way forward into the New Age quite clearly, and the order in which the planets are appearing is of particular significance. Saturn, the strict disciplinarian comes first; Uranus, the destroyer of false beliefs is the liberator who follows behind; more about him in a moment. All those who are willing to undergo the cleansing process and show their readiness by behaving in an unselfish and disciplined manner, and that at all times, Uranus releases into the freedom of the Aquarian Age. He is waiting to help us burst all Karmic chains and shackles of past ages and by bringing us God’s Divine truth that flows directly from His/Her loving heart into the individual and collective consciousness of our world, he assists us in shaking off all false beliefs and prejudices.’

Since Saturn’s entry into Aquarius in 2017 your world has been enjoying the benefits of a strong influence of this planet. And that has been assisting ever more of you to find the truth and nothing but the truth behind the surface words of the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of your old belief systems. The Booksie viewing figure of the Aquarian writings, which at the moment of writing this had reached 3,808.177, shows this quite clearly.

Anyone who wishes to gain access into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age, first needs to become familiar with the demands of its gatekeeper and co-ruler Saturn and comply with them. This means conducting your earthly existence carefully, methodically, with attention to the smallest of details and that requires utmost patience. As ever more of you these days realise, every human being basically is a young God in the making. And that has nothing to do with where their evolutionary journey so far may have taken them. That’s what every one of you is. Naturally, so are you.

We are glad to tell you that every human being has been provided by their Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, with the birthright to eventually find out how every one of the zodiac’s Stars is constantly influencing everything that shares the earthly material plane of life with them. The same also applies to all others you can see at night when they are shining their light into everything that exists in your world. But even that’s not the end of the wonder and beauty of God’s Creation because the light of millions of Stars cannot be seen by earthly eyes because it shines too far away.

Be that as it may, of particular interest to you at the moment is the planet Saturn. To assist as many of you as possible to become aware of how Saturn influences you and in what kind of ways, the new Booksie file ‘Saturn : Humankind’s Teacher And Rewarder’ was created. Everybody who is taking part in life, not merely in the material aspects of your world, also has been equipped with the birthright to eventually develop only that which is true, right and beautiful. Believe us, dear Friends, this takes a lot of time and therefore every one of you has to spend a great many lifetimes of attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

But towards the end of that institute’s curriculum, you need an instrument that reliably tells you whether something is true, right and beautiful or not. This is where your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within you, enters the picture. Because it is familiar with everything that happens not only in both aspects of your world, but also in the whole of Creation, that’s the only one who can reliably tell you whether something is true or not. This is the gift the Great Father/Mother of all life has laid into the cradle of every one of their beloved children of the Earth, at the moment when you first were called into being.

Whether you are destined to be one of the pioneers and wayfinders of the Aquarian age, or one of those who happily and contentedly follow in their footsteps, the most important instrument that’s required by every one of you is this inner guidance. It is your personal lie-detector. Every one of you needs to first know about it and then learn how to use it, for just about everything that comes your way. Naturally, this also applies to the Aquarian writings. Through them, with the passing of time, we have given to your world ever more of the truth that every human being needs to be familiar with to ensure their progress on the evolutionary spiral of life, individually as well as collectively. God bless you all.

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With love and light,

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11 Dec, 2022
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