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Music Of The Future And The Past
Music Of The Future And The Past

Music Of The Future And The Past


Part One

Music was my first love
And it will be my last.
Music of the future
And music of the past.

To live without music for me
Would be impossible to do.
In this world of troubles,
Music helps me through.

John Miles

On the 19th January 2021 at 20.40 hrs Greenwich Meantime, the Sun moves into the fixed Air sign Aquarius. It’s astrological symbol is the Waterbearer. Should you be unfamiliar with the meaning of this, please follow the relevant link at the end of this chapter. Aquarius is the sign in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and aspirations not only can but also will find fulfilment, when the necessary groundwork has been done. One of the co-rulers of this sign is Saturn. This planet represents the stern and undeviating aspect of the Great Father/Mother that demands self-discipline and self-mastery from every one of their children of the Earth. Without them no-one can be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age.

The second co-ruler is Uranus. The Uranian energies can bring about sudden and drastic changes in our circumstances. Usually, only when the dust has settled after while, we recognise that the change has been for the better and that it has moved us forward on the evolutionary spiral. The Uranian energies also are of an iconoclastic nature and every one of us is provided with a certain amount of this power, to be used when the right time for doing so has come. At least potentially, these energies enable us to smash to smithereens that which has outlived its usefulness, for ourselves, for humankind and also for our whole world. It can be used for getting rid of any icon and, at the present time, this applies in particular to that of moneymaking.

That’s how the old religions have been disappearing, for quite some time. The war machinery manufacturers in due course will follow in their wake. And after having shown themselves in their true colours and revealed their intentions, who will continue to trust the products of the pharma industry? For quite some time, they have been in the process of being replaced by natural healing methods and, by now, ever more of us are learning to tap into the Universal blessing and healing energies. Being free of charge, they are available by day and night to anyone who asks for them. All we have to do is tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life, and then ask God and the Angels that their healing energies should fill our whole being and attend to that which is troubling us. From there these energies will quite naturally continue their journey and flow to wherever someone is in need of healing.

And now, let’s now take a closer look at the words at the head of this chapter. They could have been written for me or even by me. Since the days of my childhood the words of songs have been just as important to me as their melodies. Both together have a wondrous ability of starting to talk and telling me things I was up to then unaware of. That’s what happened to me the other day about our world’s present situation. A song came to mind that reminded me of standing by a campfire in the Kieler Bay on the Baltic sea, in the year 1948. It was shortly after the end of the currency reform that gave Germany the Deutschmark.

I was eleven years old at the time. The Second World War from 1939-1945 with its Nazi dictatorship lay behind us. Alas, on top of it the German civilian population had to endure three more years of severe hardships when people had to survive on a near starvation diet that had been designed by the American Morgenthal plan. Read more about these times by following the relevant links at the end of this chapter.

Exceptionally cold winters also had to be dealt with. Our family, the same as millions of others, did not have enough to eat for their rapidly growing children. There were four of us who had not enough warm clothes and sometimes were without shoes on our feet. On several occasions, my mother did not send us to school because of it, which got her into difficulties with some of our teachers. Only small amounts of fuel were available for keeping warm. And yet, our family was among the comparatively rich!

At the end of those nine years, everybody was looking for something good to happen in our world. It came about for my middle sister and me when we were allowed to join the Falcons, a German socialist movement for children and young people. Before and during the war, the Nazi regime had tried to suppress and eradicate the original and old-established socialist movement and all its organisations, including the Falcons. Fortunately, they did not succeed. By now, the Falcons have a history of over ninety years behind it. To this day, they organise camps and other spare time activities. They encourage the country’s youngsters to think in terms of democracy and social justice, equality and beneficial general changes to their society.

And that takes me back to the Kieler Bay. In the evenings we gathered around a campfire and sang the new songs we were learning, as well as older ones. One of my favourites was a song from the Russian revolution. Someone had translated its words into German. I remember how they were ringing a chord deep within me and that’s probably why to this day I have neither forgotten the melody of this song nor its words that speak of freedom, justice and solidarity.

It was the German music interpreter and conductor Hermann Scherchen, 1891-1966, who got to know this song during his time as a Russian prisoner of war in Latvia, at the beginning of the First World War 1914. He wrote the song’s German text in 1918, shortly after getting home at the end of the war. The melody is taken from a Russian student song and it’s original Russian text was written by Leonid Petrovich Radin, 1860-1900.

Scherchen came across this song for the first time when he was travelling on a train on which political prisoners were also transported through Moscow; they were singing this song. Not surprisingly, it went from strength to strength and with the passing of time took its rightful placed alongside the ‘International’ and other songs of this nature. Communist and socialist parties and organisations adopted it as their battle hymn. The Nazis published it from 1934 in one of their songbooks. It was adopted as the battle song of the Nazi SA or Sturmabteilung, i.e. storm detachment. The SA was the party’s original paramilitary wing that played a significant role in Hitler’s rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s.

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19 Jan, 2021
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