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New Year Prayer
New Year Prayer

New Year Prayer


O Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Thank you for giving us the year ahead.
Help us to live it hand in hand with You,
As each new day we tread.

Grant us the gift of Your wisdom and love,
So we can help our friends
And grant us You courage and strength,
So a shoulder to each other we can lend.

The new year seems like an empty container.
Help us to fill it with good things
For all Your children of the Earth
And the renewal of faith and trust this brings.

Please give the leaders of our world
The vision of peace,
So that hand in hand with You and the Angels
Warmongering and crime will cease.

Please give to all upon this Earth
A heart that’s filled with the love
Of wise and gentle ways of living
With Your blessings from above.

Charlotte Anselmo
Edited by Aquarius

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2 Jan, 2020
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