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No Boundaries
No Boundaries

No Boundaries


The more we perceive
God’s presence in everything,
In us, the same as in anyone else.
Every animal, plant and tree,
Mountain and river,
The whole of Mother Earth
And even the Sun, Moon and Stars
The more we realise that
All of them are part of us.

The inner life has no boundaries
And the Universe is in us.
We ourselves are the Universe.
On the inner level all is one and
People and things are part of us and not separate.
In the light of this knowledge
We realise that truly there is nothing to fear.
The more God’s love fills our whole being,
There is no more room for negative feelings
Like greed, jealousy and hatred,
Separateness and alienation,
Which in the past were the cause of fear.

Because our inner guidance is helping us
To discern truths from untruths,
We know that this is true,
And that in reality every person we meet
Is one with us and when viewed from
The highest point of our consciousness,
Together we are dwelling in each other’s bodies.
Realising this feelings of love and compassion
For all life rise spontaneously from
The very depths of our own being.
With this peace comes to us and our world.

Genpo Sensei
Japanese Zen Monk
Edited by Aquarius

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About This Story
17 Dec, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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