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No-One Is Without Value
No-One Is Without Value

No-One Is Without Value

1 Review

No-One Is Without Value

The essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as the Lodge’s Monday Thought 25.3.2013: ‘Each one of you is a precious and unique being, who is loved by the Great Father/Mother of all life, your true parents, far more than any of you can imagine. No human being is without value and each one of you is of the greatest importance as a manifestation of God, who is in the process of evolving into perfection, i.e. wholeness, and through whom the Divine forces in due course will be able to touch the lives of countless others. Your earthly minds are receiver and transmitter stations and potentially each one of you is a channel and reflector of God’s light. If in your minds you hold fast to the realisation of God’s light and life, it can shine through you into the whole of your world. In this way the power of God’s light can reach and illuminate everyone you get in touch with, as well as many others who are unknown to you.

‘The esoteric meaning of the surface words of the Jesus legend’s Easter and resurrection story is an allegory that describes the death and resurrection of humankind’s spiritual nature. At the beginning of your education as physical beings, your spirit consciousness is nailed to the cross of earthly life. For wise higher reasons it has to die in that environment, but after having spent many lifetimes in it, the Divine spark in you stirs from its slumber. Slowly your spiritual nature rises from its grave, from your subconscious into your conscious awareness, so it can be resurrected by your earthly self. May the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, bless each one of you and through you renew and heal the heart and soul of humankind with Its loving breath of life.’

And this is the essence of another teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me as a Lodge’s Monday Thought on 7th January 2019: ‘Every human being is constantly close to God’s loving heart. For a long time without being aware of it, this love is part of you and when in the fullness of time the Divine spark within you wakes up, your own Christ nature starts to develop. Through bringing forth the highest and best that is within you, this part of your being provides you with the sweetness, nobility and strength of character of the Divine, and also the inspiration and courage to move bravely along the predestined pathway. Wherever it may take you, it will give you companionship and never ending happiness and joy as the glory of God’s Creation reveals itself to you more and more.’

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7 Jan, 2019
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2 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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