No Regrets

Even if earthly lifetimes last one hundred years,
They’re too short for spending them regretting things,
So love the people who treat you right
And leave behind the ones who don’t.
Never forget that everything in this life
Is of a temporary nature and
Never more than a passing phase.
Everything that happens is only there
For teaching us some kind of a lesson and
Whenever life offers us a second chance,
Let’s grab it with both hands and
Do our best to create something of value from it.
Nobody promised Earth life would be easy.
But when in future something changes
Our life profoundly,
Let’s go with the flow and allow things to happen,
Resting safely in the knowledge that,
As long as we grow and learn something
From every one of them,
Our earthly stay will not have been
A wasted one.Created by Anon.
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