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No Turning Back (Part 4)
No Turning Back (Part 4)

No Turning Back (Part 4)


"Ian, how dare you! I told you that you have no sister. Now leave her be! A hero having a birthdayparty with the biggest villian in the city?! I am so ashamed of you!" My mom yelled.

"Mom. You only have one daughter. And you are rejecting her? Saying she is nothing to you?"

"Son. Choose. Her or us. Tell me by the end of the night. Love you sweetie. I know you will make the right choice." Mom hung up.

How could I choose? I told Kiara I wouldn't ever leave her, but the rest of my family means so much to me too. I better sleep on it.



"Mom? Why are you calling me?" I was incredulious, to say the least.

"Honey, happy birthday." Her voice was seeping in honey and so fake. Or maybe it was real.

"Thanks. K, night." I almost hung up, before hearing her say

"No, no, dont hang up! otherwise you wont hear about your birthday party plans!!!"

"What?" I asked

"Yes. Come to downtown tonight, and we will all celebrate." I checked my watch. It was 6:30.

"Ok mom, what time?

"How about 7:30?"

"K, be there in an hour."

"Can't wait sweetie."

she hung up. I had a bad feeling, but then again, she was my mom. It'll all be okay. Right?

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About This Story
13 May, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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