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Not Everything Is Found- Part Two
Not Everything Is Found- Part Two

Not Everything Is Found- Part Two

1 Review

"Am I in trouble?" Raegan asked as soon as she saw her mom cooking food, "Where is the Sonic hot dogs and taters?" She was super confused, she only ate fast-food with her mom, either someone is coming over or she is in huge trouble.

"Someone is coming over," her mom said while she was stirring the pasta pot.

"Is it the therapist?" Raegan asked knowing she was in trouble.

"No," Raegan's mom answered, chopping bell peppers for the sauce, "a co-worker and his son are. I think his name is Noah or Jax," she continued, "Not to mention the co-worker is cute, and the son is so handsome,"

Please be joking Raegan told herself

"Oh their here!" said her mother, just at the doorbell sounded,

"Go change into a dress!" she yelled-whispered at her daughter.

What's wrong with sweatpants and a hoodie is the question I'm pondering

Sher told herself and changed into a nice summer floral dress with gold six-inch heels and a white flower crown.

She then stepped outside of her room and took a deep breath, as she fixed her initial bracelet from Alex & Ani, wishing her father was still her.

So much for divorce, she said to herself, more like putting your child through trauma, depression, and anxiety.

"Good afternoon!" she started not being herself.

"Hello, young lady," a white man started, it's been a while since she saw one in Atlanta.

He sounds Irish...great she told herself

"I'm Mr. Coughlan, this is my son Noah," he told her as he pointed to his son.

"Nice meeting you sir, I'm Raegan my friends call me Ray," she started, "I couldn't help but notice your surname is Irish, are you from Cork?" she questioned.

He laughed lightly, "Why yes I am," he answered, "How'd you know?"

She decided to test him, "Tá do bhlas an-trom," she replied with a smile, "Seasann gruaig dhearg do mhic amach," she finished off.

Then they started to eat

Just so yall know what she said in Irish: Your accent is very heavy, Your son's red hair stands out.

Author Notes: So this is where the romance starts to kick in, and I'm thinking about letting Raegan do a little POV for this next couple of chapters. Lemme know wut mama needs to do. UwUz

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About This Story
1 Mar, 2020
Read Time
1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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