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Nothing Will Ever Be the same... : Chapter 3
Nothing Will Ever Be the same... : Chapter 3

Nothing Will Ever Be the same... : Chapter 3

Kat_DickensKat Dickens
1 Review

When we got into the car, nothing was out of the ordinary, there was nothing that even gave the slightest hint on what was to come.

True to my word, I never said a word to my parents in the 45 minute ride, before the wreck. Though they tried to start up a conversation, I couldn't tell you what they said... Because I ignored them, that would be something I will always regret. After about ten minutes of trying in vain they give up, and the last 20 minutes I ever spent with my parents was in silence.

Most people think when someone gets into a wreck it happens so fast, that they don't have time to know what's going on, others say it happens so fast you aren't able to remember it all that well. Well that is not true, I remember everything... and I would give anything to forget.

And I did know what was going on, I knew another car (one that was way bigger than my family's "clunker") hit our car, and I know I very well could die. I knew I knew, because my spine was tickling with ice cold fear, a type of fear that I had never felt before. The impact was hard, it jerked me forward, causing me to bang my head on the back of my mom's seat, it caused all our carr windows to shatter, causing sharp glass sharding to rain down, leaving tears in my clothes and skin in their wake. I remember looking towards the front seats of my car, or what used to be the front seat, and only seeing a twisted mess of metal, that was smoking. My first thought I had was, "where are mom, and dad?" Then I blacked out.

I woke in the hospital, and the first thing I did was sit up, and ask, "Where's my parents?" But the nurses did not have to answer, I knew the answer as soon as I looked at the sadness that filled their eyes. And with that, my life fell apart before my eyes.

Author Notes: chapter 4 coming soon, and please rate

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About The Author
Kat Dickens
About This Story
9 May, 2020
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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