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Nothing Will Ever Be the same... : Chapter 6
Nothing Will Ever Be the same... : Chapter 6

Nothing Will Ever Be the same... : Chapter 6

Kat_DickensKat Dickens
1 Review

They said that my speech could be about some good memories that I had shared with them. But it was up to me, so I could choose what to talk about. After somethinking, I decided I would tell everyone about the best memories I had with my parents, so that they could see what they were really like. The memories that I charished the most, would be the ones I would talk about, so now all I had to do was choose them.

Which was harder than it sounds. (not that I have no good memories, it's just that there are so many to choose from, that is what makes it hard.) But after some thought these were the memories I choosed...

Once while I was in kindergarden, I was playing follow the leader while during resces (I was the leader), I stopped running, with my toes on the edge of the playground mat, and I was facing the black top. But the kid behind me did not stop in time, so he ran right into me, sending me face first into black top. And I was crying so hard that my teacher had to carry me to the nurse. When we got there they called my parents to come pick me up, to take me to the hospital. (they were afraid that I had gotten a concusion) But my Mom was too busy at work to come pick me up, so my dad did. When we got to the hospital I got an x-ray of my head, but luckly, I only had a small concusion, but I would not be able to go to school for the rest of the day. So my dad took me home and we spent the rest of the day watching batman movies (my dad loved superhero movies) and eating chicken noodle soup.

It was one of the best bonding times I spent with my dad. So it would be one about him I would include in my speech. Then I choosed...

One day while dad was at work, but mom was, we decided to surprise dad my making a fancy new desert for after dinner that night. (it was a fancy new cake recipe that mom had found on her phone, but usually she would not try new recipes, due to the fact that she already had enough trouble with the ones she does all the time, but it was dad's birthday. So she thought that together we could do it, and it would be an awsome mother-daughter bonding time. those were her words.) So after gathering all the ingredents, that the recipe called for, we got to work mesuring our dry ingredients (oh by the way I was 12 at the time this happened), but somehow we managed to get just as much flower in the bowl, as everywhere else, including our hair. Luckly it only called for one cup! Then after that was done we started adding in our dry ingredent, but here is where it goes bad, we added a cup extra of milk, making our batter more like soup. So we decided to just add a cup extra of flower, and that seemed to work, the batter was more like batter at least. After getting that mess fixed we relized we forgot baking powder, so I went to go get some, but instead of grabing teaspoons, I grabed tablespoons without relizing my mistake. So we mixed in the baking powder, poured the batter into a pan (that we forgot to grease) and poped it into the oven, and set the timer for 20 minutes, as it had said in the recipe. Then we started to make the frosting, which was just as much fun, as making the cake, but with less mistakes. By the time that was done, and the food dye was added (the food dye color we used was blue, because that was my dad's favorite color.), the cake was done, so mom took it out of the oven. And surprisinly, looking back and knowing all the moistakes we made, it looked really good. Mom then set it down on a rack, and we started trying to sprade the icing, but it started melting because the cake was to warm. And the outcome, was a less good looking, and more crumbly, messy cake, covered in blue icying. Mom, then went into the cabnet, and got some chocolet chips, and we spent about 30 minutes using those chocolet chips to spell out Happy Birthday, Dad! on the top of the cake. And for the first cake we had made together it looked really good. Then we went into the living room to order Dad's favorite take out (which was chinese), so that dad could pick it up on his way home. While we waited we wached a few funny videos on mom's phone. When dad finally got home we ate, then me and mom went into the kicken, and brought out our suprise cake. And you should have seen the look on dad face, he was shoked that my mom managed to make a cake, and not burn the house down with our him. At least that is what he said, which made us all laugh. We then cut the cake and started surving it on small paper plates. But mom said that dad should get to have the first bite, bcause it was his birthday. So dad cut off a big bite of cake with his fork and poped it into his mouth, and started to chew. His eyes imedially went wide, and he grabed a napkin to spit out his bite. Then he said, "No ofense, but that cake is awful, what did you put in it!" Mom was then like, "Oh it can't be that bad." and took a bite. But she too imedially spit out her bite as well, so then I knew it was bad, and pushed my slice away. And i was like, "but we followed the directions, the only mistake was we added to much milk, but we added more flower, so the batter was not watery!" "Wait, why don't you start at the begining." said dad. So we told him about how we made the cake. After hearing this he said, "I bet you added too much baking powder, are you sure you graded the teaspoons, or the tablespoon?" "Well, no, I used the ones we used for the vanilla." I answered. "Well that would be the tablespoon, no wonder the cake was so bad! Why don't we go get ice cream instead." And that is what we did, after we were done laughing at our mistake.

That was my favorite memory I have of time spent with my mom, so I could include that in my speach, I would also include the one about the trip to the zoo. It goes somthing like this...

When I was just a baby (I was 3 to be a matter of fact, so I don;t remeber this, but my parents have told me the story many times) ,my parents decided to take me to the zoo to see all the animals. So after a long drive, we were finally at our local zoo. My parents decided that we would go see the monkeys first, because they were the closest animals. So we went to see the monkey, and my parents said they loved it. (I don't remeber, I was three) But halfway through the monkey exzibets, someone stopped my parents and politely pointed to the stroller they were pushing me in, and siad, "There is a lemer (which is a type of monkey, and if you don't know what kind, they are the move it, move monkeys, from madagascare, the movie) on your baby." And the person was not lying, there was an actuwall lemer on my head, while I was in the stroller, how it got there we don't know, we just know it managed to somehow get out of its cage, into my head without anyone notucing. So long story short, we ended up finding a worker, and they put the lemer back in its cage, and we continued our happy day at the zoo. Or at least that is what my parents said.

These would be the memorys I would use in my speech, no all was left was to make the spech in only one day time, and this speech was going to be the best, it the only way I could think of to even try and make it up to my parents, for the awfull way I treated them. It was the only way to say sorry, even if they would never hear it. Because maybe then, the pain would start to fade, but I knew it was too much to hope for it to go away. because my thoughts would always just bring it back, and use it to haunt me, I just wanted to find some sort of peace, that would make the pain less heart clenching. That was all I wanted, but I was afraid it was too much to ask.

Author Notes: Hope you like it, please rate, and tell me what you think. Chapter 7, coming as soon as I can.
By the way after Monday as in 5/18/2020, I will not be able to write for a couple of months. Sorry , but sadly there is nothing I can do about it. So if I leave you on a cliff hanger, I an so very sorry. Because I know how annoying those are! ;)

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About The Author
Kat Dickens
About This Story
13 May, 2020
Read Time
7 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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