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Of Sublime And Essential Things
Of Sublime And Essential Things

Of Sublime And Essential Things


I believe that in the course of many earthly lifetimes, every human being is destined to evolve into a healer and distributor of light in the form of spiritual wisdom and truth. This is the road that eventually takes every one of us up the spiritual mountain of becoming a Christed one in our own right. It is the God or Christ aspect of everybody’s nature whose strength increases through sharing the spiritual wisdom and understanding we gain along the road of each lifetime we spend in the earthly school of life. There are two streams of consciousness in the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. And every good, loving and forgiving thought, especially those for the troublemakers and scaremongers in our midst, feeds into our world’s light stream of consciousness.

This increases its strength and its ability to absorb ever more of the darkness of ignorance that’s the cause of all humankind’s problems. All good and positive thoughts feed into this stream and it becomes more powerful. When at last we are learning to work hand in hand with God and the Angels, together with them, the stream’s light can be directed into our world’s darkest corners. With their help, any kind of harmful and dangerous influence can be uplifted and transmuted into a beneficial one for the blessing and healing of all manifestations of life that shares Mother Earth with us and from there into everything that is in need of it, anywhere in the whole of Creation.

The following is the essence of advice from the Mexican poet, A. Nervo, when it comes to sharing our knowledge: ‘About sublime and essential things do not talk to just anybody. Try to find the level of those you converse with, so as not to humble or distress them. When you are with frivolous people, tune into their understanding and from time to time gently drop a petal from the flower of your dreams into their cup of comprehending. If they are unready for your gifts, smile and be on your way, safe in the knowledge that, in the fullness of time, they too will come to what you already know. Whenever someone picks up your petal, examines it and enjoys its fragrance, carefully and discreetly grant them the gift of a few more glimpses of your magic inner garden. Tell them of the invisible Divinity that surrounds and penetrates everything. And if your only motivation is love, what you are saying is more likely to enter the other person’s mind and act as an ‘open Sesame’ for the door to the understanding of their innermost being. And that’s where human beings can find the only true and everlasting freedom for which all of us for a long time are searching in vain, i.e. the spiritual freedom of believing that which our own inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, tells us is true.’

Updated December 2020

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12 Dec, 2020
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