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On Eagle’s Wings
On Eagle’s Wings

On Eagle’s Wings


Learning To Fly – Part Four

On Eagle’s Wings

The Universal Christ raises you up on Eagle’s wings,
Bears you on the breath of dawn,
Makes you shine like a Sun
And holds you in the palm of His/Her hand.

Those who dwell in the Christ Star’s shelter,
Abide in Its radiance for life.
They have every reason to say:
‘My refuge, my rock, in Thee I trust.

‘The snare of the fowler cannot capture me
And famine shall bring me no fear.
For Thy wings are my refuge
And They faithfulness my shield.

‘I need not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrows that fly by day.
Though thousands may fall around me
And I may also go down,
Yet, no harm will ever
Come to my true eternal self.

‘For Thy Angels have been given command
To guard me in all my ways.
And no matter what will ever befall me,
Their hands will always take me home.’

Michael Joncas
Edited by Aquarius

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14 Oct, 2018
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<1 min
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