Open Letter to the Warmongers of Our World
AquariusOpen Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World
As this is such a critical phase in the development of our world, it feels right to present this letter again from time to time. The Old Testament’s book of Hosea goes back to the eighth century B.C. In 8:7 it sent an early warning note into the heart of humankind about the spiritual implications of all warmongering: ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind. It has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal, and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ This teaching has not just one but two hidden esoteric meanings. In the first place the teaching is a reference to the law of Karma or cause and effect, which ensures that whatever we send out into our world returns to us. But that’s by no means all there is to it.
In keeping with the Universal laws the force of whatever any one of us creates in earthly life with the help of our thought processes and the actions that follow our thoughts, on their way out and on the return journey to us our thoughts join either the Universe’s negative and destructive thought stream or the positive and creative one. In both of them ever more thoughts of the same nature are constantly gathering. Through this all thoughts together are relentlessly increasing in strength and gathering ever more momentum on their way back to their senders. Clearly, taking charge of our thought processes and learning to control them is everybody’s most urgent task. Constant practice alone can help us to become its masters instead of being its servants.
May the orgies of destruction during World War II of places like Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden – in particular on February 13 and 15, 1945 – serve as a reminder of how Germany, because it sowed the wind of war, could not escape the consequences of its actions. Universal justice worked through the Allies and ensured that the civilian population had to reap the bitter harvest of what our politicians had sown. The historian Frederick Taylor wrote about the destruction of Dresden: ‘It has an epically tragic quality to it. Dresden was a wonderfully beautiful city, a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. It also contained much of the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. In that sense it is an exemplary tragedy for the horrors of twentieth century warfare.’
Let this be a warning to those who to this day are walking on the warpath. We need to consider that with any event on the Earth plane there is always more than can be seen by our earthly eyes. The world around us is a reflection and an outer expression of the inner realities of life. No matter what happens in the world around us, we do well to remind ourselves that all manmade and natural disasters that have ever befallen our world were caused by us. Only then can the Universal justice of the law of Karma return anything to us. How can we as individuals counteract this and do our share of restoring the balance of our world? A great deal could be achieved if those who are reading this in their prayers and meditations asked for the radiance of the Goddess’s wisdom to flow from the Highest Star into the hearts and souls of the political, business and spiritual leaders of our world, to help them with their awakening.
Every war our world has ever seen has been proof of the fact that one fire cannot extinguished by another. All this can achieve is creating more of the same. Humankind’s long history of warfare is a clear demonstration of how the Universal laws saw to it that the destructive forces of war always did indeed return to us and our world. They did this with a force that time and again had multiplied. The destructiveness and callousness of the two World Wars bear witness of this. During the review of this chapter, at the beginning of September 2013, the warmongers in our midst are again flexing the muscles of their ever more sophisticated war machinery, rearing to have yet another go.
Have we, as a race, not learnt anything from the mistakes of the past? Are the people in charge blind to the spiritual background of our earthly existence and the Universal laws that govern all life in the whole of Creation? Or are they merely pretending not to know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, sticking their heads into the sand in ostrich fashion? Independent of whether their intentions are good or evil, every action causes a reaction, and every bit of what anyone sends out into our world can do nothing but return to its sender and that with constantly increasing strength. Love is the law of life and pretending blindness is an even greater transgression against this law than mere ignorance.
All spiritual talents the Universe bestows upon each one of us are meant to be used first for our own healing and subsequently for around us who is in need of them. As soon as the Universe grants one of us the gift of clear vision, that soul becomes capable of seeing into the innermost centre and beginning of all life, and what it is like to at one with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life. Once this contact is made, if only for a brief moment, that soul opens as a channel through which God’s creative power and light can flow and act like a small spring of clear and life-giving water for all life.
Every spiritual development has the potential of one day growing into a mighty flowing river that has its beginnings in the above described spring in human hearts. Bubbling from the Earth plane and trickling down the hillside, it grows broader and ever stronger and faster flowing, until it has become a great river in its own right that constantly pours itself with all its might into the vast ocean of life. Each one of these rivers makes a valuable contribution towards sweeping away the debris of prejudices, false beliefs and superstitions that to this day clutter the consciousness of our world, as described in the eleventh labour of Hercules.
O Great Father/Mother of all life, please grant us the gift of Your wisdom and help us find ever better ways of dealing with crises like the present one in Syria. Hand in hand with the Angels and You, we lift all warmongering tendencies that to this day dwell in human hearts and the energies they create into the temple of healing in the heart of the Christ Star. With Your will and in accordance with Your wishes, may they be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for all life, so that peace and harmony may be restored in the heart and mind of humankind and our whole world, at last. In the name of love we ask this. Amen
May the Angels of Healing and Peace be with us and our world, to protect, guide and show us the way, now and forever.
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The Triumph Of Good Over Evil
‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing,’ said Edmund Burke 1729 - 1797, Irish orator, philosopher and politician. How right he was, but at the present stage of our race’s spiritual development being a good person is no longer as simple as it was in Burke’s time.
To this day people who really are good at heart, but as yet unawakened to their true nature and the effect the Universal Laws have on all life and lifeforms throughout the whole of Creation, may well respond to terrorist actions by demanding that aircraft should be sent to bomb a place. This is done in the hope that some of the terrorists will be wiped out together with the unfortunate civilians who are getting in the way of their thirst for revenge, men, women and children, young and old alike.
This aligns those who agree with such actions to the forces of darkness, the same side the terrorists are on. These two parties between them are creating ever more negative and destructive Karma for themselves, their country and our whole world. Every bit of it adds to the great mass that with the passing of time has already piled up and waiting to be redeemed by each one of us individually and collectively all of us together. Is that what YOU want?
Good and awakened people, in contrast to those mentioned above, align themselves to the forces of Light and tune into the White Healing Magic of the Universe. They seek the help of the Universal Christ Spirit and Its Angels and focus their whole being on the love and power of the Highest Star and the Brightest Light, the Sun of all Suns, the Christ Star. Wise ones project Its radiance into the hearts and souls of all who are involved in any kind of conflict, on both sides of the fence. They pray that the Divine seed in all human hearts stirs from its slumber, so that the Christ child, promised since the days of yore, be born in the realities of Earth life in all human hearts. Through this even the last one of us will eventually become aware of their true nature and the higher purpose and meaning of their earthly existence.
Never forget that the Universe has granted all of us the gift of choice. For the first time in the known history of humankind we are allowed to have our say and make a conscious decision to which side of any ongoing conflict we wish to belong. Freedom of choice is a right and we need to become aware that every right automatically brings with it a duty, which in this case means we must choose. Let’s take care to do so wisely.
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White Eagle On The Forces Of Good And Evil
In ‘There shall be Light!’ Stella Polaris Vol. 46:5 the White Eagle group of spirit guides has the following to say on the forces of good and evil: ‘The beginning of the kinship and siblinghood of all love is in you, in you, my brother and sister. Do not look outside but inside and see for yourself. Look into the mirror of the self. Each soul has to learn to do this, as it can only see itself by looking at its own reflection. Doing so brings compassion, humility and a prayer for purification that takes the soul closer to God. It awakens the desire for loving instead of hurting, criticising and resenting. Do not think to yourself: ‘This is all too much for me!’ Simply keep on trying day by day, that is all. Look into the mirror honestly and quietly say: ‘I am God’s child and I seek to obey the Law of God, and that is love.’
Do Not Attack Evil – Dissolve It!
‘The whole of Creation contains two aspects, the negative side of life and its positive counterpart, that which is good. Being all love, this part absorbs what is called evil into itself and creates good from it. Both the forces of good and evil proceed from the life of God. Many people cannot accept the truth that they are within the power of God. However, God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, and humankind lives in the heart of God. Yet, God has two aspects, and when these are understood and rightly viewed, it becomes possible to recognise the wise higher purpose of what is called evil. It is the unevolved and undeveloped aspects of life. It is also the consuming and destructive force, the fire that tries humankind’s mettle, and absorbs and removes that which has become unwanted. Many people think that by attacking evil, they can help the world rid itself from it. But, we would say that the illumined soul refrains from attack and, by radiating love and light, beauty and truth, dissolves it.’
Good Or White Magic
‘Good or white magic is performed with the knowledge and assistance of the Angels of Light. It is a ritual carried out by people with the highest intentions who work from the heart centre. Because they love, they do not try to impose their own will upon others. They seek nothing for themselves, but work unselfishly for the good of all. In the New Age, many groups who work with the White Light will spring up, all over the Earth. To work in such groups requires a spirit of selfless service and dedication, and allies the server with the Forces of Light.
‘If, however, people insist on working entirely for themselves, to draw everything to themselves and to impose their will upon others, they are forming an alliance with the negative forces. Awakened children of God have no thoughts of themselves. Their one desire is to give love and light, to bless and raise all God’s children to a Higher state of consciousness. They give without reservations, from the depths of their being. This selfless giving distinguishes the white from the dark magic.’
The present situation in the Middle East is a test of everyone’s spiritual maturity and the seriousness behind our intentions. It is our chance to make a genuine contribution towards bringing a more peaceful and beautiful world for all into being. And that is the very reason why we are here at this special time of Mother Earth’s transformation that brings us the transmutation of evil into good and darkness into light. Let’s not waste any of its opportunities.
Peace be with all of us and our world.
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White Magic And Black Magic
God’s nature and our own is one of duality. Yin and Yang, masculine and feminine, highest and lowest, Heaven and Earth and so forth. The world around us reflects these dualities and polarities. It is a realm of ideas and every one of them has a lower and higher, positive and negative aspect, and can be used for good or evil purposes. The choice is ours which side we would like to align ourselves to. Learning about the abuse of the idea of brotherhood – I prefer the words kinship or siblinghood, whilst in pursuit of power, has always been part of the equipment used by every regime our world has ever seen, religious and otherwise, at least during the history that is known to us. It is used by the countries and organisations that to this day attempt – and in many cases so far succeed – to suppress the natural and God-given rights and privileges of their siblings in the great family of humankind.
The centuries old struggle between Christianity and Islam has always been but one of the many expressions of this struggle. Yet, even this can only continue for as long as the members of the warring factions on both sides remain stuck in the past, unaware. of their true nature and therefore failing to grasp the reason why they are here. There is no doubt in my mind that this too will eventually have run its course and disappear from our world. It will do so with the passing of time when every one of the belief systems that still exists in our world returns to their common spiritual roots, when people become aware of their true nature and their relationship with the Divine. All of us will then realise that in truth there is only one God to whom the various religions have been praying in different ways. There could be no better example for this than Sufism, the seed faith of Islam that comes from the heart and teaches tolerance, love and respect for ourselves, each other and all life. The Sufis are the Gnostics of the Islamic world.
We are all in this wonderful school of life together, so that we may act both as teachers and pupils to each other. For this purpose some of us, at any given time, may find themselves at the giving and others at the receiving end of every type of experience. Good, bad and indifferent ones alike, each one is only there to teach us something. That is the only way every soul can imbibe the lessons it requires on its evolutionary pathway back home into the awareness of its true reality and the oneness with God.
The teacher/pupil principle is also true for those who to this day are doing their utmost to lead us and our world down the slippery slope of warmongering and evil. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not, all evil deeds create alliances with the dark forces of the Universe and are in fact black magic practises. The sole purpose of these experiences is to help us and our world to differentiate between darkness and light, good and evil. The lessons of evil have to be absorbed as thoroughly by each one of us as the ones of good. Only by each one of us personally wading through the suffering that is created by evil can every individual soul and the soul of our world reach the bottom of the pit of evil.
Not until we have learnt our lesson and in our desperation at last turn to God and the Angels to ask for their assistance, are they willing to show us how to find the turning point of our development. In the end all human souls through their own experiences have to reach the bottom of the evolutionary spiral of life. Only then can they begin to move in an upwards direction that consist of experiencing the polar opposite of evil in the compassion, tolerance and kindness of Universal love, again at the giving and the receiving end.
The zodiac with its opposing signs and houses and their energies clearly depicts every soul’s evolutionary pathway through life. It is a spiral that first takes us down to experience and become familiar with the negative aspects of each sign and then gradually upwards so that we can make their higher and highest qualities our own. The zodiac is a symbol of the wheel of life or fortune. Round and round we go on this wheel, one lifetime after another. The negative Karma accrued on the downwards slope has to be made good and redeemed on the upwards one, until the balance of our spiritual account in the great book of life has been restored. That in a nutshell is the road from sinner to sainthood, which every soul on its evolutionary pathway is constantly travelling.
And when the going gets too touch, anyone who reaches out for the blessing and healing hands of God and the Angels and prays for their assistance, does receive it. Our pleas align us to the Universal forces of goodness and light. When we respond in the right way to what the Highest are bringing us, with the passing of time we evolve into ever more capable channels of light who can act as lightbringers and healers for our whole world. We become valuable instruments in the hands of the Divine forces, and when they work through us we are taking part in and practising white magic. As increasing amounts of spiritual wisdom and understanding flow through us onto the Earth plane and ever more of those around us are waking up to their true nature, they too begin to feel drawn quite naturally into the energies of the higher stream of life.
That is how down the ages every individual consciousness and that of our world has slowly but surely been expanding and growing. It is a process that will continue until every last shred of darkness and evil in our world has been dissolved, uplifted and transmuted by the forces of goodness and light into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all. And when finally every one of us on the Earth plane is operating on the same positive wavelength, peace and goodwill to all life will once more reign.
All of us together are responsible not only for our own development but also for that of our world. The right way of making a valid contribution towards achieving this state of affairs is by living not merely to enjoy ourselves, but for the beautification and benefit of our planet. Even the smallest of efforts in that direction by any one of us moves the spiritual evolution of the whole of Creation forwards and upwards. Every individual can do a great deal to help the highest forces with their work of raising the vibrations of our whole planet and all its inhabitants.
As aspiring lightbringers and healers we know that humankind, individually and collectively, has never struggled up the evolutionary spiral of life on its own. It is our task to draw the attention of ever more of those around us to this facts, so they too become aware of the spiritual powers that are constantly toiling on our race’s behalf behind the scenes of earthly life. When we make an effort to think and act in positive and constructive ways only, we are living as a good example that others may wish to follow. At the same time this is a way of training our spiritual listening to the words of power and love, wisdom and truth which the Highest Forces of life are broadcasting ever more forcefully into the consciousness of our world.
Finding our way back into the conscious awareness on all levels of our being that all life is one and that everything is in siblinghood and relationship with everything else in the whole of Creation, including the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is the whole purpose of every soul’s earthly existence. This means shedding our sense of separateness and returning into the conscious awareness of our wholeness and at-one-ment with all life. That is the ultimate aim for all human souls which gains us access to the realm of white magic. When we finally are in complete harmony and siblinghood with all life and the love in our heart for our Creator and all life has become great enough, all power and life on the Earth and its surrounding spheres can use us. And we shall then be able to make wise, respectful and sensible use of the white magic.
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Sowing The Wind
Hosea 8:7 from the Old Testament attempted to strike an early warning note into human hearts and souls with its: ‘They have sown the wind and they have reaped the whirlwind. It has no stalk, nor an ear to yield meal, and if it were to yield, the strangers shall eat it.’ Looking at the state of our world, one cannot help wondering how many ever paid attention to it. The Hosea teaching refers to the Universal law of Karma, which decrees that whatever anyone projects out into the world has to return to its sender. But that is by no means all there is to it. The force of that which we create on the Earth plane, through our thought processes and the actions following them, increases and gathers ever more strength and momentum on its way back to us. This demonstrates that humankind’s most urgent need is taking charge of our thought processes, learning to control them instead of being ruled by them. Constant practice alone can help us to become the masters of this aspect of our nature rather than being its servants.
God is as much part of us as we are part of God. On our own we are nothing and cannot create anything. Yet, as co-creators with God – within reason and with the help and the will of God – we can create anything. As living parts of the ever expanding Universal energies, we too are expansive and dynamic beings. This expresses itself in abstract as well as in visible terms, so that given time, all our creations enlarge. This shows in the way we learn. The more we learn the more our consciousness expands. The more we give, the more we receive, and so forth. This principle applies to everything we send out into our world and it is well worth our while to carefully watch every thought, word and action, because we are responsible for each one. Knowing this puts us in charge of our destiny and this is the only way we can take charge and ensure that only the right things return to us.
Whatever we create, for good as well as for evil, more of the same inevitably comes flooding back to us. For example, being loving generates more love; living peacefully brings more peace, whereas war faring returns to us and our world as ever more destructive wars, as the past has clearly shown. Let us not fool ourselves! On the spiritual level of life cheating does not exist and escape from or avoiding the unerring justice of the Universal laws is impossible. The more human souls become aware that God is always with us and that therefore nothing ever gets away from the scrutiny of Its all-seeing eye, the more it is likely that we shall strive to conduct our lives with honesty and integrity. In this way we, each through their own efforts, are capable of changing the course of our own destiny as well as that of individual nations, our whole world and the whole of Creation.
It is not difficult to see how our chances of making some real progress on the evolutionary spiral increase because of all the knowledge we are now allowed access to. It really does set us free to consciously decide which way we wish to travel in future. Further down into darkness and evil or up and ever up back into the light of our true being, at one with our Highest Self, the choice is ours. Becoming aware of our true nature and taking charge of our destiny is an immensely empowering experience, but it also brings us the responsibility of choosing wisely. It’s a great time and energy saver as well, because whenever we are in difficult situations, we no longer look towards others to provide us with the answers to our questions. Instead, we go within and consult with our inner teacher and guide.
As you can see, taking responsibility for everything that is in our life is a wonderfully liberating experience. One cannot help wondering how long it will be until the leaders of our world, business, political and spiritual also grow wise to that. The Universe tests the human soul constantly to establish how much understanding it has thus far developed, and the trials of power are particularly difficult ones. Would that the consciousness of all those who are presently in leading positions throughout our world, wake up to the fact that no-one on the Earth plane has any real power. This would help them to recognise their responsibility for wisely handling any power that has been entrusted to them.
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Reaping The Whirlwind
May the orgies of destruction during World War II of places like Berlin, Leipzig, Chemnitz and Dresden – in particular on February 13 and 15, 1945 – serve as a reminder of how Germany, because it sowed the wind of war, could not escape the consequences of its actions. Universal justice worked through the Allies and ensured that we, the civilian population, had to reap the bitter harvest of what our politicians had sown. The historian Frederick Taylor wrote about the destruction of Dresden: ‘It has an epically tragic quality to it. Dresden was a wonderfully beautiful city and a symbol of baroque humanism and all that was best in Germany. It also contained all the worst from Germany during the Nazi period. In that sense it is an absolutely exemplary tragedy for the horrors of twentieth century warfare. . . .’
Let this be a warning to those who to this day are walking on the warpath. We need to consider that with any event on the Earth plane there is always more than can be seen by our earthly eyes. The world around us is a reflection and an outer manifestation of the inner realities of life. No matter what happens in the world around us, we do well to remind ourselves that manmade and natural disasters alike are part of the Universal justice of the law of Karma. How can we as individuals counteract this and do our share of restoring the balance of our world?’ A great deal could be achieved if those who are reading this in their prayers and meditations ask for the radiance of the Goddess’s wisdom to flow from the Highest Star into the hearts and souls of the political, business and spiritual leaders of our world, to help them with their awakening.
Every war our world has ever seen has been proof of the fact that one fire cannot be extinguished by another. All this can achieve is creating more of the same. Humankind’s long history of warfare is a clear demonstration of how the Universal laws saw to it that the destructive forces of war always did indeed return to us and our world. They did this with a force that time and again had multiplied. The destructiveness and callousness of the two World Wars bear witness of this. During the review of this chapter, at the beginning of September 2013, the warmongers in our midst are again flexing the muscles of their ever more sophisticated war machinery, rearing to have yet another go.
Have we, as a race, not learnt anything from the mistakes of the past? Are the people in charge blind to the spiritual background of our earthly existence and the Universal laws that govern all life in the whole of Creation? Or are they merely pretending not to know that we are responsible for every one of our thoughts, words and actions, sticking their heads into the sand in ostrich fashion? Independent of whether their intentions are good or evil, every action causes a reaction, and every bit of what anyone sends out into our world can do nothing but return to its sender and that with constantly increasing strength. Love is the law of life and pretending blindness is an even greater transgression against this law than mere ignorance.
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Learning To Control Our Minds
As we know by now, thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. Our thoughts create our reality and as we think, so we become. Every thought we send into the Universe goes round in a circle and eventually returns to us in some form. In our ignorance of these things, each one of us has done their share of creating the present state of our world. Wise ones are aware of this and have no problems recognising that they are responsible for the state of our world and that if they wish the Earth to become a more peaceful and pleasant place for all, they have to think of ways of making it so.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are the Air signs. All of them serve the development of our earthly minds and each one of them does so in a different way. Aquarius offers many opportunities for attuning the transmitter/receiver station of our earthly minds to the mind of the Highest. Each one of us is destined to evolve into a channel through which the wisdom and truth of the Divine expresses itself and enters our world. Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, the main attention of our evolutionary development is on this aspect of our nature.
There are two streams of consciousness in our world, a positive and constructive one of light and understanding, as well as a negative, dark and destructive one of fear and distrust. Do you sometimes get a sneaking feeling that our world has become place where only bad news is good news and that the news media, without being aware of what they are doing, are constantly adding to the negative stream? I believe that refusing to give way to taking part in any kind of negativity is of the utmost importance for aspiring healers and lightbringers. Rather than adding to the clouds of darkness and ignorance that surround us and our world by watching and listening to the news, it is our duty to do all we can to counteract the clouds of darkness and do our share of dissolving them.
We are responsible for what we allow our earthly minds to be filled with. I like to know what is happening in our world and therefore listen to the news once or twice each day, rather than every hour and on the hour like the BBC presents them. I pay attention until they deteriorate into what I call ‘the rape and murder cast’. At that moment I exercise my freedom of choice, reach for the ‘off’ button and think to myself: ‘This too is part of the great plan of life and rests in Your loving hands.’ There is no doubt in my mind that’s what it is.
Before opening a newspaper or watching videos on the internet, I remind myself that no-one can force anyone to read or listen to anything. For me this is the best way of protecting my mind against being bombarded with and penetrated by all the negativity our sensationalistic and media-orientated outer world is constantly trying to pump into our individual consciousness and that of the collective.
Whenever I find out that I have been missing something, my friends are happy to tell me whatever is important to them. There is nothing new under the Sun and all the things that are presently taking place in our world are sure to have done so in the past. The trouble with the technological advances of our time is that reports about them can now be served almost instantly to all who are willing to pay attention. The most lurid sensations are the best fillers of air time and sellers of newspapers.
As I prefer quality of information rather than quantity, I switch off. And if you do the same, please do yourself the favour of refusing to indulge in a guilt trip for what you are doing. Instead, be happy and rejoice, because increasing numbers of people round our world are doing the same. Think of how environmentally friendly your behaviour is and give yourself a pat on the back. Reflect on the amounts of energy you are saving in the course of a year and the forests that do not have to be chopped down because of you and all those like-minded souls round the world. Feel good about yourself and the things you are doing to help our planet in its struggle against exploitation of its precious resources through over-consumerism. Let those who are addicted to the news not fool themselves into thinking that this issue is unimportant. It is, because we are all responsible not only for our thoughts and our world, but also – as mentioned earlier – for what we allow our minds to be filled with.
More imperative still is that as awakened ones we set a good example by not dwelling on unpleasant and chaotic conditions in the world around us. Are we not privileged indeed to know that, in spite of whatever may still have to happen, there is a great plan of life and that the reigns for the whole of creation rest safely in the loving hands of the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Father/Mother of all life, the Great White Spirit?
All who once spent some of their lifetimes in the Native American tradition, as many in our midst are likely to have done, know how in those days the Great Spirit was worshipped by all. We were aware then, as we are now, that this is the Source of all being, the One from whom – with the help of the Angels – all blessings of the material plane life are constantly coming forth, including every human life. The One has always been providing us with the spiritual strength and sustenance that was required to learn our earthly lessons and carry out any special assignments that have been allocated to us.
We are part of God as much as God is part of us. The Highest levels of life communicate with us through our intuition. This is known as the living God within, who knows the way of all things and the answers to any question we may ever care to ask. Whenever we do so with our earthly mind, the answer from our spirit mind comes immediately. There is no need to ask anyone else. We do well to practise this constantly, so that slowly but surely our earthly mind knows that our higher spirit self is always there to show us the way in all things and supply us with honest and truthful answers at any given moment.
Throughout the ages there have been people who became inspired without at first being aware of what was happening to them. Speaking and writing intuitively they receive their information without studying books. With the passing of time they found out that all outer manifestations of life are reflections of the realities of their inner counterparts and that this applies to human thinking as much as it does to anything else in the whole of Creation. It is not the physical brain alone that does the thinking, for the simple reason that nothing in earthly life exists and can function on its own.
Without the spiritual forces in its background creating and supporting the physical plane of life there would be nothing. Naturally, this also applies to humankind’s mental capacities. No earthly self on its own could ever bring itself into being. Never mind Earth life, without the help of our Highest spirit Self and our constant companions, the Angels and Masters, friend and helpers in the world of light, there would be no physical life anywhere in the Cosmos. The angelic hierarchy is in charge of the great plan of life and responsible for its smooth running, at all times. They are the ones who bring us into earthly life and place us in the right spots and relationships, so we can attend to our life lessons and fulfil our Karmic obligations.
Some of us developed the ability to act as channels of the Divine in previous lifetimes. They have come into this one to practise and polish this artform to a high sheen by humbly serving the Highest Forces of life. It is likely that they were scribes in far distant lifetimes, who abused their gift for selfish purposes like seeking to dominate people by frightening them out of their wits, so that they could be exploited more readily.
Anyone who took part in such things, and there have been many, by now have learnt their lessons. They are here to nail the desires of their small lower self and its fears to the cross of earthly life by placing them into the hands of the Highest. But because of the suffering they once caused others, they could have a slow, painful and protracted struggle with this aspect of their being on their hands, not as some kind of punishment, but as the redemption of their Karma and to restore the balance of their spiritual account.
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Building The New Jerusalem
Many believe that our world is falling apart because humankind is neglecting its duty of caring for it, and that therefore it will perish. I do not believe that this is going to happen, although it’s true that many times on the surface of earthly life there appears to be nothing but confusion, pain and suffering. For as long as we are unable to look beyond the perceptions of our earthly existence into its spiritual background, it will be impossible to notice the progress we and our world have been making throughout time.
Yet, even those whose inner vision has opened cannot tell where God’s great plan of life * wants to take us in the future. This is because it is not our place to know any of its details. The task before all aspiring healers and lightbringers is learning to trust the goodness of the life that has been given to us. Every human being in this life and our other world is part of the great stream of wisdom, love and light that for some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into the individual and collective consciousness of humankind.
Whether someone is as yet consciously aware of this or not, with the passing of time increasing numbers of us will be returning into the conscious awareness of God’s true nature and their own. As pioneers of the Aquarian Age, each one of us ultimately is here to make their contribution towards manifesting the new age’s spirit of love and siblinghood on the Earth plane. In any way possible we need to express our appreciation and love for the world that has been placed into our care and for those who contributed to bringing it into being and maintaining it.
Any small effort one of us makes in this direction contributes to the activation of the Divine spark that in seed form is still slumbering in many hearts. Each one is waiting to wake up and slowly but surely join the great flame of Divine love that is growing ever stronger in the heart and soul of humankind. To paraphrase Ralph Waldo Emerson, let us not follow where the well trodden trail may lead, but instead go where no-one has ever walked before and there is no path. Then leave a trail behind that others may wish to follow. That’s how each one of us is required to go about doing their share of building the New Jerusalem, the city of light described by St. John in his Revelation at the end of this chapter. It is revealing itself with ever greater clarity that this is not going to be a place somewhere ‘out there’, but right here and now on our planet. All along the term ‘City of Light’ has been a symbolism for this awakening of the Divine spark.
The way forward for each one of us individually and for the whole of our race, is this building of the New Jerusalem. Each one of us on their own and all together, we ourselves are its builders. As soon as an earthly self has achieved a certain degree of spiritual maturity, the Divine spark in its heart stirs from its slumbers. With the passing of time it grows stronger and develops into the living God within. This is the Christ part of everyone’s own nature, who gradually takes over the drives and urges of our lower nature and replaces them with Divine ones. This process is the building of the New Jerusalem and it would be pointless to wait until we go to Heaven or rather the spirit world. As these things can only be developed in earthly life, it’s essential to start right here and now. It is done by expressing our true nature and thinking, speaking and acting in kind and loving ways, as well as living in keeping with the Universal laws. This helps us to come into harmony with the Universal forces of life.
Anyone who is presently taking part in earthly life has been granted the gift of another lifetime for learning to trust that the Great Mother’s love and wisdom will always bring us and our world the spiritual growth each one of us needs for their return into the conscious awareness of their oneness and togetherness with God and all life. You may find it helpful to quietly affirm to yourself every so often: ‘God is part of me and I am part of God. Willingly I act as Its channel for lovingly spreading Divine wisdom and truth. From love I have come and to love I am now returning. Achieving the awareness of my true nature and reality is the purpose of my earthly existence.’
Listen carefully to the responses that rise from the innermost core of your being into our conscious awareness through the world of your feelings. This is feedback from your inner guide and God Self, who constantly tries to tell show you whether something you hear or read is true or false. Bearing this in mind, let’s take a look at the following:
St. John Revelation 21: 1-6: ‘Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth. The first Heaven and the first Earth had disappeared and there no longer was any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, prepared as a bride dressed for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice calling from the throne: ‘Look, how God lives among human beings. He will make his home among them. They will be His people, and He will be their God, God-with-them. He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death and mourning, sadness or pain. The world of the past has gone.’
‘Then the One sitting on the throne spoke: ‘I am making the whole of creation new. Write this, for what I am saying is trustworthy and will come true.’ Then he said to me: ‘It has already happened. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water from the well of life free to anybody who is thirsty.’ Reflecting on these words from where I am now, it’s not hard to recognise that the events described in the revelation have already been taking place in our world with the help of writings like mine for many years. Through them the city of light has for some time been descending, in the form of Divine knowledge and wisdom, from the Heavens, brought to us by the Angels of the Christ Circle, the highest levels of life, for the heart and soul of humankind.
Because of this there will soon no longer be any room for the sea of ignorance, which for such a long time held us captive on the Earth plane. The false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions we acquired during the part of our earthly education when we were made to believe that every word of the sacred texts of our part of the world had to be taken literally and was true. For a long time such beliefs were forced upon us and those who dared to doubt them were declared heretics and burnt alive on the stakes. These things ensured that we were kept firmly nailed to the cross of our earthly existence, until the approach of the Age of Aquarius and its promise of spiritual freedom for all.
The scary parts of the revelations were designed to keep us firmly planted on the Earth plane, until the time and energies were right for disclosing the higher esoteric meaning of St. John’s Revelations to us – and that time is NOW. Whether we are as yet aware of it or not, the law of life is love and every transgression against it is a sin that has to be made good at some stage of our development. This is not going to be done by a God-man, who merely existed as a thoughtform *, but by us – you and me and everybody else. And at the rate we are presently moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, there soon will be no more sea of ignorance in which anyone can drown.
I believe that the New Jerusalem is a symbol for the heart and soul of humankind opening itself progressively to the light of Divine wisdom and truth, which for some years by now has been flowing ever more powerfully from the highest levels of life into the individual and collective consciousness of our world. For me, that is the higher esoteric meaning of the City of Light described in the Revelation of St. John, known as the Divine.
* * *
Of Good And Evil
One of the elders of the city said:
‘Speak to us of good and evil.’
And he – the prophet – replied:
‘Of the good in you I can speak, but not of the evil.
For what is evil but the good within you
That is tortured by its own hunger and thirst
For the learning that will help you,
In the fullness of time,
To return into the conscious awareness
Of your true nature?
Because the good in you is hungry and
And your soul longs to return to its real home,
It sometimes seeks for food in dark caves
And may drink of dead waters, too.
You are good when you are at one with your Highest Self,
But when you are no longer consciously aware of it,
You are not evil. You are but a divided house,
Which does not have to be a den of thieves.
It is merely that the two parts of you,
Your Highest Self and its earthly counterpart,
Are still travelling in opposite directions.
This state of being can be likened t
To a ship without rudder that
Is capable of wandering aimlessly among perilous isles.
Yet, somehow it does not sink to the bottom.
When you have studied evil sufficiently,
With the help and the will of God and the Angels,
The two parts of you will come together again
And brought into harmony,
So that in future they work for you,
Instead of against.
Fear not, if some of the souls in your world
Still seem to be guided away from their Highest Self
And ever deeper into the morass of physicality.
Trust that for them too, the turning point will come,
As it has done for you and all other wise ones in your world.
Humankind’s evolution is a circle
That first moves you away from God,
That which is all good.
The farther you descend into matter,
The more you move downwards.
When you have reached a certain phase in your development,
You begin to move upwards and are then on your way
Into re-discovering your true nature,
That you are part of God and that God is part of you,
And that because of this
The core of your being has always remained good,
Through and through, all-loving and all-knowing,
Like your God Self
With whom you are now consciously
Being reunited and at one again.
For as long as your soul lessons require that
You move downwards, you are not evil.
Even thought your earthly self may still
Be learning to differentiate between good and evil,
Your innermost essence of your being
Remains good and of God.
You are good when you are spiritually awake
And that in thought, word and deed.
Yet, those who have not yet reached this point
Are not evil.
And if your tongue still staggers without purpose,
Know that stumbling speech also serves a wise higher purpose,
That of strengthening weak tongues.
You are good when you strive to give of yourself.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still seeking gain for yourself.
Those who are doing this are learning the lesson
Of being a root that clings to Mother Earth and sucks at her breast.
Like a tree your soul’s needs
Vary according to the evolutionary phase you have reached.
That is why the fruit of a tree
Cannot say to its roots: ‘Be like me,
Ripe and full and ever giving of my abundance.
For the fruit giving is as good a need
As the receiving is to the root.
You are good when you walk towards your goal
Firmly and with bold steps.
Yet, you are not evil whilst you are still approaching it with a limp.
But even those who limp are not going backwards,
For all life is evolution, moving ever forwards and upwards.
Let those who are strong and swift,
Make sure they do not pretend to limp too,
Out of misunderstood kindness for the lame.
You are good in countless ways,
And you are not evil when you are not good,
You are neither loitering nor sluggard,
You are merely still in the process
Of learning to discern between good and evil.
Have compassion too for those
Who already are moving with the speed of stags,
And believe that they can teach their swiftness to those
Who thus far only capable of moving like turtles.
Wise ones know that in God’s great plan,
The turtle has as much its place as the stag.
Your goodness lies in your longing for being at one
With your Highest Self.
This longing is in all of you.
In some, it already is like a torrent that rushes to the sea,
With all its might,
It carries with it the secrets of the hillsides
And the songs of the forests.
The longing of others is still like a shallow stream
That lingers in angles and bends and loses itself.
Yet, it too finally reaches its destination.
Each does come to the end of their journey,
In their own sweet time.
That is why there is no need for those in whom
The longing is already very strong
To say to those in whom it is still weak:
‘Why are you slow and halting?’
This is why wise ones who are truly good
Would never dream of asking the one who is naked:
‘Where is your garment?’
Or another one who is homeless:
‘What has befallen your home?’
From ‘The Prophet’ by Kahlil Gibran 1883-1931
Lebanese/American poet
Edited by Aquarius
* * *
Healing Prayer For Disaster Victims
Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And Your only born Son/Daughter,
The Spirit of the Universal Christ,
May the Light of power, courage and strength
Flow freely into those affected by natural disasters
Like earthquakes, flooding and landslides,
And also of the human-made catastrophes
Of war and other acts of terrorism,
Wherever they may be taking place.
Grant us and our world also the gift of
Your infinite wisdom and love,
So that together with You and the Angels
We may lift the spirits and souls of those
Who under the influence of the powers of
Darkness and destruction have to return
To our true home, the spirit world,
Guided and protected by
The Angels of Rescue and Death.
May they not only find rest, peace and healing
In that world, but also a better understanding of the
Purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence.
Meanwhile we give
Thanks and praise to You and the Angels
For ensuring that none of us will
Ever be lost in the vastness of space and time,
Left behind and forgotten,
And that all human beings,
Wherever they may find themselves,
Will forever be resting securely
In Your loving arms.
May our hearts and souls be filled with forgiveness
For those who are still taking part in the
Earliest parts of their earthly education.
And may the radiance of Your Light
Shine into their hearts and souls,
So that they too open and
The Divine spark within them
Stirs from its slumber.
And may the hearts of the older and
More experienced souls in our midst
Be filled with forgiveness for their younger siblings
In the great family of humankind.
Grant these people the gift of understanding that
The lessons the young ones are presently taking part in
Are similar to those they once that took them
Through the initial stages of their earthly education.
As payment for our karmic debts,
Help us older souls to patiently endure
What the youngsters are inflicting upon us,
In their ignorance of their true nature
And the existence of Your Universal laws,
Thus creating ever more
Difficult Karma for themselves.
Undoubtedly, for them too
The time will come,
In one or several of their future lifetimes,
When they have to make good
The debts they are incurring now.
It will then be their turn to suffer,
The same as we are doing now,
At the hands of the youngsters
Who are treading the evolutionary pathway
Behind them.
May this knowledge help
The Christ nature characteristics
Of compassion, forgiveness and love
Unfold and blossom in ever more human hearts.
And may Your Divine courage and strength
Flow into survivors of any kind and all who are
Lovingly attending to the sick and wounded
In mind and body, spirit and soul.
These things we are asking from You,
In the name of love,
Your name and ours,
For the blessing and healing
Of our world and all worlds.
* * *
You Only See One Side Of The Picture
The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides under the above heading, which appeared in Stella Polaris, the bi-monthly magazine of the White Eagle Lodge June/July 2011: ‘Because God is the designer of the great plan of life and of every small plan within it, S/He sees all sides of any picture. This applies to individuals as much as groups and nations, and all manner of institutions and organisations. God is all loving, giving and forgiving and whatever your heart truly desires is given unto you, so that you may enjoy it and also learn something from it. If it’s violence, warfare and acts of terrorism your heart yearns for, you are allowed to get on with it – though only up to a certain point.
‘Your wish will be granted, but unknown to you at a price, because the law of cause and effect, also known as the law of Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions in some way to you. For example, in one of your future lifetimes, maybe while you are still a small child, you could become the victim of an act of terrorism. The people around you would then be thinking and saying how terrible your death is. Whenever they see suffering, perhaps mangled bodies and death caused by mindless acts of violence, they are likely to ask: ‘Why should this kind of thing happen to innocent souls who have no idea why they have to suffer?’ Everything that takes place in your world is of a karmic nature. Good and bad events alike have their origin in that which was done by the people involved in their previous lifetimes.
‘For a long time the earthly mind of all human beings is ignorant of anything that does not relate to its present existence. Yet, as each one moves along the evolutionary spiral of life, their soul gradually develops some wisdom and understanding. And if you could watch the spiritual enlightenment that can be found in any kind of suffering, you would recognise that the misery in truth is a precious gift and that there is every reason for being grateful for it. Your heart would fill with even more gratitude if you could see how merciful God is and how the end of every catastrophe is invariably crowned with something beautiful. A just reward waits for everyone who is affected by them, not only when they arrive in the world of light, but also in their future lifetimes on the Earth, unless all their Karma has been cleared away and they will be allowed to move on to experiences of a higher nature.
‘Compensation is one of the five great laws of life and the greatest gift that arises from suffering is undoubtedly soul growth. But it also means paying the debts that are likely to have accumulated in your spiritual bankbook in the course of many lifetimes. Without redeeming yourself and balancing your spiritual account you cannot be released into lessons of a higher nature and exploring other levels of life. You are well on your way when you forgive those who have hurt and wounded you and your loved ones and place everything into the hands of your Christ Self, you are nailing the desires of your lower nature for revenge and retribution to the cross of earthly life *. When the only thing you want to do is send love and forgiveness to everybody, independent of what may still have to happen to you and your world, your higher nature has taken over. You are at one with God and for you the gates into the freedom of the Aquarian Age are opening wide.
‘Our Creator’s infinite love and mercy cannot be known for as long as human beings remain unaware of their true nature and the higher purpose of their existence. For as long as they look at things only with their worldly eyes, they can perceive but one side of any picture and so fail to recognise the tender loving care that provides for anyone who is suffering, lonely and afraid. If during the early part of their earthly education, people get involved in a catastrophe or maybe are just watching or assisting with removing dead bodies and clearing away the debris of destroyed dwellings, they will say: ‘Aren’t so much devastation and many deaths just awful and senseless?’ Their view of life changes profoundly when they become aware of the spiritual background of life and that the higher forces are taking care of the souls who have been released from their physical bodies in any kind of way, including violent ones.
‘Although the victims of such incidents may not realise what is happening to them, the most careful provisions are being made for each one. When these newcomers arrive on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates your world from ours, the only thing they know at first is that they are alive and moving and breathing in a world that seems identical to the one they used to know. They may not even realise that they have left their physical body behind. With great tenderness and care the wise ones in charge help them to realise that they are no longer in a physical existence. They are under constant surveillance by us, your spirit Masters and guides, until they have become fully aware of their present state. We delight in witnessing their intense joy and thankfulness for the ease of their move into our world. This is the usual first reaction of those who are finding out that it our realm is as solid and real as the physical world, but much more beautiful and easy to live in.
‘The most tender love watches over the whole of humankind at all times and this does not merely become visible when someone dies. This kind of care has always been with you and forever will be. God and the group of Angels known as the Lords of Karma *, as well as many lesser beings in our world are empowered to bring about the conditions that are beneficial for the development of those taking part in earthly life. Although our efforts cannot be perceived by earthly eyes and senses, we only work for that which is good. So, if in future you hear about or witness a disaster, do not wring your hands and say: ‘How terrible! How could God permit such a thing?’ Resist the temptation and remind yourself that you have no idea about the karmic background of anything.
‘To paraphrase words from the Jesus legend: ‘Let those among you who are free from sin, cast the first stone.’ As soon as any kind of situation is viewed from the Karmic angle, it would be most unwise for anyone to pick up a stone, never mind throwing it. And would you dare to throw a stone of condemnation towards the young and inexperienced souls, who are committing such acts? After all, aren’t they your siblings in the family of humankind, your younger brothers and sisters? What they are doing is part of the early phases of humankind’s earthly curriculum, just the same as you had to experience in past lifetimes. Never forget that all of it is provided by God’s wisdom and love. There would be no point in asking God and the Angels to forgive any trespassers against the law of love, because they are standing by and know exactly what is happening.
‘It wouldn’t be your place to forgive those who sin, but you may utter to yourself the following words from the Jesus legend: ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing’. Truly, they are completely unaware of what they are doing to themselves, the same you did not know when you had to deal with the same phase of your development. In those days you too would have asked: ‘Why, if God loves His/Her children, are volcanoes and earthquakes permitted? Why, if God loves humankind, are humans allowed to go to war and commit acts of terrorism?’
‘Human souls find peace when their earthly selves realise that they themselves are the ultimate cause of everything that has ever happened on the Earth and is doing so to this day. It could not be any other way because the Universal laws work in exact rhythms and with great precision. There is a great abundance of everything, but as only through the lack of something human beings can learn to appreciate that which they have, sometimes periods when rain is withheld are necessary in earthly life, to teach you the value of water. The same principle applies to war and peace, but even if the warmongering lasts six thousand years, it represents a mere batting of an eyelid in God’s time.
* * *
Author Notes: All my writings are of an intuitive spiritual non-religious nature.
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