Options For The Coronavirus Outbreak
AquariusLooking At The Year 2020 – Part Seven
Option 1
• This option would have been letting nature take it’s course. It would mean shielding the most vulnerable and informing the public of how to go about it and assist those in need financially, medically and morally.
• There is a period of four weeks during which the disease spreads and some may die. However, the number of people who then become ill is no worse than that of to any particularly bad flu season.
• Coronavirus is nothing new, there are already about four or five in circulation. After four weeks, herd immunity is achieved and the disease ceases to be a problem forever.
• No need for panic and treating that kind of situation as a normal part of the trials and tribulations of humankind’s earthly existence. The vulnerable can come out of hiding and everyone is naturally immunised to the new pathogen after the usual four weeks, because the wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother created us earthlings to be able to deal with pandemics of this kind that occur every year.
Option 2
• Create a ‘NEW NORMAL!’ that consists of enforced social distancing, maximum disturbance to life and isolation to prevent herd immunity from developing. This guarantees that the virus remains active in the community for a longer period of time.
• Achieve a slower death rate initially but increase this to a higher and potentially much higher death rate overall. Crash the economy and cause an almost endless barrage of problems, including increased death rates, a tidal wave of mental health problems based on the fears and anxieties of the community in all countries involved.
• Make people feel as if they could kill people like their colleagues and their families just by going about their daily routines. Make the people feel that everyone they know and encounter is a potential carrier and that they could get ill through any kind of social contact and so create division where there were none before.
• Introduce severe Draconian/Orwellian legislation, add rolling 24/7 news coverage of the virus that never actually focuses on the truth about the virus. It merely concentrates on spreading fear, disinformation and propaganda for the pharmaceutical industry.
• Use lies about how people are dying in order to justify the reckless and dangerous option route the governments of our world are taking. For example, they are telling families they cannot go to their child’s funeral or be with them when a child is dying in hospital. In the United Kingdom the goodwill and reputation of the National Health System and its workers is abused through the government trying to manipulate the public to accept its measures. They are making it abundantly clear that disagrees with them insults the NHS.
• The above methods are a sure-fire recipe for creating a second wave of the virus that could turn out to be far more deadly than the first one ever was. Use the fear of this artificially brought about mass hysteria to coerce/blackmail the people of our world into accepting being vaccinated with serums that at best are ineffective and at worst harmful. These serums would have been hastily developed by the pharmaceutical industry whose members want to get their share of the vast profits that are winking if our world accepts their products.
• Are we going to allow them to get away with it this time, the way they almost did on the three previous occasions, i.e. the Bird Flu, the Swine Flu and the Ebola outbreak? More about them in the relevant parts of ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’, see link at the end of this chapter.
So far our world has gone for option 2. It’s the highest time to get rid of the people who got us there and that fast. They are a danger to all of us. There have to be legal channels that can be pursued and should be introduced into the picture as soon as possible.
When the above came before me inner guidance responded with an enthusiastic: ‘Yes, this is true!’ Otherwise I would not have bothered with making its contents more accessible and ready for sharing with you. Please do the same with as many people as possible. But only do this if the wise one or living God within you reacts in similar fashion to mine.
Created by Mucho
Edited by Aquarius
A sensible and realistic perspective of the present situation is also coming from Professor Knut Wittkowski, who for twenty years has been head of The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design. In his view, social distancing and lockdown is the worst possible way of dealing with this kind of airborne respiratory virus.
Furthermore he offers data that shows that China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted their containment measures. In other words, nature had already achieved, or nearly achieved, herd immunity.
Recommended Viewing:
• ‘Perspectives Of The Pandemic’
Recommended Reading
‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’
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