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Outcasts Chapter 5
Outcasts Chapter 5

Outcasts Chapter 5



Harper and Niko walk towards the hotel in silence. Would Riley hate Niko after this? Or would they pretend like none of it happened? What about Zack? No, he only wanted to get in her pants.


“We need a reason to just show up there.”

“Food?” Niko grins sheepishly while Harper nods.

Harper starts walking to a nearby restaurant and gestures for Niko to stay put.


Riley shifts uncomfortably in the bed, holding on to Alex’s hand on his waist. He turns to face Alex who blinks carefully.

“Hey sleepy head,” Alex smiles and kisses Riley.

Riley pulls Alex’s arms around his neck and kisses him roughly.


“I’m here to see Riley Rodriguez.”

The guard actually let Niko in the building but checked her food. And insisted that Harper didn’t have to come with her.

Niko stood in front of the hotel door. What was stopping her? She knocked lightly hoping that no one would answer.

No one did. She shrugged and opened the door and saw Riley and The Prince of England, Spare to the throne roughly kissing shirts off and from the looks of Riley’s waist everything else as well.

She drops the food and the pair quickly part and look Niko’s way.


Shit, Shit, Shit.

“Hey uh Niko,” Alex pulls the blanket up to his waist, “sorry you had to see this.”

Niko’s, emotions changed lightning fast. Only the closest people were able to see it. Riley knew they were more than close.

“I’m gonna let you get your clothes on,” Niko swallows and exits the room, leaving the door slightly open.

Riley runs his hands through his hair panicking deep inside. Niko brought food for her boyfriend only to see him in bed kissing the prince. Niko can’t yell at him here; she’ll probably drag him back to the house. He analyzes every moment with Niko and compares them to Alex.

Alex’s’ moments win by far.

Alex walks over to Riley and kisses him gently.

“She’ll keep this a secret right?”

“Of course,” Riley steadies his voice and yells for Niko to come in.


Niko plasters a fake smile on my face as she walks back into Riley’s hotel room.

“Alex do you know French?” she asks eyeing Riley.


“Good,” Niko drops her smile and turns fully to Riley watching him breathe heavily, “Bordel, qu'est-ce que tu faisais?”

“Je suis désolé”

“I’m sorry isn’t enough!” Niko snaps and clicks her tongue, “Voulez-vous lui parler de nous?”

“Y a-t-il déjà eu un nous?” Riley spits back.

Was there ever an us?

“Vous vous attendez à ce que je renonce à nous comme ça?” Niko snaps her fingers and sees Riley nod firmly while take Alex’s hand, “L'amour ne fonctionne pas comme ça”

Niko walks towards Riley but he steps back, “Stop just stop!” he yells, “La Putain.”

Niko’s breath cuts.


Author Notes: Sorry, I posted late mon petit pois.

#BlackLivesMatter #LGBTQ+

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About This Story
25 Feb, 2021
Read Time
2 mins
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