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Peace Coming About Naturally
Peace Coming About Naturally

Peace Coming About Naturally


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Forty-Four

There’s None So Blind . . .

‘It is written in the Great Father/Mother’s plan of life that in the course of the Aquarian age peace will gradually come to your world in a natural way that is part of your individual and collective evolutionary journey. Among many other things, Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood and friendship with all manifestations of life. It is also the sign of group consciousness through which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams are going to find fulfilment. This will take your world forward into a new golden age of spiritual freedom, peace and plenty.

‘The knowledge that on the inner level by now is flowing with ever increasing strength directly from the Highest Forces of life into humankind’s individual and collective consciousness, will gradually enable you to shed ever more of your fears and anxieties. It will happen in a natural way because you understand who and what God truly is and who you are. Finding out about the purpose and meaning of your earthly existence and the predestined pathway that takes every one of you home into the conscious awareness of these things, much hope, faith and trust will slowly but surely be filling your whole being. And when you not only know but also understand that the essence of your being is spirit/soul and that, as being part of God, like God they are eternal and can never die, even your fear of death and the unknown will go from you and that forever.

‘With the passing of time, you will notice that reaching out for each other, shaking hands and hugging other members of the great family of humankind, irrespective of the colour of anyone’s skin and what beliefs are dear to them, fulfils an inner need of every human being. That’s why during the Aquarian age these things will be enjoying ever greater popularity. In the course of this age relationships will gradually change to meeting people and recognising them as whole beings, each in its own right. It’s no longer a case of ‘I love you because you make me whole’ but ‘I love you because you ARE.’ If the other one is already a good, kind and loving person, that’s great. But if they have not yet evolved sufficiently to behave this way, there is no reason why you should not love them just the same, even though in a somewhat different way. You will discover that it’s possible to love people without liking them or the way they behave. You can still love them.

‘And that’s how all of you can and indeed are meant help each other and your world on your individual and collective evolutionary journey. The light stream of consciousness is the Christ light and the dark stream as its counterpart is not bad or evil in any way. The components of the latter that to you appear as evil and/or destructive are merely the crude and unevolved state of something. With the passing of time, it too will gradually evolve into its higher form as. This process can be speeded up considerably by directing the Christ stream’s light its way. The more you support and feed into it, the greater its power of absorbing that which still is dark and evil about it becomes.’ End of ‘If I Be Raised . . .’

Taking part in earthly life is compulsory for every human being because each can only learn and grow through their own experiences. Yet, nobody forces us to apply for another lifetime And that is why, during our periods of resting and recuperating in the spirit world from the trials and tribulations of our most recent earthly sojourn, which everybody is bound to encounter there, time and again we apply for another lifetime on that plane. It’s not difficult then to agree with what the wise ones in charge of us suggest, because we know that God and the Angels will be guiding and protecting us and safely taking us home to their realm, as soon as the purpose of that particular lifetime has been fulfilled.

And when our earthly education’s final stage has been reached and we then leave our physical body behind, all earthly values, appearances and pretentions once more fall from us. Again we then stand before God or rather our God Self, naked so to speak. The difference on this occasion is that we no longer need to be ashamed of our most recent earthly performance. We shall still be just one of the billions of eternal and immortal spirit/souls, who always have been and forever will searching for consciousness expanding adventures. But because our vibrations have changed sufficiently for exploring the next higher level of the spirit realm, on this occasion we do not need to apply for another opportunity of taking part in earthly life.

The more our God or Christ nature takes over our earthly personality, the more our values are concerned with the welfare of humankind and the whole of our world. Purely material values that serve satisfying people’s greed for money and the material possessions it can buy, as well as gaining personal recognition and what they with their limited perception of life perceive as power, fall by the wayside each time they leave their physical body behind. Apart from creating debit entries in their spiritual ledger, they are useless. Yet, as the whole of life consists of cycles within cycles and circles within circles, nothing is ever wasted. Everything is constantly recycled and used in different ways. Our karmic debts are no exception.

The value of these debts remains hidden until we reach one of our future lifetimes and that could be hundreds or maybe thousands of them away. But eventually, our debts are going to serve God and the Angels as teaching aids for younger and less experienced spirit/souls. As our siblings in the great family of humankind, they will then be handing out the suffering that we in previous lifetimes inflicted upon the people around us. We could not help ourselves, because hurting and wounding people then was part of our earthly education and we were still ignorant of the spiritual background of our existence and that all life, including ours, throughout the whole of creation is subject to Universal laws. That’s the present developmental level of our world’s troublemakers.

They have yet to find out that, although the death of our physical body is the end of experiencing life on the material plane, our spirit/soul are immortal. One of the Angels of death returns us to the spirit world, our true home from which we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime. Our spirit/soul is the eternal student who will forever be learning about new levels of life and horizons through exploring them. Nobody judges our performance and there is no judgement day. As soon as we have recovered from the strains of our earthly existence, the wise ones in charge of us take us before the Akashic Records. They reveal how we performed in the course of all our lifetimes, including the most recent one. Our behaviour patterns clearly show where our weaknesses and strengths are and we can also see the karmic debts that are still in need of redemption.

We alone decide whether our earthly self is likely to be strong enough to cope with the demands of these debts. If another lifetime on the material plane would be beneficial for the completion of our earthly education, the wise ones advise where and how it could be spent and with whom. The decision of whether to go ahead and apply or not is entirely up to us. When you view your present lifetime from this perspective, aren’t you sometimes tempted to say, the way I do: ‘I must have been crazy to ask for this!’? If we ever wish to get to the end of our earthly education, there is nothing for it but going ahead. And so we do!

At the beginning of our lessons in the earthly school of life, we tend to reincarnate into the same families and groups. Our roles merely shift, one lifetime we might spend as the child of a certain mother or father, while during another the roles are exchanged. However, the more highly evolved our spirit/soul and our earthly personality become, the more tend to spread our wings and choose reincarnations into different cultural backgrounds to familiarise ourselves with their beliefs, habitual behaviour and thinking patterns. That’s been essential for the worldwide spreading of Covid-19.

As touched upon earlier, the cause of the pandemic can be found in the patriarchal six thousand years. It consists of the karmic debts of those who were and still are affected by Covid-19 in the crude and unevolved state of its evolutionary journey. God and the Angels, with our assistance, for some time have been working very hard on transmuting Covid-19 into a beneficial influence that strengthens and heals the immune system of humans and animals alike. Their symptoms are clearing up and they are feeling healthier and fitter than they have done for a long. Their suffering is the redemption that balances their spiritual bank account and the recovery is their reward. And that’s why something of this nature could hit our world with such force, at this particular time. It’s not some kind of punishment, merely Divine Justice at work.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that came my way in Reader’s Letters Stella Polaris of June/July 2020: ‘Behind every dark happening and difficulty of your earthly existence hides a blessing. There will come a time when you trust the presence of God and the Angels, their work and goodwill towards humankind on its evolutionary journey. This will come about when your inner guidance tells you that what is before you is the truth.

‘When the time is right, the Divine magic has the power of making the dark clouds of your world’s ignorance disappear, so that the radiance of God’s love can reveal itself. And because the Aquarian age is the age of truth and transmutation, the time is right for the greatest healing miracle your world has ever experienced to take place. This age has been with you for long enough to reveal its benevolent nature in this manner. Every one of you will soon be able to see for yourself that behind everything that ever happened in your world the glory of God’s life and its Divine magic have always been at work. It’s just that many in your world to this day fail to understand what is happening and why. Never mind! They too will know, when for them the time is right.’

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12 Jul, 2020
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