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penquin_feetRachel Elizabeth
2 Reviews

Perfect is long car rides on cloudy days listening to music and looking out the window.

It's warm homemade muffins that are still a little soft.

It's the feeling you get when you hold someone's hand.

It's sunsets over the lake dancing in the grass.

It's thunderstorms in the late summer afternoons.

It's the way new books smell.

It's fuzzy socks on winter mornings.

It's walking downtown in july.

It's long hugs.

It's rain in the middle of the night.

It's reading a whole book in one sitting.

It's walking out of the subway at night and seeing all the lights on in the street.

It's hoodies that fall just over your hands.

It's phone calls when you talk for hours and don't run out of topics.

It's sailing as the sky turns pink.

It's walks on the beach.

It's a chaoticly organized room.

It's the way upstate looks when it's autumn and the trees and all colorful.

It's the first day of summer break.

It's the way the sun can warm your back.

It's deep conversations.

It's being held after you've been crying.

It's being home alone and getting to play music as loud as you want.

It's clothes fresh from the drier.

It's people watching from our floor.

It's singing by yourself.

It's a totally dark night when you can see all the stars.

Perfection isn't elaborate, it's all the simple, little things that are most perfect to me.

Author Notes: Do you relate? What is perfect to you?

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About The Author
Rachel Elizabeth
About This Story
27 Mar, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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