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Quarantine Survival Guide
Quarantine Survival Guide

Quarantine Survival Guide

Kat_DickensKat Dickens

Set a goal you want to be completed by the end of your quarantine:

This goal could be something you wanted to get done for a while, or something completely new. For example, your goal could be read 10 books, or to learn something new every day. Setting goals will give you a sense of accomplishment during your 2 weeks away. But when you set your goal, break it up into little sections so you don't get overwhelmed and give up. For instance, if your goal is to read 10 books by the end of the 2 weeks, make a checklist so you can cross off each book when you are finished with it. This will help you see your progress, and how far you have come. And will also give you the motivation to keep going

Try out new hobbies, or revisit old hobbies you used to have:

You will have plenty of time to try new ones out, and this will benefit you because having a hobby has been proven to help with stress, connect you with other, (have your quarantined friend try the hobbies along with you) help declutter your mind, help improve your ability at staying present in a moment and improve you mental and physical well being. There are many different hobbies you could try, including, cooking, drawing, painting, writing, a sport of some kind, pottery making, and so many more. You could even give hobbies from around the world a chance. Because who knows it could just be a hobby for you.

Write down three things you are grateful for every day:

This will help improve your mood, and also will get you into the habit of being grateful for the things in your life. Whether they are big things like freedom, your life, or your family. Or the small things, like seeing a butterfly, petting a dog or eating a delicious meal. It's you choose but remember sometimes it the little things in life that make it worth living.

Keep in contact with the outside world, and the people you know:

Just because you are quarantined does not mean you can't keep in contact with the outside world, and your friends and family. We are living in the twenty-first century for crying out loud! We can talk to some on the other side of the world from the safety of our rooms! So keep in contact with people. Because one thing is for sure, humans are social creatures, we need social contact to be healthy mentally and even physically. And your not the only one, the entire world is living through this virus together.

Do at the very least one thing that makes you happy every day:

This will help improve your overall mood and just make your day quarantines so much better. Because how can we be happy when we don't do one thing that makes us happy?

Spend a little time each day outside:

Spending a little time outside has been proven to help improve your immune system, help you get better sleep, boost your creativity, and also improves your energy levels. And also will increase your levels of vitamin d, which is needed to keep your bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. There are many different ways, you could drink your coffee on your porch, read outside, or even just go and enjoy the beauty of nature. The recommended time you should spend outside daily is at least 20 minutes, so take a break from your phones and TV, and go soak up the benefits of enjoying the great outdoors.

Dress for the social life you wish you had, not the one you have:

This means dress like you would if you could go and be as social as you want. This will greatly improve your mood, and can also improve your overall well-being.

Remember quarantine, just like everything else, is what you choose to allow it to be:

This means if you start quarantine with a mindset that it is going to be awfully, and some of the worst weeks of your life, then it probably is going to be. But if you come with a positive or open mind, then it might not be as bad for you, as everyone else makes it seem. So long story short, be positive!

Author Notes: Please rate, and tell me if this was useful to you, or if there are any tips you would like to add.

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About The Author
Kat Dickens
About This Story
3 Nov, 2020
Read Time
3 mins
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