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Removing The Blindfold
Removing The Blindfold

Removing The Blindfold


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Fourteen

O Divine Trinity of the Father/Mother of all life and the Universal Christ, their only born Son/Daughter who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights. All glory, all honour and praise be to You. The kingdom of whole of Creation, including humankind and its world, are Your Yours. You are our supreme ruler and Your great plan of life for everything that is has always been unfolding in keeping with Your will and wishes. This will forever continue and ever more of Your beloved children of the Earth have reached the point in their development for requesting that Your will and wishes as well as your sacred words and prayers should be ours. Amen

We, the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are responding to your prayer. As the executors of God’s great plan of life, we are responsible for the development of the whole of Creation and that on all its levels, therefore also of you and your world. The time has come when increasing numbers of you are reaching the evolutionary point of being ready for learning how to walk hand in hand with us, the Angelic hierarchy and our groups of spirit guides and helpers.

Anyone who is capable of consciously tuning the receiver/transmitter station of their earthly mind into our frequencies can serve as our channel through which our gifts can flow into your world. We have been drawing these people towards us for quite a while by now, so we can prepare them for playing an active role in bringing about the greatest healing miracle your world has ever seen. What’s presently happening on the earthly plane is a signal from us that the time for another quantum leap forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral has come for the whole of humankind and its world.

Sufficient numbers of you are ready to be instructed by us intuitively about what kind of a contribution they can make to this event. If you receive and understand our message, in your times of quiet reflections, prayers and meditations reach out for our hands and hold onto them. With every breath you take feel how every cell and atom of your whole being fills with the love and warmth of the Christ Star’s light. With every breathing out surrender all your fears and anxieties to us and let them go. From you the Christ Star’s light flows into everything that exists in the whole of Creation.

This light deeply penetrates everything in your world and especially that which is potentially harmful to the health and wellbeing of God’s beloved children of the Earth, human beings and animals alike. Therefore, this also applies to the viruses that are essential for the functioning of their health and wellbeing. This is true for the ones that are benign as much as those that are detrimental. Naturally, this includes the various types of Coronavirus. In keeping with the Divine laws of love and evolution, to which life in the whole of Creation is subject, the Christ light has the power of transforming detrimental viruses into organisms that beneficially influence the immune system of those who are suffering from being affected by them. Through strengthening people’s defence system their physical bodies soon return to good health and wellbeing.

Through consciously working hand in hand with God and us, the Angelic hierarchy, every one of you in the fullness of time has great potential of evolving into a healer, saviour and redeemer first of yourself, those around you and then the whole of your world. The more of you respond positively to our invitation, the sooner the present Coronavirus pandemic will have run its course and become a thing of the past. We are asking all those who are ready to do the following:

In your imagination direct the blessing and healing power of the Christ Star’s light to flow into the hearts and souls of anyone who is in a vulnerable position and feeling isolated, lonely and afraid; those who are dealing with bereavements; the caring professions; and the occupants of your world’s refugee camps. Send some kind and loving thoughts to each one of them and know that every time you are doing this you are feeding into your world’s light stream of consciousness. In this way you are slowly but surely increasing its power to absorb ever more of the dark stream.

For long enough the old religions have kept you and your world imprisoned in the dungeon of being ignorant of God’s true nature and your own. The Aquarian age has been with you for quite a while by now. It is the age in which honesty and truth, loyalty and integrity are going to gradually take over as the supreme rulers of humankind’s consciousness and that of your world. Aquarius is one of the Air signs and, each one in a different way, is dedicated to the development of the human earthly mind. There is no such thing as a stupid person in your world. It’s just that the minds of some of you have not yet developed sufficiently. In the sign of Aquarius the Angels in charge of your earthly education are waiting to teach the minds of those who are ready for it to tune into our frequencies.

Because your world has entered the age of Aquarius, ever more of you either already have discovered or are about to do so, that every human earthly mind is a valuable integral part of the great Universal mind, commonly known as God, that love and thought are the most powerful forces in the whole of Creation, and that kind and loving thoughts are the greatest power of all. When you have learnt how to work hand in hand with us, your thoughts have the power of bringing healing and peace to your world. Through a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of humankind’s existence mountains of unfaith can be removed. In thoughts, words and actions you can then smooth out the crooked corners that were created by the beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of past times. Even though they were good and right at the time, under the influence of the Aquarian energies they are revealing themselves as being false.

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28 Apr, 2020
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