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Renewal Of Faith, Hope And Trust

Renewal Of Faith, Hope And Trust

By Aquarius

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Nine

‘What your world is currently experiencing is not a spiritual rebirth. It is the birth of the higher God or Christ nature of every one of you, all of humankind and your whole world that for some time by now has been taking place. A renewal of faith, hope and trust in the blessing and healing power of God and the Angels is waking up in ever more of you. Deep down every one of you has always known that they truly are in charge of humankind’s development, individually and collectively, on all levels of your existence. Independent of whatever happened on the outer plane, everybody’s deepest innermost roots have always remained planted firmly in the heartmind of the Great Father/Mother. They are everybody’s true parents. At any given time, earthly parents are merely temporary substitutes. Depending on which lessons you intended to take part in and which karmic debts you were hoping to make good in the course of any one of your earthly sojourns, you were provided with a with a different set of parents.

‘The birth of a new and very different world is in the process of coming about and that’s why your world’s existing order has to break down. That’s why it is essential that the outstanding karmic debts of as many of you as possible should be redeemed. And it’s good that ever more of you are waking up into the awareness of their true nature and that no power between Heaven and Earth, especially not your world’s old belief systems, ever had the power of disturbing everybody’s basic oneness with God and the Angels. And that’s for the simple reason that they always have been and forever will be as much part of you as you are part of them.

‘If anything really existed that could remove the whole of humankind from the earthly plane, every one of you would be tenderly attended to by the Angels of death or transformation and allowed to enter the greater freedom of the spirit realm. Wouldn’t it be heavenly to leave behind the earthly plane’s troublemaking and scaremongering? How about no longer having to take care and that by day and night of a physical body that can become ill and is easily damaged? If it were part of the Divine evolutionary plan for your world and all individuals within it, and therefore in keeping with the will and wishes of God and the Angels, that all of you should be released like butterflies from their chrysalises, wouldn’t that be the most wonderful end to your world’s present situation? It’s not going to happen because that would be far too easy. Nothing could be learnt from such a solution and what do you think would happen to everybody’s unfinished lessons in the earthly school of life?

‘Fortunately, after having been taken in by your world’s traditional religious teachings for long enough, thinking of them as being literally true, every one of you eventually reaches the end of their curriculum in the earthly school of life. Every human being, without exception, is destined to have evolved by then into a seeker of God’s sacred wisdom and truth, a healer and lightbringer in their own right, who accepts nothing but the truth, the whole truth. Your belief that there is a force outside of you, by the name of Buddha, Jesus, Hare Krishna and so forth, has been exchanged for the awareness that each one of these is merely another symbolism for every human being’s own higher God or Christ nature. At first it is but a tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light. But in the course of many earthly lifetimes, the light of this spark constantly grows while the consciousness of its small lower self keeps on expanding.

‘When this inner light has grown strong enough, it begins to stir from its slumbering state and wakes up. It then slowly but surely takes over as the comforter and healer of its counterpart, everybody’s small lower earthly self. From there it reaches out to others and eventually to the whole of humankind and its world as well as everything that shares takes part in it. As the energies of the Christ light wake up and take over in ever more of you by now, the greatest healing miracle of all times is in the process of unfolding in your world, even though to this day can be seen with a merely earthly vision. Every one of you is required to part in it and make their contribution by unselfishly giving of their best and sharing their God-given gifts with as many as possible.’

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me in e-mail of the White Eagle Lodge 4th July 2021: ‘The clouds of mist and fog that were created by your religions’ false beliefs, in the course of many centuries, to this day are what’s keeping many of you away from directly connecting with God and the Angels. Being unable to receive their share of Divine wisdom and truth, is the result of not yet knowing that everybody will eventually be taught by their very own inner guidance, also known as the wise one or living God within. This is everybody’s very own built-in lie-detector who, through the world of your feelings, has always reacted to everything that came your way with: ‘This is true or false!’ Your world’s present state came about because of this lack of knowledge.

‘The Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. And every one of you is a spark of this light that for a long time has been waiting to wake up and come fully alive in ever more of you. So that this can happen, each one of you has to work their own way through an inner barrier that consists of the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of your world’s old religions. There is a rich store of them in every human being’s soul memories. Layer upon layer are waiting to be dissolved, so that the blessing and healing power of the Universal Christ’s light can flow with ever increasing strength first into you, to heal every aspect of your being, and from there it flows into everything else in your world that’s in need of it.

‘The fresh insights into ancient themes that for quite a while have been coming your way, have already provided many with a better understanding of the wise higher purpose of humankind’s earthly existence. Viewing your world’s present state from the spiritual perspective, these fortunate ones are aware that everything that ever happened in your word – and is doing so to this day – has always served the wise higher purpose of teaching certain lessons. In spite of the plandemic they are feeling safe. This is because they know that it is necessary and that the Christ Light will forever be shining into and through everything in the whole of Creation, therefore every one of you, the whole of humankind and its world.

‘The Angels and Masters of the Christ circle are part of their consciousness. Their love has always been working hard to beautify and heal every aspect of it, from within as well as without. When you tune your earthly minds into their frequencies, you are welcoming the presence of their energies. When you work with them, they mingle with yours and through your penetrate everything that shares your world with you.

‘In the whole of Creation life consists of a magnificent blending of the rays of light. And each time you look out at the stars at night, straight away you are connected with the great cosmic ocean of life and your own solar system’s planets. Allow your thoughts to wander beyond it and systems further and further away from your world. Give thanks and praise to God and the Angels that all of them are linked in one great powerful life and that’s by no means something automatic. It’s God’s intelligence that’s working through all manifestations of life in the whole of Creation from the tiniest insects to you and your world.’

O Great Father/Mother of all life
And Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made.
I see the stars; I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy power through-out the Universe displayed.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee;
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee:
How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Carl Boberg
Swedish Pastor
Adapted by Aquarius

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14 Jul, 2021
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