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Returning To Natural Healing Methods
Returning  To Natural Healing Methods

Returning To Natural Healing Methods


The Higher Purpose Of Breakdowns

The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part One

Throughout the whole of Creation one of the most important laws of life is that something old has to give way, die and disappear, so that something new can be born and move into the space that’s been created. Naturally, this applies as much to every human being’s inner attitudes and perceptions of life as to every world’s outer manifestations, not only ours. This is how the renewing and rebirthing creative forces of the whole of Creation are constantly occupied with moving all forms of life forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral of life. The plandemic 2019/2021 is very much part of this process.

This is because the birth of humankind’s higher God or Christ nature, individually and collectively, for some time has been progressing so well in our world’s inner spiritual background that God and the Angels had no choice but allowing something drastic to happen that would break down our world’s old order. People’s steadily increasing over-materialistic attitude towards their earthly existence, with the passing of time left less and less ‘room at the inn’ for the birth of the Christ child in most people’s consciousness. The Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper our world moved into it, the more urgent an issue this became. Something had to happen that would take ever more of us by the scruff of our necks and shake people so that they would wake up from the illusion that earthly life is all there is to humankind’s existence.

Acquiring ever more material goodies is not why we have been granted the gift of another lifetime. By far the most important part of every human being’s educational journey through the earthly school of life is the development of their higher God or Christ nature. The plandemic has been and still is acting as a major wake-up call for this aspect of many people’s being, which at the beginning was still slumbering in far too many of us. Fortunately, there are encouraging signs everywhere that ever more of us are responding in the desired manner.

The plandemic also serves the purpose of revealing with ever increasing clarity the true intentions behind the pharma industry never ceasing money-spinning efforts. There can be no doubt about it that they, as well as everybody else who is involved, are walking in the footsteps of our world’s old religions. Humankind’s fear of death and the unknown are deeply ingrained in everybody’s soul memories, waiting to be dealt with and released. And that’s the instrument with which the pharma industry for quite some time has been exploiting humankind’s resources with constantly increasing success. The greed of those who are benefiting from the present situation, like our world’s governments and their services, the medical profession and health care associations, seems to blind them to the fact that all together they are working hard on creating the rope on which the pharma industry’s products for quite a while have been in the process of hanging themselves.

This creates the necessary space for our world’s return to natural healing methods. These methods are the cuckoo’s egg that the pharma industry’s chemicals once pushed out of the cosy nest of humankind’s resources. To find out more about what the cuckoo as an animal totem can tell us about our world’s present state please follow the link ‘Amazing Grace’ at the end of this chapter.

The following is the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that appeared in the White Lodge’s Calendar ‘The Gift Of Healing’ for the year 2019: ‘Healing physical bodies is good, but healing their indwelling spirit/soul is better and of much greater importance. This is because the physical body but a vessel and a vehicle so that they can get round and experience earthly life. Your spirit/soul is constantly trying to communicate with its outer manifestation, the physical body. If something is amiss with any aspect of your life, they send signals to their outer earthly self, in the hope of being heard and acted upon the right way. Your physical body shows symptoms that something is in need of attention within.

‘As soon as you have stepped onto the healer’s and healing pathway, you discover that using the pharma industry’s products to suppress the signals your inner being is giving you is no longer good enough for you. You now prefer to venture forth into finding out what the underlying cause of your physical body’s dis-ease. We recommend that whenever it needs to be comforted and healed, as much as possible look towards the age-old tried and tested remedies that have always been available to humankind through Mother Earth. You are sure to find everything you need there. And the deeper your world moves into the Aquarian age, the more your medical practitioners will turn to the natural healing methods that have always been provided by the herbal kingdom, colour rays, sound vibrations – especially music.

‘And praying by far is the most powerful tool on the healing journey. Every human earthly mind is, at least potentially, a receiver/transmitter station that’s capable of working with the blessing and healing energies of God and the Angels. That’s your direct connection with them. The old religions with their false beliefs and untruths created a blockage in every one of you that consists of layer upon layer of fears. With the passing of time, ever more layers were piled into every human being’s soul memories. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you move into it, the more urgent it becomes that even the last and slowest ones in your midst learn how to tune their earthly minds into our frequencies. This is the only way we can tell you intuitively which treatments are best for you, when you are in need of them.

‘With the passing of time, ever more new natural healing methods are going to be discovered and developed. So far some of the pharma industry’s products as well as the skills of your world’s surgeons are still required and much appreciated. But both will eventually have disappeared and that for the simple reason that they are no longer required.

‘For a long time the requirements of many people’s spirit/soul as well as that of your whole world have been neglected. Do not begrudge this. It happened for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind some valuable lessons that the earthly existence of the majority of you gradually focused ever more on the material aspects of your being. The crying of your world’s spirit/soul is the cause of its present illness. With every vaccination that takes place anywhere in your world against a non-existent virus, the strength of your world’s crying increases. Do everything that comes to you intuitively to counteract it and heal your world. Each time one of you steps onto the healer’s pathway and starts their healing journey, the whole of humankind and your world is healing with you. God bless you all. We are with every one of you, and that all the way.’

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1 Jul, 2021
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