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Rolling The Rock From Humankind’s Grave
Rolling The Rock From Humankind’s Grave

Rolling The Rock From Humankind’s Grave


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Ten

At Easter 2020 the beliefs of your world’s old religions are the rock that God and the Angel have been rolling away from the dark tomb of ignorance in which their by now outdated teachings have kept humankind prisoner for long enough. The present worldwide outbreak of mass hysteria over the Coronavirus is the catalyst with whose help the Christ Spirit is rising from its grave. That is the only one who can truly save and redeem every individual human being and at the same time your whole world.

This year is the first time in the history of humankind that the resurrection of Christ really is taking place on the earthly plane of life. It manifests itself each time when one of you brings forth, from deep within their own inner being, the qualities of their higher God or Christ nature. The goodness and kindness, helpfulness and compassion you are showing each other at its finest expressions. And it is during times of crises, like the present one, that this true Christ Spirit takes to its wings, rules your world and makes it a better place through the love, respect and consideration people are showing for each other.

Being aware that human beings are responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions, wise ones take care to send only good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to people everywhere. This is of particular importance each time you reflect on those of whom you know intuitively that they have purposely brought about your world’s present suffering. Never forget that these people are your younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind and that, because of their lack of development, they have no idea what they are doing to themselves.

For as long as they are unaware of the presence of God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, to which all life throughout the whole of Creation is subject, they cannot help behaving like that. They won’t know what’s hit them when this law in due course brings to them the harvest of the seeds which they, in their present ignorant state, are sowing. The infinite love and wisdom of God and the Angels see to it that this can only come about when someone has become sufficiently evolved and is therefore strong enough to cope with the harvest.

There is no point in attacking any kind of evil with dark aggressive thoughts of hatred and disgust. The only way evil can disappear from your world for good is absorbing it with kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. Each time you send such a thought to your world’s troublemakers and all other scare- and warmongers, who are interfering with its normal healthy functioning, is a small but valuable contribution to the waking up process of these people’s higher consciousness. A sense of responsibility is one of its most essential components.

Never forget that even if someone has been around for one hundred years or more in their present lifetime, they can still be your younger and spiritually less advanced siblings. Like in any ordinary earthly family, as a test of their maturity the older offspring are sometimes left in charge of and responsible for the wellbeing of their younger sisters and brothers. Through their behaviour the young pupils of the school of earthly life are constantly providing tests and trials for the more advanced students and vice versa. That’s how life itself provides its lessons through everyone’s own experiences and everybody simultaneously acts as teacher and pupil. The reactions of both sides at any given moment show those in charge of you in the spiritual background of your earthly existence which level everyone’s development has reached.

Sending kind and loving thoughts to someone doesn’t mean you are condoning any of their activities. However, those who are serious about the healing of your world are likely to willingly do anything within their power to speed up the coming of the new golden age that most certainly is in store for humankind and your world. Therefore, do whatever you can to help wherever you can and bear in mind that the consciousness of Earth life consists of two streams, one of light and another one of darkness.

Every good, kind and loving thought one of you sends into your world strengthens the light stream and every thought of hatred and condemnation feeds into the dark stream. That increases the power of the destructiveness of that which is known to humankind as evil. In truth it merely represents the crude and unevolved aspect of anything, including people’s character make-up. Good thoughts increase the light stream’s power to absorb a bit more of the dark and evil aspects of your world. In the healing temple of the Sun the Angels of healing transmute them into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation.

For as long as someone is still unaware of the spiritual background of humankind’s existence and the Universal laws to which life throughout the whole of Creation is subject, they are still in the process of exploring the dark aspects of their nature. Sowing the seeds of evil are an essential part of this development. Every human being initially has to take part in it and that’s why your younger siblings cannot help themselves. But unbeknown to themselves, their behaviour reveals to those who are watching in the spiritual background that what the younger ones are doing is nothing but a cry for help. Every kind and loving thought one of you sends assist the awakening of their God or Christ nature.

Never forget that every human being is a young God in the making and that anyone who is currently taking part in earthly life is serving the first part of their apprenticeship there. Many in you world believe that their thoughts are a secret that no-one knows about. This could not be further from the truth. On the inner level they are clearly visible and it’s as if you were shouting each one from the rooftops. Nothing reveals better what level of spiritual development any one of you has reached than their emerging thoughts.

Rest assured that nothing in your world or anywhere else happens outside the will and wishes of God and the Angels. Nothing it beyond their reach. The Angelic hierarchy and its helpers always have been the eye that never sleeps. At all times it is observing whatever takes place on every level of all worlds that exist in the whole of Creation. The Universe is teeming with lifeforms that are invisible to earthly eyes. Because you can’t see something does not mean it is not there. So be of good cheer! Beneficial developments are taking place on the inner level that will soon begin to manifest themselves on your world’s outer plane.

Never give up hope that God and the Angel are going to resolve the present situation. It will come about soon and that in quite surprising, positive and good ways. The more good, kind and loving thoughts you send into your world, the more easily it will come about. You’ll see! Just keep on keeping and never lose faith in the profound goodness of the life that has been given to you. Trust the power of God and the Angels that has always protected the human race against harming itself and its world too much. We assure you that all is well, all is good and that healing is constantly flowing from the heartmind of God to wherever it is needed in the whole of Creation, therefore also the whole of humankind and your world.

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22 Apr, 2020
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