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See Yourself Through My Eyes
See Yourself Through My Eyes

See Yourself Through My Eyes

RavenknightRaven Knight
6 Reviews

"Why do you always put yourself down?" He asked.

"Maybe I don't like what I see." I replied.

"Well, maybe I like what I see." He whispered back.

" And, what do you see?" Please, help me see myself differently.

"I see this beautiful girl that is so insecure due to all the crap that others said to view herself as someone not worth looking at. That needs to stop because there's nothing gawddamn awful about you. Your beauty is as beautiful as your heart." He walked towards me and took my hand. "Let me help you see yourself the way I see you, the way every other guy sees you because babe I could look at you all day. I would but I have a picture so that'll do for now." He smirked and I smiled because this guy is just....perfect.

Author Notes: I do not consider myself a good writer. So sorry for the mistakes that may show and also for any confusions. Thank you all for reading this.🐾

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About The Author
Raven Knight
About This Story
8 Feb, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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4.5 (6 reviews)

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