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She Was Everything
She Was Everything

She Was Everything

2 Reviews

“Please” My voice had taken to a begging tone. Her bright eyes watched me with a sadness, one that seeped from her dark pupils into mine and to my heart.

“You, are not meant for me” She whispers, turning her body towards mine so she may caress my cheek one last time. “I cannot give you what you need. I am sadness, and I am happiness. But all the happiness I can give you cannot compare to all the despair.” She took a deep breath “I feel everything.”

At the moment I had not understood her. How could it be possible for one woman to withstand every heartbreak, every laugh, every tear? I still don’t understand.

After she left me, I searched for her. Long nights and drowsy days for months. But she, was not just a woman, I had not just fallen in love with some girl. She was everything. She was the sorrow of a bawling widow at a funeral, she was the lightening that caused devastating fires, she was the beauty of the first and last bloom of flowers in spring, she was the relief of a rainbow after a rainstorm, she was the colors of a sunrise, but mostly, she was the hope of a new day.

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About This Story
26 Mar, 2017
Read Time
1 min
4.0 (2 reviews)

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