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Springtime Prayer
Springtime Prayer

Springtime Prayer


It’s the 20th March 2019 today and the Sun is moving into Aries, the sign of the uprushing fountain of life, resurrection and renewal of all life. The Sun’s entry into this sign is the day of the Spring Equinox, a time for celebrating and thanksgiving that winter is over and spring has come.

Springtime Prayer

For flowers blooming profusely at our feet,
For tender grass, so fresh and sweet,
For the song of birds and humming of bees,
For all things bright and beautiful
We hear and see,
O God and the Angels,
We thank Thee!

For the blue of stream and sky,
For pleasant shade of branches high,
For fragrant air and cooling breeze,
For the beauty of blooming trees,
O Great White Spirit,
Father/Mother of all life and
Thy only born Son/Daughter,
The love and warmth of the Light of all lights,
The Universal Christ,
We give thanks and praise to Thee!

Ralph Waldo Emerson
Adapted by Aquarius

Recommended Viewing:
• ‘A Celebration Of Spring In Pictures And Sound’
(Please copy and paste the above link into your browser.)

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20 Mar, 2019
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