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Stolen Flowers Part 1
Stolen Flowers Part 1

Stolen Flowers Part 1

1 Review

Death had waited by her door for months, waiting to bring this girl out of her misery. And then, finally, he could. He came to her in the night, kissed her cheek and claimed her soul.

Eric got up that morning and biked to the hospital to visit his little sister. Emma was going to get better. Eric could feel it in his bones.

He breezed past the security(they knew him well by now) and sprinted up the stairs to Emma’s room. But she wasn't there.

Could he dare believe she was well enough to walk around?

Could he dare to hope so?

Then, a nurse came over to him. “Eric? Did you hear?”

“DId I hear what? Is Emma okay? Is she taking a walk?” Eric asked, testing out a little hope.

“Honey…” she said, sadly, “She died last night.”

Eric closed his eyes. In just a minute he would wake up in his bed and none of this would have happened.

He opened them slowly. But he was still in the hospital. Inside his dead sister’s room. Eric looked at the stuffed animal he had given her when they found out she had cancer. It was her favorite animal, a wolf. She had named him Clive.

When he left the room, he took Clive with him.

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About This Story
6 Nov, 2021
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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