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A Strange Dream
A Strange Dream

A Strange Dream

1 Review

We walk through the hallway, towards that room.
I was alone at first, but not for long.
A friend on one side, singing a song.
We walked down the hallway, towards that room.

When inside the room, no friends were by my side.
Instead, my family accompanied me as we all took this ride.
We smiled at the camera and said, "Cheese!"
When inside the room, no friends were by my side.

The picture was fine, but I was bored out of my mind.
So, I climbed on top of a dresser nearby.
My mom said, "Get down from there!"
The picture was fine, but I was bored out of my mind.

That's when my father wanted to joke.
He pulled out a rifle and aimed it at my throat.
My family all gasped at the motion in vain.
That's when my father wanted to joke.

He said, "Calm down, it's only a fake."
Then aimed it away and fired it at stake.
Nothing came out of that rifle he held.
He said, "Calm down, it's only a fake."

Nobody told him the gun was a fake,
because then a man, I don't know who,
Grabbed the gun and yelled, "Hands in the air or I'll shoot!"
Nobody told him the gun was a fake.

When no hands shot up,
He decided to shoot me up.
He aimed and fired
When no hands shot up.

When that blast of air that hit,
It sent me on a rock-a-bye ride.
The dresser rocked me back and forth
When that blast of air hit.

Down went the dresser,
Brining me with it.
As all good captains do,
I went down with my ship.

Author Notes: I hope you enjoyed! Please let me know how I can improve my poem writing. Thanks for reading!

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About This Story
17 Mar, 2021
Read Time
1 min
1.0 (1 review)

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