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That Isn't True
That Isn't True

That Isn't True

1 Review

Have you ever been in love or in some way felt like you were close. I remember that feeling, when she would look my way. I was young in high school and i had a crush. Miranda was her name she was a gymnast and an amazing one as well. Her hair was a dirty blonde, smile was perfect, teeth were straight and her eyes were hazel. Sometimes when the light hit her right they would turn a bluish color.

Then you have me a strange child brought up by good people but tainted by life. I made friends and i was not bullied this time but i was hurting, for many reasons actually last year i had a friend. This friend was a good guy, a great person and his family was a loving one. I confided in him and he would tell me how to go about my high school days and my approach to the opposite sex. This friend was a lot of fun to have he helped me a lot and if he wasn't helping me he was helping someone, he was just that kind of human being.

This friend he and i would go on adventures and be curious about the world. Those were days i was fearless and hopeful and i felt as though we could do anything. we'd walk home together on those rainy days and abrasive winters and we had each others back. Till one day he told me he was going on a trip with his family for the weekend and we said our goodbye's. Then as abrupt as the screeching of tires burning rubber into the road. That friend of mine was gone him and his loving family left this earth and i was left all alone.

Just like that from the both of us walking home i was left alone in the rain and in the abrasive winters. The adventures stopped and so did i, i was unable to do anything as i am right now as i watch the girl that makes my blood rush walk passed me without knowing how i feel. The bell rings and just like that she has disappeared to the sound of the bell till the next day of school. As usual i am unable to get the words out i choke up and i lose my chance and relive this vicious cycle each day of my high school life. The words i wanna say to you i just cannot give them life, because what is stopping me is you because you liked her to.

I used to think we all get happy endings in our stories, but that just isn't true

Author Notes: please any feedback would be appreciated as I would like to become a better story teller

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About This Story
20 Sep, 2017
Read Time
2 mins
3.0 (1 review)

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