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The Angel Of Death: What Type Of Killer: Chapter 1

The Angel Of Death: What Type Of Killer: Chapter 1

By Kat Dickens

My mother always stressed the importance of having a backup plan in case things went bad. Because they had saved her from justice and jail when her plans failed. She trained me to always plan for things to go wrong, she even told me where she had a safe house in case the law caught up with us here, and that if she was unable to get her way out of that pickle. That's where I’m heading now, I just hope she didn’t lie about that like the countless other things she lied about. But as the miles blur together and the trees and hills start to thin out, I think of all the things that led up to what happened. And the memories come flooding back.

We don’t really have neighbors, and because my mother has been homeschooling me, I haven’t really had much experience with socializing with people my age. Mother always said it was important for me to know how to blend in, but it turned out harder than she expected to teach me that trick. And so she decided that for my freshman year I would go to a public school, of course before I could go I would have to dye my hair and use a fake name, so I would be able to still stay under the radar. She had warned me not to become close with anyone, because they would only hold me back and drag me down. She said that I should have friends, so I would fit in, but that I should not become close with them. I would be going to a school in the town closest to our house about 45 minutes away, it was a very small school, only about 50 kids in each grade. It was a very new environment than what I was used to, but I guess I got some of my mother’s charm because it was not long before the other kids started to include me and treat me like one of them. Over time I even grew to like school, it was a nice break from my home life. But I did just what my mom said and never became close to any of my so-called friends, at least until Sage moved here. Then everything changed.

Sage had moved to this town because her parents were scientists studying how global warming has affected the population of bats in the area. (our area was known for the many caves we have around here) She used to live in a big city, so you would think she would be a bit bitter moving to the middle of nowhere, but she wasn’t. She was a lot different from anyone I meet, or what my mom told me the normal person was like, she didn’t shy away from what others would because they didn’t understand. She would throw herself in the eye of the storm, just so she could learn what made things work. And she was different than the other people who thought of themselves as my friends, she actually tried to get to know the real me. At first, I found it annoying because I thought she was just being nosy, but after a while, I realized that she was just trying to get to know the real me. But as you can guess I wasn’t as thrilled at the idea of her doing that. I tried to push her away, but that only fueled her curiosity about what I was hiding, and in the end that curiosity would be her downfall.

At first, her investigating was limited to asking questions, but then she took a more extreme method, following me home. (Luckily the day she did this my mom was not home, because if she was it would have not ended great.) I don’t know how she managed to follow me all the way home without me seeing her, but she did. And when I finally realized what she had done, I was already in my driveway. I had just gotten out of my car when I looked back to see her standing outside of her car a little way down the road that I had come from. I probably looked pretty mad, because she stopped smiling as soon as she saw my face. But honestly, I was not angry with her, I was furious with myself for being so careless that she was able to follow me home. I immediately walked up to her and hissed, “What are you doing here?” She blinked in shock at the venom in my voice. “I- was just trying to see where you lived,” she whispered. “Why did you think you needed to know?” “because I wanted to know why you were so secretive about your home life, and why no one seemed to know anything about what you did outside of school.” she snapped. “Well know you know, so this would be time for you to leave.” “Nope, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me the reason you had to hide from everyone.” “Let’s just say that there are some things that it’s best you don’t know!” I said without thinking and immediately regretted it. “What is that supposed to mean.” I don’t answer just turn around and walked away, and go inside my house without another word. She stood dumbfounded on the street for a few minutes before getting into her car and driving away. I remember thinking. ‘Well, that could have gone better.’ But honestly, it could have been a lot worst, because not even five minutes after jade disappeared down the street, my mom pulled into our driveway.

The next day at school I was afraid that Jade had told everyone what happened. And that would cause all sorts of trouble for me. But surprisingly there was nothing out of the ordinary, well besides the fact that Jade was not at school. Which was good because then I didn’t have to worry about avoiding her all day.

But the next day I was not so lucky, she ambushed me with questions as soon as I opened my car door. “Why is it such a big deal that I followed you home? Why have you been so secretive?” I didn’t respond or show any sign of hearing her as she quizzed me. When she realized that I was not planning on telling her anything, her eyes narrowed. “Well if you don’t plan on answering me, I guess I just have to go ask other people for answers.” She threatened. “Why can’t you just leave me alone, why must you stick your nose in what’s best left alone?” I hissed. “Because there must be a reason that no one ever met your family or been to your house! I just trying to make sure you are not being abused or anything like that! Sue me for caring.” I blinked in surprise, I just thought that she was playing an amateur detective. “Well it’s nothing like that,” I said softly. “Then what is it?” “You be safer if you didn’t know.” “What is that supposed to mean?” “I think you can guess.” I then spun around and went inside without a word. I hoped that saying that would cause her to hesitate in her research, but if anything, it made her dig deeper. And unlike everyone else who investigated me and my mother, she actually found something. Somehow she was able to tie my mom back to an unsolved mystery that occurred when she was about 21, and during that time she had not yet perfected the art of leaving no evidence behind. Because some on saw her flee the scene, and was able to describe her enough that they were able to do a facial composite. But luckily for my mom, it didn’t look all that much like her, and she had not been in the area for that long before the crime, so no one recognized her. And she didn’t hang around there to risk them doing so. But the thing is Jade had never met my mom, but because I look so much like my mother, she at first thought the drawing was of me. And adding that to what little everyone seemed to know about me, that caused her suspicions to grow, and that what I would later find out caused her to follow me home. And my reaction to her doing that just added to her suspicion. And I would soon find out all of this, as well as the fact that during the day she missed school, and was planning how to confront me with all of this information. She did it after school that day. I was shocked by what she had dug up from my mother’s past. “How did you find this picture,” I asked. She glanced at me cautiously before replying, “I was friends with the victim’s niece, so that who had shown it to me.” “Is anyone else aware of your… findings?” She meekly replied, “no”. “Good, if you have any love for the life you have, I would never mention this to anyone again,” I warned. At the time I didn’t know why I was trying to protect her, she was a treat not only to my mother but to me as well. And by warning her I was not only risking her telling someone else, but my mother finding out and punishing me for hiding this from her. But I guess I was just tired of being trapped on my mother’s leash and wanted to finally do what I thought was best. Or that I just wanted to protect Sage from meeting my mother’s monster side. “So you mom really is a-” “Monster yes, or at least she used to be, she stop that hobby of hers when I was born” It was not technically a lie, but only a half-truth, because she did mostly stop, and she never hunted anywhere around here. When Sage looked me in the eye, I could see the terror she was trying desperately to hide. “Don’t worry as long as you don’t tell anyone else, your safe, because my mom will not hear anything from me.” I said softly, “But if you tell anyone, you will not be the only or first person to suffer.” “But you’re her daughter, surely she won’t-” she protested. “She will and she has. And if it comes down to it, I don’t think there will really be any chance for either of us.”

Luckily sage was smart enough to keep her silence. But that did mean that she stopped asking me questions, because if anything her questions increased, and I was not always able to deflect them. Like when she asked me if my home had ever gone back to her hobby while I was alive. I answered, “If so, I was not aware.” But somehow she was able to see through my walls, and recognize that for what it was a lie. And while she may have a talent for reading people, she was absolutely awful at hiding her emotions. So I was able to tell when see say through my lies. But for some reason, she never called me out for my more extreme lies, like the ones about my mother’s actions or her teaching in the last 10 years. I guess maybe she was afraid of what I would do if I knew she knew more than I wanted her to know. But honestly, if I had wanted the problem her investigating had given me gone, well she would end up dumped in some landfill. If I had taken that easy route, my mother would have been so proud that I had taken care of my first victim all by myself, and she would have gushed about how all her wonderful teaching was finally paying off. But I despised the thought of that sung smile that would surely be on her face during that conversation, leading me to do the opposite of what her teaching had taught me. But I guess that was the only small part of the relationship that I had with my mother while I was a teenager, that was normal, that I rebelled against her expectations and hopes for me. Because I thought that I could turn all of her teachings against her, to hide this little secret from her, I was confident that I could do it. How wrong I was!

I had been sure that Sage would only keep her silence until she thought of a way to tell some on and stay out of my mother’s reach, I was positive that she would not hesitate to think of the danger she would be putting me in when revealing the truth. I was sure that she only was hanging around me to gather more information before going to the authorities. Because how could she not hear about all the terrible things that I helped my mother keep buried, without looking at me and seeing a monster. And honestly, I wouldn’t blame her, because sometimes that is what I saw when I looked in a mirror, and it never seemed to bug me as much as it probably should have. She probably would have convinced herself that because I was her daughter that my mother would not hurt me. And when she asked me why I never tried to turn my mother in, it seemed to prove my fears. I had replied by explaining, that my mom wouldn’t even hesitate to silence me permanently if she thought I was a threat to her. At first, I thought that she still didn’t believe that I was in as much if not more danger than she was. Until she said, “Well I’m not going to tell anyone until you safe from her.” I looked at her, searching her face for a trace of her fabrication. “Why it’s not like I’m much more innocent than her,” I whispered. “But you didn’t choose to do all of those evil things she made you do. And so I believe that she did not succeed in turning you completely evil like her, but I’m sure she tried.” “When did you realize that she was trying to teach me?” “Well, I had always noticed you were more observant than most other people. And when I started to suspect what your mom was, it just made sense that she would want you to be like her, so you would never try to turn her in. Because I think she realized if you thought you were a monster just like her, then you wouldn’t expose her, because doing that would expose your dark side as well as hers.” “If you knew all of this, why did you still hang around me, weren’t you afraid?” “I was at first, but when I looked back at the fact that if you were going to kill me, you would have done it when I had followed you home. Why didn’t you? I’m sure that is what your mom would have wanted you to do.” “I guess.”

I still don’t know how she found out, and I don’t think I ever will know. But what I do know is that she must have known for a long time before she decided to take action. Because what she did took a lot of planning, otherwise she never would have been able to hide what she planned to do. Because I didn’t realize how much danger we were in until it was too late. It all started to go downhill when my mom, managed to take my phone, and text sage, pretending to be me, that I needed her here right now and I didn’t have time to explain. But my mom was not dumb enough to think that I still would obey her every command, so she needs some way to put me out of commission so that way I could not threaten her plan. So what did she do, she drugged me, using a needle to inject a dose of a sedative. And with that everything went black. When I finally came to, I was tied to a chair in our living room. As I look around I became aware that sage was tied to a chair across from me. And my mother was standing between us. “How did you find out?” I asked my mother. “Come on did you really think you would be able to keep something this big from me?” she demanded. I just looked away and didn’t answer. That didn’t seem to help calm her down either. “Oh, I see you thought you could outsmart me, right? Ha. Well, I guess you’re more foolish than you look! Because you should have guessed that this would end this way, with blood being spilled!” she snarled with fires of fury in her eyes. I looked over at sage and saw that she was so terror-stricken that she was frozen. As if her mind had shut down temporarily due to the shock of realizing what was going to happen to her, that the end was near. And I would be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified then, because I was feeling a type of terror stronger than anything I had ever felt before, a terror so strong it made me feel like a cornered animal. But I didn’t think I would be able to fight my way out of this corner this time.

My mom then turned her attention to sage, and demanded, “Did you tell anyone?” Sage shakes her head, and she starts to tremble. My mom took a step towards her, and growled, “Does anyone know you were coming here?” “N-no.” sage studders. My mother continues to stare at her until she is sure that she is telling the truth, then she turns towards the door. And as she walks out of the room she calls back, “Good, cause then they won’t know where to look.” When I look back at sage she has silent tears streaming down her face. When my mom returned she had a bag slung over her shoulder. But it's not just any bag, it is her ‘work’ bag that contains all of her tools. And I think I can guess what she is planning to do with them. She walks until she stands right in front of Sage and sets the bag down. She then begins to pull out the tools and place them on the ground next to sage’s chair. They are an assortment of different objects, from screwdrivers, and hammers, to knives, and cleavers. But they all have one thing in common, being covered with dried flakey blood with bits of skin and hair trapped in it. Sage lets out a whimper at the sight of them. This brings a smile to my mother’s face. While my mom has all of her attention focused on Sage I try to loosen my restraints, This works enough that I manage to free one of my hands when Sage begins to scream from pain. But due to the fact that my mom is in between sage and me, I’m unable to see what my mom is doing to her. But I can tell it was bad not only from Sage’s screams but also the fresh blood pooling on the ground and covering the tools.

I use my free hand to free my other hand, and then I reach down to free my feet. It’s slow going because every time my mom shifts, or moves suddenly I freeze, because if she catches me untieing myself then it’s game over for Sage and me. But when Sage screams slow get weaker and eventually stops, I throw caution to the wind and move faster. When I finally undo the note, I stand up, pick up on a stray tool, I think it was some sort of hammer, but what it was wasn’t important what I did with it was. I moved across the room silently, until I was right behind my mother, she was too busy enjoying finishing sage off to notice me. I lifted up the hammer up above my head, and as I was bringing it down, she looked back, right before it caved in her skull. I bet at that moment she regretted all the workouts she made me do. My mom drops like a rag doll, she goes still, and her eyes glaze over. Theis rivers of blood streaming down her face, with little bits of her flesh mixed in, it ran down into a pool, sooking into the carpet. I drop my weapon, and rush to sage’s side, I use one of the knives on the ground to cut her restraints, and I gently lay her on the floor. I can tell she hurt badly, and that she not going to make it, her breath is getting weaker, and it sounds like she trying to breathe through mud. There blood gurgling up her throat every time she breaths out. And as I can feel her life leaving her, her eyes open and she looks up at me. She tries to talk, but it is impossible for her to, because of all the blood in her mouth and lungs. But looking in her eyes I can tell she trying to tell me that this was not my fault and that I should not blame myself for what happened, or maybe I saw that because it's what I wanted to see. Then her chest stops rising and falling with breath and her eyes glaze over, and she was gone.

Author Notes: Please rate, and tell me if you want another chapter.

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About The Author
Kat Dickens
About This Story
14 Mar, 2022
Read Time
18 mins
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