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The Artist
The Artist

The Artist

sachvargheseSachin Varghese
4 Reviews

Vaishnav was almost finished with his latest masterpiece. A close up sketch of a peacock, in stunning detail. Not a feather was out of place. It was just perfect. So perfect, in fact, that it looked breathtakingly real. He was only a few minutes away from completion.

Vaishnav had been drawing almost all his life. It was his forte. Not many had the skill he possessed. The hands of this young man were magical, his flow was unstoppable. A true genius. When he was a kid, he had always wanted to become a professional artist.

A few strokes before completion, he was interrupted. " Vaishnav! You good for nothing twat! I'm trying to teach an important derivation here!" It was his signal processing teacher. Vaishnav immediately flipped to the middle of his notebook and started copying equations from the board.

Author Notes: In an Indian society (and possibly others), social status matters more to parents than the ambitions of their children. Most of the youth is forced to study engineering or medicine, even though it isn't what they want. I see many such talented people in my own college, who are forced to study there and are made to believe they are stupid. Everyone is a genius in some way.

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About The Author
Sachin Varghese
About This Story
31 Mar, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (4 reviews)

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