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The Best Is Yet To Come
The Best Is Yet To Come

The Best Is Yet To Come


There probably isn’t anyone on the Earth plane who does not agree that we are living in exceptionally difficult times. Yet, they are also exciting and important beyond compare. This is due to the fact that ever more of us are waking up to their true nature and becoming aware that all of us are constantly in the process of laying the foundation stones for the rest of our present lifetime, as well as all futures ones. Whether they will be spent on the Earth plane or on other levels of existence, it is my firm belief that, individually and as a race, by far the best part of our evolution is yet to come.

For those who fail to make an effort at finding the true purpose of their existence on the Earth plane, it may well be necessary to return to it in a future life and doing the whole thing all over again. That’s why suicide is never an option when the going gets tough. I do not want to come back yet again, not if I can help it, do you? I would really rather try to get everything as right as I possibly can, this time round.

But why are we here in the first place? The way I understand the matter is that we have been placed in this life to achieve the wholeness and perfection that is in God. We consist of the same polarities and dualities that are in God and our task as healers and lightbringers is to balance them with each other, to achieve the perfect equilibrium of the Divine. Most of us are probably still a long way from this goal, in which case there is nothing for it but to keep on accepting and loving ourselves, in spite of the fact that we are mere human beings with all their shortcomings and character flaws. But there is also another far more important aspect of our nature and that is our spirit and soul. They are of Divine origin and immortal and for ever more of us the time has come to get in touch with them and learn to live in peace and harmony with them.

I can think of no better tool than astrology to assist us with gaining a deeper understanding first of ourselves and our own predestined pathway through life, and then of those around us. Studying every one of my interpretations of the Sun signs is a good starting point. Getting to know the positive and negative qualities and expressions of our own sign and then of all the others in my view is a unique and special way of learning to love, appreciate and respect ourselves as the precious and unique beings we truly are. Only from this love and with an ever deepening understanding of life’s purpose and meaning in general can grow a genuine respect and appreciation for everybody and everything that shares our world with us.

The energies are now right for doing this and many friends and helpers who are invisible to earthly eyes are reaching out for us in these difficult times. All we have to do is attune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of higher and highest levels of life where they are dwelling and for a long time have been waiting for our call. When we willingly work hand in hand with them and bring forth the best that is in us to unselfishly serve them, we can act as their channels through which the blessing and healing energies of the Highest can flow into our world.

If we don’t know how to go about this, we need to ask them to show us how to gain more confidence, drive and initiative and a proper appreciation of ourselves as a valuable member of the human race. To enable us to tap into and bring forth our inner resources, it is essential to develop our intuition, our inner teacher. This is best done through meditations, prayers and quiet reflections and by listening within, so that the living God within can communicate with us in full consciousness. All the knowledge in the Universe is within us. No outside influences are involved in this, everything comes from deep inside our own being. Trying it out to see for ourselves how it works, we stand everything to gain and nothing to lose.

And because the law of life is love and evolution, every lifeform is constantly moving forwards and upwards on an evolutionary spiral. That’s why it is quite justified – and by no means foolishly optimistic and unfounded – to expect that with the passing of time earthly life too will get better and easier to cope with. Through developing more positive and constructive thinking and behaviour patterns, each one of us is required to do their share of bringing healing and peace to us and our world.

Beautiful Things
Knowing that beautiful things are right and true,
And that beautiful actions please God,
Helps wise ones to develop their inward sense of
What is right, true and beautiful.

The highest wisdom is to trust
One’s intuition and following its guidance,
For the answer to the last appeal of what is right or wrong
Lies within everybody’s own heart.
So, trust thyself.

Aristotle 384-322 BC
Edited by Aquarius

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7 Jan, 2020
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4 mins
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