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The Blessing and Healing Power of the Christ Star
The Blessing and Healing Power of the Christ Star

The Blessing and Healing Power of the Christ Star


The Blessing And Healing Power Of The Christ Star

During the Christmas period the blessing and healing power of the Universal Christ’s energies, known to our world as the Christ Star and the Light of all lights, the Sun of all Suns and the Sun beyond and behind the Sun in the sky above us, flows with particular strength into us and world and everything that shares it with us. The stars we put on our Christmas trees are symbols of this Great Light that unfailingly returns to the people in the Northern and Southern hemispheres of our globe when they celebrate their respective winter solstices.

The Sun of our world is but one of Christ Star’s many physical manifestations, through which its energies are constantly nurturing and supporting all lifeforms, penetrating them ever deeper. This influence is also felt particularly strongly around the time of the full Moon in Gemini, the Christ Moon, which in the year 2018 took place on the 29th May.

The stars on our Christmas trees represent the power, wisdom and love of the Universal Christ, whose spark is implanted deep in the heart of all human beings at the moment of their creation as physical beings. This spark is presently in the process of waking up in ever more of us. To do our share of helping this awakening along, let’s send the Christ Star’s light from our own hearts by picturing it as a huge six-pointed Star of light. Look into its centre and affirm:

Hand in hand with God and the Angels I am sending the light of the Christ Star to the victims of all natural and human-made disasters, especially terrorism and war. May this light radiate its blessing and healing power throughout our world and find its way to wherever healing is needed.

I send the light of the Christ Star for the healing of Mother Earth and all her kingdoms, the human and animal, vegetable and mineral ones alike. May this light heal our world and all others.

I send the light of the Christ Star to all who weep and mourn for loved ones, especially during the Christmas and New Year period.

I send the light of the Christ Star to all who are suffering in mind and body, spirit and soul. May the love and wisdom of the Christ Star’s Light shine into the heart and soul of every human being, in this world and our other world.

May the understanding of every human being of God’s true nature and their own and the purpose and meaning of humankind’s earthly existence grow, so that through this peace and healing can come to our world.

Now think of anyone you personally know who is in need of help and lift them into the radiance of the Christ Star and fill every cell and atom of their whole being with Its light.

May the radiance of the Christ Star absorb the darkness of all false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions, fears and anxieties of our world into itself and transmute them into blessing, healing and harmonising energies for all life. And may the true spirit of Christmas come alive in every human heart and soul to restore the inner and outer balance and harmony of us and our world. In the name of love we ask these things. All glory, honour and praise be to Thee, Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, and your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Amen

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10 Nov, 2018
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