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The Buck Stops Here!
The Buck Stops Here!

The Buck Stops Here!


At the end of their earthly education every human spirit/soul evolves into an aspiring lightworker and healer. As this is a healing journey of a thousand miles and the road of self-discovery that leads to self-mastery, the buck for everything that ever happened to me stops with me. Having discovered that I am responsible for all my thoughts, words and actions, I accept the accountability for everything that ever was and will be in the past, present and future of my life. I realise that I am the cause of any problems that this day are coming my way and that this will continue until my karmic debts have been paid.

I now shoulder the cross of responsibility for my earthly personality with all its shortcomings and flaws as well as its good qualities. The comprehension and acceptance that every part of it was created by me in previous lifetimes and earlier in this one, is the beginning of wisdom. The knowledge I have gained enables me to get to work on creating a brighter future for myself, the whole of humankind and our world.

Never again will I blame loved ones and friends, bosses and/or colleagues for my present situation. From now on, I will not allow my education or the lack of it, my genetics and/or the circumstantial ebb and flow of everyday life to influence my future in negative ways. I no longer blame uncontrollable forces for my lack of success and therefore will never again be caught in the snares of the past. I now look into the present and forward to the future with love and hope, faith and trust in the Highest Forces, who are in charge of me and my life. I do not let my history control my destiny, but am taking charge of it myself.

I accept responsibility for my successes as well as failures. I am what and where I am at this very moment mentally and physically, spiritually and emotionally, and also financially because of choices I made that were based on my thinking and behaviour patterns of the past. I now let go of all negative and destructive ones and change them into positive and constructive ones.

My mind now occupies itself with finding solutions for the present and future and I refuse to dwell on past problems. I only connect with like-minded people who are also striving to make positive changes in our world. With them I share the best that is within me. I avoid those who are satisfied with running with the herd and remaining stuck in the rut of their own past and that of our world.

Each time I am faced with decision making, I pay attention to my inner guidance and follow its advice without hesitation. I understand that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, did not provide that I should always come up with the right decisions straight away, as in that case I would not learn from my mistakes. Instead, it has given me the ability to recognise the error of my ways and for putting things right.

I control my thoughts and emotions. I refuse to allow the rising and falling of emotional tide waves to distract me from my chosen course. I walk my talk and whenever I make a decision, I stand behind it and follow it through without wasting my precious energies on second thoughts.

My life is no longer an apology but a positive statement of success, because I recognise that challenges are merely gifts and opportunities for learning, and that encountering problems and solving them is the common thread that runs through the lives of truly great people. Following my inner guidance, in times of adversity I have no problem dealing with what comes my way. I have been granted the gift of freedom of choice and I turn to the wise one or living God within, to show me how to choose wisely. That way my thoughts are clear and my decisions the right ones.

I am aware that difficulties are necessary preparations for achieving great things, so I accept obstacles along the way and no longer say: ‘Why me?’ Instead I say: ‘Why not me?’ Then I get on with whatever is waiting to be done. Because the buck now stops with me, I am ready for great things to flow my way. I am giving of my best, safe in the knowledge that nothing but more of the same can return to me when the balance of my spiritual bankbook has been restored.

In the whole of God’s Creation life consists of cycles within cycles and everything constantly moves in circles. The same is true for our earthly existence. Within this flow of the Universal energies I am responsible for everything that ever was in my life, successes as well as failures. My inner guidance tells me that this is the truth. That’s why I have no difficulties accepting the responsibility for my past, present and future and taking charge of my thoughts and words, actions and emotions.

In the course of many lifetimes I have been mentally/physically/sexually assaulted – work with the option(s) that are relevant to you. I now know that this could only happen because in previous lifetimes I sinned against others in a similar manner. I accept the responsibility for everything and choose to tread the path of forgiveness. First I forgive myself for once setting the wheels of fate in motion for these things and then for anyone who sinned against me.

On the spiritual pathway simple answers, quick solutions and shortcuts do not exist. Everything has to be for real. To paraphrase Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s words: ‘The mills of God work slowly but they are grinding exceeding small. With patience S/He stands waiting and with exactness grinds all.’ There is no way of getting away with things like ‘If I fake sincerity, I have got it cracked’. The wise ones in charge of us know that genuine spiritual progress is impossible with such an attitude. They smile with sympathy and compassion at such things and then try to help us to do better.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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13 Jun, 2020
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5 mins
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