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The Christ Star’s Light
The Christ Star’s Light

The Christ Star’s Light


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Seventeen

The following was inspired by of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me via the White Eagle when I had just finished my new chapters about the Coronavirus outbreak: ‘Words cannot begin to describe the power and love of the Christ Star. It is something every human being has to discover and experience for themselves. The light and power of this Star are constantly flowing into the hearts and souls of all who are presently taking part in earthly life and also of those who are resting in our realm, the world of light. There always has been an increased flow of the Christ Star energies in difficult times. This is especially true during this period of Mother Earth’s transformation into a more spiritual planet, which is combined with humankind’s rediscovery and homecoming into its true nature.

‘We would like you to know that everything that to this day seems to be dark, ugly and evil in your world is in truth merely a crude and unevolved manifestation of things and people’s characters alike. Everything in the whole of Creation was created from the Christ Star’s light and is therefore an integral part of it. Never give up hope and trust that this light has the power of healing all conditions and of transmuting any kind of unevolved expression of life into something that is good, right and beautiful. It cannot be any other way because this light, the same as everything else in the whole of Creation, is subject to the Divine Universal laws of love and evolution.

‘From the moment of their first appearance, the Christ light has been moving all forms of life steadily forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life and that will forever continue. Its radiance will never cease to hold everything that exists in the whole of Creation in its loving embrace. Naturally, this includes humankind and its world. And when the right time for this development to take place, the Angels will intuitively teach every individual human being how to handle the Christ Star’s light the right way.

‘When you have learnt how to work hand in hand with the Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, guided and protected by them every one of you will eventually be empowered to direct the Christ light’s energies to deeply penetrate everything that has become sick and weakened in the course of its earthly existence. Through this contact it will be so strengthened and healed that spontaneous healing miracle are quite on the cards. Therefore, do not hesitate to surrender your whole being to the warmth and love of Christ light and ask those in charge of you and your world in our realm to instruct you intuitively what kind of a contribution you can make to the blessing and healing of your whole world.’

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1 May, 2020
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