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The Christmas Story Through The Ages And Now
The Christmas Story Through The Ages And Now

The Christmas Story Through The Ages And Now


The Winter Solstice, Christmas And The New Year – Part B

The Vedic tradition teaches that there is only one truth, referred to as Purush, and but one path to it. Truth here refers to the Supreme Spirit, the Godhead, who throughout the ages has been known by many names, for example Jesus, Christ, Christos, Messiah, Purusha Prajapati in the Vedas and Kalimatullah in the Koran. Each of these figures had to meet the test of the highest and noblest attributes of God, like supreme love, sacrifice, demonstrable power unselfishly applied, purity and so forth. Walking in the footsteps of those mentioned above and bringing forth, the same as they did, our own Christ qualities from deep within our own being and constantly giving of our highest and best, is the only way that can take us back into the oneness with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life – or whatever other name anyone may wish to call our Creator.

The Christmas story is but one of the many tools that have been used over the ages for the re-telling of the age-old myth of the birth of Christ and the light it brings to us and our world from the highest levels of life. In Cosmic terms the Universal Christ, who spoke to us through the Jesus legend, is this light. Time and again, the myths surrounding the Great Light, Sun of all Suns and light of all lights, giver and sustainer of all lifeforms, have been told throughout the ages. For example, the Bhagavad-Gita tells about the birth of the child Krishna – even the name is not far removed from the word Christ – in the heart of the followers of the Lord Krishna.

In the Western part of our world, long before the appearance of Christianity, the ancient religions – called pagan by the early Christians – honoured the return of the Sun’s light to the Earth, at the time of the winter solstice. The word pagan has its origin in the late Latin ‘paganus. In classical Latin it meant ‘rustic villager and also a non-combatant civilian, non-combatant’. Apparently, the word has also been used as an adjective since the early 15th century. It stood for ‘of the country or a village,’ from pagus ‘country people or province, rural district.’

Pagan in the religious sense is believed by some to derive from conservative rural adherence to the old Gods after the Christianisation of Roman towns and cities. But the word as such predates that period in Church history, and it is more likely derived from the use of ‘paganus’ in Roman military jargon for ‘a civilian or an incompetent soldier. From 1908 modern pantheists and nature-worshippers have been called – or maybe they called themselves – pagans.

Be that as it may, all the legends that ever surrounded the winter solstice have tried to convey the message to humankind that the Sun we see in the sky above us is in truth but a symbolism. It represents the spiritual Sun, the Great White Light of the spirit of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. On the inner level of life each one of us carries a speak of this light. Since the moment of our creation it has been waiting to come alive when the right moment has come. To facilitate the quickening of the Divine spark in human souls, individually and collectively, an especially powerful outpouring of light flows directly from the heart of the Christ Spirit into all life on our planet, around the time of the summer and winter solstices.

The Jesus legend and Christianity have been the Great Mother’s instrument for re-telling the ancient allegory of the birth of the child and the coming of the light that has been promised since time immemorial. The evolutionary progress of us and our world has always been closely guarded, guided and monitored by the Angels, Masters and guides on the inner level of life, who are in charge of it. The closer the Aquarian Age drew and with it the rebirth of our race, the stronger the influence of the changes that are taking place on the inner level have been felt in the outer world. Because of these developments, at a certain evolutionary point it became inevitable that Christmas had to replace the pagan traditions, which were gradually taken over and integrated into the Christian festivities.

As the dates of the solstices are based on astronomical and astrological data and astrology was rejected by the church – officially it still is to this day – a new festival had to be created to replace that of the pagan winter solstice. So that the new celebrations did not look too reminiscent of old ones, the church founders had to find an appropriate day. They eventually decided that the coming of the Light of our world – which they believe was a Master soul by the name of Jesus – should be celebrated on the 25th December.

This not only satisfied the demands of the outer world, the world of appearances, it was also of significance on the inner level of life. The twenty-five is under the influence of the seventh ray, because 2 + 5 = 7. 2 – the Moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer, the sign of the Great Mother of all life, the nurturing and caring principle of life. 5 – Mercury, the fleet-footed and winged messenger who brings the fire of the Gods, the creative ideas of the Highest down to the Earth, for better communications that enable a renewed understanding through the Air sign Gemini. In the teaching and healing sign Virgo, Earth, Mercury conveys healing that comes from an improved grasp of the true purpose and meaning of our earthly existence.

Mercury is a symbolism for the receiver/transmitter station that is our earthly mind with its logical and rational abilities. The seven is ruled by Neptune, the highest love vibration of the Universe that knows nothing of the dense vibrations of the Earth environment, where it is very unhappy. Not to make the taking over of the old celebrations by Christianity too obvious, the slightly fluctuating date of the winter solstices were changed to the constant date of 25th December, several days after the actual event.

The legend of the Christ child came into being during the Age of Pisces, the Water sign of Karma and the soul, co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter is also the ruler of Sagittarius and the prayers, hopes and aspirations which under the influence of the spiritual fire of this sign rise into the conscious awareness of the individual and collective soul of humankind have to be grounded and find their practical expression in the darkest part of the winter and the densest ones of the Earth signs, when on the day of the solstice the Sun moves into Capricorn, where Earth is experienced at its densest and heaviest.

As the centuries marched on, through the joint efforts of the more highly evolved souls who from time to time honoured us by spending another lifetime on the Earth, a golden bridge of light was slowly created. This kind of crossing is necessary for bringing illumination from the highest levels of life to the soul of our world and also to every individual soul within . At all times and especially around Christmas, unseen by earthly eyes, Angels walk over this bridge into all human hearts and souls. Their influence is especially strong whenever someone has a special need and calls for them. Their task is to bring blessings and healing, love, light and comfort to all. This is how, during the two thousand years that have passed since the appearance of the story of the birth of the child in the manger, the bridge has grown increasingly strong and the Christ blessings are reaching us ever more powerfully.

So, let us lift our hearts and souls up to the Sun, knowing that the blessing and healing power of the Great Light is radiating through it into us and our world. Even if the Sun cannot be seen in the sky above us on Christmas Day, it is always there for us, giving of its love and warmth. How wonderful to know that our beloved companion, the Sun, is a physical manifestation of the glory and the power of the Eternal Sun, the Great Light not only of our Universe but also of uncountable numbers of others that to this day are still way beyond the capabilities of our present understanding of the Cosmos.

The same especially powerful outpourings of the Christ energies are flowing into our whole world on other occasions, for example around the time of the Wesak Moon and the Christ Moon, as well as the Summer and Winter Solstices, and the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. No matter whether we live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, they simultaneously reach and influence all life on our planet equally strongly. The reversal of the seasons in the hemispheres does not make any difference.

Recommended Viewing:
Part 1
• Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Part 2
The ancient Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris reinterpreted and retold in the Jesus legend.

• ‘The Christian Adoption of Egyptian Iconography, Symbolism And Myth’

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About This Story
14 Dec, 2020
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7 mins
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