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the cloud walker (prologue)
the cloud walker (prologue)

the cloud walker (prologue)

Sentimental_creature♥ ᵍ๏вℓ𝓲ℕ ♥
4 Reviews

“Sylvie, my dear,” her mother says, pulling her onto her lap.

“Yes mummy?” Sylvie asks.

“Today, you will become the Cloud Walker. You will make sure that all the girls and boys on the Flat Place have good dreams.”

“Really mummy? That’s so cool! When do we go?”

“Only you go, Sylvie, darling. You are the only one who has been blessed with the nubivagant ability to cloud walk.”

“But I’m going to miss you!” Sylvie cries, little tears slowly dripping down her cheeks. Her mother sighs.

“I will miss you too. Make sure I have happy dreams, okay?”

“Okay, mummy. I love you.”

“I love you too my darling.”

Years later, her mother watches from below, in the Flat Place. Every night, she dreams of her daughter’s smile. She watches her grow each year and feels proud, proud that she is the mother of the Cloud Walker.

Little did Sylvie nor her mother know...

Things were about to change.

Author Notes: I know it’s short, but it’s just a small preview. Let me know if you guys want me to continue this. I love you my dorkies!! <3 (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
Signed, Salty Mama

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♥ ᵍ๏вℓ𝓲ℕ ♥
About This Story
17 Oct, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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4.8 (4 reviews)

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